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( Originally created in January ~ 1994 )

" July 29, 2024 "

Please Note:

Any family member that sees anything concerning their " PERSONAL FAMILY " in this family history
that they would rather " not be displayed " in this history .... Please let me know and I will " remove it as soon as possible "

email: russpickde@comcast.net

         The most senior member that I've found in this family is " George Collinson ( 1 ) "   ( the name for his family line later became Collison ).   It is strongly believed that he emigrated from England in circa 1660 making this family one of the older families of the United States.   It is unknown exactly where he landed, however he was indentured to one Matthew Read who had paid for his trip to America.   Read had a Tobacco farm on Kent Island on the Eastern Shore of what is now the state of Maryland.   After George Collinson ( 1 ) served his indeture he was given 50 acres of land and the " Collison " family had its start in the new world as you can read below.

  • A numeric value has been assigned to " All Family Members "
    with the " Lower Numbers " being the " Oldest Family Members "
    and the " Higher Numbers " being the " Youngest family members " !

  • Family members names shown in " MAROON " are the direct ancestors, decendants or immediately related to my children :
    Chris Pickett ( # 1125 ) and Ryan Pickett ( # 1126 ).

  • Family members names shown in " DARK BLUE " are not directly related to my children's immediate family
    however they are all decendents of " George Collinson ( # 1 ) " and I've included them and their families all below !

  • Children shown as part of a family whose names are " DARK BLUE " and in " ITALICS " have their own family paragragh !
    The others, due to a lack of information, do not and are shown in " BLACK " without being in " italics ".
    " Any one " who would like to supply information for these to me are gladly asked to do so and I will update and create a paragraph for them as time permits.

  • All women's maiden names, if known, are in " ITALICS ".

  • Names shown below in " PURPLE " have married a Collinson or Collison Family Member.

  • " All wording and names shown in " BRIGHT BLUE ", such as Find A Grave links, are clickable links "

  • A " " shown in front of an " Online Memorial Link " means that there is a photo of their headstone on the link.

  • A " " shown in front of an " Online Memorial Link " means that there is a photo of the person or family members on the link.

  • A " ( N ) " shown in front of an " Online Memorial Link " means there are no photos shown on the online memorial.

  • A " ( Bio ) " shown behind an " Online Memorial Link " means there is more info on the online memorial about the family member !

       Some of the family members of this " Collison Family Tree " did not change their last name
       but kept the original family surname of " Collinson " using the " N " in their last name !
       But whether your current last name is " Collison " or " Collinson " you are still in the same family and blood relatives by " DNA " !

  • Within this document I use the " Find A Grave " website which links to where each family member who has passed away is interred and shows their individual online memorials .....

    If you'd like to access the " Find A Grave " site to learn more about this project and build memorials for your loved ones please click below :

Anyone that has information or questions on this family line please email me at :


Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this short history of the " Collison Family " !

(Chris Pickett)

Is the senior family member known at this time.
His parents and siblings are unknown.
He was born in ca. 1643 probably in England.

         He emigrated to America in ca. 1660, along with others who were sponsored by one Matthew Read.   The first record we find of " George " is from the Kent County Court records of Maryland as follows:
      " Att A Court holden upon Kent thes first day of May 1661 Present Capt. Robert Vaughan, Mr. James Ringgould, Capt. Thomas Brodnox, and Mr. Nickholas Pickard

      "The Deposition of George Collesson aged 18 years or thearabout sworn in Court, Saith that Thomas Bright leaned against the Cornner of the Chimny, Thomas Reead bade hime have a Care of his gunne and desired hime to lay it upe and tould hime that when he Died the gunne shuld be his and further saith not.

(signed) George Collinson "

         In 1662, " George's " name was included with a number of other settlers on Kent Island in a petition to the Lieutenant General of Maryland.   The protest covered the disappearance of several thousand pounds of tobacco which was levied for the organization of a company of soldiers to protect the Island.

         " George " served his indentureship (or contract) with Matthew Read to pay for his passage to America.   Settlers who could not finance the fare themselves were ordered by the Provincial Court to serve a term of years with a colonist, such as Matthew Read, who was already established here.   Mr. Read's Tobacco Plantation was on Kent Island.

         After serving his time with Mr. Read, " George " entered a request for his own land on March 12, 1669 as follows:

Patents, Liber 12, p. 465:

      "Came George Collison of Talbot County and proved right unto fifty acres of land it being due to him for his time of service performed unto Matthew Read of this Province.
      Warrent then issued in the name of the said George Collison for fifty acres of land it being due unto him for the consideration above specified.

Certificate return the twelveth of June next."

- 12 March 1669

         There is no record of where this land was or what" George " did with it.   Matthew Read also gave him a bushel of corn ( for seed ) and a suit of clothes upon completion of his indenture.

         " George " later bought a 80 acre tract of land from Robert Lambdin on June 16, 1678 for 2,000 pounds of tobacco.   This land was on the north side of the Choptank River in Talbot County.   This land was previously name " Rehobeth " by Mr. Lambdin who remained a neighbor of " George ".

         In 1680 he was married and his wife, "Elizabeth _____", entered into court to prove her own rights for fifty acres of land.   Elizabeth was also from England, however her maiden name is unknown.   The fifty acres that she received on August 9, 1680 was adjoined to their current property," Rehobeth ", and they named this fifty acres " Rehobeth Point ".

         On October 6, 1682 the Collinson's sold " Rehobeth Point " to James Dowdall a planter, for 2,600 pounds of tobacco.   This transacton identified " George " as a " cooper " or " barrel maker ".

         " George " also gave a court deposition in 1696 regarding the boundries of " Wade's Point " which was about one mile north of his property.

         In 1706, John Richardson, planter, of Talbot County sold " Rebobeth Point " to a George Collison which was probably
" George, Jr. ( 2 ) " instead of " George ( 1 ) ".   However, it could have been either.   Records show that the land went from the original purchaser, James Dowdall, to his wife Isabel who in turn willed it to one Thomas Studen ( Studham ? ).   Mr. Studham sold the land to a Winifred Richardson who in turn willed it to John Richardson.

         " George Collinson ( 1 ) " passed away in ca. 1715 based on Talbot County court records which mention that he was deceased as of 1716.   The records also tell that " George's " property was now in the possession of " George, Jr. ( 2 ) ".   The date of Elizabeth's passing is unknown, however, she was still alive in 1716 based on the same above court records and also on the fact that she was remarried in 1716 to " David Roberts ".

         It is believed that George ( 1 ) and Elizabeth had a total of three children based on records showing two other Collinson girls in the area.  Where George ( 1 ) and Elizabeth are interred is unknown.

2.  George Collinson, Jr.  ~  b. cir. 1679  ~  d. November, 1736  ~  ( Age abt. 57 years )
3.  Susanna Collinson  ~  b. September 24, 1693  ~  d. ( unknown )
4.  Percila Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 3 )  ~  Susanna  ~  nothing further is known.

( 4 )  ~  Percila  ~  nothing further is known.

Was born the only known son of :
" George Collinson ( 1 ) " and " Elizabeth (_____) Collinson "
in about 1679.
His age was determined
based on a land deposition in 1734
which recorded him as " " 55 years old " .....

         " George " married " Elizabeth Kemp " in 1702 in the Church of England of Talbot County, Maryland however there is strong evidence that they lived together previous to their marriage.   She was born the daughter of Robert Kemp and Elizabeth Webb Kemp on May 20, 1683 probably in Maryland.

         The Kemp's were close neighbors of the Collinson family as can be seen on the map of Bay Hundred, Talbot County, Maryland.   They lived on the land called " Bolton ".   This property was given to Elizabeth Kemp Collinson's mother, Elizabeth Webb Kemp, by her father Edmund Webb.

         The Kemp's were a Quaker Family which the Collinson's were not.   This, of course, caused great problems for the Kemp family.   " Elizabeth's " father " Robert " disowned her for this act, leaving her a shilling in his will of 1702 for "marrying against my mind".   " Robert's " other daughter, Jane, also married outside of the Quaker faith and was also disowned by her father.
" Elizabeth " was also disowned by the Quaker faith on May 27, 1704 at a Quarterly meeting held in the house of Sarah Stevens.

         " George " had, it is believed, purchased " Rehobeth Point ", 50 acres, from John Richardson, planter, of Talbot County & had also inherited his father's 80 acres farm "Rehobeth".   He farmed this land and he also had a Corn Mill on the property.   He had "Rehobeth Point" re-surveyed in 1725.

         " George Collinson, Jr. ( 2 ) " passed away sometime between October 31, 1736, the date of his will, and December 6, 1736, the date his will was probated.   " George's " will left his property to his three sons.

         " Elizabeth Kemp Collinson " passed away in ca. 1744 as her will was probated in December, 1744.   Together " George " and " Elizabeth " had 6 children.   Where they are interred is unknown.

  5.  Sarah Collinson  ~  b. December, 1701  ~  d. ( unknown )
  6.  Edward Collinson  ~  b. ( unknown )  ~  d. cir. 1760
  7.  George Collinson, III  ~  b. ( unknown )  ~  d. 1770
  8.  William Collinson  ~  b. cir. 1710  ~  d. 1770  ~  ( Age abt. 60 years )
  9.  Frances Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
10.  Lucy Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

  ( 5 )  ~  Sarah  ~  nothing further is known.

  ( 9 )  ~  Frances  ~  nothing further is known.

( 10 )  ~  Lucy  ~  nothing further is known.

Was born the 2nd child and 1st son of :
" George Collinson, Jr. ( 2 ) " and " Elizabeth Kemp Collinson "
in Talbot County, Maryland.
His birth would have been in the early 1700's.

         " Edward " married " Alice Caulk " who was born the daughter of Peter and Sarah Cartwright Caulk.

         He inherited a 3rd of his Dad's land, appx. 43 acres, called " Rehobeth and Rehobeth Point ".   The portion left to
" Edward " was noted in his dad George's ( 2 ) will as " his share of land laid out for him at the plantation he now lives upon. "

         It is evident that the division did not suit the sons.   Perhaps the farm was not productive enough to support the three families, or some of them wished to locate else where.   A deed of partition was entered in the Talbot County land records in 1753 stating as follows:

      " Whereas certain controversies and debate have been had between Edward Collinson and William Collinson, sons of George Collinson, both of Talbot County, at the division of a tract called "Rehobeth" and a tract called "Rehobeth Point" into three equal parts - a commission of two men having been agreed upon to divide the said land according to the last will and testament of their father, George Collinson...... "

         The document continues on with the division of the plantation, the description of each portion, and immediately afterward another deed was entered.   George ( 7 ) sold his one-third to his brother " Edward ", honoring the terms of his dad's will.
" Edward " now had a farm that was appx. 87 acres in size.

         " Edward " served in the Colonial Militia in a Talbot County Company commanded by Captian William Webb Haddaway of Bayside in 1748.   His brother " William ( 8 ) " served also.

         " Edward Collinson ( 6 ) " passed away sometime between June 16, 1759, the date of his will, and March 3, 1762, a date on which two men, Benjamin Kemp and James Hewes, testified that they saw the deceased " Edward " sign his will.   " Edward's " will also did not mention his wife Alice so it is sure that she died prior to 1759.   " Edward's " administration account filed on April 13, 1763 also stated that there was no widow.

         " Edward " left all of his property to his oldest son George ( 11 ), and when he died to son James ( 15 ), and when he passed away to son Edward ( 17 ), and when he passed away to son Benjamin ( 18 ).   It would appear that he did not want to divide his property due to the problems he had between his sons.  Together " Edward " and " Alice Caulk Collinson " had 9 children.   Where they are interred is unknown.

11.  George Collinson  ~  b. cir. 1738  ~  d. 1790  ~  ( Age abt. 42 years )
12.  Mary Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
13.  Rachell Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
14.  Elizabeth Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
15.  James Collinson  ~  b. cir. 1742  ~  d. cir. 1816  ~  ( Age abt. 74 years )
16.  Sarah Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
17.  Edward Collinson  ~  b. cir. 1745  ~  d. 1789  ~  ( Age abt. 44 years )
18.  Benjamin Collinson  ~  b. cir. 1747  ~  d. cir. 1815  ~  ( Age abt. 68 years )
19.  Frances Collinson  ~  b. cir. 1754  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 12 )  ~  Mary  ~  married " George Haddaway ".
( 13 )  ~  Rachell  ~  married a " Crawford ".
( 14 )  ~  Elizabeth  ~  married a " Chap " or " Champ ".
( 16 )  ~  Sarah  ~  married " John Elliott ".
( 19 )  ~  Frances  ~  Nothing further is known.

Was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of :
" George Collinson, Jr. ( 2 ) " and " Elizabeth Kemp Collinson "
in Talbot County, Maryland.
His birth would have been in the early 1700's.

         He married " Sarah Aldern " who was born the daughter of Richard & Elizabeth (_____) Aldern who owned a large tract land called " Yafford's Neck " in Talbot County.   " George " evidently met Sarah Aldern at the St. Michael's Parish Church where her mother Elizabeth owned several pews.

         " George " inherited one-third, appx. 43 acres, of his father's land called " Rehobeth " and " Rehobeth Point ".   The portion he inherited was noted in his father " George's (2) " will as " to have his share of land laid out for him in Rehobeth Point ".

         He sold his third to his brother " Edward (6) " and moved to Dorchester County ( into that portion that is now part of Caroline County ) .   He was believed to be either a shipbuilder or timbercutter.

         " George Collinson, III ( 7 ) " passed away in ca. 1770 based on the writing of his will and when it was probated.   Together " George " and Sarah had 5 known children.   Where they are interred is unknown.

20.  Richard Collinson  ~  b. ca. 1739  ~  d. ( unknown )
21.  Mary Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
22.  Sarah Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
23.  Rebeckah Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
24.  Elizabeth Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 21 )  ~  Mary  ~  married " Peter Caulk ".
( 22 )  ~  Sarah  ~  nothing further is known.
( 23 )  ~  Rebeckah  ~  married a " Flaherty " and later she married a " Kirwan ".
( 24 )  ~  Elizabeth  ~  nothing further is known.

Was born the 4th child and 3rd son of :
" George Collinson, Jr. ( 2 ) and " Elizabeth Kemp Collinson "
in Talbot County, Maryland in ca. 1710.
He was married twice.

         He first married " Mary Caulk " on February 18, 1744/45.   She was the daugher of Peter and Mary Sockwell Caulk.
" Mary Caulk Collinson " died in ca. 1753.   He then married " Priscilla " whose last name and parents are unknown prior to 1755.

         " William " served in the Colonial Militia in a Talbot County Company commanded by Captain William Webb Haddaway of Bayside in 1748.   His brother " Edward (6) " served also.

         " William " inherited a 3rd, appx. 43 acres, of his father's land known as " Rehobeth and Rehobeth Point ".   The portion that he inherited was noted in his father " George's ( 2 ) " will as " to have his share of land laid out for him upon my dwelling plantation ".

         " William " had moved to Dorchester County ( which is today part of Caroline County ) by 1755.   It is unknown why he moved from the farm his Dad had left him in " Rehobeth ".   " William " leased a farm from James Cullins in Dorchester county called
" Hered's Choys ( aka. Hered's Choice ) " for a seven year terms in 1757.

         " William " sold his 3rd of his inherited land to his nephew " George Collinson ( 11 ) " in 1767 for 80 pounds.   Evidently after this sale " William " purchase 125 acres plus some woodland ( 40 acres? ) in Dorchester County which was noted as being on " Harvey's Creek ".   The property is noted as being called " Harvey's Branch ".

         " William Collinson ( 8 ) " passed away in 1770.   His home plantation on " Harvey's Branch " was divided between his two oldest sons, " Peter (25) " and " William (26) ".   He also stated in his will that it was his desire that his widow " Priscilla " be allowed to remain on his plantation during her widowhood.

        It is pretty well documented that the first two children of " William " were from his first marriage to Mary Caulk.   I have concluded, based on how they are listed in his will that the first seven children were with Mary and the last four with
" Priscilla ".   This could possibly be wrong.   However, " Priscilla " does mention that Eleanor ( 35 ), John ( 34 ) and
George ( 33 ) are her children in her will.   " William " had a total of 11 children.

        All of " William's " children appear to have changed their last name from "ColliNson" to "Collison" which is shown from here on out.   Possibly their father changed his last name as well.   " William's " widow " Priscilla " later married Edward Minner of Sussex County, Delaware.   Where they are interred is unknown but more than likely " William " was buried on his farm.

Children of " William " and Mary Caulk Collinson :

25.  Peter Collison  ~  b. ca. 1750  ~  d. ca. 1808  ~  ( Age abt. 58 years )
26.  William Collison, Jr.  ~  b. ca. 1752  ~  d. ca. 1800  ~  ( Age abt. 48 years )
27.  Daniel Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
28.  Elizabeth Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
29.  Lucy Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
30.  Mary Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
31.  Sarah Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Children of " William " and Priscilla ______ Collinson :

32.  Priscilla Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
33.  George Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
34.  John Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
35.  Eleanor "Nelly" Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 27 )  ~  Daniel  ~  nothing further is known.
( 28 )  ~  Elizabeth  ~  married a " Brannock ".
( 29 )  ~  Lucy  ~  nothing further is known.
( 30 )  ~  Mary  ~  married " Alexander Griffith " on February 1, 1805.
( 31 )  ~  Sarah  ~  nothing further is known.
( 32 )  ~  Priscilla  ~  is believed to have first married a " Minner " and then married " Edward Pritchett ".
             She was married a 3rd time to " Horatio Sharp ".
( 33 )  ~  George  ~  nothing further is known.
( 34 )  ~  John  ~  is believed to have moved to North Carolina.
( 35 )  ~  Eleanor  ~  nothing further is known.

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Edward Collinson ( 6 ) " and " Alice Caulk Collison "
in ca. 1738
in Talbot County, Maryland.

         He married " Frances Sands " who was the daughter of a neighboring planter, Robert Sands.   " George " inherited all of his father " Edward's ( 6 ) " land, appx. 87 acres, upon his death.   He later purchase the other 3rd of this land from his
" Uncle William ( 8 ) " as show in the following recorded deed:
      " Came George Collinson and brought a deed of bargain and sale between William Collinson and Priscilla, his wife, of Dorchester County, planter, of one part and George Collinson, planter, of Talbot County, of the other part, for 80 pounds current money....all that parcel of land being part of a tract of land called and known by name of Rehobeth...by meaning of the last will and testament of his father, George Collinson..... "

         " George " now owned all of "Rehobeth and Rehobeth Point", a total of 130 acres.  In 1783, the first tax assessment was made in Talbot County and the entry for " George Collinson ( 11 ) " reads as follows:

      " One tract of land called "Rehobeth" and "Rehobeth Point" with a new brick dwelling house not finished, two old frame dwelling houses, old quarters, old tobacco house, still house, log stable, cornhouse, meathouse, milkhouse, three small orchards, poor light sandy soil, much worn on the water - 80 acres arable (tillable) land and 50 acres woodland valued at 30 shillings per acre, total value in 195..0..0 pounds "

His personal assessment was:

   One male or female slave under 8 years    5.00.0 
   One male slave, 14 yrs. to 45 yrs. 70.00.0 
   One female slave, 14 yrs. to 36 yrs. 43.15.0 
   5 horses and 15 black cattle 60.00.0 
   Total value land and personal property  463.15.0 

" Assessment thereon 5..15.11 1/4 Number of white inhabitants - 8 "

         "George Collinson ( 11 ) " preceded his wife in passing away in 1790.  He left " Rehobeth and Rehobeth Point " to his 5 sons, George ( 11 ) and Frances' only children, with each receiving an equal share of 26 acres.  Frances, after the death of George ( 11 ) married Jonathan Sinclair in 1801.

36.  Edward Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
37.  Robert Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
38.  George Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
39.  Joab Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
40.  William Collinson  ~  b. ca. 1776  ~  d. ca. 1845  ~  ( Age abt. 69 years )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 39 )  ~  Joab - married " Rachel Collinson " in 1812 however her ancestors are not known and they didn't have any children.

Was born the 5th child and 2nd son of :
" Edward Collinson ( 6 ) " and " Alice Caulk Collinson "
in ca. 1742.
in Bay Hundred, Talbot County, Maryland

        He married " Elizabeth McCollister " on June 3, 1799.   " James " is shown in the 1778 and 1781 muster rolls of the militia serving during the Revolutionary War in the company of Captain George Impey Dawson of Bayside.   He was a member of the 36th Maryland Battalion, 1st Class.   He is also listed as a member of the St. Michael's church in 1780.

        On the 1783 tax roll for Bay Hundred District " James " is shown in the section of the tax assessments entitled " Personal Property Tax ".   He is shown as owning 3 horses and 7 black cattle valued at 20 pounds and some other property, not identified, valued at 12 pounds.   The number of white inhabitants in his household was given as 10.

        It is believed that " James " was a shipbuilder by trade.   It is unknown at this time who or if he had any children.   However based on the above document he most surely did.   He died in cir. 1816.

Was born the 7th child and 3rd son of :
" Edward Collinson ( 6 ) " and " Alice Caulk Collinson "
in 1745
in Bay Hundred, Talbot County, Maryland

        He married " Charity Waters " who was born the daughter of John and Charity Ijams Waters in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        " Edward " purchased land called " Hooker's Addition " in 1773 from one Thomas Norris, Sr., a planter of that county.  The price paid was 101 pounds, 7 shillings & 6 pense.   He was listed in this document as a " Shipwright ".

        He is listed in the 1776 census taken of St. James Parish in Anne Arundel County as the head of the family with one white woman and one white girl.   He also is listed as owning four male negros and one female negro.   The 1783 census shows him as owning the above property.

        In 1784 he purchased an additional 9 and 1/2 acres of the same land from John Norris, Sr.   The addition to his holding was identified as being " Pipestave Landing " and the purchase price was 32 pounds.

        " Edward Collinson ( 17 ) " is believed to have passed away in ca. 1788.   After his death, " Charity " remarried to William Franklin, a neighbor, April 7, 1790.   " Edward " and " Charity Waters Collinson " had 7 children together.

41.  Alice Collinson  ~  b. December 22, 1772  ~  d. February 4, 1815  ~  ( Age 42 years ~ 1 month ~ 13 days )
42.  John Collinson  ~  b. ( unknown )  ~  d. October 6, 1836
43.  Edward Collinson  ~  b. ( unknown )  ~  d. September 18, 1823
44.  William Collinson  ~  b. April 29, 1781  ~  d. September 4, 1830  ~  ( Age 49 years ~ 4 months ~ 6 days )
45.  Sarah Collinson  ~  b. March 20, 1784  ~  d. August 1, 1826  ~  ( Age 42 years ~ 4 months ~ 12 days )
46.  Benjamin Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
47.  Mary Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 42 )  ~  John  ~  married " Ann Tongue " of Anne Arundel County on June 22, 1819 and it is unknown if they had children.
( 43 )  ~  Edward  ~  died without having any children.
( 45 )  ~  Sarah  ~  married " Richard Gott, Jr. " in Anne Arundel County on January 12, 1802 and they had " 13 " children together :

(N)  John Collinson Gott    ~ ~ ~      Mary Collinson Gott White ~ ( Bio )    ~ ~ ~    (N)  Susan Ann Gott White ~ ( Bio )

  Richard Gott, III ~ ( Bio )    ~ ~ ~      Edward Collinson Gott ~ ( Bio )    ~ ~ ~      Ann Elizabeth Gott

(N)  Eleanor Gott    ~ ~ ~    (N)  Jane Gott    ~ ~ ~       Benjamin Collinson Gott ~ ( Bio )

(N)  William Collinson Gott    ~ ~ ~       Thomas Norris Gott ~ ( Bio )    ~ ~ ~    (N)  Sarah Elizabeth Gott

(N)  Nathan White Gott

( 46 )  ~  Benjamin  ~  nother further is known.
( 47 )  ~  Mary  ~  married " William Owings " in Caroline County on August 5, 1808.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

Children of Edward ( 17 ) and Charity Waters Collinson :

( 42 )  ~  (N) John Collinson  ~  (N) Ann Tongue Collinson ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife Of John )

( 45 )  ~  (N) Sarah Collinson Gott ~ ( Bio )  ~   (N) Richard Gott, Jr. ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Sarah )

Was born the 8th child and 4th son of :
" Edward Collinson ( 6 ) " and " Alice Caulk Collinson
in ca. 1747
in Bay Hundred, Talbot County, Maryland.

        He married " Mary Hooper " on April 14, 1787.   She was a widow from a marriage to a " Young " and was born the daughter of Ennalls Hooper of Dorchester County.

        " Benjamin " purchased 209 acres of land called " Goodridge's Choice " on October 16, 1780 from William and Delitha Jones.   This land was on Cabin Creek in the vicinity of present-day Secretary and Hurlock.   In 1781, he sold a tract of land called " Tootell's Venture " located on the Blackwater River to Thomas Callender of Dorchester County.   How " Benjamin " obtained this land is a mystery.

        The census of 1790 of Dorchester County listed " Benjamin " as head of a family with two males over 16 yrs; one male under 16 yrs; two females and five other free people.

        " Benjamin " purchase more of " Goodridge's Choice " from the same William Jones of North Carolina in 1791 and some of the same property from his brother-in-law Captain Levin Marshall.

        " Benjamin " sold " Goodridge's Choice " to Joshua Willis of Caroline County in 1792.   He then purchased a tract called " Ennall's Purchase " on the road from Cambridge to New Market from one Henry Ennalls and his wife Sarah in 1799.

        " Benjamin " was named a member of the Board of Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the building of " Washington Chapel ".   Thomas James Pattison, Sheriff of Dorchester County, sold " Benjamin " in 1804, an additional 100 acres of land between Cabin Creek Mill at New Market and Northeast Fork Bridge.

        " Benjamin's " will is also not available due to a fire in the Dorchester County Courthouse.   Only one child is known, Mary shown below, and her two children Benjamin and Athel Stewart were awarded the property called " Ennalls Purchase ".   What happened to the rest of his property is a mystery.

48.  Mary Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Was born the only son of :
" George Collinson, III ( 7 ) " and " Sarah Aldern Collinson "
in ca. 1739
in Talbot County, Maryland.
He was apparently married twice.

        The name of his first wife is currently unknown, however, it is sure that all of his children were with her.   He then married
" Penelope Bush " on November 13, 1787 in Caroline County.   She was the daughter of Andrew Bush.

        " Richard " purchased 160 acres of land called " Sherwin's Chance " from one Robert Sherwin for 320 pounds in 1786.   He became a planter with this purchase.   He and Penelope sold 66 acres of land called " Loing's Discovery and Retaliation " to someone unknown in 1787.

        " Richard Collinson ( 20 ) " apparently passed away shortly after his marriage to Penelope on November 13, 1787 as his estate inventory was filed on July 30, 1788 only 8 months later.   After his death Penelope married William Harrison in Caroline County on March 13, 1790.   " Richard " had 4 children.

49.  Reuben Collinson  ~  b. ca. 1771  ~  d. ( unknown )
50.  Richard Collinson, Jr.  ~  b. ca. 1774  ~  d. ( unknown )
51.  Henrietta Collinson  ~  b. ca. 1779  ~  d. ( unknown )
52.  Sarah Collinson  ~  b. ca. 1780  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

        The birth order of the children has not been verified.   All four children were under age at the time of the death of Richard ( 20 ).   Richard's ( 20 ) sister Mary ( 21 ), wife of Peter Caulk, took all four children in and raised them.   In 1803 the children collectively sold "Sherwin's Chance" to one Moses Walker.

( 49 )  ~  Reuben  ~  married " Sarah Dawson " on October 27, 1807.
( 50 )  ~  Richard  ~  married " Elizabeth Walker " on March 14, 1797.
( 51 )  ~  Henrietta  ~  married " Henry Pickering " on August 10, 1802.
( 52 )  ~  Sarah  ~  nothing further is known

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" William Collinson, Sr. ( 8 ) " and " Mary Caulk Collison "
in ca.1750
in Caroline County, Maryland.
He was married twice.

        It's unclear when , but is noted in records, that " Peter " along with his brother " William ( 26 ) " changed their last names from " Collinson " to " Collison " .....

        He 1st married " Sarah Fountain " in ca. 1770.   Sarah was the daughter of Nicholas and Mary Ann Wimple Fountain.   It is belived that they had " 7 " children together.

        After " Sarah Fountain Collison " passed away in ca. 1789 he then married " Sarah Johnson " on January 2, 1790 in Caroline County.   Neither of Sarah's parents names are known at this time.

        " Peter " had, along with his brother " William ( 26 ) ", inherited land from his father's farm " Harvey's Branch ".
" Peter's " share was 125 acres that included the dwelling plantation.   He evidently farmed this land until his death.   " Peter " had also acquired part of, 42 acres, the land called " Addition To Venture " from Ralph Smith for 100 pounds on October 20, 1784.

        " Peter Collison ( 25 ) " passed away in ca. 1808 based on his will written on September 14, 1807 and the estate inventory done on June 15, 1808.   A copy of his will is shown as "Appendix F" of this document.   His property was to be sold and divided equally between his children except for William ( 54 ) and Minos ( 57 ) who apparently had already been given money by their father.

        " Peter " had a total of 11 children, however, the mother of each child is currently uncertain.   It is strongly believed that the first 8 children were with Sarah Fountain Collison and the last 3 with Sarah Johnson Collison.   However it has been verified that " John ( 53 ) " was the son of Sarah Fountain Collison.

      Children of Peter ( 25 ) and Sarah Fountain Collison :

53.  John Collison  ~  b. August 5, 1776  ~  d. February 27, 1878  ~  ( Age 101 years ~ 6 months ~ 22 days )
54.  William Collison  ~  b. ca. 1777  ~  d. ( unknown )
55.  David Collison  ~  b. ca. 1779  ~  d. ( unknown )
56.  Edward Collison  ~  b. ca. 1780  ~  d. ( unknown )
57.  Minos Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
58.  Richard Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
59.  Mahala Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
60.  Margaret Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

      Children of Peter ( 25 ) and Sarah Johnson Collison :

61.  Peter Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
62.  Sally Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
63.  Elijah Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 55 )  ~  David was noted on June 16, 1801 in the following manner:

" REWARD for deserter, David Collison, a recruit who enlisted 8th of last month, born in Caroline County, 22 years old, 5 ft. 7 1/2 inch high, grey eyes, black hair, fair complexion, by trade a blacksmith - R. Chamberlaine, 1st U.S. Reg't. Artillerists & Engineers, Commanding at Easton (Talbot County, Md.) "

      It should be noted that many of the enlistee's walked away during this time instead of going in the mountains of Western Maryland to suppress the "Whiskey Rebellion".

( 56 )  ~  Edward married either " Eleanor Porter " or " Henrietta Fairback ".
( 58 )  ~  Richard  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 59 )  ~  Mahala  ~  is believed to have remained single without any children.
( 60 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 61 )  ~  Peter  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 62 )  ~  Sally  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 63 )  ~  Elijah  ~  Nothing further is known.

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of :
" William Collinson, Sr. ( 8 ) " and " Mary Caulk Collison "
in ca. 1752
in Caroline County, Maryland.

        He married " Mary Fountain " and they resided in Caroline County, Maryland.   Mary was the daughter of Mary (_____).   The name of her father is unknown.   It is possible that she was the sister of " Sarah Fountain " who married his brother " Peter ( 25 ) " .....

        " William " had, along with his brother " Peter ( 25 ) ", inherited land from his father's farm " Harvey's Branch ".
" William's " portion was all woodland and believed to be 40 acres.

        On October 11, 1784 " William " purchase 6 and 3/4 acres of land from one Ralph Smith for 30 pounds.   This land was part of land known as " Harris'es Privilege ".   On October 20, 1784 " William " purchased 4 acres of land from his brother
" Peter ( 25 ) " for 6 pounds.   This land was part of land known as " Addition To Venture ".

        " William Collison, Jr. ( 26 ) " passed away in ca. 1800 based on his will dated October 18, 1800 and his probate being dated November 4, 1880.   Mary later married Alexander Griffith on February 1, 1885.   " William " and Mary had 6 children together.

64.  Priscilla Collison  ~  b. ca. 1799  ~  d. ( unknown )
65.  Andrew Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
66.  George Washington Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
67.  Nancy Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
68.  Anna Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
69.  Fountain Collison  ~  b. ( unknown )  ~  d. October, 1824

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The birth order of the children has not been verified.

( 67 )  ~  Nancy  ~  married " Elisha Draper " on October 7, 1812 in Caroline County, Maryland.
( 68 )  ~  Ann  ~  married a " Dawson ".

Was born the 1st son of :
" George Collinson ( 11 ) " and " Frances Sands Collinson "
in the mid-1700's
in Talbot County, Maryland .

        He married " Margaret Elliott " daughter of Edward Elliott, III, of Bayside.

        " Edward " inherited appx. 26 acres of his father's farm on which he had started a brick home.   That home was never finished as " Edward " passed away the same year as his father, 1790.

        The land passed on to his 4 brothers giving them each appx. 33 acres.   Edward ( 36 ) and Margaret had 2 children together.   After Edward's ( 36 ) passing Margaret remarried to a James Applegate.

70.  George Elliott Collinson  ~  b. 1786  ~  d. ( unknown )
71.  Elliott Collinson  ~  b. October 15, 1789  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 70 )  ~  George  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 71 )  ~  Elliott  ~  Nothing further is known.

Was born the 2nd son of :
" George Collinson ( 11 ) " and " Frances Sands Collinson "
in the mid-1700's
in Talbot County, Maryland .

        He married " Susannah Hopkins ", sister of Rigby Hopkins.

        In 1802, George ( 38 ), Joab ( 39 ) and William ( 40 ) sold their inheritance to Robert ( 37 ) for the total sum of 300 pounds.   " Robert " now owned all of " Rehobeth and Rehobeth Point ", 130 acres.

        " Robert " accepted the indentureship of his nephew Elliott ( 71 ) on April 19, 1804.   The indentureship was to last until October 15, 1810 when Elliott would become 21 years of age.   " Robert " was a ship builder by trade.

        " Robert Collinson ( 37 ) " passed away in 1812 without a will.   Susannah had to pay Joab Collinson ( 39 ) the sum of $306.15, William Collinson ( 40 ) the sum of $314.64 and George Collinson ( 38 ) the sum of $199.51 as they were Robert's ( 37 ) surviving brothers to keep the property.   " Robert " and " Susannah " had " 8 " children.

72.  Edward Collinson  ~  b. December 23, 1795  ~  d. ( unknown )
73.  Lydia Collinson  ~  b. 1797  ~  d. 1867  ~  ( Age abt. 69 years )
74.  Joseph Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
75.  Anna Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
76.  Eleanor Collinson  ~  b. May, 1805  ~  d. ( unknown )
77.  Robert Collinson  ~  b. April 30, 1806  ~  d. ( unknown )
78.  William Collinson  ~  b. August, 1809  ~  d. ( unknown )
79.  Mary Collinson  ~  b. May, 1810  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 73 )  ~  Lydia  ~  married " Thomas H. Sylvester " on May 22, 1821 and they had " 2 " known children :
                ( see below )
( 74 )  ~  Joseph  ~  was living in Washington, D.C. as of 1837.   He sold his share of their dad's land to his sister Lydia (73) at $11.00 per acre.
( 75 )  ~  Anna  ~  was residing in Baltimore, Maryland in 1837.
( 76 )  ~  Eleanor  ~  was residing in Baltimore, Maryland in 1837.
( 77 )  ~  Robert  ~  was married to " Elizabeth Ann Robinson " and lived in Easton, Maryland.
             He sold his share of their dad's land to his sister Lydia ( 73 ) at $11.00 per acre.
( 78 )  ~  William  ~  was residing in Baltimore, Maryland in 1837.
( 79 )  ~  Mary  ~  Nothing further is known.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 73 )  ~    Lydia Collinson Sylvester

  Children of Lydia Collinson Sylvester ( 73 ) and Thomas H. Sylvester :

        Thomas Henry Sylvester

      (N)  William Green Sylvester

Was born the 3rd son of :
" George Collinson ( 11 ) " and " Frances Sands Collinson "
in the mid-1700's
in Talbot County, Maryland.

        He apparently never married and died without a will on November 24, 1814.   He had inherited appx. 33 acres of his father's farm which he sold to his brother " Robert ( 37 ) ".   His brother " Joab ( 39 ) " was appointed administrator and listed the following as his brother's estate:

" Two Silver Knee Buckles, Two Bedsteads, pillows, bolsters, and old French musket, powder and shot, one drum line, and a crippled negro, age 36 years. Total value of the Estate: $373.19 ".

The money was divided between the surviving family members.....

Was born the 5th son of :
" George Collinson ( 11 ) " and " Frances Sands Collinson "
in ca. 1776
in Talbot County, Maryland.

        He married "Sarah Collinson" whose parents are currently unknown in 1812.   It is possible that this Sarah was the daughter of " Richard Collinson ( 20 ) ".

        " William " inherited appx. 33 acres of his father's farm which he later sold to his brother Robert ( 37 ).

        " William Collinson ( 40 ) " passed away in ca. 1845.   " William " and Sarah had 3 children together.

80.  Benjamin Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
81.  James Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
82.  Elizabeth Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 81 )  ~  James  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 82 )  ~  Elizabeth  ~  Nothing further is known.

Was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of :
" Edward Collinson ( 17 ) and " Charity Waters Collinson "
on December 22, 1772.

        She married " Samuel Harper " on October 5, 1795 in Anne Arundel County.   The names of Samuel's parents are currently unknown.   They had 7 known children together.

83.  William Franklin Harper  ~  b. September 19, 1796  ~  d. April 29, 1827  ~  " Age 30 years ~ 7 months ~ 10 days "
84.  Susanna Harper  ~  ( dates unknown )
85.  Edward Collinson Harper  ~  ( dates unknown )
86.  Sarah Harper  ~  ( dates unknown )
87.  John Kerby Harper  ~  ( dates unknown )
88.  Benjamin Harper  ~  ( dates unknown )
89.  Samuel Harper  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 83 )  ~  William  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 84 )  ~  Susanna  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 85 )  ~  Edward  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 86 )  ~  Sarah  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 87 )  ~  John  ~   One of his decendant's is " Thomas Walter Harper ".

" Thomas Walter Harper " was the husband of " Irma S. Harper "
            who did the majority of the research on the first five generations of the " Collinson " family.
            " The entire Collison family owes her a great big vote of thanks for helping to straighten out those records. "

See Mrs. Irma Sweitzer Harper's biography on Find A Grave :

( 88 )  ~  Benjamin  ~  Nothing further is known.

( 89 )  ~  Samuel  ~  Nothing further is known.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted name below " to see their personal burial record )

( 83 )  ~  William Franklin Harper

Was born the 4th child and 3rd son of :
" Edward Collinson ( 17 ) " and " Charity Waters Collinson "
on April 29, 1781.

        He married " Elizabeth Whittington " on September 29, 1808.   She was born daughter of John and Mary Armiger Whittington on August 17, 1788 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        " William Collinson ( 44 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on September 4, 1830 at the age of 49.   Still living on his dad's farm .... he was interred behind the house in what is now called " The Collinson Family Cemetery ", Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        " Elizabeth Whittington Collinson " passed away on September 28, 1833 at the age of 45 and was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 12 " children :

  90.  Julia Ann Whittington Collinson     ~  b. August 8, 1809 ~ d. January 18, 1895 ~ " Age 85 years ~ 5 months ~ 10 days "
  91.  Charity Waters Collinson     ~  ( dates unknown )
  92.  Mary Susanna Collinson     ~  b. September 16, 1812 ~ d. January 5, 1872 ~ " Age 59 years ~ 3 months ~ 20 days "
  93.  John Collinson     ~  b. March 13, 1814 ~ d. November 7, 1860 ~ " Age 46 years ~ 7 months ~ 25 days "
  94.  Edward Collinson     ~  b. February 13, 1816 ~ d. August 3, 1877 ~ " Age 61 years ~ 5 months ~ 21 days "
  95.  Sarah Jane "Sallie" Collinson     ~  b. December 4, 1817 ~ d. November 7, 1895 ~ " Age 77 years ~ 11 months ~ 3 days "
  96.  Ann Elizabeth Collinson     ~  b. July 29, 1819 ~ d. February 16, 1907 ~ " Age 87 years ~ 6 months ~ 18 days "
  97.  Francis Collinson     ~  ( dates unknown )
  98.  William Collinson     ~  ( dates unknown )
  99.  Thomas Whittington Collinson     ~  b. October 1, 1824 ~ d. March 7, 1872 ~ " Age 47 years ~ 5 months ~ 6 days "
100.  William Benjamin Collinson     ~  ( dates unknown )
101.  Joseph Connor Collinson     ~  b. December 14, 1828 ~ d. March 12, 1897 ~ " Age 68 years ~ 2 months ~ 29 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

  ( 91 )  ~  Charity  ~  Nothing further is known.
  ( 92 )  ~  Mary  ~  Married " Stephen Beard, III and they had children : One daughter Eliza Collinson Beard married Edward Collinson ( 148 ).
  ( 96 )  ~  Ann  ~  Married " Stephen Beard, III after the passing of her sister Mary ( 92 ) and they didn't have any children.
  ( 97 )  ~  Frances  ~  Nothing further is known.
  ( 98 )  ~  William  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 100 )  ~  William Benjamin  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 101 )  ~  Joseph  ~  married " Margaret Jane Bosserman " and it is believed they didn't have any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 44 ) ~ (N)  William Collinson ( Bio )  ~  (N)  Elizabeth Whittington Collinson ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife Of William )

Children of William (44) and Elizabeth Whittington Collinson :  ~  ( not shown in their own paragraph )

  ( 96 ) ~   Ann Elizabeth Collinson Beard  ~  ( Husbands grave not found )
( 101 ) ~   Joseph Conner Collinson ( Bio )   ~     Margaret Jane Bosserman Collinson ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife Of Joseph )

Was born the only child of :
" Benjamin Collinson ( 18 ) and " Mary Hooper Collinson ".
in the late 1700's

        She married " Thomas Stewart " who's parents names are currently unknown.   Together they had 2 children.

102.  Benjamin Stewart  ~  ( dates unknown )
103.  Athel Stewart  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Nothing further is known about Benjamin ( 102 ) or Athel ( 103 ).

Was born the 1st son and 1st child of :
" Peter Collison ( 25 ) " and " Sarah Fountain Collinson "
on August 5, 1776
in Caroline County, Maryland.
He became a methodist minister at the age of " 17 years old ".
He was married twice.

        He first married " Elizabeth Butler " who was born the daughter of Moses Butler.   They were married on March 26, 1812.

        " Elizabeth Butler Collison " preceded her husband in passing away while giving birth to their first child,
" Elizabeth ( 109 ) " in 1814.

        " John " then married " Ann Quinnerly " on January 16, 1816 in Kent County, Delaware.   She was born in 1801 and the names of her parents are unknown.

        " John " and his brother " Edward ( 56 ) " filed a legal suit against the other children of their father " Peter ( 25 ) " in 1822 in an attempt to secure the land.   " John " settled this suit out of court by purchasing the land from the other heirs for an unknown amount.

        " John " was in financial difficulty by 1840 ~ he mortgaged his farm to one Robert T. Keene for $315.56.   The description of the land specified all that tract or parcel of land called " Ennall's Entrance " and " Addition To Venture ", a total of 153 3/4 acres.   " John " and his wife " Ann " sold their farm, including their home and all 153 3/4 acres to one John Sullivan for $750.00 on April 13, 1842.

        The Federal Census' prior to 1850 don't include the entire families individual names ... only the head of the house .....

        They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: August 30, 1850 ) is the first census that " John " is noted.   His last name, however, in this census was recorded as " Collinson " and he is shown as being 62 years old and a
" Farmer ".   His wife " Ann Quinnerly Collison " is noted as being a 50 year old " Homemaker " and " 8 " of their children are residing with them :
        Charles ~ ( Age 28 ~ noted as a Sailor )
        John ~ ( Age 24 ~ noted as a Sailor )
        Emily ~ ~ ( Age 21 )
        Marcellus ~ ( Age 19 ~ working on the farm )
        William ~ ( Age 17 ~ working on the farm )
        James ~ ( Age 11 )
        Mary ~ ( Age 8 )
        Peter ~ ( Age 6 )

         In the Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: August 15, 1860 ) " John " is noted as being 72 years old and now working as a
" Brick Mason ".   His last name is now shown as " Collison ".   His wife " Ann " is noted as being a 60 year old " Homemaker " and " 2 " of their children are still residing with them :
        James ~ ( Age 22 ~ noted as a farm hand )
        Mary ~ ( Age 19 ).
        Also residing with them is a 9 year old boy named John W. Coker.

         In the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 21, 1870 ) " John " is noted as being 82 years old and now retired.   His wife " Ann " is noted as being a 68 year old " Homemaker " and no one else is residing with them.   They were residing in the post office district of Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.

         " Ann Quinnerly Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on September 4, 1874 at the age of about 73 years old in her home near Harrington, Delaware and was interred in the Union Methodist Cemetery in Burrsville, Maryland.

        " Rev. John Collison ( 53 ) " passed away on February 27, 1878 at the age of 101 years, 6 months, and 22 days in his home near Harrington, Delaware and he was interred with his wife Ann in the Union Methodist Cemetery in Burrsville, Maryland.

        " John " and Elizabeth Butler only had the one child together.   " John " and Ann Quinnerly Collison had 10 children together.

Child of " John " and Elizabeth Butler Collison :

109.  Elizabeth Collison     ~  b. 1814  ~  d. ( unknown )

Children of " John " and " Ann Quinnerly Collison " :

110.  Peter Collison     ~  b. 1818  ~  d. ( unknown )
111.  James Collison     ~  b. 1820  ~  d. 1820  ~  " infant "
112.  Charles Wesley Collison     ~  b. August, 1820  ~  d. August 13, 1900  ~  " Age abt. 80 years "
113.  John H. Collison     ~  b. 1826  ~  d. ( unknown )
114.  Emily Collison     ~  b. ca. 1829  ~  d. ( unknown )
115.  Marcellus Keene Collison     ~  b. February 28, 1831  ~  d. February 21, 1917  ~  " Age 85 years ~ 11 months ~ 24 days "
116.  William Edward Collison     ~  b. December 17,1833  ~  d. February 20, 1905  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 2 months ~ 3 days "
117.  James B. M. Collison     ~  b. March 28, 1839  ~  d. March 19, 1922  ~  " Age 82 years ~ 11 months ~ 22 days "
118.  Mary Ellen Collison     ~  b. 1841  ~  d. 1927  ~  " Age abt. 86 years "
119.  Peter Collison     ~  b. ca. 1844  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 110 ) ~ Peter is believed to have married " Phoebe Hubbard " on January 8, 1838 in Caroline County, Maryland.
( 111 ) ~ James died as an infant.

( 118 ) ~ Mary is believed to have married a " Faulkner " ~ possibly more coming soon!

Nothing further is known about Emily (114 ), or Peter ( 119 ).

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names " to see their personal burial record )

(N)  John Collison  ~    Ann Quinnerly Collison  ~  ( Wife of John )

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of :
" Peter Collison ( 25 ) " and " Sarah Fountain Collinson "
in ca. 1777.

        He married " Sarah Stevens " on August 6, 1798.   " Sarah " was born the daughter of Azel Stevens.

        " William Collison ( 54 ) " passed away sometime before 1822 and he and Sarah only had one known child.

120. Sarah Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 120 )  ~  Sarah  ~  married a " Moore ".

Was born the 5th child and 5th son of :
" Peter Collison ( 25 ) " and " Sarah Fountain Collinson "
in the late 1700's.

        He married " Sally Cade " on May 20, 1803 in Caroline County.   Sally's parents are currently unknown.

        " Minos Collison ( 57 ) " is known to have passed away sometime prior to 1822.   Together they had 4 children.

121.  Edward Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
122.  Ann Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
123.  Mary Jane Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
124.  Susan Sophia Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Nothing further is known about any of the children.

Was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of :
" William Collison, Jr. ( 26 ) " and " Mary Fountain Collinson "
in 1799.

        She married " Matthias P. Davis " on February 7, 1818.   He was born in 1790.   His parent's are currently unknown.

        " Priscilla F. Collison Davis ( 64 ) " date of passing is currently unknown and " Matthias P. Davis " passed away in 1853.   They had 3 children :

125.  William Davis  ~  ( dates unknown )
126.  John Davis  ~  ( dates unknown )
127.  Clementine Davis  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Nothing is known further about any of the children.

Was born the 2nd child and 1st son of :
" William Collison, Jr. ( 26 ) " and " Mary Fountain Collinson "
in ca.1780.

        He married " Ellender 'Nellie' Stubbs " who was born the daughter of Henry Stubbs on November 30, 1805 in Caroline County, Maryland.

        " Andrew " purchased the " Sower Farm " from Henry Williams which was a total of 330 acres in Caroline County, Maryland.   On January 12, 1815 " Andrew " conveyed his interest in his father's farm to his brother " Fountain ( 64 ) ".

        " Andrew Collison ( 65 ) " passed away in 1839 and " Nellie " on December 10, 1842 however it is currently unknown where they were interred.   They had 6 Children together.

128.  John Mace Collison     ~  b. 1816  ~  d. December 22, 1893  ~  " Age abt. 77 years "
129.  Hester " Ella " Collison     ~  b. ca. 1820  ~  d. December, 1854  ~  " Age abt. 33 years "
130.  Robert K. Collison     ~  b. October 29, 1821  ~  d. July 27, 1898  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 8 months ~ 29 days "
131.  William M. Collison     ~  ( dates unknown )
132.  George W. Collison     ~  b. 1823  ~  d. ca.1871  ~  " Age abt. 48 years "
133.  Andrew Fountain Collison     ~  b. September 2, 1827  ~  d. September 4, 1891  ~  " Age 64 years, 2 days "
134.  Priscilla Collison     ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 129 ) ~ Hester " Ella " married " Henry Stubbs " on February 6, 1841 in Caroline County, Maryland and they had " 5 " known children together.

See the :
" Stubbs Family History "
for the children of " Hester 'Ella' Collison Stubbs "
and " Henry Stubbs " ~ ( 1 ) in the Stubbs Family History !
which are all " Collison Family Members " !

( 133 ) ~ Andrew married either " Alsira Millington " or " Louise Allizia " and there were no known children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

Child of Andrew and Ellender "Nellie" Stubbs Collison :

( 133 ) ~   Andrew Fountain Collison

Was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of :
" William Collison, Jr. ( 26 ) " and " Mary Fountain Collinson ".
in the late 1700's.
He was married twice.

        The name of his first wife is unknown and they had 1 child together.

        He then married " Sarah (or Sallie) Lyden " on January 4, 1809 in Caroline County.   The names of her parents are unknown.   Together they had 1 child.

        " George " sold his interest in his father's farm to his brother " Fountain ( 69 ) " on April 7, 1813.   George and Sally's death dates are currently unknown.

Child of George Washington Collison ( 66 ) and ( ~ unknown ~ ) :

    135.  Twiford Collison  ~  b. 1803  ~  d. November 1, 1855  ~  " Age abt. 51 years "

Child of George Washington Collison ( 66 ) and Sarah Lyden Collison :

    136.  Shadrach Collison  ~  b. April 8, 1811  ~  d. December 11, 1868  ~  " Age 57 years ~ 8 months ~ 3 days "

Was born the 6th and last child and 3rd son of :
" William Collison, Jr. ( 26 ) " and " Mary Fountain Collinson "
in the late 1700's.

        " Fountain " married " Elizabeth Draper " on February 21, 1810 in Caroline County, Maryland.   Elizabeth was born the daughter of James Draper.

        According to his father's will " Fountain " was to receive 40 acres of land, to include the family home after his mother's death.   Since she remarried in 1885 the land immediately went to " Fountain ".   The rest of his father's land, 120 acres, was divided between his brothers " Andrew ( 65 ) " and " George ( 66 ) ".

        He purchased his brother " George's ( 66 ) " portion on April 7, 1813 and his brother " Andrew's ( 65 ) " portion on January 12, 1815 to retain the entire property.   This farm was situated near Collins Cross Roads, Caroline County, Maryland consisting of 160 acres total.

        " Fountain Collison ( 69 ) " preceded his wife in passing away in October, 1824 and left his entire estate to his wife, for her to enjoy during her widowhood.   Then it was to be divided up between the proper heirs.

        " Fountain " evidently owed the Farmer's Bank of Maryland some money since they brought a suit against his heir for payment of a note.   The land was finally placed on sale and was purchased by one Mary Griffith, the highest bidder, for $310.00.   " Fountain " and his wife Elizabeth had 2 children :

137.  Priscilla Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
138.  ???? Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Robert Collinson ( 37 ) " and " Susannah Hopkins Collinson "
on December 23, 1795.

        He married " Hannah _____ " who's last name, dates and parents are currently unknown.   They had 1 child together and were last shown residing in Baltimore, Maryland .....

139.  Joseph Hopkins Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" William Collinson ( 40 ) " and " Sarah Collinson Collinson "
In the early 1800's.

        He married " Catherine Sewall " of Bayside on February 3, 1831 by the Rev. Marshall.   The names of her parents are currently unknown.   Together they had 6 children.

140. Nicholas G. Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
141. Albiner Collinson  ~  b. 1833  ~  d. ( unknown )
142. Benjamin Franklin Collinson  ~  b. 1835  ~  d. ( unknown )
143. William Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
144. John T. Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )
145. Edwin J. Collinson  ~  ( dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 140 )  ~  Nicholas  ~  married " Susan Hubbard " and moved to Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
( 141 )  ~  Albiner  ~  married " James Baker " on August 26, 1851.
( 142 )  ~  Benjamin  ~  married " Sarah A. Finley " and moved to Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
( 143 )  ~  William  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 144 )  ~  John  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 145 )  ~  Edwin  ~  Nothing further is known.

Was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of :
" William Collinson ( 44 ) " and " Elizabeth Whittington Collinson "
on August 8, 1809
in South River, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        She married " Edward Lee " on September 6, 1827 at the All Hallows Episcopal Church, South River, (Edgewater), Maryland.   He was born on July 9, 1795 and his parent's names are currently unknown.

        They resided on land that was called " Brewer's Chance Upheld " and they may have renamed the property, at some point, as " Brewerton. "   This property was next to her brother Edward's ( 94 ) property called " Collierby ".   Both of the properties were about 134 acres in size.

        They first show up in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: July 20, 1850 ) residing in the first district, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Edward " was noted as a 50 year old farmer and " Julia " is noted as being a 30 year old homemaker.
Their " 5 " children are residing with them :
        William ~ ( Age 22 )
        Benjamin ~ ( Age 13 )
        Emory ~ ( Age 10 )
        Rachel ~ ( Age 8 )
        Joseph ~ ( Age 2 )

        In the Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: July 21, 1860 ) they were still residing in the first district, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Edward " was noted as a 63 year old farmer and " Julia " is noted as being a 50 year old homemaker.   During the time of this census only " 2 " of their children were still residing with them :
        Rachel ~ ( Age 17 )
        Joseph ~ ( Age 14 )

        " Edward Lee " preceded his wife in passing away on March 29, 1869 at the age of 73 years, 8 months, and 20 days and was interred in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        A Federal Census for 1870 has not, at this time, been found.

        In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 3, 1880 ) " Julia " is now living with her son " Emory ( 148 ) " and his family at 55 Barre Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   Also " Julia's " daughter " Rachel ( 149 ) " and son " Joseph ( 150 ) " are also residing there with " Emory ( 148 ) ".

         Sadly, most of the " 1890 census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

        " Julia Anna Whittington Collinson Lee ( 90 ) " passed away on January 18, 1895 at the age of 85 years, 5 months, and 10 days and was interred with her husband   Together they had 5 children.

146.  William Collinson Lee  ~  b. July 5, 1828  ~  d. July 15, 1873  ~  " Age 45 years ~ 10 days "
147.  Benjamin Franklin Lee  ~  b. December 24, 1837  ~  d. May 3, 1897  ~  " Age 59 years ~ 4 months ~ 10 days "
148.  Emory Guest Lee  ~  b. May 3, 1840  ~  d. January 11, 1911  ~  " Age 70 years ~ 8 months ~ 8 days "
149.  Rachel Welch “ Ella ” Lee  ~  b. 1842  ~  d. April 13, 1898  ~  " Age abt. 56 years "
150.  Joseph Edward Lee  ~  b. December 24, 1848  ~  d. May 17, 1890  ~  " Age 41 years ~ 4 months ~ 24 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 146 )  ~  William  ~  married " Sarah Jane Terry " on September 30, 1852, at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland. They had 4 children.

( 149 )  ~  Rachel  ~  Is believed to have never been married.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

  ( 90 )  ~    Julia Anna Whittington Collinson Lee    ~     Edward Lee  ~  ( Husband of Julia )

Children of Julia ( 90 ) and Edward Lee :  ~  ( click on name )

  ( 146 )  ~    William Collinson Lee
  ( 149 )  ~    Rachel Welch Lee

Was born the 4th child and 1st son of :
" William Collinson ( 44 ) " and " Elizabeth Whittington Collinson "
on March 13, 1814
in South River, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        He married " Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell " on May 19, 1840.   She was born on July 23, 1820 in Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland the daughter of Benjamin Sewell and Mary Smith Sewell.

        They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: July 20, 1850 ) residing in the first district, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " John " was noted as a 36 year old farmer and " Sarah " is noted as being a 30 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 5 " oldest children :
        Mary ~ ( Age 6 )
        Sarah ~ ( Age 4 )
        Isabella ~ ( Age 3 )
        Edward ~ ( Age 2 )
        Ann Eliza ~ ( Age 2 months )
        Also residing with them in 1850 are " 2 " of John's ( 93 ) siblings :
        Ann Elizabeth ~ ( Age 30 )
        and Joseph ~ ( Age 22 )
        Also " 2 " others as well : Thomas Lee ~ ( Age 2 ) and a Mary Gambrell ~ ( Age 60 ).

        In the Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: July 31, 1860 ) they are still residing in the first district, Anne Arundel County, Maryland with a post office noted as " Birdsville ".   " John " was noted as a 46 year old farmer and " Sarah " is noted as being a 39 year old homemaker raising all " 9 " of their children :
        Mary ~ ( Age 16 )
        Sarah ~ ( Age 14 )
        Isabella ~ ( Age 12 )
        Edward ~ ( Age 11 )
        Ann Eliza ~ ( Age 9 )
        John ~ ( Age 7 )
        Benjamin ~ ( Age 5 )
        Joseph ~ ( Age 3 )
        David ~ ( Age 1 )

        " Great Sadness " came upon this family when their daughter and sister " Margaret 'Maggie' Collinson ( 169 ) " who was born on May 28, 1861 passed away on September 27, 1861 at the Age of 3 months and 30 days.   She was interred in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   ( See a photo of her grave below )

" Herein lies a family mystery concerning the 1850 and 1860 Federal Census' "

        In the 1850 Census they have a " Thomas Lee " ~ ( Age 2 ) residing with them .....
        In the 1860 Census he is still residing with them however he is now noted as " Thomas Collinson " ~ ( Age 11 ) .....
        " Thomas " is also noted in both Census' as being the same age as " Edward Collinson ( 163 ) ".
        So was he " Edward's ( 163 ) " twin ??? .....
        Or was he a member of the " Lee " family that was taken in and being raised by " John ( 93 ) " and " Sarah " ???

        " John Collinson ( 93 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on November 7, 1860 at the age of 46 years, 7 months, and 25 days and was interred in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        " Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell Collinson " passed away just 6 months later on May 29, 1861 the day after the birth of their youngest child : Margaret ( 154 ) and was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 10 " children.

         It is believed ... that after the passing of her parents that " Mary ( 160 ) ", " now 16 years old ", possibly took over and kept the family together ( which would not have been surprising in that day ).

         They are shown in the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 26, 1870 ) still residing in the first district, Anne Arundel County, Maryland with a post office noted as " South River ".   " Mary ( 160 ) " is noted as being 24 years old and a housekeeper and her brother " Edward ( 163 ) " is noted as being a 21 year old farmer.

         Also residing with them on July 26, 1870 are two of their siblings :
         Ann ~ ( Age 19 ~ helping in the home )
         John ~ ( Age 17 ~ working on the farm )
         Benjamin ~ ( Age 15 ~ working on the farm )
         And it was also noted a Jennie M. Burns was residing with them, as possibly a boarder,
         and she was noted as being 19 years old and as " leading school ".

        In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 9, 1880 ) they are still residing in the first district, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Mary ( 160 ) " is noted as being 40 years old and a housekeeper and her brother " Edward ( 163 ) " is noted as being a 32 year old farmer who is now married.

" See the paragraph for Edward ( 163 ) below for more info on his family "
160.  Mary Smith Collinson     ~  b. August 1, 1843  ~  d. April 2, 1909  ~  " Age 65 years ~ 8 months ~ 1 day "
161.  Sarah Gott Collinson     ~  b. April 8, 1845  ~  d. March 4, 1915  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 10 months ~ 26 days "

162.  Isabella Creamer Collinson     ~  b. April 13, 1847  ~  d. October 8, 1919  ~  " Age 72 years ~ 5 months ~ 25 days "
163.  Edward Collinson     ~  b. 1848  ~  d. March 5, 1922  ~  " Age abt. 74 years "
164.  Ann Eliza Collinson     ~  b. November 14, 1850  ~  d. August 19, 1925  ~  " Age 74 years ~ 9 months ~ 5 days "
165.  John Collinson     ~  b. April 25, 1853  ~  d. February 13, 1931  ~  " Age 77 years ~ 9 months ~ 19 days "
166.  Benjamin Collinson     ~  b. June 11, 1855  ~  d. April 12, 1932  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 10 months ~ 1 day "
167.  Joseph Connor Collinson     ~  b. June 14, 1857  ~  d. December 21, 1929  ~  " Age 72 years ~ 6 months ~ 7 days "
168.  David C. Collinson     ~  b. 1859  ~  d. 1890  ~  " Age abt. 31 years "
169.  Margaret " Maggie " Collinson     ~  b. May 28, 1861  ~  d. September 27, 1861  ~  " Age 3 months ~ 30 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 160 )  ~  Mary  ~  Is believed to have never married ... possibly due to helping raise her younger siblings.
( 161 )  ~  Sarah  ~  Was never married and didn't have any children.
( 164 )  ~  Ann  ~  Was never married and didn't have any children.
( 165 )  ~  John  ~  Married " Fidelia Grace Higgins " and didn't have any known children.
( 168 )  ~  David  ~  Was never married and didn't have any children.   After being missing for 20 years, he was declared dead through court records.
( 169 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Passed away as an infant.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

  ( 93 )  ~    John Collinson   ~     Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell Collinson  ~  ( Wife of John )

Children of John ( 93 ) and Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell Collinson :  ~  ( click on name )

  ( 160 )  ~    Mary Smith Collinson
  ( 161 )  ~    Sarah Gott Collinson
  ( 164 )  ~    Ann Eliza Collinson
  ( 165 )  ~    John Collinson   ~      Fidelia Grace Higgins Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Edward )
  ( 168 )  ~  (N)  David C. Collinson
  ( 169 )  ~    Margaret " Maggie " Collinson

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Edward " Ned " Collinson "

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Mary Mortimer Wilson Collinson"

Was born the 5th child and 2nd son of :
" William Collinson ( 44 ) " and " Elizabeth Whittington Collinson "
on February 13, 1816
in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        He married " Mary Mortimer Wilson " on February 20, 1838.   She was born on December 16, 1818 in Maryland and her parent's names are currently unknown.

        Prior to the 1850 Federal Census the family suffered " Great Sadness " when they lost two of their children :
 " Edward ( 171 ) " and his sister " Mary ( 172 ) " both passed away on the same day: October 6, 1844.   The family story is that they both passed away after having eaten poisonous berries.

        They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: September 20, 1850 ) residing in the 1st District, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Edward " was noted as a 34 year old farmer and " Mary " is noted as being a 32 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 4 " oldest children :
        Julia ~ ( Age 12 )
        Eliza Jane ~ ( Age 6 )
        Alice ~ ( Age 4 )
        John ~ ( Age 2 )

        A Federal Census of 1860 has currently not been found for the family .....

        Sadly " Mary Mortimer Wilson Collinson " preceded her husband in passing away at the age of 46 years, 6 months, and 3 days on June 19, 1865 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   She was interred in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        In the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 26, 1870 ) the family is still residing in the 1st District, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Edward " was noted as a 54 year old farmer.   Residing with him are " 4 " of his children :
        Alice Harper ~ ( Age 22 )
        Mary Gover ~ ( Age 19 )
        John ~ ( Age 21 )
        Anna Lee ~ ( Age 16 )

        " Edward 'Ned' Collinson ( 94 ) " passed away on August 3, 1877 at the age of 61 years, 5 months, and 21 days.   He was interred with his wife in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   They had " 9 " children together :

170.  Julia Mortimer Collinson     ~  b. December 17, 1838  ~  d. April 5, 1917  ~  " Age 78 years ~ 3 months ~ 19 days "
171.  Edward Collinson     ~  b. October 16, 1840  ~  d. October 6, 1844  ~  " Age 3 years ~ 11 months ~ 21 days "
172.  Mary Weems Collinson     ~  b. November 20, 1842  ~  d. October 6, 1844  ~  " Age 1 year ~ 10 months ~ 16 days "
173.  Eliza Jane Collinson     ~  b. 1844  ~  d. January 21, 1934  ~  " Age abt. 90 "
174.  Alice Harper Collinson     ~  b. December 4, 1846  ~  d. May 25, 1920  ~  " Age 73 years ~ 5 months ~ 21 days "
175.  John Collinson     ~  b. March 9, 1849  ~  d. August 31, 1931  ~  " Age 82 years ~ 5 months ~ 22 days "
176.  Mary Gover Collinson     ~  b. March 6, 1851  ~  d. October 7, 1885  ~  " Age 34 years ~ 7 months ~ 1 day "
177.  Elizabeth Wilson Collinson     ~  b. May 28, 1853  ~  d. December 17, 1868  ~  " Age 15 years ~ 6 months ~ 20 days "
178.  Anna Lee Collinson     ~  b. 1856  ~  d. April 1, 1906  ~  " Age abt. 50 years "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 170 )  ~  Julia  ~  Married " James Brewer Burch " and it's believed they didn't have any children.
( 171 )  ~  Edward  ~  Died as a toddler.
( 172 )  ~  Mary  ~  Died as a toddler.
( 174 )  ~  Alice  ~  Was never married.
( 176 )  ~  Mary  ~  Married " John T. Parrott " and it's believed that they didn't have any children.
( 177 )  ~  Elizabeth  ~  Was never married.
( 178 )  ~  Anna  ~  Was never married.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

  ( 94 )  ~     Edward Collinson   ~      Mary Mortimer Wilson Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Edward )

Children of Edward ( 94 ) and Mary Mortimer Wilson Collinson :  ~  ( click on name )

  ( 170 )  ~    Julia Mortimer Collinson Burch   ~     James Brewer Burch  ~  ( Husband of Julia )
  ( 171 )  ~    Edward Collinson
  ( 172 )  ~    Mary Weems Collinson
  ( 174 )  ~    Alice Harper Collinson
  ( 176 )  ~    Mary Gover Collinson Parrott    ~     John T. Parrott  ~  ( Husband of Mary )
  ( 177 )  ~    Elizabeth Wilson Collinson
  ( 178 )  ~    Anna Lee Collinson

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Sarah J. “Sallie” Collinson Stevens "

Was born the 6th child and 4th daughter of :
" William Collinson ( 44 ) " and " Elizabeth Whittington Collinson "
on December 4, 1817
in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        She married " Francis Stevens " on September 13, 1838 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   He was born in about 1805 in Mount Harmony, Calvert County, Maryland and his parent's names are currently unknown.

        Prior to the 1850 Federal Census the family suffered " Great Sadness " when they lost one of their children.
" Richard William Stevens ( 180 ) ".   He was born on July 27, 1839 and passed away on October 6, 1840.

        They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: September 21, 1850 ) residing on a farm in the 3rd District, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Francis " was noted as a 45 year old farmer and " Sarah " is noted as being a 30 year old homemaker.   They have " 5 " of their children residing with them :
        William ~ ( Age 9 )
        Francis ~ ( Age 8 )
        Mary ~ ( Age 6 )
        Sarah ~ ( Age 4 )
        Ann ~ ( Age 1 )
        Also residing with them in 1850 are :
        Elizabeth Stevens ~ ( Age 30 ~ possibly Francis' sister ) ~
        C. L. Ann Stevens ~ ( Age 14 ~ relationship unknown )
        and Joseph ~ ( Age 13 ~ relationship unknown )

        In the Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: April 27, 1860 ) the family is still residing on a farm in the 3rd District, Calvert County, Maryland with a post office address of Sunderlandville, Maryland.   " Francis " was noted as a 55 year old farmer and " Sarah " is noted as being a 43 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 7 " of their children :
        William ~ ( Age 19 )
        Francis ~ ( Age 17 )
        Mary ~ ( Age 15 )
        Sarah ~ ( Age 13 )
        Ann ~ ( Age 11 )
        Elizabeth ~ ( Age 9 )
        Alice ~ ( Age 7 )

        " More Sadness gripped this family " ..... two of their children passed away prior to the 1870 Federal Census :
" William Collinson Stevens ( 181 ) " passed away on September 27, 1860 at the age of Age 19 years, 5 months, and 4 days.
It is currently unknown where he was interred.
        Then, 8 years later, on November 9, 1868 their daughter " Ann Elizabeth Stevens ( 185 ) " passed away at the age of 19 years, 11 months, and 5 days.   It is also currently unknown where " Ann ( 185 ) " was interred.

        In the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: August 17, 1870 ) the family is still residing on a farm in the 3rd District, Calvert County, Maryland with a new post office address of Prince Frederick, Maryland.   " Francis " was noted as a 65 year old farmer and " Sarah " is noted as being a 50 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 3 " of their children :
        Francis ~ ( Age 27 ~ working on the farm )
        Elizabeth ~ ( Age 18 )
        Alice ~ ( Age 15 )
        Also residing with them in 1870 are two other unknown children :
        Eliza A. Scrivnor ~ ( Age 8 ~ noted as being black ) and Joseph Scrivnor ~ ( Age 6 ~ noted as being black )

        The family once again suffered " Great Sadness " ... when their daughter " Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ( 183 ) ", wife of James Wesley Lane, passed away on September 1, 1875 at the age of 30 years, 7 months, and 28 days leaving behind their only child Ida Mary Lane.   She was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

" Family Note "

        Sometime prior, or possibly due to his daughter " Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane's ( 183 ) " passing, her father
" Francis Stevens " donated part of his farm to Mount Harmony for what would become the current
" Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery " located in Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

  With the passing of " Mary ( 183 ) " the Stevens' family had now lost " 4 " of their children :
           " Richard William Stevens ( 180 ) " in 1840 ...
           " William Collinson Stevens ( 181 ) " in 1860 ...
           " Ann Elizabeth Stevens ( 185 ) " in 1868 ...
           and now " Mary ( 183 ) " in 1875 ...

        It is currently unknown where the first " 3 " were interred ... however ... it was more than likely on this donated land.   Their mother's, " Sarah J. Collinson Stevens' ( 95 ) ", current grave today has several empty spaces around her.

        After the passing of " Mary ( 183 ) " her younger sister, " Alice Jane Stevens ( 187 ) ", married her sisters widowed husband, James Wesley Lane.   James and " Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 187 ) " had two children together.

        " Francis Stevens " preceded his wife in passing away in September, 1877 at about the age of 72 years.   He was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland however his headstone has not been found.   They had " 8 " children together.

        Then, on March 19, 1879, " Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 187 ) " passed away at the age of 26 years, 6 months, and 23 days during the birth of their second child.   It is currently unknown for sure, however, she is believed to be interred also in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery.

        In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 9, 1880 ) " Sarah ( 95 ) " still appears to be residing on the family farm in the 3rd District, Calvert County, Maryland.   She is noted as being a 60 year old homemaker.   Her son Francis " Frank " Stevens ( 167 ), who is now married and 36 years old, is now running the family farm.
        Also residing with them are " Frank's " wife Mary A. Stevens ~ ( Age 25 )
        and their son William Wesley Stevens ~ ( Age 6 months )
        along with Joseph Scrivnor ~ ( Age 15 ~ noted as a black servant )

         Sadly, most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

        " Sarah J. Collinson Stevens ( 95 ) " passed away on November 7, 1895 at the age of 77 years, 11 months, and 3 days.   She was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland with her husband.   They had " 8 " children together :

180.  Richard William Stevens     ~  b. July 27, 1839  ~  d. October 6, 1840  ~  " Age 1 year ~ 2 months ~ 10 days "
181.  William Collinson Stevens     ~  b. April 23, 1841  ~  d. September 27, 1860  ~  " Age 19 years ~ 5 months ~ 4 days "
182.  Francis Stevens, Jr.     ~  b. January 5, 1844  ~  d. January 12, 1909  ~  " Age 65 years ~ 7 days "
183.  Mary J. Idabelle Stevens     ~  b. January 4, 1845  ~  d. September 1, 1875  ~  " Age 30 years ~ 7 months ~ 28 days "
184.  Sarah Ellen Stevens     ~  b. September 4, 1846  ~  d. July 2, 1929  ~  " Age 82 years ~ 9 months ~ 28 days "
185.  Ann Elizabeth Stevens     ~  b. December 4, 1848  ~  d. November 9, 1868  ~  " Age 19 years ~ 11 months ~ 5 days "
186.  Elizabeth Collinson Stevens     ~  b. June 17, 1850  ~  d. November 1, 1893  ~  " Age 43 years ~ 4 months ~ 15 days "
187.  Alice Jane Stevens     ~  b. August 27, 1852  ~  d. March 19, 1879  ~  " Age 26 years ~ 6 months ~ 23 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 180 )  ~  Richard  ~  Died as a toddler.
( 181 )  ~  William  ~  Was never married.
( 185 )  ~  Ann  ~  Nothing further is known.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

  ( 95 )  ~     Sarah Jane Collinson Stevens   ~     Francis Stevens  ~  ( Husband of Sarah )

Was born the 10th child and 5th son of :
" William Collinson ( 44 ) " and " Elizabeth Whittington Collinson "
on October 1, 1824
in South River, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        He married " Caroline Whittington " on December 28, 1848 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   She was born on October 27, 1827 in Maryland the daughter of John A. Whittington ( 1789 - ???? ) and Sarah Pattison Whittington ( 1796 - 1884 ).

        They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: September 20, 1850 ) residing in the 1st District, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Thomas " was noted as a 26 year old Merchant and " Caroline " is noted as being a 22 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their oldest child : Sarah - Mary ?? ~ ( Age 1 ) .

         NOTE :   There seems to be some confusion here ... In the 1850 census a " Sarah " is noted being age 1 year.   However in the 1860 census we see a " Mary " who is noted as being 11 years old.   I believe they are one and same person ... and possibly, as was done quite a bit during this time period, the first name was possibly changed to reflect another relative.

        In Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: July 31, 1860 ) they are still residing in the 1st District, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   However since so many people are residing on the same property is was possibly a boarding house.   " Thomas " was noted as a 35 year old Merchant and " Caroline " is noted as being a 30 year old homemaker.   Their children residing with them include :
        Mary ~ ( Age 11 )
        William ~ ( Age 7 )
        Margaret ~ ( Age 4 )
        Thomas ~ ( Age 6 months )

        Also residing with them in 1860 on the same property are : Dr. Richard Weems ~ ( Age 46 ) ~ Maria Weems ~ ( Age 33 ) ~ Bettie Weems ~ ( Age 8 ) ~ Maria Weems ~ ( Age 33 ) and Henry Palmer ~ ( Age 25 ).

        In Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 26, 1870 ) they are still residing in the 1st District, Anne Arundel County, Maryland however it is only their family residing there.   " Thomas " was noted as a 55 year old Carpenter and " Caroline " is noted as being a 42 year old homemaker.   Their children residing with them include :
        Mary ~ ( Age 17 )
        William ~ ( Age 15 )
        Margaret ~ ( Age 13 )
        Thomas ~ ( Age 10 )
        Caroline ~ ( Age 6 )
        Julia ~ ( Age 2 )

        " Thomas W. Collinson ( 99 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on March 7, 1872 at the age of 47 years, 5 months, and 6 days.   He was interred in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

        In Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 3, 1880 ) the family has moved and is shown residing on a farm in the 3rd District, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Caroline " is noted as being a 52 year old homemaker.   Now " 5 " of her children are residing with her to include :
        William ~ ( Age 25 ~ Farmer )
        Margaret ~ ( Age 23 )
        Thomas ~ ( Age 20 ~ Farm Laborer )
        Caroline ~ ( Age 17 )
        Julia ~ ( Age 12 )

         Sadly, most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Caroline Whittington Collinson " passed away on October 29, 1894 at the age of 67 years and 7 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   Together they had " 6 " children together :

190.  Mary " Sarah " Collinson     ~  b. abt. 1853  ~  d. ( unknown )
191.  William Collinson     ~  b. July, 1854  ~  d. 1934  ~  " Age abt. 80 years "
192.  Margaret Jane Collinson     ~  b. 1857  ~  d. 1944  ~  " Age abt. 87 years "
193.  Thomas Whittington Collinson, Jr.     ~  b. April 21, 1860  ~  d. April 2, 1936  ~  " Age 75 years ~ 11 months ~ 12 days "
194.  Caroline Collinson     ~  b. 1863  ~  d. 1950  ~  " Age abt. 87 years "
195.  Julia Burch Collinson     ~  b. 1868  ~  d. December 18, 1946  ~  " Age abt. 78 years "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 190 )  ~  Sarah  ~  Nothing further is known.

( 191 )  ~  William  ~  Married " Sarah Ella Ward " and had " 2 " known children.

( 192 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Married " William Webster Whittington " and had " 6 " known children.

( 193 )  ~  Thomas  ~  Married " Berenice Franklin " and had " 2 " known children.

( 194 )  ~  Caroline  ~  Married " John Thomas Phipps " and had " 2 " known children.

( 195 )  ~  Julia  ~  Married " James Byron Ogden " and had " 2 " known children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

  ( 99 )  ~    Thomas W. Collinson   ~     Caroline Whittington Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Thomas )

Children of Thomas W. Collinson ( 99 ) and " Caroline Whittington Collinson " :  ~  ( click on name )

  ( 191 )  ~    William Collinson   ~     Sarah Ella Ward Collinson  ~  ( Wife of William )
  ( 192 )  ~    Margaret Jane Collinson Whittington   ~     William Webster Whittington  ~  ( Husband of Margaret )
  ( 193 )  ~    Thomas Whittington Collinson   ~     Berenice Franklin Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Thomas )
  ( 194 )  ~    Caroline Collinson Phipps   ~     John Thomas Phipps  ~  ( Husband of Caroline )
  ( 195 )  ~    Julia Burch Collinson Ogden   ~     James Byron Ogden  ~  ( Husband of Julia )

Was born the 3rd child and 3rd son of :
" John Collison ( 53 ) " and " Ann Quinnerly Collison "
in August, 1820
in Denton, Maryland.
He was married twice.

        He was first married to " Ann Emily Anderson " on May 10, 1854.   She was born in 1833 and her parent's names are currently unknown.

        " Charles " was employed as a ship pilot in Baltimore, Maryland.   He made many trips to Cuba and the West Indies.   He was at one time captain of the excursion steamer " Columbia " which ran from Baltimore to Bay Ridge.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: July 31, 1860 ) residing in the First Ward of the City of Baltimore, Maryland.   " Charles " is noted as a 39 year old mariner and " Ann " as a 27 year old homemaker raising their " 3 " oldest children :
         William ~ ( Age 5 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 3 )
         Annie ~ ( Age 3 months )

         Sadly ... " Ann Emily Anderson Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on May 9, 1868 and it is unknown where she was interred however it is believed to be in the Denton, Maryland area.   They had " 4 " children together .....

        After " Ann's " passing " Charles " was married to " Susan (_____) " in 1869.   She was born ca. 1849 and her parent's names are currently unknown.

         In the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 6, 1870 ) the family are now residing in the Fourth Ward of the City of Baltimore, Maryland.   " Charles " is noted as a 49 year old sailor and " Susan " as a 21 year old homemaker raising their " 3 " children :
         William ~ ( Age 16 )
         Ella ~ ( Age 5 )
         Charles ~ ( Age 6 months )
         It is unknown where his daughters Mary (181) and Annie (182) were living at this time.   Possibly with a grandparent.

         Sadly ... " Susan (_____) Collison " preceded her husband in passing away at the age of 22 on March 8, 1871 and it is currently unknown where she was interred.   Together they had 1 child.

        " Charles Wesley Collison ( 112 ) " passed away on August 13, 1900 at the Age of about 80 years and he was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

Children of Charles ( 112 ) and Ann Collison:

200.  William Wallace Collison     ~  b. October, 1854  ~  d. May 10, 1934  ~  " Age abt. 80 years "
201.  Mary B. Collison     ~  b. November, 1857  ~  d. June 18, 1930  ~  " Age abt. 72 years "
202.  Annie Elizabeth Collison     ~  b. April 19, 1860  ~  d. July 27, 1955  ~  " Age 95 years ~ 3 months ~ 8 days "
203.  Ella E. Collison     ~  b. September, 1863  ~  d. February 3, 1954  ~  " Age abt. 90 years "

Child of Charles ( 112 ) and Susan Collison :

204.  Charles Collison     ~  b. January, 1870  ~  d. ????

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 201 )  ~  Mary  ~  married " George W. Henderson " and moved to Brooklyn, New York.

( 202 )  ~  Annie  ~  married " Charles Hatton " and resided in Baltimore, Maryland and they had " 1 " known child :

( 203 )  ~  Ella  ~  was married to " Benjamin F. Henry " in 1880 and didn't have any known children.

( 204 )  ~  Charles  ~  Nothing further is known.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 112 )  ~  (N)  Charles Wesley Collison

Children of Charles and Ann Collison:

( 201 )  ~    Mary B. Collison Henderson  ~    George W. Henderson  ~  ( Husband of Mary )
( 202 )  ~    Annie E. Collison Hatton  ~    Charles Hatton  ~  ( Husband of Annie )
( 203 )  ~  (N)  Ella E. Collison Henry  ~  ( Wife of Benjamin F. Henry )

( All below lettering in " Bright Blue " are clickable links ! )

         John Henry Collison ( 113 ) was born the son of John ( 53 ) and Ann Quinnerly Collison in 1826.   It is unknown at this time whether he married or not or if he had any children.

         " John ( 113 ) " joined the " 3rd Regiment, Delaware Infantry " (Union) when it was organized in Camden, Delaware.   He joined between December 30, 1861 and May 15, 1862.   This unit served during the Civil War until June 3, 1865 when they were mustered out.   To see the actions that this unit participated in please see the " Collison Family Notes ".

Was born the 6th child and 4th son of :
" John Collison ( 53 ) " and " Ann Quinnerly Collison "
on February 28, 1831.

         He married " Mahala Carroll " on March 15, 1860 in Caroline County, Maryland.   Mahala was born the daughter of James & Rebecca (??) Carroll in ca. 1828 in Caroline County, Maryland.   They resided on a farm near Denton, Maryland.
( See the " Carroll Family History " by Russ Pickett dating back to " 1804 " ! )

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: June 20, 1870 ) residing in Caroline County, Maryland on a farm.   " Marcellus " is noted as a 38 year old farmer and " Mahala " as a 42 year old homemaker raising their only known child :   Millard ~ ( Age 9 ).

         In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 25, 1880 ) they are shown residing in Caroline County, Maryland on a farm that was near Denton, Maryland.   " Marcellus " is noted as a 49 year old farmer and " Mahala " as a 53 year old homemaker.   Their son    Millard ~ ( Age 19 ), is also noted as residing with them.

         Sadly, most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the Federal Census of 1900 ( dated: June 14, 1900 ) they are shown residing in Caroline County, Maryland on a farm that was near Denton, Maryland which was possibly the same farm they resided on in 1880.   " Marcellus " is noted as a 68 year old farmer and " Mahala " as a 73 year old homemaker.   Their son, Millard, is no longer residing with them.

         " Mahala Carroll Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on March 9, 1909 at the age of about 80 years and was interred in the Concord M.E. Cemetery, Concord, Maryland next to her dad, James Carroll.

         In the Federal Census of 1910 ( dated: April 30, 1910 ) " Marcellus " is shown as a widow residing in the home of his son Millard (185) in Denton, Maryland.   Also residing with them is Millard's (185) son Carl D. Collison ~ ( Age 20 )

         " Marcellus Keene Collison ( 115 ) " passed away on February 21, 1917 and was interred in the Concord M.E. Cemetery in Concord, Maryland ( his headstone is no longer there ) and was believed to be interred on the other side of his wife.   They had one known child together.

205.  Millard Filmore Hignutt Collison  ~  b. January 16, 1861  ~  d. July 23, 1941  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 6 months ~ 7 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 115 ) ~ Marcellus K. Collison  ~    Mahala Carroll Collison  ~  ( Wife of Marcellus )

Child of Marcellus K. and Mahala Carroll Collison:

( 205 ) ~   Millard Filmore Hignutt Collison  ~    Mary Ella Towers Collison  ~  ( Wife of Millard )

Was born the 7th child and 6th son of :
" John Collison ( 53 ) " and " Ann Quinnerly Collison "
on December 17, 1833.
He was married twice.

         He was first married to " Margaret Stafford " on July 27, 1854 in Kent County, Delaware.   She was born the daughter of James and Mary Stephens Stafford in 1837.

         " Great Sadness " struck the young family when " Margaret Stafford Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on March 23, 1862 at the age of 24 years.   It is believed she passed away as a result of the birth of her daughter " Alice ( 209 ) ".
She was interred in the Smith Farm Cemetery in Kent County, Delaware.   " William " and " Margaret " had " 4 " children together : Isabel C., Mary A., and Abraham B., and Alice B. Collison.

         " William " then was married to " Sarah E. Sipple " on September 28, 1865 in Delaware.   " Sarah "was born the daughter of Uriah Sipple and Miriah Clark Sipple on April 2, 1841.   They resided in or near Harrinton, Kent County, Delaware after their marriage.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 14, 1870 ) residing in or near Harrington, Kent County, Delaware.   " William " is noted as a 34 year old Wheel Right and " Sarah " as a 28 year old homemaker raising their " 7 " oldest children :
         Isabel ~ ( Age 14 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 12 )
         Abraham ~ ( Age 10 )
         Alice ~ ( Age 7 )
         Annie L. ~ ( Age 5 )
         William T. ~ ( Age 3 )
         Cora ~ ( Age 8 months )

         In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 19, 1880 ) they are still residing in or near Harrington, Kent County, Delaware.   " William " is noted as a 47 year old undertaker and " Sarah " as a 39 year old homemaker raising their " 5 " youngest children :
         Annie L. ~ ( Age 15 )
         Cora ~ ( Age 10 )
         Frederick ~ ( Age 9 )
         Ella ~ ( Age 6 )
         John ~ ( Age 3 )

         Sadly, most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the Federal Census of 1900 ( dated: June 22, 1900 ) they are shown residing in a home on Liberty Street, Harrington, Kent County, Delaware.   " William " is noted as a 63 year old Wheel Right and " Sarah " as a 59 year old homemaker.   All their children have moved from the home.

         " William Edward Collison (116) " preceded his second wife in passed away on February 20, 1905 at the age of 71 and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Sarah E. Sipple Collison " passed away on March 14, 1910 and was interred with her husband.   They had " 6 " known child together.

Children of William E. Collison ( 116 ) and " Margaret Stafford Collison " :

206.  Isabel C. Collison     ~  b. ca. 1856  ~  d. ( unknown )
207.  Mary A. Collison     ~  b. ca. 1858  ~  d. ( unknown )
208.  Abraham B. Collison     ~  b. 1860  ~  d. 1946  ~  " Age abt. 86 years "
209.  Alice B. Collison     ~  b. 1862  ~  d. August 27, 1949  ~  " Age abt. 87 years "

Children of William E. Collison ( 116 ) and " Sarah E. Sipple Collison " :

210.  Annie Louisa Collison     ~  b. ca. 1865  ~  d. ( unknown )
211.  William Tillman Collison     ~  b. April 23, 1867  ~  d. February 25, 1934  ~  " Age 66 years ~ 10 months ~ 2 days "
212.  Cora Collison     ~  b. 1869  ~  d. December 22, 1945  ~  " Age abt. 75 years "
213.  Frederick G. Collison     ~  b. March 15, 1871  ~  d. June 28, 1888  ~  " Age 17 years ~ 3 months ~ 13 days "
214.  Ella V. Collison     ~  b. September 6, 1873  ~  d. February 25, 1920  ~  " Age 46 years ~ 5 months ~ 19 days "
215.  John E. Collison     ~  b. October 6, 1876  ~  d. October 4, 1884  ~  " Age 7 years ~ 11 months ~ 29 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 206 )  ~  Isabel  ~  Possibly was married to a " Samuel Brodes? " and nothing further is known.
( 207 )  ~  Mary  ~  Nothing further is known.

( 208 )  ~  Abraham  ~  Married " Sarah Ella Raser " and had " 4 " known children .....

( 209 )  ~  Alice  ~  Married " Marcellus Smith " and had " 4 " known children .....

( 210 )  ~  Annie Louisa  ~  Nothing further is known.

( 211 )  ~  William  ~   Married " Rosa Leila Parris " and had " 5 " known children .....

( 212 )  ~  Cora  ~   Married " William S. Wroten " and had " 5 " known children .....

( 213 )  ~  Frederick  ~  Died at the age of 17 ~ Nothing further is known.
( 214 )  ~  Ella  ~  married " William M. Troupe " ~ It is currently unknown if they had children.
( 215 )  ~  John  ~  Died at the age of 7 ~ Nothing further is known.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 116 ) ~   William E. Collison

                     Margaret R. Stafford Collison  ~  ( First Wife of William )
                     Sarah E. Sipple Collison  ~  ( Second Wife of William )

Children of William ( 116 ) and Margaret R. Stafford Collison :  ~  ( click on name )

( 208 ) ~   Abraham B. Collison   ~   Sarah Ella Raser Collison  ~  ( Wife of Abraham )
( 209 ) ~   Alice Collison Smith   ~   Marcellus Smith  ~  ( Husband of Alice )

Children of William ( 116 ) and Sarah Collison :  ~  ( click on name )

( 211 ) ~   William Tillman Collison   ~   Rosa Leila Parris Collison  ~  ( Wife of William )
( 212 ) ~   Cora Collison Wroten   ~   William S. Wroten  ~  ( Husband of Cora )
( 213 ) ~   Frederick G. Collison
( 214 ) ~ (N)  Ella V. Collison   ~   (N)  William M. Troupe  ~  ( Husband of Ella )
( 215 ) ~ (N)  John E. Collison

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" James B. M. Collison "

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "

" James Bayard Martin Collison ( 117 ) "
Was born the 8th child and 7th son of :
" John Collison ( 53 ) " and " Ann Quinnerly Collison "
on March 28, 1839.

         He married " Margaret Ann Cohee " on January 17, 1861.   Margaret was born the daughter of " William E. Cohee "
and " Nancy Stokes Cohee " on August 23, 1843.   They resided on a farm between Denton and Burrsville.

" Great Sadness " troubled this young family in the first few years of their marriage .....
         Their son " James E. Collison ( 221 ) " who was born on December 21, 1863 passed away sometime in 1864.
         Then their daughter Annie Collison ( 222 ) who was born in 1865 passed away on November 17, 1865 while still an infant.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 6, 1870 ) residing in the 3rd Election District of Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 31 year old Laborer and " Margaret Ann " as a 27 year old homemaker raising " 3 " of their oldest children :
         Charles ~ ( Age 9 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 3 )
         Margaret ~ ( Age 6 months )

         " James " purchased land from Thomas Butler in 1876.   In 1897 he and his wife " Margaret Ann " sold land called
" Bowbottoms Range " that was near Burrsville, Maryland.

         In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 8, 1880 ) they are now shown residing on a farm in the 3rd Election District of Caroline County, Maryland.
" James " is noted as a 40 year old Farmer and " Margaret Ann " as a 37 year old homemaker now raising " 6 " of their children :
         Mary ~ ( Age 12 )
         Margaret ~ ( Age 10 )
         Sarah ~ ( Age 8 )
         Emily ~ ( Age 7 )
         William ~ ( Age 4 )
         Enoch ~ ( Age 2 )

         Sadly, most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the Federal Census of 1900 ( dated: June 7, 1900 ) they are still residing on their farm in the 3rd Election District of Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 61 year old Farmer and " Margaret Ann " as a 57 year old homemaker.   All of their children have left the home ... however she is now raising " 2 " of their grandchildren :
         Norman Collison ~ ( Age 14 )
         Edward B. Collison ~ ( Age 10 ) who were the sons of their daughter Mary Catherine Collison ( 223 ).

         In the Federal Census of 1910 ( dated: April 22, 1910 ) they are still residing on their farm however it is now noted as
" mortgage free ".   The farm is noted as being on the road from Draten to Anthoney Mill in Caroline County, Maryland.
" James " is noted as a 72 year old Truck Farmer and " Margaret Ann " as a 67 year old homemaker.   They now reside on their farm alone.

         " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on April 11, 1912 at the age of 68 years, 7 months, and 19 days and was interred in the Wesley M.E. Church Cemetery, in Burrsville, Delaware where her mother and father are also interred.

         In the Federal Census of 1920 ( dated: January 8, 19200 ) " James " is noted as being 83 years old and now retired.   He was residing in the home of his daughter Mary Catherine Collison Betts ( 223 ) and her husband Robert J. Betts, and their children, in Milford, Sussex County, Delaware.

         " James Bayard Martin Collison ( 117 ) " passed away on March 19, 1922 at the age of 82 years, 11 months, and 22 days and was interred next to his wife in the Wesley M.E. Church Cemetery, Burrsville, Delaware.   Together they had 11 children :

220.  Charles Wesley Collison     ~  b. November 4, 1861  ~  d. February 22, 1929  ~  " Age 67 years ~ 3 months ~ 18 days "
221.  James E. Collison     ~  b. December 21, 1863  ~  d. 1864  ~  " Age Infant "
222.  Annie Collison     ~  b. ca. 1865  ~  d. November 17, 1865  ~  " Age Infant "
223.  Mary Catherine Collison     ~  b. April 25, 1868  ~  d. March 11, 1955  ~  " Age 86 years ~ 10 months ~ 16 days "
224.  Margaret Annie Collison     ~  b. February 28, 1870  ~  d. January 28, 1940  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 11 months "
225.  Sarah "Sally" Elizabeth Collison     ~  b. November 20, 1872  ~  d. October 21, 1951  ~  " Age 78 years ~ 11 months ~ 1 day "
226.  Emily Jane Collison     ~  b. December 23, 1874  ~  d. May 24, 1953  ~  " Age 78 years ~ 5 months ~ 1 day "
227.  William John Collison     ~  b. March 21, 1877  ~  d. March 10, 1961  ~  " Age 83 years ~ 11 months ~ 20 days "
228.  Enoch George Collison     ~  b. September 20, 1878  ~  d. March 28, 1960  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 6 months ~ 8 days "
229.  Calvin Lindell Collison     ~  b. October 14, 1880  ~  d. October 15, 1900  ~  " Age 20 years ~ 1 day "
230.  Nancy Collison     ~  b. March 13, 1882  ~  d. 1882  ~  " Age Infant "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 221 )  ~  James  ~  Died as an infant.
( 222 )  ~  Annie  ~  Died as an infant.
( 229 )  ~  Calvin  ~  married " May _____ " and they didn't have any children.
( 230 )  ~  Nancy  ~  Died as an infant.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 117 ) ~    James B. M. Collison   ~      Margaret A. Cohee Collison  ~  ( Wife of James )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Andrew Collison ( 65 ) " and " Ellender Stubbs Collison "
in 1816
in Caroline County, Maryland.
He was married twice.

         He was married first to " Sallie W. Polk " in 1845.   Sallie was born in 1819 and her parent's names are currently unknown.

         " John " inherited the " Sower Farm ", a total of 330 acres, in Caroline County, Maryland from his father in 1839.   He later sold 250 acres of that farm to Thomas Carter in 1842.   It is believed that he sold the remainder of that land to the same Thomas Carter in 1850.   " John " purchased land called " Slayton Lands " in Nanticoke Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware in 1888.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: August 26, 1850 ) residing on a farm in Subdivision 11, Sussex County, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 35 year old Farmer and " Sallie " as a 35 year old homemaker raising their " 2 " oldest children :
         Charles G. ~ ( Age 5 )
         Mary E. ~ ( Age 2 )
         Also residing with them on the farm are John Carlisle ~ ( Age 22 ) and Robert Phillips ~ ( Age 10 )

         In the Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: June 28, 1860 ) they are residing on a farm in Northwest Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware with a post office address of St John's Town.   " John " is noted as a 42 year old Farmer and " Sallie " as a 41 year old homemaker raising their " 5 " children :
         Charles G. ~ ( Age 14 )
         Mary E. ~ ( Age 11 )
         Ann M. ~ ( Age 10 )
         Sallie P. ~ ( Age 6 )
         John T. ~ ( Age 10 months )
         Also residing with them on the farm are, what is noted as, three black children :
         Abigail Collison ~ ( Age 17 - noted as a servant )
         Alex Collison ~ ( Age 10 )
         Amanda Collison ~ ( Age 6 )

         " Sadly " ..... " Sallie W. Polk Collison " passed away in 1865 at the age of about 46 years.   She was interred in the Bridgeville Cemetery, Bridgeville, Delaware.   Together they had " 5 " children.

         " John " second wife was a widow by the name of " Margaret Ann Lambie Dukes " whom he married on June 1, 1867.   After their marriage she and her two children moved onto " John's " farm in Sussex County, Delaware.   Her parent's names are also currently unknown.

         " Margaret " was previously married to a Captain Levin Dukes of Washington, D.C. on January 4, 1860 and they resided in Washington, D.C. after their marriage.   She is said to have had a ticket to Ford's Theater on the night President Lincoln was assassinated, however, she did not attend.   Margaret's husband Levin Dukes passed away in 1866.   Margaret had two children with Levin Dukes : Margaret, who married a Lynch, and Fannie who married Jabe Willey.

         In the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: 1870 ) they are residing on their farm in Northwest Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware with a post office address of Seaford, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 53 year old Farmer and " Margaret " as a 35 year old homemaker.   She is helping to raise " 2 " of " John's " children :
         Sallie P. ~ ( Age 16 )
         John T. ~ ( Age 10 )
         and also raising her two children :
         Margaret Dukes ~ ( Age 7 )
         Fannie Dukes ~ ( Age 6 )
         Also residing with them in 1870 are two young men that are noted as being farm laborers :
         Alexander Carlislie ~ ( Age 18 ) and James Caster ~ ( Age 18 )

         In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 17, 1880 ) they are residing on their farm in Northwest Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware with a post office address of Seaford, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 64 year old Farmer and " Margaret " as a 45 year old homemaker.   She is now raising " 4 " children :
         " John's " son John T. Collison ~ ( Age 19 )
         her daughter Franny Dukes ~ ( Age 17 )
         and their " 2 twin sons " :
         Andrew Williamson Collison ~ ( Age 8 )
         William Collison ~ ( Age 8 )
         Also residing with them in 1880 is a farm laborer named Charles Tull ~ ( Age 24 )

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " John Mace Collison ( 128 ) " preceded his wife in passed away on December 22, 1893 at the age of about 76 years.   He was interred in the Bridgeville Cemetery, Bridgeville, Delaware.

         In the Federal Census of 1900 ( dated: June 15, 1900 ) " Margaret Ann Lambie Collison " is still shown residing on their farm in Northwest Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware.   She is noted as being a 64 year old widowed and she has turned the farm over to her son-in-law Jabez T. Willey who was the husband of her daughter Fanny ...
         Also residing with them are Earle D. Willey ~ ( Age 10 ) son of Jabez T. and Fanny Willey
         and a niece Lida M. Lynch ~ ( Age 18 )

         In the Federal Census of 1910 ( dated: April 16, 1910 ) " Margaret " is still shown residing on their farm in Northwest Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware.   She is noted as being a 74 year old widowed and her daughter's family are still also residing on the farm.

         " John's " widowed wife " Margaret Ann Lambie Collison " passed away on December 22, 1915 at the age of 80 years, 7 months, and 24 days and was interred with her husband " John ( 128 ) " in the Bridgeville Cemetery, Bridgeville, Sussex County, Delaware.   John ( 128 ) and Margaret had " 2 " children together.

         According to his will, " John ( 128 ) " left 197 acres of land to his estate at N.W. Fork & Mispillion County lines and the Farmington Road, which is believed to be the same land purchased called " Slayton Land ".

Children of John ( 128 ) and Sallie Polk Collison :

231.  Charles G. Collison     ~  b. September 26, 1846  ~  d. December 26, 1928  ~  " Age 82 years ~ 3 months "
232.  Mary E. Collison     ~  b. May 7, 1849  ~  d. December 28, 1922  ~  " Age 73 years ~ 7 months ~ 21 days "
233.  Annie M. Collison     ~  b. ca. 1850  ~  d. ( date unknown )
234.  Sallie Collison     ~  b. ca. 1854  ~  d. ( date unknown )
235.  John Collison     ~  b. August 8, 1859  ~  d. January 2, 1925  ~  " Age 65 years ~ 4 months ~ 25 days "

Children of John ( 128 ) and Margaret A. Lambie Collison :

236.  Andrew Williamson Collison     ~  b. November 29, 1873  ~  d. November 25, 1955  ~  ( twin )  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 11 months ~ 27 days "
237.  William Collison     ~  b. November 29, 1873  ~  d. ( unknown )  ~  ( twin )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 231 )  ~  Charles  ~  Married " Martha E. Lives " and had " 4 " known children :

( 232 )  ~  Mary  ~  married " Beachom M. Minors " and had " 2 " known children :

( 233 )  ~  Annie  ~  married "James D. Redden" on Jan. 7, 1874 and had " 1 " known child :

( 234 )  ~  Sallie  ~  married "Joseph Barker".
( 235 )  ~  John  ~  Was never married.

( 237 )  ~  William  ~  Nothing further is known.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 128 )  ~    John Mace Collison

                   Sallie W. Polk Collison  ~  ( 1st wife of John )
                   Margaret A. Lambie Collison  ~  ( 2nd wife of John )

Children of John Mace Collison and Sallie Polk Collison:

( 231 ) ~ (N)  Charles G. Collison  ~    Martha E. Lives Collison  ~  ( Wife of Charles )
( 232 ) ~   Mary E. Collison Minors  ~    Beachom M. Minors  ~  ( Husband of Mary )
( 235 ) ~ (N)  John Collison

See the
" Stubbs Family History "
" Of Caroline County, Maryland "
( Also created by Russ Pickett )

for the children of " Hester 'Ella' Collison Stubbs "
and " Henry Stubbs " ~ ( 1 ) in the Stubbs Family History !
which are all :

" Collison Family Members " !

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of :
" Andrew Collison ( 65 ) " and " Ellender Stubbs Collison "
on October 29, 1821 in Caroline County, Maryland.
He resided in Tuckahoe Neck, Caroline County, Maryland.
He was married four times.

         " Robert " was first married to " Mary E. Saulsbury " in ca. 1850.   She was born on November 22, 1832 and died in ca. 1855 and it is believed she died during childbirth as did the child.

         " Robert " then married " Catherine Saulsbury " in 1856.   She was born on August 13, 1822 and the names of her parent's are currently unknown.

         They show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1850 ( dated: October 16, 1850 ) residing on a farm in Caroline County, Maryland.   " Robert " is noted as a 28 year old Farmer and " Catherine " as a 27 year old homemaker raising their " 2 " children :
         Robert H. ~ ( Age 3 )
         Elizabeth ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing with them on the farm is who would appear to be " Catherine's " brother : James Saulsbury ~ ( Age 40 )

         " Catherine Saulsbury Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on October 25, 1858 at the age of 36 years, 2 months, and 12 days.   It is believed that she passed away during childbirth as did their child.   It is currently unknown where she was interred.   They had " 3 " children together.

         " Robert " then married " Patience Keats " on December 6, 1859.   She was born the daughter of Perdue & Lydia Broadaway Keats in ca. 1830 in Caroline County, Maryland.

         They show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1860 ( dated: July 9, 1860 ) residing on a farm in Caroline County, Maryland with a post office address of Denton, Maryland.   " Robert " is noted as a 39 year old Farmer and " Patience " as a 27 year old homemaker raising " 3 " children :
         Robert H. ~ ( Age 15 )
         Elizabeth ~ ( Age 13 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 11 ) .

         " Patience Keats Collison " preceded her husband in passing away in ca. 1863.   It is currently unknown where she was interred.   They had " 2 " child together ... Margaret Ann and Priscilla Collison.

         " Robert " then married " Mary F. Davis " on May 4, 1864.   She was born November 22, 1832 and her parent's names are currently unknown.

         They show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: June 18, 1870 ) residing on a farm in Caroline County, Maryland with a post office address of Denton, Maryland.   For some reason ... Both " Robert " and " Mary " noted to the census taker that they were younger than they actually were ... however the age of the children in the home were reported accurately.

         " Robert " is noted in that census as a 42 year old ( actual age was 49 ) Farmer and " Mary " as a 33 year old ( actual age was 38 ) homemaker.   The children in the home that were " Robert's " included :
         Robert H. ~ ( Age 24 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 19 )
         Margaret ~ ( Age 9 )
         Priscilla ~ ( Age 8 )
         Charles ~ ( Age 5 )
         and Benjamin ~ ( Age 1 )
         Elizabeth ( 225 ) had either married and moved out or had passed away ...

         One child in the 1870 census, John Collison ~ ( Age 15 ), based on his age could not be the children of any of " Robert's ( 130 ) " wives.   Also he didn't show up in the 1860 census.   Therefore he must have been a relative from another family.   Two others are also noted as residing with them in the 1870 census and they were both noted as being black : Clinton Schofield ~ ( Age 30 ) and Mariah Sharp ~ ( Age 24 ) .

         An 1880 Federal census has not, currently, been found for this family .....

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Robert Kemp Collison ( 130 ) " preceded his wife in passed away on July 27, 1898 at the age of 76 years, 8 months, and 29 days.   He was interred in the Oxford Cemetery, Oxford, Maryland.

         A 1900 Federal census has not currently been found for this family so it's currently unknown where " Mary F. Davis Collison " resided after " Robert's " passing.

         " Mary F. Davis Collison " passed away on May 5, 1903 at the age of 70 years, 5 months, and 13 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Oxford Cemetery, Oxford, Maryland.

Children of Robert ( 130 ) and " Catherine Saulsbury Collison " :

240.  Robert H. Collison  ~  b. ca. 1847  ~  d. ( unknown )
241.  Elizabeth Collison  ~  b. ca. 1849  ~  d. ( unknown )
242.  Mary Collison  ~  b. ca. 1851  ~  d. ( unknown )

Children of Robert ( 130 ) and " Patience Keats Collison " :

243.  Margaret Ann Collison  ~  b. September 16, 1861  ~  d. 1903  ~  " Age abt. 42 years "
244.  Priscilla Collison  ~  b. ca. 1862  ~  d. ( unknown )

Children of Robert ( 130 ) and " Mary F. Davis Collison " :

245.  Charles T. Collison  ~  b. April 28, 1866  ~  d. January 20, 1951  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 8 months ~ 23 days "
246.  Benjamin F. Collison  ~  b. April 21, 1869  ~  d. April 8, 1923  ~  " Age 53 years ~ 11 months ~ 18 days "
247.  David W. Collison  ~  b. June 30, 1873  ~  d. August 13, 1950  ~  " Age 77 years ~ 1 month ~ 14 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 240 )  ~  Robert  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 241 )  ~  Elizabth  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 242 )  ~  Mary  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 244 )  ~  Priscilla  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 245 )  ~  Charles  ~  Is believed to have been married twice ... more investigation coming ...
( 246 )  ~  Benjamin  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 247 )  ~  David  ~  Nothing further is known.

  View online memorial For  ~  ( click on names below )

( 130 )  ~    Robert Kemp Collison  ~    Mary F. Davis Collison   ~   ( 4th wife of Robert )

Children of Robert K. and Mary F. Davis Collison :

( 245 ) ~   Charles T. Collison
( 246 ) ~   Benjamin F. Collison
( 247 ) ~   David W. Collison

         William M. Collison ( 131 ) was born the son of Andrew Collison (65) and Ellender Stubbs Collison in ca. 1822.   He was married twice.

         He first married " Rebecca Saulsbury " and later married " Susan Saulsbury ".   He had one child, however, it is not known at this time which wife was the mother.

248.  Mary Elizabeth Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Was born the son of :
" Andrew Collison ( 65 ) " and " Ellender Stubbs Collison "
in 1823 in Caroline County, Maryland.
He was married twice.

         He was first married to " Ann Clark Wheeler " on August 31, 1847 and she was born April 16, 1814 in Maryland.   She was a widow with " 4 " children from her previous marriage.

         In the 1850 Federal Census ( Recorded: October 17, 1850 ) they are shown residing near Denton, Maryland on a farm.   " George " is noted as being a 26 year old " Farmer " and " Ann " is noted as being a 30 year old " Housekeeper ".   The " 5 " children with the last name of " Wheeler " were :
         " Ann's " sister Mary E. Wheeler ~ ( Age 18 - b. ca. 1832 )
         " Ann's " children :
         Lydia A. Wheeler ~ ( Age 14 - b. ca. 1836 )
         Thomas C. Wheeler ~ ( Age 12 - b. ca. 1838 )
         Caleb C. Wheeler ~ ( Age 10 - b. ca. 1840 )
         Rebecca Wheeler ~ ( Age 8 - b. ca. 1842 )
         Also in the 1850 census they are shown with " 2 " children that " George " and " Ann " had together :
         Isabell Collison ~ ( Age 2 - b. ca. 1848 )
         Henry Collison ~ ( Age 3 months - b. ca. July, 1850 )
         Also residing with them in the 1850 census was Henry Thomas a 25 year old " Farm Laborer ".

         " Sadness " gripped this family when " Henry Collison ( 250 ) " who was born in ca. 1850 passed away prior to 1860 ... It is unknown where he was interred.

         In the 1860 Federal Census ( Recorded: September 24, 1860 ) they are still shown residing on a farm near Denton, Maryland.
" George " is noted as being a 37 year old " Farmer " and " Ann " is noted as being a 45 year old " Housekeeper " raising their " 4 " children :
         Isabell Collison ~ ( Age 12 )
         Emiline Collison ~ ( Age 9 )
         Georganna Collison ~ ( Age 7 )
         Susan Collison ~ ( Age 3 )
         Also residing with them is " Ann's " daughter Rebecca Wheeler ~ ( Age 17 )
         and " Alexander Long " ~ ( Age 18 ) who was born in New Jersey and was a " Farm Hand ".

         In the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: July 4, 1870 ) they are still shown residing on a farm near Denton, Maryland now noted as being in District 3, Caroline County, Maryland.    " George " is noted as being a 45 year old " Farmer " and " Ann " is noted as being a 55 year old " Housekeeper " raising their " 4 " children :
         Isabell Collison ~ ( Age 21 )
         Emiline " Emma " Collison ~ ( Age 17 )
         Georganna Collison ~ ( Age 15 )
         Susan " Ida " Collison ~ ( Age 13 )
         No one else is residing with them.

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 25, 1880 ) they are still shown residing on a farm near Denton, Maryland still noted as being in District 3, Caroline County, Maryland.    " George " is noted as being a 56 year old " Farmer " and " Ann " is noted as being a 65 year old " Housekeeper ". The children still residing with them are :
         Emiline " Emma " Collison ~ ( Age 27 )
         Georganna Collison ~ ( Age 24 )
         Susan " Ida " Collison ~ ( Age 21 )
         Isabell "Belle" married " John Bloxsom " on January 8, 1879 in Denton, Maryland and was out on her own.

         " Ann Clark Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on January 12, 1885 and was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.   They had " 6 " children together .....

         After the passing of " Ann " " George " was married second to " Frances Ellen (_____) " in 1886.   She was the widow of John S. Boushell.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 17, 1900 ) they are now residing in a house on Tred Avenue, Trappe, Talbot County, Maryland that they " owned ".   " George " is noted as being a 76 year old " Farmer " and " Frances " is noted as being a 51 year old " Housekeeper " raising " George's " youngest child :
         Etta Grace Collison ~ ( Age 9 )

         " George W. Collison ( 132 ) " preceded his second wife " Frances " in passing away on February 6, 1907 at the age of 82 and he was interred with his first wife " Ann " in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Frances Ellen (_____) Collison " passed away on September 30, 1937 at the age of 89 and he was interred in the Mount Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.   They did not have any children together.

249.  Isabell Collison  ~  b. ca. 1848  ~  d. ( unknown )
250.  Henry Collison  ~  b. ca. 1850  ~  d. ( prior to 1860 )
251.  Emiline " Emma " Collison  ~  b. ca. 1851  ~  d. ( unknown )
252.  Georganna Collison  ~  b. ca. 1853  ~  d. ( unknown )
253.  Susan " Ida " Collison  ~  b. ca. 1857  ~  d. ( unknown )
254.  Etta G. Collison  ~  b. ca. 1857  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Henry ( 250 ) possibly died as an infant or a young child.

Nothing further is known about the 4 daughters.

  View online memorial For  ~  ( click on names below )

( 132 )  ~    George W. Collison  ~    Ann Clark Collison   ~   ( 1st wife of George )

         Priscilla Collison ( 134 ) was born the daughter of Andrew Collison ( 65 ) and Ellender Stubbs Collison.   She married " Jacob Morgan " whose dates and parents are currently unknown.   They had one known child.

255.  Henry Morgan  ~  ( dates unknown )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" George Washington Collison ( 66 ) "
in 1803.
His mother's name is currently unknown.
He was married twice.

         He first married " Margaret _____ " whose parents are currently unknown.   It is believe she died in ca. 1833 possibly during the birth of her son " William ( 262 ) ".

         " Twiford " then married " Sarah Lofland " who was born the daughter of Nutter and Mary (_____) Lofland.   Sarah had one child previous to this marriage named Eliza Lofland who had married James H. Alexander in 1850.

         " Twiford's " property was 160 acres of land, 5 miles west of Greenwood, Delaware that he farmed .....

         " Twiford Collison ( 135 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on November 1, 1855 in Delaware.

         " Sarah Lofland Collison " died in 1902.   They are believed to be interred on a private farm 5 miles outside of Greenwood, Delaware on Route 16 that is owned by the Marvel Family.   Twiford (129) had a total of 10 children.

Children of Twiford ( 135 ) and Margaret " unknown " Collison :

260.  Stansbury J. Collison  ~  b. April 1, 1828  ~  d. May 9, 1912  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 1 month ~ 8 days "
261.  John H. Collison  ~  b. 1830  ~  d. October, 1868  ~  " Age abt. 38 years "

Children of Twiford ( 135 ) and Sarah Lofland Collison:

263.  Mary Collison  ~  b. 1836  ~  d. ( unknown )
264.  Sarah P. Collison  ~  b. October 10, 1837  ~  d. June 28, 1916  ~  " Age 78 years ~ 8 months ~ 18 days "
265.  George Collison  ~  b. 1839  ~  d. ( unknown )
266.  Alexander S. Collison  ~  b. 1840  ~  d. November 8, 1883  ~  " Age abt. 43 years "
267.  Charles T. Collison  ~  b. 1841  ~  d. ( unknown )
268.  Hiram J. Collison  ~  b. 1843  ~  d. 1901  ~  " Age abt. 58 years "
269.  Robert P. Collison  ~  b. May 23, 1845  ~  d. April 30, 1903  ~  " Age 57 years ~ 11 months ~ 7 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 261 )  ~  John  ~  was never married.
( 263 )  ~  Mary  ~  Nothing further is currently known.
( 265 )  ~  George  ~  Nothing further is currently known.
( 266 )  ~  Alexander  ~  was living with his brother Charles ( 267 ) in 1880.
( 268 )  ~  Hiram  ~  was living with his sister Sarah ( 264 ) and her husband Andrew Lord.
( 269 )  ~  Robert  ~  married " Isabelle Dawson " who was born in 1847 and died in 1923.   They didn't have any children.

  View online memorial For  ~  ( click on names below )

( 269 )    Robert P. Collison  ~    Isabelle Dawson Collison  ~  ( Wife of Robert )

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of :
" George Washington Collison ( 66 ) "
and the only known child of " Sarah Lyden Collison "
on April 8, 1811 in Mayland.

         He married " Sarah Anne Long " who was born on May 11, 1815 in Delaware.   The names of her parents are unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1850 Federal Census ( dated: August 20, 1850 ) residing in Milford and Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " Shadrach " was noted as a 39 year old Farmer and " Sarah " was noted as a 35 year old homemaker.   Their children residing with them at this time were :
         Henry ~ ( Age 12 )
         Sarah ~ ( Age 10 )
         William ~ ( Age 8 )
         George ~ ( Age 3 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 4 months )
         Also residing with them was a black man named Andrew Waters ~ ( Age 20 ~ Farm Hand ) .

         In the 1860 Federal Census ( dated: June 27, 1860 ) they were still residing in Milford and Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " Shadrach " was noted as a 49 year old Farmer and " Sarah " was noted as a 45 year old homemaker.   Their children residing with them at this time were :
         Henry ~ ( Age 22 )
         William ~ ( Age 18 )
         George ~ ( Age 13 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 10 )
         Richard ~ ( Age 7 )
         Benaiah ~ ( Age 5 )
         Thomas ~ ( Age 3 )
         Their daughter Sarah was now married and had moved out of the home.

         " Shadrach Collison " ( 136 ) preceded his wife in passing away on December 11, 1868 at the age of 57 years, 8 months, and 3 days.   He was interred on his farm in what is now known as the " Collison Family Plot " near Andrewsville, Delaware.

         In the 1870 Federal Census ( dated: August 3, 1870 ) " Sarah ", now a widow, was residing on a farm in Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware with a post office address of Harrington.   She was noted as a 55 year old homemaker.   Their children residing with her at this time were :
         Mary ~ ( Age 20 )
         Richard ~ ( Age 17 ) .

         " Sarah Anne Long Collison " passed away on September 1, 1882 at the age of 67 years, 3 months, and 21 days   She was interred with her husband in the " Collison Family Plot " near Andrewsville, Delaware.   Together they had " 10 " children :

270.  Henry C. Collison  ~  b. January 8, 1838  ~  d. July 11, 1916  ~  " Age 78 years ~ 6 months ~ 3 days "
271.  Sarah E. Collison  ~  b. December 16, 1839  ~  d. September 19, 1891  ~  " Age 51 years ~ 9 months ~ 3 days "
272.  William W. Collison  ~  b. February 9, 1842  ~  d. 1902  ~  " Age abt. 60 years "
273.  Anna Maria Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
274.  Mary Ann Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
275.  George Washington Collison  ~  b. 1847  ~  d. May 3, 1917  ~  " Age abt. 70 years "
276.  Mary Luther Collison  ~  b. February 2, 1850  ~  d. December 25, 1930  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 10 months ~ 19 days "
277.  Richard M. Collison  ~  b. January 30, 1853  ~  d. November 15, 1888  ~  " Age 35 years ~ 9 months ~ 16 days "
278.  Benaiah T. Collison  ~  b. 1855  ~  d. 1930  ~  " Age abt. 75 years "
279.  Thomas M. Collison  ~  b. 1857  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 271 )  ~  Sarah  ~  married " Thomas E. Morris " and died at the age of 51.
( 273 )  ~  Anna  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 274 )  ~  Mary Ann  ~  Nothing further is known.

( 276 )  ~  Mary Luther  ~  Married " William Wilkinson Morris " and they had " 4 " known children :

( 278 )  ~  Benniah  ~  is believed to have had one known child, a boy, that died at birth on Oct 24, 1883 near Vernon, Delaware.
( 279 )  ~  Thomas  ~  Resided and worked for his brother Henry ( 270 ) between 1870 and 1880 and possibly longer.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 136 )  ~    Shadrach Collison   ~     Sarah Anne Lyden Collison  ~  ( Wife of Shadrach )

Children of Shadrach ( 136 ) and " Sarah Anne Long " :

( 271 )  ~    Sarah E. Collison Morris
( 276 )  ~    Mary Luther Collison Morris   ~     William Wilkinson Morris  ~  ( Husband of Mary L. )
( 278 )  ~    Benaiah T. Collison   ~     Clara M. Collison  ~  ( Wife of Benaiah )

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of :
" Julia Anna Whittington Collinson Lee ( 90 ) " and " Edward Lee "
on December 24, 1837.

         He married " Catherine Elizabeth Ford " in ca. 1867 in Maryland.   She was born the daughter of Mary Hall Ford on May 10, 1849 in Maryland.   Her dad's name is currently unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 24, 1870 ) residing in a home in Baltimore Ward 19, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Benjamin " is noted as a 32 year old " Store Clerk " and " Catherine " is noted as being a 21 years old " Homemaker " raising their first born child :
         Charles Macy ~ ( Age 2 )
         Also residing with them are :
         " Catherine's " mother Mary Hall Ford ~ ( Age 43 ) and a servant named Hester Mills ~ ( Age 22 )

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 2, 1880 ) they are now residing in a home located at 30 South Gilmore Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Benjamin " is noted as a 42 year old " Dry Goods Clerk " and " Catherine " is noted as being a 31 years old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " youngest children :
         Mary H. ~ ( Age 7 )
         Howard ~ ( Age 6 )
         and Catherine ~ ( Age 8 months )
         Also residing with them is a black woman named Lucy Ann Jones ~ ( Age 21 ~ Servant ).

         " Also Note " in the 1880 census that their oldest son Charles Macy Lee ~ ( Age 12 )
         is residing with his widowed grandmother Mary Hall Ford ~ ( Age 50 ) at 316 Hollins Street, Baltimore, Maryland.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Grief struck the family " when their youngest child Catherine F. “ Katie ” Lee ( 283 ) passed away on February 1, 1892 at the age of 12 years.   She was interred in the Lorraine Park Cemetery, Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland.

         And then five years later " Benjamin Franklin Lee ( 147 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on May 3, 1897 at the age of 59 years, 4 months, and 10 days.   He was interred in the Lorraine Park Cemetery, Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 13, 1900 ) the family is now residing in a home they were " renting " at 806 R. Heswall Street, Baltimore Ward 16, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Catherine " is noted as being 51 years old, widowed, and " working ".   Residing with her are :
         her daughter Mary H. ~ ( Age 28 ~ School Teacher )
         her son Howard H. M. Lee ~ ( Age 26 ~ Bookkeeper )
         her mother Mary Hall Ford ~ ( Age 73 )
         and her Aunt Adelaide L. Hall ~ ( Age 63 ~ School Teacher )
         Also residing with them is a black woman named Hattie Green ~ ( Age 25 ~ Servant ) .

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 21, 1910 ) " Catherine " is now residing at the home of her son " Howard ( 282 ) " ~ ( Age 37 ~ Trust Co. Secretary ) and his wife " Mary May Butler Lee " ~ ( Age 35 ~ Homemaker ) located at 806 Reservoir Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   She is noted noted as being 60 years old and widowed.
         Also residing with them is her daughter " Mary H. Lee ( 281 ) " ~ ( Age 35 ~ School Teacher )
         and a black lady named Hattie Benton ~ ( Age 27 ~ Housemaid ) .

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 23, 1920 ) " Catherine " is still residing at the home of her son " Howard ( 282 ) " ~ ( Age 44 ~ Dept. Store Vice President ) and his wife " Mary May Butler Lee " ~ ( Age 46 ~ Homemaker ) located at 806 Reservoir Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   She is noted as being 69 years old and widowed.
         Also residing with them is her daughter " Mary H. Lee ( 281 ) " ~ ( Age 45 ~ School Teacher )
         and a niece Margaret S. Butler ~ ( Age 17 ) .

         " Catherine Elizabeth Ford Lee " passed away on March 26, 1925 at the age of 75 years, 10 months, and 16 days.   She was interred in the Lorraine Park Cemetery, Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland.   Together they had " 4 " children :

280.  Charles Macy Lee  ~  b. ca. 1868  ~  d. ( date unknown )
281.  Mary H. Lee  ~  b. June, 1871  ~  d. March 2, 1957  ~  " Age abt. 85 years "
282.  Howard H. M. Lee  ~  b. ca.1873  ~  d. May 23, 1947  ~  " Age abt. 74 years "
283.  Catherine F. “ Katie ” Lee  ~  b. October, 1879  ~  d. Febuary 1, 1892  ~  " Age abt. 12 years "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 280 )  ~  Charles  ~  Married " Charlotta Hosmer " on January 9, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland and they resided in Detroit, Michigan.
( 281 )  ~  Mary  ~  Was never married and didn't have any children.
( 282 )  ~  Howard  ~  Married " Mary May Butler " and they didn't have any children.
( 283 )  ~  Catherine  ~  Passed away at the age of 12.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 147 )  ~    Benjamin Franklin Lee~ ( Bio )  ~    Catherine Elizabeth Ford Lee~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife of Benjamin )

  Children of Benjamin Franklin ( 141 ) and " Catherine Elizabeth Ford Lee " :

     ( 281 )  ~    Mary Hall Lee~ ( Bio )
     ( 282 )  ~    Howard Hall Macy Lee~ ( Bio )
     ( 283 )  ~    Catherine F. “ Katie ” Lee~ ( Bio )

Was born the 3rd child and 3rd son of :
" Julia Anna Whittington Collinson Lee ( 90 ) " and " Edward Lee "
on May 3, 1840.   He was married twice.

         He was married first in about 1865 to " Sarah Fannie Goodison " on on May 18, 1864 at the Hanover Street Methodist Church, Baltimore, Maryland by Rev. J. James Sargent.   She was born in 1843 and her parent's names are currently unknown.

         " Grief struck this young family " when " Amanda Hulse Lee ( 286 ) ", who was born in March, 1869 passed away on June 23, 1869 at the age of about " 3 Months ".   She was interred in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         " And more Grief struck the young family " when " Sarah Fannie Goodison Lee " preceded her husband in passing away on March 23, 1869 at the age of about 26 years possibly due to childbirth complications.   She was interred in the Collinson Family Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   They had " 3 " children together.

         " Emory " was then married to " Mary King " on February 17, 1870, in Baltimore, Maryland.   She was born the daughter of Joseph Alton and Mary Ann Coulter King on May 2, 1847 in Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: August 13, 1870 ) residing in a home in Baltimore Ward 16, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Emory " is noted as a 29 year old " Store Clerk " and " Mary " is noted as being a 23 years old " Homemaker " raising " 2 " children :
         Mamie ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Anne ~ ( Age 3 )
         Also residing with them are " Emory's " sister " Ella " ( 143 ) ~ ( Age 26 )
         and brother Joseph ( 150 ) ~ ( Age 24 ~ Store Clerk )
         and Thomas Lee, relationship unknown, ~ ( Age 21 ~ Store Clerk )
         and Amelia Brambil ~ ( Age 29 ~ Servant )

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 3, 1880 ) they are residing in a home located on 141 Barre Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Emory " is noted as a 35 year old " Store Clerk " and " Mary " is noted as being a 28 years old " Homemaker " raising their " 7 " children :
         " Mamie " ~ ( Age 15 )
         Anne ~ ( Age 14 )
         Joseph A. ~ ( Age 8 )
         Edward ~ ( Age 6 )
         George B. ~ ( Age 5 )
         Lyda A. ~ ( Age 3 )
         and Katherine ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing with them in 1880 are " Emory's " mother Julia A. Lee ( 90 ) ~ ( Age 67 ),
         brother Joseph E. Lee ( 150 ) ~ ( Age 30 ~ Store Clerk ),
         and sister Rachel Welch “ Ella ” Lee ( 149 ) ~ ( Age 28 ) .

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 12, 1900 ) they are residing in a home that they " owned with a mortgage " located on 1530 North Lefington Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Emory " is noted as a 60 year old " Dry Goods Salesman " and " Mary " is noted as being a 53 years old " Homemaker ".   " 5 " or their children are residing with them :
         " Mamie " ~ ( Age 33 ~ Dressmaker )
         Edward E. ~ ( Age 27 - Salesman )
         George B. ~ ( Age 25 ~ Railroad Clerk )
         Katherine ~ ( Age 20 )
         and David C. ~ ( Age 16 )
         Also residing with them is " Mary's " dad Joseph A. King ~ ( Age 74 )

         " Emory Guest Lee ( 148 ) " preceded his wife in passed away on January 11, 1911 at the age of 70 years, 8 months, and 8 days.   He was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland.

         " Mary King Lee " passed away on May 20, 1926 at the age of 79 years and 18 days at the home of her daughter Lyda Lee Warner ( 280 ).   She was interred with her husband in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland.   They had " 7 " children together :

Children of Emory Guest Lee ( 148 ) and " Sarah Fannie Goodison Lee "

284.  Mary " Mamie " W. Lee  ~  b. March, 1866  ~  d. ( date unknown )
285.  Annie C. Lee  ~  b. 1867  ~  d. December 23, 1945  ~  " Age abt. 78 years "
286.  Amanda Hulse Lee  ~  b. March, 1869  ~  d. June 23, 1869  ~  " Age abt. 3 months "

Children of Emory Guest Lee ( 148 ) and " Mary King Lee "

287.  Joseph Arlington Lee  ~  b. March, 1872  ~  d. Febuary 1, 1892  ~  " Age abt. 68 "
288.  Edward Emory Lee  ~  b. August 23, 1873  ~  d. December 17, 1944  ~  " Age 71 years, 3 months, 25 days "
289.  George Benson Lee  ~  b. May 20, 1875  ~  d. September 22, 1943  ~  " Age 68 years, 4 months, 2 days "
290.  Lyda A. Lee  ~  b. January 17, 1877  ~  d. August 28, 1968  ~  " Age 91 years, 7 months, 11 days "
291.  Katherine F. Lee  ~  b. January 28, 1879  ~  d. August 12, 1962  ~  " Age 83 years, 6 months, 15 days "
292.  John Collinson Lee  ~  b. February 26, 1881  ~  d. January 30, 1965  ~  " Age 83 years, 11 months, 4 days "
293.  David C. Lee  ~  b. July 21, 1883  ~  d. December 1, 1929  ~  " Age 46 years, 4 months, 11 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 284 )  ~  Mamie  ~  Never married and eventually moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
( 285 )  ~  Annie  ~  Married " John Quincy Adams Watkins, Jr. " and they had " 2 " known children together: Mary and Charles Watkins.
( 286 )  ~  Amanda  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 287 )  ~  Joseph  ~  Married " Mary Katherine Ebberts " and they had " 2 " known children together: Joseph and James Lee.
( 288 )  ~  Edward  ~  Married " Florence M. Arnold " and it's currently unknown if they had any children.
( 289 )  ~  George  ~  Married " Mary Elizabeth Taylor " and they had " 3 " known children together: Charles, Anna, and Mary Lee.
( 290 )  ~  Lyda  ~  Married " Henry Edward Warner " and they had " 1 " known child together: Helen Warner.
( 291 )  ~  Katherine  ~  Never married and eventually moved to Easton, Maryland.
( 292 )  ~  John  ~  Married " Mary Jane Montgomery " and they had " 1 " known child together: Eliza W. Lee.
( 293 )  ~  David  ~  Never married and passed away in Baltimore, Maryland.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 148 )  ~    Emory Guest Lee

                   Sarah Fannie Goodison Lee ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( First Wife of Emory )
                   Mary King Lee  ~  ( Second Wife of Emory )

  Children of Emory Guest Lee ( 148 ) and " Sarah Fannie Goodison Lee " :

     ( 285 )  ~  (N)  Anne C. “Annie” Lee Watkins ~ ( Bio )  ~  (N)  John Quincy Adams Watkins, Jr. ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Anne )
     ( 286 )  ~    Amanda Hulse Lee ~ ( Bio )

  Children of Emory Guest Lee ( 148 ) and " Mary King Lee " :

     ( 287 )  ~    Joseph Arlington Lee  ~    Mary Katherine Ebberts Lee  ~  ( Wife of Joseph )
     ( 288 )  ~    Edward Emory Lee  ~    Florence M. Arnold Lee  ~  ( Wife of Edward )
     ( 289 )  ~    George Benson Lee  ~    Mary Elizabeth Taylor Lee  ~  ( Wife of George )
     ( 290 )  ~    Lyda Lee Warner  ~    Henry Edward Warner  ~  ( Husband of Lyda )
     ( 291 )  ~    Katherine F. Lee ~ ( Bio )
     ( 292 )  ~    John Collinson Lee  ~    Mary Jane Montgomery Lee  ~  ( Wife of John )
     ( 293 )  ~  (N)  David Clifton Lee ~ ( Bio )

Was born the 5th child and 4th son of :
" Julia Anna Whittington Collinson Lee ( 90 ) " and " Edward Lee "
on December 24, 1843.

         He married " Anna Wilkins Sommerlock " in ca. 1882 in Maryland.   She was born the daughter of John Frederick and Anna Wilkins Sommerlock on January 12 1859 in Maryland.

         " Grief struck this young family " when their son John Sommerlock Lee ( 296 ) passed away on March 10, 1888 at the age of 1 year and 24 days.   He was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Then more grief struck this young family " when " Joseph Edward Lee ( 150 ) " preceded his wife in passed away on May 17, 1890 at the age of 41 years, 4 months, and 24 days.   He was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland.

         " Joseph's " family, however, first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 9, 1900 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " at 715 North Carrollton Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Anna " is noted as a 41 year old " Widow and Working At Home " and also raising her " 3 " children :
         Beulah F. ~ ( Age 18 )
         Joseph C. ~ ( Age 16 ~ Store Clerk )
         and Walter E. ~ ( Age 11 )
         Also residing with is a black woman named Mattie Washington ~ ( Age 23 ~ Servant ).

         A 1910 Federal Census has not currently been found for this family .....

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 6, 1920 ) " Anna " is noted as a 61 year old " Widow " residing with her son
" Walter ( 297 ) " and his wife at 3811 Fenchurch Road, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Walter ( 297 ) " is noted as a 31 year old
" Industrial Engineer " and his wife " Lilian M. Henderson Lee " is noted as being a 25 years old " Homemaker ".
         Also residing with them in 1920 is a black lady named Lula Moore ~ ( Age 24 ~ Cook )
         and " 3 " boarders: Edward Piper ~ ( Age 32 ~ Drink Salesman ), Edward Johnson ~ ( Age 25 ~ Lawyer ),
         and William English ~ ( Age 23 ~ Electrical Engineer ) .

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 8, 1930 ) " Anna " is noted as a 72 year old " Widow " still residing with her son
" Walter ( 297 ) " and his wife at 3811 Fenchurch Road, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Walter ( 297 ) " is noted as a 41 year old
" Mechanical Engineer " and his wife " Lilian M. Henderson Lee " is noted as being a 35 years old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 6 )
         and Roger ~ ( Age 3 )
         Also residing with them in 1930 is Katherine Carey ~ ( Age 42 ~ Nurse ) .

         " Anna Wilkins Sommerlock Lee " passed away on August 27, 1937 at the age of 78 years, 7 months, and 15 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland.   Together they had " 4 " children :

294.  Beulah F. Lee  ~  b. ca. 1882  ~  d. ( date unknown )
295.  Joseph Collinson Lee  ~  b. December 31, 1883  ~  d. August 1, 1944  ~  " Age 60 years, 7 months, 1 day "
296.  John Sommerlock Lee  ~  b. February 15, 1887  ~  d. March 10, 1888  ~  " Age 1 year, 24 days "
297.  Walter Edward Lee  ~  b. January 18, 1889  ~  d. June 5, 1969  ~  " Age 80 years, 4 months, 18 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 294 )  ~  Beulah  ~  Nothing further is currently known.
( 295 )  ~  Joseph  ~  Served as a Sergeant in the Quartermaster Corps however he was not in service during any wars.
( 296 )  ~  John  ~  Passed as an infant.
( 297 )  ~  Walter  ~  Married " Lilian M. Henderson " and they had " 2 " known children : Margaret and Roger Lee.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 150 )  ~    Joseph Edward Lee   ~    Anna Wilkins Sommerlock Lee  ~  ( Wife of Joseph )

  Children of Joseph Edward Lee ( 144 ) and " Anna Wilkins Sommerlock Lee :

     ( 295 )  ~    Joseph Collinson Lee
     ( 296 )  ~    John Sommerlock Lee
     ( 297 )  ~  (N)  Walter Edward Lee  ~  (N)  Lilian M. Henderson Lee

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" George & Isabella Barber "

Was born the 3rd child and 3rd daughter of :
" John Collinson ( 93 ) " and " Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell Collinson "
on April 13, 1847.

         She married " George Adam Barber " in 1867 in Maryland.   He was born the son of George A. and Ann Sparrow White Barber on November 15, 1846 in Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal census ( dated: July 19, 1870 ) residing with " George's " mother Ann Barber ( Age 50 ) on the family farm near Crownsville, District 2, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " George " is noted as a 24 year old " Farmer " and " Isabella " is noted as a 23 year old " Homemaker " raising their 1st born child : John C. ~ ( Age 2 months ) .   Also residing with them is " George's " sister Sarah A. Barber ~ ( Age 18 ~ Nurse ) .

         " Grief struck this young family " when their son Joseph Wyatt Barber ( 289 ), who was born on July 12, 1871, passed away on August 24, 1872 at the age of 1 year, 1 month, and 12 days.   He was interred in the Barber-White Cemetery, Odenton, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         In the 1880 Federal census ( dated: June 3, 1880 ) they are still residing on the same farm however " George " is now noted as the " Head " of the home.   He is also noted as being a 33 year old " Farmer " and " Isabella " is noted as a 33 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 6 " children :
         John C. ~ ( Age 10 )
         George B. ~ ( Age 8 )
         Anna W. ~ ( Age 6 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 3 )
         Sally ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Edward ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing with them is " George's " mother Ann Barber ~ ( Age 64 ) and sister Sarah A. Barber ~ ( Age 28 ) .

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal census ( dated: June 6, 1900 ) they are still residing on the same farm however it is now noted that they " owned " the farm.   " George " is noted as a 53 year old " Farmer " and " Isabella " is noted as a 53 year old " Homemaker ".   Also residing with them are " 6 " of their children :
         George B. ~ ( Age 27 )
         Anna W. ~ ( Age 25 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 24 )
         Sally ~ ( Age 22 )
         Liza ~ ( Age 16 )
         and William G. ~ ( Age 14 )
         Also residing with them is " George's " mother Ann Barber ~ ( Age 82 ) .

         " George Adam Barber " preceded his wife in passed away on January 15, 1907 at the age of 60 years, 2 months, 1 days.   He was interred in the Barber-White Cemetery, Odenton, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         In the 1910 Federal census ( dated: April 21, 1910 ) they are still residing on the same farm however William George ( 297 ) ~ ( Age 25 ) is now noted to be the " Owner - Head " of the farm.   His mother " Isabella " is noted as a 60 year old " Widow ".   Also residing with them is William George's ( 297 ) sister Anna W. Barber ( 291 ) ~ ( Age 35 ) and a boarder named B. Barber ~ ( Age 29 ) .

         " Isabella Creamer Collinson Barber ( 162 ) " passed away on October 8, 1919 at the age of 72 years, 5 months, and 25 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Barber-White Cemetery, Odenton, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   Together they had " 10 " children together.

300.  John Collinson Barber  ~  b. May 28, 1870  ~  d. November 7, 1957  ~  " Age 87 years, 5 months, 10 days "
301.  Joseph Wyatt Barber  ~  b. July 12, 1871  ~  d. August 24, 1872  ~  " Age 1 year, 1 month, 12 days "
302.  George Benton Barber  ~  b. September 27, 1872  ~  d. March 6, 1937  ~  " Age 64 years, 5 months, 9 days "
303.  Anna W. Barber  ~  b. ca. 1874  ~  d. ( date unknown )
304.  Mary Barber  ~  b. December 1875  ~  d. ( date unknown )
305.  Sally Barber  ~  b. October, 1877  ~  d. ( date unknown )
306.  Edward Barber  ~  b.December 30, 1878  ~  d. February 22, 1914  ~  " Age 35 years, 1 month, 23 days "
307.  Benjamin Barber  ~  b.December 30, 1878  ~  d. February 22, 1914  ~  " Age 71 years, 11 months, 11 days "
308.  Liza W. Barber  ~  b. February, 1884  ~  d. ( date unknown )
309.  William G. Barber  ~  b. June, 1885  ~  d. ( date unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 300 )  ~  John  ~  Married " Nellie Honey " and it's believed they didn't have any children.
( 301 )  ~  Joseph  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 302 )  ~  George  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 303 )  ~  Anna  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 304 )  ~  Mary  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 305 )  ~  Sally  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 306 )  ~  Edward  ~  Was a Methodist Minister & married " Mildred Alta Welsh " and they had " 3 " known children : Reginald, Amos and Edward Barber.
( 307 )  ~  Benjamin  ~  Married " Sara Rebecca Sewell Collinson Barber " and didn't have any children.
( 308 )  ~  Liza  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 309 )  ~  William  ~  Nothing further is known.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 162 )  ~     Isabella Creamer Collinson Barber  ~     George Adam Barber  ~  ( Husband of Isabella )

  Children of Isabella Creamer Collinson Barber ( 162 ) and " George Adam Barber :

     ( 300 )  ~    John Collinson Barber  ~    Nellie Honey Barber
     ( 301 )  ~    Joseph Wyatt Barber
     ( 302 )  ~     George Benton Barber
     ( 306 )  ~     Edward Barber ~ ( Bio )  ~     Mildred Alta Welsh Fairfax
     ( 307 )  ~    Benjamin Barber  ~    Sara Rebecca Sewell Collinson Barber ( Ed03 )

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Eliza Beard Collinson "

Was born the 4th child and 1st son of :
" John Collinson ( 93 ) " and " Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell Collinson "
in 1848.

         He married " Eliza Collinson Beard " in 1873 in Maryland.   She was born the daughter of Stephen Beard, III ( March 16, 1814 ~ December 29, 1897 ) and Mary Susanna Collinson Beard ( September 16, 1812 ~ January 5, 1872 ) on December 10, 1848 in Maryland.
" Eliza's " mother was the daughter of William ( 44 ) and Elizabeth Whittington Collinson.

         " Edward ", due to the passing of his dad " John ( 93 ) " in 1860 and his mom " Sarah " in 1861, with the help of his uncle
" Edward " Ned " Collinson ( 94 ) " who lived on a farm close by with his son " John Collinson ( 165 ) ", ended up taking over the family farm at the age of " 13 years old ".

         In the 1870 Federal Census ( dated: July 26, 1870 ) " Edward " in noted as being a 21 year old single " Farmer ".   Residing with him are his brothers and sisters :
         Mary S. ~ ( Age 24 ~ Housekeeping )
         Ann E. ~ ( Age 19 ~ housekeeping )
         John ~ ( Age 17 ~ Farm Hand )
         and Benjamin ~ ( Age 15 ~ Farm Hand )

         In the 1880 Federal census ( dated: June 9, 1880 ) " Edward " is now shown as being married.   The family is still residing on the family farm in District 1, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Edward " is noted as a 32 year old " Farmer " and " Eliza " is noted as a 32 year old " Homemaker " raising " 2 " of their children :
         Mary S. ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Lidie ~ ( Age 2 )
         Also in the 1880 census residing with them are " Edward's " brothers and sisters :
         Mary S. ~ ( Age 40 )
         Sarah " Sallie " G. ~ ( Age 34 )
         Ann Eliza ~ ( Age 28 )
         John ~ ( Age 26 )
         Benjamin ~ ( Age 24 ~ Farm Hand )
         and Joseph ~ ( Age 25 ~ Teacher )

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal census ( dated: June 21, 1900 ) the family is still residing on the family farm, which is now noted as being " owned ", in District 1, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Edward " is noted as a 51 year old " Farmer " and " Eliza " is noted as a 51 year old " Homemaker ".   They have all " 3 " of their children residing with them :
         Mary S. ~ ( Age 24 )
         Lidie ~ ( Age 21 )
         and Sarah ~ ( Age 17 )
         No one else is residing with them.

         On March 2, 1904 their daughter " Lidie " ( 311 ) married " William Wesley Stevens ( 332 ) " the son of Francis "Frank" Stevens, Jr. ( 182 ) and Mary Josephine Sunderland Stevens of Calvert County, Maryland.   On November 26, 1906 they had a daughter Lyda Collinson Stevens.

         In the 1910 Federal census ( dated: April 22, 1910 ) the family is still residing on the family farm in District 1, Anne Arundel County, Maryland however it is now noted as being on South River Neck Road.   " Edward " is noted as a 61 year old " Farmer " and " Eliza " is noted as a 61 year old " Homemaker ".   They have " 2 " of their children residing with them :
         Mary S. ~ ( Age 34 )
         and Sarah ~ ( Age 27 ) .

         In the 1920 Federal census ( dated: January 14, 1920 ) the family is now noted as residing in a home that they owned at 127 South River Neck Road, Election District 1, Anne Arundel, Maryland.   " Edward " is noted as 71 years old and " Retired " and " Eliza " is noted as a 71 years old and " Retired ".   They have " 2 " of their children residing with them :
         Mary S. ~ ( Age 43 )
         and Sarah ~ ( Age 29 ) .

         " Eliza Collinson Beard Collinson " passed away on October 21, 1921 at the age of 72 years, 10 months, and 11 days.   She was interred in the Hope Chapel Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         Then only 5 months later " Edward Collinson ( 163 ) " passed away on March 5, 1922 at the age of about 73 years.   He was interred in the Hope Chapel Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland with his wife.   Together they had " 3 " children together.

310.  Mary Susanna Collinson  ~  b. April 13, 1876  ~  d. September 12, 1963  ~  " Age 87 years, 4 months, 30 days "
311.  Lidie Collinson  ~  b. September 24, 1878  ~  d. March 3, 1969  ~  " Age 90 years, 5 months, 9 days "
312.  Sara Rebecca Sewell Collinson  ~  b. June 15, 1882  ~  d. August 9, 1937  ~  " Age 55 years, 1 month, 25 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 310 )  ~  Mary  ~  Never married and nothing further is known.
( 311 )  ~  Lidie  ~  Married " William Wesley Stevens ( 332 ) " and it's believed they had only " 1 " child : :
                             Lyda Collinson Stevens Little  ~  b. November 26, 1906  ~  d. October 7, 1991  ~  " Age 84 "
( 312 )  ~  Sara  ~  Married " Benjamin Barber " in 1926 and it's believed they didn't have any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 163 )  ~    Edward Collinson  ~    Eliza Beard Collinson ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife of Edward )

  Children of Edward Collinson ( 163 ) and " Eliza Collinson Beard Collinson " :

     ( 310 )  ~    Mary Susanna Collinson
     ( 311 )  ~     Lidie Collinson Stevens ~ ( Bio ) ( Fra01 )  ~     William Wesley Stevens ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Lida )

    ( 312 )  ~    Sara Rebecca Sewell Collinson Barber  ~    Benjamin Barber  ~  ( Husband of Sara )

Was born the 7th child and 3rd son of :
" John Collinson ( 93 ) " and " Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell Collinson "
on June 11, 1855.

         He married " Julia Comfort Hall " in ca. 1882 in Maryland.   She was born on October 13, 1854 and her parent's names are currently unknown.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.   This would have been the first census they would have been shown in .....

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( dated: June 21, 1900 ) residing on a farm that they " owned mortgage free " located in Election District 1, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Benjamin " is noted as a 44 year old " Farmer " and
" Julia " is noted as a 45 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Jennie C. ~ ( Age 16 )
         and Benjamin ~ ( Age 8 )

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( dated: April 22, 1910 ) they are noted as residing on a farm that they " owned mortgage free " located on Annapolis Muddy Creek Road, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Benjamin " is noted as a 54 year old " Farmer " and " Julia " is noted as a 55 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them is their daughter Jennie C. ~ ( Age 23 ~ Teacher ) .

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( dated: January 14, 1920 ) they are noted as residing on a farm that they " owned mortgage free " at 124 South River Neck Road, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Benjamin " is noted as a 64 year old " Farmer " and " Julia " is noted as a 65 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them is their daughter Jennie C. ~ ( Age 35 ~ unemployed ) .

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( dated: April 4, 1930 ) they are noted as residing in a home that they " owned mortgage free " at 460 Glen Avenue, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Benjamin " is noted as 74 year old and " Retired " and " Julia " is noted as a 75 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them is their daughter Jennie C. ~ ( Age 42 ~ Works in Hospital ) .

         " Benjamin Collinson ( 166 ) " passed away on April 12, 1932 at the age of 76 years, 10 months, and 1 day.   He was interred in the Saint Anne's Cemetery, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         Then about 2 years later " Julia Comfort Hall Collinson " passed away on August 6, 1934 at the age of 79 years, 9 months, and 24 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Saint Anne's Cemetery, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   Together they had " 2 " children :

313.  Jennie Comfort Collinson  ~  b. July 21, 1884  ~  d. June 2, 1951  ~  " Age 66 years, 10 months, 15 days "
314.  Benjamin Collinson, Jr.  ~  b. December 24, 1891  ~  d. July 18, 1938  ~  " Age 46 years, 6 months, 25 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 313 )  ~  Julia  ~  Never married and nothing further is known.
( 314 )  ~  Benjamin  ~  Served in the U.S. Army during World War I  ~  He married " Louise Minson " and they had " 1 " child :
               Julia Rose Collinson Garber  ~  b. February 1, 1921  ~  d. February 16, 2015  ~  " Age 94 years "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 166 )  ~    Benjamin Collinson  ~    Julia Comfort Hall Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Benjamin )

  Children of Benjamin Collinson ( 166 ) and " Julia Comfort Hall Collinson " :

     ( 313 )  ~     Jennie Comfort Collinson
     ( 314 )  ~    Benjamin Collinson, Jr.  ~    Louise Minson Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Benjamin, Jr. )

Was born the 8th child and 4th son of :
" John Collinson ( 93 ) " and " Sarah Ann Rebecca Sewell Collinson "
on June 14, 1857.

         He married " Ann Caroline Carr " in ca. 1887 in Maryland.   She was born on April 3, 1863 and her parent's names are currently unknown.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.   This would have been the first census they would have been shown in .....

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 14, 1900 ) residing on a farm that they " owned " located in Election District 1, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Joseph " is noted as a 42 year old " Farmer " and " Ann " is noted as a 37 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 5 " children :
         Margaret " Maggie " ~ ( Age 12 )
         Sarah " Sallie " ~ ( Age 10 )
         Lucy ~ ( Age 8 )
         Joseph C. ~ ( Age 5 )
         and Caroline Ann ~ ( Age 4 )
         Also residing with them is black girl named Mary Turner ~ ( Age 14 ~ Servant )

         On December 22, 1906 " Margaret Jane 'Maggie' ( 315 ) " married " Mortimer Burch Beard " and they eventually had one son named Julian.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 26, 1910 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they " owned " located in Election District 1, but now noted as being on Muddy Creek Road, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Joseph " is noted as a 53 year old " Farmer " and " Ann " is noted as a 43 year old " Homemaker " and now " 4 " of their children still live with them :
         Sarah " Sallie " ~ ( Age 22 )
         Lucy ~ ( Age 18 )
         Joseph C. ~ ( Age 16 )
         and Caroline Ann ~ ( Age 14 )

         On January 27, 1914 their daughter " Lucy ( 317 ) " married " Lemon Beall, Jr. " who was born the son of Lemon, Sr. and Anne Regina Anderson Beall on May 8, 1887.   They are believed to have had " 1 " child : Mildred.

         On Saturday, October 19, 1918 their son " Joseph ( 318 ) " married " Augusta Shepherd " who was born the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shepherd of Greenock, Maryland on July 12, 1896.   They are believed to have had " 3 " children : Joseph, Edward, and Oliver.   After their marriage they first resided with " Joseph's ( 318 ) " parents.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 13, 1920 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they " owned " located in Election District 1, but it is now noted as being on South River Road, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Joseph " is noted as a 63 year old " Farmer " and " Ann " is noted as a 56 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are :
         Their son Joseph ( 318 ) ~ ( Age 25 ~ Working on Farm ) and his wife " Augusta " ~ ( Age 23 ) .

         " Joseph Connor Collinson ( 167 ) " passed away on December 21, 1929 at the age of 72 years, 6 months, and 7 days.   He was interred in the Hope Chapel Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         After her husband's passing " Ann Caroline Carr Collinson " moved in with her daughter " Sallie Collinson Beard ( 316 ) " and her husband.   She passed away there on January 26, 1933 at the age of 69 years, 9 months, and 23 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Hope Chapel Cemetery, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   Together they had " 5 " children :

315.  Margaret Jane “ Maggie ” Collinson  ~  b. 1888  ~  d. November 24, 1962  ~  " Age abt. 74 years "
316.  Sarah “ Sallie ” Collinson  ~  b. January, 1890  ~  d. October 17, 1963  ~  " Age abt. 73 years "
317.  Lucy Carr Collinson  ~  b. April 20, 1892  ~  d. January 31, 1964  ~  " Age 71 years, 9 months, 11 days "
318.  Joseph C. Collinson  ~  b. September 28, 1894  ~  d. November, 1971  ~  " Age abt. 77 "
319.  Caroline Ann " Carrie "Collinson  ~  b. March 19, 1896  ~  d. June 21, 1979  ~  " Age 83 years, 3 months, 2 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 167 )  ~    Joseph Connor Collinson ~ ( Bio )  ~    Ann Caroline Carr Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Joseph )

  Children of Joseph Connor Collinson ( 167 ) and " Ann Caroline Carr Collinson " :

     ( 315 )  ~    Margaret Jane Collinson Beard  ~    Mortimer Burch Beard  ~  ( Husband of Margaret )
     ( 316 )  ~    Sarah Collinson Beard  ~    Benjamin Gott Beard  ~  ( Husband of Sarah )
     ( 317 )  ~    Lucy Carr Collinson Beall  ~    Lemon Beall, Jr.  ~  ( Husband of Lucy )
     ( 318 )  ~    Joseph C. Collinson  ~    Augusta Shepherd Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Joseph )
     ( 319 )  ~     Caroline Ann Collinson Snyder  ~    W. Overton Snyder, Jr.  ~  ( Husband of Caroline Ann )

Was born the 4th child and 3rd daughter of :
" Edward 'Ned' Collinson ( 94 ) " and " Mary Mortimer Wilson Collinson "
in 1844.

         She married " Cyrus Newton Joyce " in ca. 1869 in Maryland.   He was born the son of Henry and Mary Bennett Wheeler Joyce in 1845.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: July 28, 1870 ) residing on a farm located in District 3, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Cyrus " is noted as a 24 year old " Farmer " and " Eliza " is noted as a 24 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 1st " child :
         Edward ~ ( Age 3 months )
         Also residing with them in 1870 are " 8 " black folks :
         Caroline Bolden ~ ( Age 30 ~ Domestic Servant ) and her daughter Martha ~ ( Age 12 )
         Oscar Blackston ~ ( Age 30 ~ Farm Laborer ) , his wife Susan ~ ( Age 22 ~ House Keeping ), and their daughter Georgianna ~ ( Age 1 )
         and " 3 " other farm laborers : Solomon Larkins ~ ( Age 16 ), Marion Walts ~ ( Age 35 ) and Henry Brogden ~ ( Age 20 )

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: July 22, 1880 ) they are residing on a farm, that is believed to be the same one from 1870, located in District 3, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Cyrus " is noted as a 34 year old " Farmer " and " Eliza " is noted as a 34 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 5 " children :
         Edward ~ ( Age 10 )
         James B. ~ ( Age 8 )
         Cyrus N., Jr. ~ ( Age 8 )
         John Collinson ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Alice H. ~ ( Age 2 )
         No one else is currently residing on the farm with them.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: July 2, 1900 ) they are residing on a farm, that is believed to be the same farm from 1870 through 1900, that they now " Owned " located in Election District 3, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Cyrus " is noted as a 52 year old " Farmer " and " Eliza " is noted as a 50 year old " Homemaker ".   Their children still residing with them include :
         Cyrus N., Jr. ~ ( Age 25 ~ Working on the farm )
         John C. ~ ( Age 22 ~ Dentist )
         Alice H. ~ ( Age 19 )
         Lyda ~ ( Age 16 )
         and Joseph ~ ( Age 14 ) .

         On December 23, 1902 " Cyrus Newton Joyce, Jr. ( 322 ) " married " Elizabeth Gertrude Tydings " and it is currently believed that they didn't have any childen.

         In 1904 " John Collinson Joyce ( 323 ) " married " Mary Amy Knight " and eventually had " 3 " children : Osler, J. Rodgers, and LeClaire Joyce ( Mrs. John A. Sexton).

         On October 6, 1904 " Alice H. Joyce ( 324 ) " married " Richard Tilghman Brice, II " and eventually had " 2 " children : Richard T., III and Cyrus Joyce Brice.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 19, 1910 ) they are residing on a farm, that is believed to be the same farm that they " Owned ", but is now noted as being on the Baltimore and Anappolis Road, in Election District 3, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " Cyrus " is noted as a 64 year old " Farmer " and " Eliza " is noted as a 64 year old " Homemaker ".   Their children still residing with them include :
         Lyda ~ ( Age 24 )
         and Joseph ~ ( Age 22 ~ Practicing Doctor ) .
         Also residing with them are " 2 " hired boys : Ben Hopkins ~ ( Age 18 ) and John Wilson ~ ( Age 16 ) .

         " Cyrus Newton Joyce " preceded his wife in passed away on May 28, 1918 at about the age of 73 years.   He was interred in the Saint Anne's Cedar Bluff Cemetery, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         After " Cyrus' " passing " Eliza " ~ ( Age 75 ) is shown as a " widow" in the 1920 Federal Census and as residing with her daughter Lyda Jane Joyce Monroe ( 326 ) and her husband " Walter " who is noted as the head of the family, on Prince Geo Street, Annapolis Ward 1, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: May 5, 1930 ) " Eliza " is shown as being an 85 years old " widow " but also now as the head of the home.   She resided at 331 Arnold Street, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   Also residing with her are :
         her daughter Lyda Jane Joyce Monroe ( 326 ) ~ ( Age 40 )
         and her husband " Walter " ~ ( Age 40 )
         and their daughter Mary Jane Munroe ~ ( Age 8 )

         " Eliza Jane Collinson Joyce ( 173 ) " passed away on January 21, 1934 at about the age of about 89 years.   She was interred with her husband in the Saint Anne's Cedar Bluff Cemetery, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   Together they had " 8 " children ;

320.  Edward Henry Joyce  ~  b. 1870  ~  d. June 2, 1913  ~  " Age abt. 43 years "
321.  James B. Joyce  ~  b. ca. 1872  ~  d. ( Unknown )
322.  Cyrus Newton Joyce, Jr.  ~  b. March 4, 1874  ~  d. June 8, 1954  ~  " Age 80 years, 3 months, 4 days "
323.  John Collinson Joyce  ~  b. February 12, 1877  ~  d. January 3, 1957  ~  " Age Age 79 years, 10 months, 22 days "
324.  Alice H. Joyce  ~  b. 1879  ~  d. 1943  ~  " Age abt. 64 years "
325.  William Bennett Joyce  ~  b. November 3, 1880  ~  d. July 17, 1881  ~  " Age 8 months, 14 days "
326.  Lyda Jane Joyce  ~  b. January 29, 1883  ~  d. May 29, 1966  ~  " Age 83 years, 4 months "
327.  Joseph Connor Joyce  ~  b. June 26, 1885  ~  d. September 22, 1933  ~  " Age 48 years, 2 months, 27 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 173 )  ~    Eliza Jane Collinson Joyce ~ ( Bio )  ~    Cyrus Newton Joyce ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Eliza )

  Children of Eliza Jane Collinson ( 173 ) and " Cyrus Newton Joyce " :

     ( 320 )  ~    Edward Henry Joyce  ~    Elvira L. Cox Joyce  ~  ( Wife of Edward )
     ( 322 )  ~    Cyrus Newton Joyce, Jr.~ ( Bio )  ~    Elizabeth Gertrude Tydings Joyce  ~  ( Wife of Cyrus )
     ( 323 )  ~    John Collinson Joyce~ ( Bio )  ~    Amy Knight Joyce  ~  ( Wife of John )
     ( 324 )  ~    Alice H. Joyce Brice  ~    R. Tilghman Brice, II  ~  ( Husband of Alice )
     ( 325 )  ~    William Bennett Joyce
     ( 326 )  ~    Lyda Jane Joyce Munroe  ~    Walter Chase Munroe  ~  ( Husband of Lyda )
     ( 327 )  ~    Dr. Joseph Connor Joyce~ ( Bio )  ~    Catherine McShane Jenkins Joyce  ~  ( Wife of Joseph )

     Cyrus Newton Joyce's parents :

        Rev. Henry Joyce  ~    Mary Bennett Wheeler Joyce  ~  ( Wife of Henry )

Was born the 6th child and 2nd son of :
" Edward 'Ned' Collinson ( 94 ) " and " Mary Mortimer Wilson Collinson "
on March 9, 1849 in Maryland.

         He married " Mary Elizabeth Brewer " in 1880 in Maryland.   She was born on January 29, 1860.   Her parents names are currently unknown.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.   This would have been the first census they would have been shown in .....

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 20, 1900 ) residing in a house that they " owned mortgage free " located in Election District 1, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 51 year old " Medical Doctor " and " Mary " is noted as a 40 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 4 " children :
         Mary ~ ( Age 18 )
         John ~ ( Age 13 )
         Newton ~ ( Age 12 )
         Edward ~ ( Age 10 )

         On November 9, 1907 " Mary Collinson ( 328 ) " married " Nicholas Franklin Owens " .....

         It was noted as one of the largest weddings in the county for sometime.   Her bridesmaids included her first cousin Miss Lyda Jane Joyce ( 326 ) and Miss Sarah Eleanor Brewer.   The flower girl was little Miss Mary Mildred Joyce also a cousin of the bride.   The ushers included her brothers John Collinson ( 329 ) and C. Newton Collinson ( 322 ) and her cousin John Collinson Joyce ( 323 ).   After the wedding they first resided with " Mary's ( 328 ) " parents.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 21, 1910 ) they are still residing in a house that they " owned mortgage free" and the location is now noted as being on South River Neck Road. Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 61 year old " Medical Doctor " and " Mary " is noted as a 51 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are all " 4 " of their children and " 1 " grandson :
         Mary Collinson Owens ~ ( Age 28 ~ Homemaker )
         her husband Nicholas F. Owens ~ ( Age 31 ~ Farmer ) and their son John C. Owens ~ ( Age 5 months )
         along with their " 3 " sons :
         John ~ ( Age 23 )
         Newton ~ ( Age 21 )
         and Edward ~ ( Age 15 )

         On February 21, 1917 " John Collinson ( 329 ) " married " Mary Lowndes Owens " at the home of her parents Albert Sidney Johnston Owens and Mary Lowndes Owens.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 20, 1930 ) they are residing in a house that they " owned " on Hope Chapel Mays Road, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 70 year old " Medical Doctor " and " Mary " is noted as a 59 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are " 2 " of their children and " 1 " grandson :
         Newton B. ~ ( Age 31 ~ Farmer ) his wife Laura Lee Collinson ~ ( Age 25 ~ Homemaker ) and their son Newton B., Jr. ~ ( Age 5 months )
         along with their son Edward ~ ( Age 25 ~ Farmer )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 25, 1930 ) they are still residing in a house that they " owned" on Hope Chapel Mays Road, Edgewater, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 81 year old " Medical Doctor " and " Mary " is noted as a 71 year old " Homemaker ".   No one else is residing with them.

         " John Collinson ( 175 ) " preceded his wife in passed away on August 31, 1931 at the age of 82 years, 5 months, and 22 days.   He was interred in the All Hallows Church Cemetery, Birdsville, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   After his passing his wife " Mary Elizabeth Brewer Collinson " resided with her daughter Mary Collinson Owens ( 328 ) and her husband.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 24, 1940 ) " Mary " is noted as being a 80 year old " widow " residing on Muddy Creek Road, Galesville, Mayo, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

         " Mary Elizabeth Brewer Collinson " passed away on June 5, 1952 at the age of 92 years, 4 months, and 7 days.   She was interred with her husband in the All Hallows Church Cemetery, Birdsville, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.   Together they had " 4 " children.

328.  Mary Collinson  ~  b. November 1, 1881  ~  d. December 1, 1953  ~  " Age 72 years, 1 month "
329.  John Collinson, II  ~  b. December 31, 1886  ~  d. December 14, 1950  ~  " Age 63 years, 11 months, 14 days "
330.  Newton Brewer Collinson  ~  b. March 26, 1888  ~  d. April 14, 1969  ~  " Age 81 years, 19 days "
331.  Edward Collinson  ~  b. May 23, 1894  ~  d. December 5, 1966  ~  " Age 72 years, 6 months, 13 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 328 )  ~  Mary  ~  Married " Nicholas Franklin Owens " and they had " 1 " known child :
               John Collinson Owens  ~  b. November 13, 1909  ~  d. December 8, 1996  ~  " Age 87 years "

( 329 )  ~  John  ~  Married " Mary Lowndes Owens " and they had " 1 " known child :
               John Collinson III  ~  b. May 24, 1918  ~  d. July 7, 1989  ~  " Age 71 years "

( 330 )  ~  Newton  ~  Married " Laura Lee Phipps " and they had " 1 " known child : Newton Brewer Collinson, Jr..

( 331 )  ~  Edward  ~  Married " Mary Maxine Wade " and it's believed that they didn't have any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 175 )  ~    John Collinson  ~    Mary Elizabeth Brewer Collinson  ~  ( Wife of John )

  Children of John Collinson ( 175 ) and Mary Elizabeth Brewer Collinson :

     ( 328 )  ~    Mary Collinson Owens  ~    Nicholas Franklin Owens  ~  ( Husband of Mary )
     ( 329 )  ~    John Collinson  ~    Mary Lowndes Owens Collinson  ~  ( Wife of John )
     ( 330 )  ~    Newton Brewer Collinson  ~    Laura Lee Phipps Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Newton )
     ( 331 )  ~    Edward Collinson  ~    Mary Maxine Wade Collinson  ~  ( Wife of Edward )

Was born the 3rd child and 3rd son of :
" Sarah J. Collinson Stevens ( 95 ) " and " Francis Stevens, Sr. "
on January 5, 1844 in Calvert County, Maryland.

         He married " Mary Josephine Sunderland " in ca. 1878 in Maryland.   She was born the daughter of Henry and Susanna Wood Sunderland on March 16, 1853 in Maryland.

         They should have shown up in the 1880 Federal Census however currently one has not been found ... and ... Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Great Sadness and Grief " came upon this young family when they lost " 3 " of their children between the years of 1890 and 1895 :

         Their daughter and sister " Margaret Ellen Stevens ( 336 ) " who was born on June 11, 1889 passed away on May 11, 1890 at the Age of 11 months.   She was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         Their daughter and sister who was an unnamed " Infant ( 338 ) " and was born on October 2, 1893 passed away on June 12, 1894 at the Age of 8 months and 10 days.   She was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         Their son and brother who was an unnamed " Infant ( 339 ) " and was born on October 2, 1894 passed away on March 15, 1895 at the Age of 5 months and 13 days.   He was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 18, 1900 ) residing on a farm that they " owned mortgage free" located in Election District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Francis " is noted as a 50 year old " Farmer " and " Mary " is noted as a 45 year old " Homemaker " and " 6 " of their children are residing with them :
         William Wesley ~ ( Age 20 )
         Henry ~ ( Age 18 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 14 )
         Edelia ~ ( Age 12 )
         Arthur ~ ( Age 9 )
         and Edith ~ ( Age 7 )

         " More Grief came upon this family " when their son and brother " Arthur Franklin Stevens ( 337 ) " who was born on September 18, 1890 passed away on June 5, 1906 at the Age of 15 years, 8 months, and 18 days.   He was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         And then ..... " Francis Stevens, Jr. ( 182 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on January 12, 1909 at the age of 65 years and 7 days.   He was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded:( dated: April 25, 1910 ) the family is still residing on their farm that they " owned " located near Chaney, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Mary " is noted as a 56 year old " Widow & Homemaker " and there are " 3 " of her children residing with Her :
         Henry ~ ( Age 27 ~ Managing Farm )
         Edelia ~ ( Age 20 )
         and Edith ~ ( Age 18 ).

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded:( dated: April 14, 1920 ) the family is still residing on their farm that they " owned " now noted as located near Chesapeake Beach, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Mary " is noted as a 67 year old " Widow & Homemaker " and there are " 2 " of her children still residing with Her :
         Henry ~ ( Age 35 ~ Managing Farm )
         and Edith ~ ( Age 25 ).

         " Mary Josephine Sunderland Stevens " passed away on February 2, 1923 at the age of 69 years and 17 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.   They had " 9 " known children together :

332.  William Wesley Stevens  ~  b. November 30, 1879  ~  d. April 14, 1970  ~  " Age 90 years, 4 months, 15 days "
333.  Henry Francis Stevens  ~  b. September 16, 1881  ~  d. May 25, 1956  ~  " Age 74 years, 8 months, 9 days "
334.  Mary Estelle Stevens  ~  b. March 30, 1886  ~  d. April, 1974  ~  " Age abt. 88 years "
335.  Edelia Emma Stevens  ~  b. ca. 1888  ~  d. ( Unknown )
336.  Margaret Ellen Stevens  ~  b. June 11, 1889  ~  d. May 11, 1890  ~  " Age 11 months "
337.  Arthur Franklin Stevens  ~  b. September 18, 1890  ~  d. June 5, 1906  ~  " Age 15 years, 8 months, 18 days "
338.  Infant Daughter Stevens  ~  b. October 2, 1893  ~  d. June 12, 1894  ~  " Age 8 months, 10 days "
339.  Infant Son Stevens  ~  b. October 2, 1894  ~  d. March 15, 1895  ~  " Age 5 months, 13 days "
340.  Edith Grace Stevens  ~  b. February 4, 1896  ~  d. June 27, 1975  ~  " Age 79 years, 4 months, 23 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 332 )  ~  William  ~  Married " Lidie Collinson ( 299 ) " and they had " 1 " known child :
                                 Lyda Collinson Stevens Little

( 333 )  ~  Henry  ~  Married " Margaret Harriet Stallings " and they had " 2 " known children :
                               Frances Mary Stevens Caldwell
                               Margaret Stevens Dowell

( 334 )  ~  Mary  ~  Married " August C. Raabe " and they had " 2 " known children : Melvin Raabe and Ruth Raabe.
( 335 )  ~  Edelia Emma  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 336 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 337 )  ~  Arthur  ~  Passed away a teenager.
( 338 )  ~  Daughter  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 339 )  ~  Son  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 340 )  ~  Edith  ~  Was never married.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 182 )  ~    Francis Stevens, Jr. ~ ( Bio )  ~    Mary Josephine Sunderland Stevens ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife of John )

  Children of Francis Stevens, Jr. ( 182 ) and Mary Josephine Sunderland Stevens :

     ( 332 )  ~     William Wesley Stevens ~ ( Bio )  ~     ( 299 ) Lidie Collinson Stevens  ~  ( Wife of William )
     ( 333 )  ~    Henry Francis Stevens ~ ( Bio )  ~    Margaret Harriet Stallings Stevens  ~  ( Wife of Henry )
     ( 334 )  ~  (N)  Mary Estelle Stevens Raabe ~ ( Bio )
     ( 336 )  ~    Margaret Ellen Stevens
     ( 337 )  ~    Arthur Franklin Stevens
     ( 338 )  ~    Infant Daughter Stevens
     ( 339 )  ~    Infant Son Stevens
     ( 340 )  ~    Edith Grace Stevens ~ ( Bio )

  Parents of " Mary Josephine Sunderland Stevens " :

        Henry Sunderland ~ ( Bio )  ~    Susanna Wood Sunderland ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife of Henry )

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Mary J. Idabelle Stevens "

Was born the 4th child and 1st daughter of :
" Sarah J. Collinson Stevens ( 95 ) " and " Francis Stevens, Sr. "
on January 4, 1845 in Calvert County, Maryland.

         She married " James Wesley Lane " in ca. 1866 in Maryland.   He was born the son of Thomas and Rebecca Hardesty Lane on August 1, 1830 in Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: August 26, 1870 ) residing on a farm located near Prince Frederick, Election District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 38 year old " Farmer " and " Mary " is noted as a 24 year old " Homemaker " raising their only child :
         Frank T. ~ ( Age 3 )
         Also residing with them are " 2 " black men :
         Emory Abrams ~ ( Age 21 ~ Farm Laborer ) and William West ~ ( Age 18 ~ Farm Laborer )
         and " 1 " black child Richard Davis ~ ( Age 9 ) .

Prior to 1880 they had " 2 " more children :
Ida M. Lane ( 342 ) and Mary J. Lane ( 343 ).

         " Grief came upon this young family " when " Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ( 183 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on September 1, 1875 at the Age of 30 years, 7 months, and 28 days.   She was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland which was actually part of the land that her dad " Francis Stevens " had donated for the cemetery.

         Sometime after " Mary's ( 183 ) " passing her husband " James " married her sister " Alice Jane Stevens ( 187 ) " and they had two children together : Elizabeth Ellen " Ella " Lane ( 358 ) and Wesley Owen Lane ( 359 ).

         Once again " Grief came upon this young family " when " Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 187 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on March 17, 1879 at the Age of 26 years, 6 months, and 23 days.   She passed away giving birth to their son Wesley Owen Lane ( 359 ).   It's currently unknown where she was interred however it was more than likly in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland which was actually part of the land that her dad Francis Stevens had donated for the cemetery.

For more about:
" Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 187 ) "
and her children see her record below .....

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 16, 1880 ) the family was still residing on a farm located near Prince Frederick, Election District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 48 year old " Widowed Farmer " and " 3 " of his chidren are residing with him :
         Mary J. ~ ( Age 8 )
         Elizabeth E. ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Wesley O. ~ ( Age 1 )

         Sometime after the 1880 Federal Census " James " was married a third time to " Sarah Eleanor Owen Ireland " and they had " 2 " children together : Bernard Owen Lane and Virgil Henry Lane.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " James Wesley Lane " passed away on April 7, 1912 at the age of 81 years, 8 months, and 6 days.   He was interred with his third wife in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         " James Wesley Lane " had " 3 " children with " Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ( 168 ) " and " 2 " children with " Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 172 ) ".

Children of Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ( 168 ) and " James Wesley Lane " :

341.  Frank T. Lane  ~  b. ca. 1867  ~  d. ( Unknown )
342.  Ida M. Lane  ~  b. 1872  ~  d. May, 1957  ~  " Age abt. 84 years "
343.  Mary J. Lane  ~  b. ca. 1873  ~  d. ( Unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 341 )  ~  Frank  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 342 )  ~  Ida  ~  Married " John William Norfolk " and it's believed that they didn't have any children.
( 343 )  ~  Mary  ~  Married " August C. Raabe " and they had " 2 " known children : Melvin Raabe and Ruth Raabe.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 183 )  ~    Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ~ ( Bio )  ~    James Wesley Lane ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Mary )

  Children of Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ( 183 ) and James Wesley Lane :

     ( 342 )  ~     Ida Mary Lane Norfolk ~ ( Bio )  ~     John William Norfolk ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Ida )

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Sarah Ellen Stevens "

Was born the 5th child and 2nd daughter of :
" Sarah J. Collinson Stevens ( 95 ) " and " Francis Stevens, Sr. "
on September 4, 1846 in Calvert County, Maryland.

         She married her first cousin " Robert Franklin Wood " on February 17, 1864 in Maryland.   He was born the son of Samuel and Rachel Ann Stevens Wood on March 26, 1937 in Maryland.

         " Robert's " mother Rachel Ann Stevens Wood was the sister of " Francis Stevens " who was the husband of " Sarah J. Collinson Stevens ( 95 ) " who were the parents of " Robert's " wife " Sarah ( 184 ) " which made them " First Cousins ".

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: August 17, 1870 ) residing, possibly on a farm, near Prince Frederick, Election District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Robert " is noted as a 33 year old " Farmer " and " Sarah " is noted as a 24 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " oldest children :
         William ~ ( Age 5 )
         and Robert ~ ( Age 2 )
         Also residing with them is a Morris O. Wood ~ ( Age 13 ~ relationship unknown )
         and " 3 " black people :
         Darcus Moor ~ ( Age 20 ~ Domestic Servant ), Hattie Scrivenor ~ ( Age 9 ) and Walter Scrivenor ~ ( Age 7 )

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 10, 1880 ) they are residing, possibly on a farm, near Prince Frederick, Election District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Robert " is noted as a 43 year old " Farmer " and " Sarah " is noted as a 32 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 5 " children :
         William ~ ( Age 15 )
         Robert ~ ( Age 12 )
         Ezekiel ~ ( Age 8 )
         Bertha ~ ( Age 7 )
         and Cora ~ ( Age 5 )

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 18, 1900 ) they are residing, possibly on a farm, near Prince Frederick, Election District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " Robert " is noted as a 63 year old " Farmer " and " Sarah " is noted as a 50 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are " 2 " of their children :
         Ezekiel ~ ( Age 30 )
         and Cora ~ ( Age 25 )

         " Robert Franklin Wood " preceded his wife in passing away on April 4, 1901 at the Age of 64 years and 9 days.   He was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 23, 1910 ) " Sarah " is noted as a 63 year old " Widow " residing with her son Ezekiel ( 346 ) ~ ( Age 39 ~ Farmer ), his wife " Mary " ~ ( Age 34 ) and their " 2 " children : Mabel ~ ( Age 2 ) and Gladys ~ ( Age 1 ) .   They are residing on a farm that they " Own mortgage free " located at Chaney, Calvert County, Maryland.

         " Grief came upon this family " when " Ezekiel Collinson Wood ( 346 ) " preceded his wife and mother in passing away on August 4, 1916 at the Age of 45 years, 7 months, and 4 days.   He was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         In 1920 " Sarah " moved in with her daughter " Cora ( 348 ) " and her family in Port Republic, Maryland and she remained there for the remainder of her life.

         " Sarah Ellen Stevens Wood ( 184 ) " passed away on July 2, 1929 at the Age of 82 years, 9 months, and 28 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland..   Together they had " 7 " children together :

344.  William Franklin Wood      ~  b. February 21, 1863  ~  d. April 30, 1929  ~  " Age 66 years, 2 months, 9 days "
345.  Robert Fielder Alonzo Wood      ~  b. September 10, 1867  ~  d. January 10, 1935  ~  " Age 67 years, 4 months "
346.  Ezekiel Collinson Wood      ~  b. December 31, 1870  ~  d. August 4, 1916  ~  " Age 45 years, 7 months, 4 days "
347.  Bertha Irene Wood      ~  b. July 22, 1873  ~  d. February 17, 1886  ~  " Age 12 years, 6 months, 26 days "
348.  Cora Estelle Stevens Wood      ~  b. August 4, 1875  ~  d. October 8, 1947  ~  " Age 72 years, 2 months, 4 days "
349.  Alvin Ellis Wood      ~  b. November 13, 1878  ~  d. August 8, 1879  ~  " Age 8 months, 26 days "
350.  Elmer Herbert Wood      ~  b. February 6, 1882  ~  d. June 30, 1882  ~  " Age 4 months, 24 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 344 )  ~  William  ~  Married Mary M. Gibbons on December 19, 1894 and they had " 4 " known children together :
                                    Pvt. Reginald Gibbons Wood ~ ( Bio )
                                 Rachel J. Wood
                                   William Herbert Wood
                                    James Edward Wood ~ ( Bio )

( 345 )  ~  Robert  ~  Married Ruth Ellen " Nellie " Lane in ca. 1894 and they had " 6 " known children together :
                                   Mary Ida Wood ~ ( Bio )
                                  Fielder Lane Wood ~ ( Bio )
                                   Bertha Agnes Wood Mercer ~ ( Bio )
                                   Ellen Geraldyn Wood Sager ~ ( Bio )
                                  Kenneth Fletcher Wood ~ ( Bio )
                                   Anna Wood Gilman

( 346 )  ~  Ezekiel  ~  Married " Mary Susan Grover ", who was his " 1st cousin ", and they had " 3 " known children :
                                   Mabel Elizabeth Wood Worthman (Bio)
                                  Gladys Collinson Wood (Bio)
  Ethelyn Sarah Wood Boehl (Bio)

( 347 )  ~  Bertha  ~  Passed away at the age of 12 years.

( 348 )  ~  Cora  ~  Married " Joseph Franklin Hardesty " on January 21, 1903 and they had " 6 " known children :
                                Ellen Gott Marie Hardesty Dietrich (Bio)
                                Joseph Leroy Hardesty (Bio)
                                Irene Annabel Hardesty (Bio)
                                Leila Virginia Hardesty (Bio)
                                Evelyn Cora Hardesty Pugh (Bio)
                                Harper Collinson Hardesty Strain (Bio)

( 349 )  ~  Alvin  ~  Passed away as an infant.

( 350 )  ~  Elmer  ~  Passed away as an infant.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 184 )  ~    Sarah Ellen Stevens Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~    Robert Franklin Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Sarah )

  Children of Sarah Ellen Stevens Wood ( 184 ) and Robert Franklin Wood :

     ( 344 )  ~     William Franklin Wood ~ ( Bio )
     ( 345 )  ~     Robert Fielder Alonzo Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~     Ruth Ellen Lane Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife of Robert )
     ( 346 )  ~     Ezekiel Collinson Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~     ~  ( 352 ) Mary Susan Grover Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Ida )
     ( 347 )  ~     Bertha Irene Wood
     ( 348 )  ~     Cora Estelle Stevens Wood Hardesty ~ ( Bio )  ~     Joseph Franklin Hardesty ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Cora )
     ( 349 )  ~  (N)  Alvin Ellis Wood ~ ( Bio )
     ( 350 )  ~  (N)  Elmer Herbert Wood ~ ( Bio )

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Elizabeth Collinson Stevens "

Was born the 7th child and 4th daughter of :
" Sarah J. Collinson Stevens ( 95 ) " and " Francis Stevens, Sr. "
on June 17, 1850 in Calvert County, Maryland.

         She married " John James Grover " in ca. 1873 in Maryland.   He was born on November 6, 1845 in Maryland.   His parent's names are currently unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 4, 1880 ) residing on a farm located in District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 35 year old " Farmer " and " Elizabeth " is noted as a 23 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " oldest children :
         Sarah ~ ( Age 6 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Andrew ~ ( Age 1 )

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         They had " 4 " more children born between 1880 and 1890 : Elma Grover ( b. 1880 ), Lillie Grover ( b. 1883 ), Russell Grover ( b. 1886 ) and Lola Grover ( b. 1889 ).

         " Elizabeth Collinson Stevens Grover ( 186 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on November 1, 1893 at the Age of 43 years, 4 months, and 15 days.   He was interred in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June, 1900 ) they are still residing on a farm located in District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 54 year old " Farmer & Widower ".   His children that are still residing with him include :
         Mary ~ ( Age 22 ~ Teacher )
         Andrew ~ ( Age 21 )
         Elma Alice ~ ( Age 19 )
         Lillie ~ ( Age 17 )
         Russell ~ ( Age 13 )
         and Lola ~ ( Age 10 )

         " John James Grover " passed away on August 13, 1905 at the Age of 59 years, 9 months, and 7 days.   He was interred with his wife in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.   Together they had " 7 " children.

351.  Sarah Jane Grover  ~  b. March 28, 1874  ~  d. June 26, 1951  ~  " Age 77 years, 2 months, 29 days "
352.  Mary Susan Grover  ~  b. January 22, 1876  ~  d. June 15, 1937  ~  " Age 61 years, 4 months, 24 days "
353.  Andrew Wilford Grover  ~  b. April 2, 1879  ~  d. November 28, 1935  ~  " Age 56 years, 7 months, 26 days "
354.  Elma Alice Grover  ~  b. November 27, 1880  ~  d. October 24, 1956  ~  " Age 75 years, 10 months, 27 days "
355.  Lillie Collinson Grover  ~  b. April 18, 1883  ~  d. August 4, 1949  ~  " Age 66 years, 3 months, 17 days "
356.  Russell H. Grover  ~  b. December 16, 1886  ~  d. July 20, 1913  ~  " Age 26 years, 7 months, 4 days "
357.  Lola Ethel Grover  ~  b. August 13, 1889  ~  d. April 21, 1951  ~  " Age 61 years, 8 months, 8 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 351 )  ~  Sarah  ~  Married William Thomas Norris in ca. 1895 and they had " 3 " known children together :
                               ( Family paragraph coming soon - 2024 ! )
                                 Gladys E. Norris
                                Grover William Norris
                                John T. Norris

( 352 )  ~  Mary  ~  Married Ezekiel Collinson Wood, her " 1st cousin ", on December 12, 1905 and they had " 6 " known children together :
                             ( Family paragraph coming soon - 2024 ! )
                                Mabel Elizabeth Wood Worthman ~ ( Bio )
                               Gladys Collinson Wood ~ ( Bio )
                                Ethelyn Sarah Wood Boehl ~ ( Bio )

( 353 )  ~  Andrew  ~  Married Susanna Jane Stallings in ca. 1904 and they had " 3 " known children together :
                                 ( Family paragraph coming soon - 2024 ! )
                                   John Gilbert Grover
                                   James Wilford Grover
                                    Andrew Wilford Grover, Jr. ~ ( Bio )

( 354 )  ~  Elma  ~  Married " John Lafayette Wood " in ca. 1911 and they didn't have any known children together.

( 355 )  ~  Lillie  ~  Married " Samuel Ellsworth Trott " on January 16, 1910 and they had " 3 " known children together :
                             ( Family paragraph coming soon - 2024 ! )
                               James Ellsworth Trott
                               Richard Grover Trott
                                Lillian Elizabeth Trott

( 356 )  ~  Russell  ~  Was never married.

( 357 )  ~  Lola  ~  Married " Louis M. Stallings " in ca. 1911 and they didn't have any known children together.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 186 )  ~    Elizabeth Collinson Stevens Grover ~ ( Bio )  ~    John James Grover ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Elizabeth )

  Children of Elizabeth Collinson Stevens Grover ( 186 ) and John James Grover :

     ( 351 )  ~    Sarah Jane Grover Norris  ~    William Thomas Norris  ~  ( Husband of Sarah )
     ( 352 )  ~     Mary Susan Grover Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~    ( 353 ) Ezekiel Collinson Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Mary )
     ( 353 )  ~    Andrew Wilford Grover  ~     Susanna Jane Stallings Grover  ~  ( Wife of Andrew )
     ( 354 )  ~    Elma Alice Grover Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~    John Lafayette Wood ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Elma )
     ( 355 )  ~     Lillie Collinson Grover Trott ~ ( Bio )  ~    Samuel Ellsworth Trott  ~  ( Husband of Lillie )
     ( 356 )  ~    Russell H. Grover
     ( 357 )  ~    Lola Ethel Grover Stallings  ~    Louis M. Stallings  ~  ( Husband of Lola )

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Alice Jane Stevens "

Was born the 8th and last child and 5th and last daughter of :
" Sarah J. Collinson Stevens ( 95 ) " and " Francis Stevens, Jr. "
on August 27, 1852 in Calvert County, Maryland.

         She married " James Wesley Lane " in ca. 1876 in Maryland.   He was first the husband of her sister " Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ( 168 ) " who had passed away on September 1, 1875.   " James " was born the son of Thomas and Rebecca Hardesty Lane on August 1, 1830 in Maryland.

         " Grief came quickly upon this young family " when " Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 187 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on March 17, 1879 at the Age of 26 years, 6 months, and 23 days.   She passed away giving birth to their second child, a son, " Wesley Owen Lane ( 359 ) ".   Their first child was a daughter named " Elizabeth Ellen Lane ( 358 ) ".

         It's currently unknown where " Alice ( 187 ) " was interred however it was more than likly in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland which was actually part of the land that her dad Francis Stevens had donated for the cemetery.

         In the 1880 Federal census ( dated: June 16, 1880 ) the family was residing on a farm located near Prince Frederick, Election District 3, Calvert County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 48 year old " Widowed Farmer ".   " 3 " of his chidren are residing with him :
         Mary J. ~ ( Age 8 )
         Elizabeth E. ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Wesley O. ~ ( Age 1 )

         Sometime after the 1880 Federal Census " James " was married a third time to Sarah Eleanor Owen Ireland and they had " 2 " children together : Bernard Owen Lane and Virgil Henry Lane who are not part of this family history .....

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " James Wesley Lane " passed away on April 7, 1912 at the age of 81 years, 8 months, and 6 days.   He was interred with his third wife in the Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland.

         " James Wesley Lane " had " 3 " children with " Mary J. Idabelle Stevens Lane ( 168 ) " and " 2 " children with " Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 172 ) ".

Children of Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 172 ) and " James Wesley Lane " :

358.  Elizabeth Ellen Lane  ~  b. March 8, 1887  ~  d. August 31, 1965  ~  " Age 88 years, 5 months, 23 days "
359.  Wesley Owen Lane  ~  b. March 19, 1879  ~  d. January 21, 1954  ~  " Age 74 years, 10 months, 2 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 358 )  ~  Elizabeth  ~  Married " Thomas Stanley Sunderland " and they had " 6 " known children :
                                   Edgar Stanley Sunderland
                                   James Aubrey Sunderland
                                   Richard Sunderland ( 1904 - 1904 )
                                   Owen Lane Sunderland
                                   Benjamin Augustus Sunderland
                                   Thomas Wesley Sunderland

( 359 )  ~  Wesley  ~  Married " Florence Howes " and they didn't have any children.

  View online memorial For  -  ( click on names below )

( 187 )  ~    Alice Jane Stevens Lane ~ ( Bio )  ~    James Wesley Lane ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Alice )

  Children of Alice Jane Stevens Lane ( 187 ) and " James Wesley Lane " :

     ( 358 )  ~    Elizabeth Ellen Lane Sunderland ~ ( Bio )  ~    Thomas Stanley Sunderland  ~  ( Husband of Elizabeth )
     ( 359 )  ~    Wesley Owen Lane ~ ( Bio )  ~    Florence Howes Lane  ~  ( Wife of Wesley )

Was born the son of :
" Charles Wesley Collison ( 112 ) " and " Ann Emily Anderson Collison "
in October, 1854 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         He married " Helen Augusta Glenn " on April 4, 1877.   Helen was born the daughter of George O. Glenn and Georgiana Turner Glenn in March, 1852 in Baltimore, Maryland and she was of Scottish-irish descent.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland after their marriage.

         " William " was employed as a foreman for the B&O railroad in Baltimore, Maryland.   In Baltimore " William " and Helen had 5 of their children and then later moved to Boston, Massachusetts.   While residing in Boston they had 4 more children before moving back to Baltimore.

         They first show up as a family in the 1880 Federal Census ( dated: June 3, 1880 ) residing on 185 Green Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " was noted as a 26 year old Laborer and " Helen " was noted as a 25 year old homemaker.   They currently have " 2 " children ... Twin Sons ... :
         Charles W. ~ ( Age 2 )
         George W. ~ ( Age 2 )

         Sadly, most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of Maryland or Delaware survived the fire.

         However the family, sometime after the birth of " Francis " in 1883, moved to Boston, Massachusetts.   The families four youngest children : " Helen ", " William ", " Anna ", and " Margaret " were all four born in Boston.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( dated: June 7, 1900 ) the entire family have moved back to Baltimore and they are residing at 780 Peter Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " was noted as a 45 year old " Candy Maker " and " Helen " was noted as a 48 year old homemaker.   They currently have " 6 " children residing with them :
         Charles W. ~ ( Age 22 )
         May B. ~ ( Age 19 )
         Harry O. ~ ( Age 18 )
         Howard Francis ~ ( Age 16 )
         Helen G. ~ ( Age 14 )
         Anne E. ~ ( Age 8 )

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( dated: April 18, 1910 ) it is interesting to note that " Helen " is noted as being married however she is residing with her son " Charles ( 460 ) " and his wife Edith on Sargent Street, Baltimore, Maryland ..... " William ( 180 ) " is not noted and possibly he was working back in Boston, Massachusetts at this time .....

         Also in the 1910 Federal Census " Helen " is noted as a 56 year old homemaker.   Their daughter " Anna ( 467 ) " is noted as being 19 years old and working in a " Shirt Factory ".   Their son " Charles ( 460 ) ", noted as the head of the household, is a noted as being a 32 year old Repairman working on the Railroad Cars with the B&O Railroad and his wife " Edith " is also noted as a homemaker raising their son Edward who is 6 months old.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( dated: January 14, 1920 ) " William ( 180 ) " and " Helen " are now residing on Carrrol Street in Baltimore, Maryland with their daughter " Anna ( 467 ) " and her husband " Harry Burkhead " and their family.   " William ( 180 ) " is noted as a 65 year old " Chair Caner " working in the Blind Industry and " Helen " is noted as a 67 year old homemaker.

         " Helen Augusta Glenn Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on August 8, 1924 at the age of about 72 years.   She was interred in the Mount Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

         " William Wallace Collison ( 200 ) " continued to live with his daughter " Anna's ( 467 ) " family where he passed away on May 10, 1934 at the age of about 79 years.   He was interred with his wife in the Mount Olivet Cemetery.   They had " 9 " children together :

400.  Charles Collison      ~  b. December, 1877  ~  d. ( unknown )  ~  ( twin )
401.  George Collison      ~  b. December, 1877  ~  d. ( unknown )  ~  ( twin ~ died as child )
402.  Mabel Belle " May Belle " Collison      ~  b. July 4, 1880  ~  d. January 15, 1950  ~  " Age 69 years, 6 months, 11 days "
403.  Harry O. Collison      ~  b. January 15, 1882  ~  d. April 26, 1969  ~  " Age 87 years, 3 months, 11 days "
404.  Francis Howard Collison      ~  b. October 29, 1883  ~  d. January 8, 1951  ~  " Age 67 years, 2 months, 10 days "
405.  Helen Gertrude Collison      ~  b. November 8, 1886  ~  d. July 3, 1971  ~  " Age 84 years, 7 months, 25 days "
406.  William Wallace Collison, Jr.      ~  ( dates unknown )  ~  ( died an infant )
407.  Anna Ellsworth Collison      ~  b. March 31, 1892  ~  d. February 9, 1971  ~  " Age 78 years, 10 months, 9 days "
408.  Margaret May " Maggie " Collison      ~  ( dates unknown )  ~  ( died an infant )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 400 )  ~  Charles  ~  was 2 years old in the 1880 census ~ Nothing further is known.
( 401 )  ~  George  ~  was 2 years old in the 1880 census but was not in the 1900 census.
( 402 )  ~  Mabel  ~  Married " George Edward Schwartz " in 1900 and they had " 8 " known children.  Her headstone display the wrong year of birth.
( 403 )  ~  Harry  ~  married " Irma _____ " and it's unknown if they had any children.
( 405 )  ~  Helen  ~  married " John Burkhead " and they had 5 known children:
( 406 )  ~  William  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 407 )  ~  Annie  ~  Married " Harry Burkhead " had 4 children:  Irma, Harry, Ethelda, and Vanetta.
( 408 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Passed away as an infant.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 200 )  ~  William Wallace Collison ~ ( Bio )  ~  Helen Augusta Glenn Collison ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Wife of William )

         Children of William ( 200 ) and " Helen Augusta Glenn Collison " :

( 402 )  ~     Mabel A. Collison Schwartz  ~     George Edward Schwartz, Sr.  ~  ( Husband of Mabel )
( 403 )  ~    Harry O. Collison  ~    Irma V. Collison  ~  ( Wife of Harry )
( 405 )  ~  Helen Gertrude Collison Stenner ~ ( Bio )

          John Burkhead ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( 1st Husband of Helen )
          Henry Stenner  ~  ( 2nd Husband of Helen )

( 407 )  ~    Anna Ellsworth Collison Burkhead ~ ( Bio )  ~    Harry Burkhead ~ ( Bio )  ~  ( Husband of Anna )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" James Bayard Martin ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "
on November 4, 1861
probably in the Burrsville MD/DE area.

         He married " Minnie Lewis " in ca. 1885 and she was born in 1866 the daughter of Mary Caroline Cavender Lewis in Delaware.   Her dad's name is currently unknown.

         The Federal Census of 1870 ( dated: July 26, 1870 ) is the first census that " Charles " is noted and he is shown as being 9 years old.   His two sisters, Mary ~ ( Age ~ 3 ) and Margaret ~ ( Age ~ 6 months ) are also shown.   They are noted as residing on a farm outside of Denton, Maryland.

         In the Federal Census of 1880 ( dated: June 17, 1880 ) " Charles " is noted as being 18 years old, single, and residing and working on the farm of William Wyatt in Caroline County, Maryland.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Charles " first shows up with his family in the Federal Census of 1900 ( dated: June 1, 1900 ) and is noted as being 38 years old, married, employed as a " Bridge Tender ", and working in Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   His wife " Minnie " is noted as being 32 years old and a homemaker raising their two children.   They are noted as residing in a house in Denton that was mortgage free.   Their " 2 sons ", Henry ~ ( Age ~ 14 ) and Harry ~ ( Age ~ 9 ) are also residing with them.   It is also noted in this census that there was a third child who apparently passed away sometime prior to this census.

         In the Federal Census of 1910 ( dated: April 13, 1910 ) " Charles " is noted as being 48 years old and now employed as a carpenter building houses.   They are now also noted as living in a house on a farm that is mortgaged.   His wife " Minnie " is noted as being 42 years old and a homemaker.   Their sons are now out on their own.

         In the Federal Census of 1920 ( dated: January 16, 1920 ) " Charles " is noted as being 58 years old and now employed on his own account on a farm that they were renting on the Burrsville Road outside of Denton, Maryland.   His wife " Minnie " is noted as being 52 years old and a homemaker.

         " Charles Wesley Collison ( 220 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on February 22, 1929 at the age of 67 years, 3 months, and 18 days and he was interred in the Wesley M.E. Church Cemetery, in Burrsville, Delaware.   Together they had " 3 " children however only " 2 " survived to adulthood.

         In the Federal Census of 1930 ( dated: April 8, 1930 ) " Minnie " is noted as being 63 years old, widowed, a homemaker, and renting a home in Caroline County, Maryland.   She is also noted as the head of the house and her younger brother Frank Lewis, age 50, is also residing with her.

         " Minnie Lewis Collison " passed away on December 23, 1937 in her home at the age of about 71 years and was interred next to her husband in the Wesley M.E. Church Cemetery, in Burrsville, Delaware.   Together they had " 3 " children however only " 2 " survived to adulthood :

430.  Henry Clay Collison      ~  b. November 6, 1885  ~  d. September 13, 1943  ~  " Age 62 years, 8 months, 7 days "
431.  Charles Harvey Collison      ~  b. March 16, 1891  ~  d. February 25, 1968  ~  " Age 76 years, 11 months, 9 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 220 )  ~    Charles Wesley Collison  ~    Minnie Lewis Collison  ~  ( Wife of Charles )

Was born the 4th child and 2nd daughter of :
" James Bayard Martin ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "
on April 25, 1868 probably in the Burrsville area.

         She married " Robert John Betts " in 1888.   He was born the son of Wingate S. and Ada A. Butler Betts on January 31, 1854 in Delaware.

         Trying to work on her record has been very difficult to say the least ..... Since the first 5 children used the Surname
" Collison " ..... Possibly is was due to the fact that some, or all of them, went to live with their grandparents " James ( 117 ) "
and " Margaret Collison "   However all of them were born after Mary ( 223 ) and " Robert John Betts " were married.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1900 ( dated: June 20, 1900 ) residing on a farm that they were renting in Nanticoke Hundreds, Sussex County, Delaware.   " Robert " is noted as a 45 year old " Farmer " and " Mary " is noted as a 30 year old homemaker.   They have " 2 " of their children residing with them :
         Henry " Ottie " C. ~ ( Age ~ 5 )
         and Henry C. ~ ( Age ~ 1 )
         Two of their sons, Norman ~ ( Age ~ 14 - Helping on the Farm ) and Edward ~ ( Age ~ 10 - Helping on the Farm )
         were residing with their grandparents : " James ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Collison ".

         In the Federal Census of 1910 ( dated: May 12, 1910 ) they were residing on a farm that they were renting in Representative District 9, Kent County, Delaware.   " Robert " is noted as a 57 year old " Farmer " and " Mary " is noted as a 42 year old homemaker.   They have " 4 " of their children residing with them :
         Henry C. ~ ( Age ~ 11 )
         Charles E. ~ ( Age ~ 7 )
         Clarence P. ~ ( Age ~ 5 )
         and George L. ~ ( Age ~ 1 )
         Two of their sons, Norman ~ ( Age ~ 24 - Helping on the Farm ) and Edward ~ ( Age ~ 20 - Helping on the Farm )
         were residing with their grandparents : " James ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Collison ".

         In the Federal Census of 1920 ( dated: January 8, 1920 ) they were residing in a home that they owned but had a mortgage on at 431 Washington Street, Milford, Sussex County, Delaware.   " Robert " is noted as a 65 year old " Laborer " and " Mary " is noted as a 55 year old homemaker.   They have " 3 " of their children residing with them :
         Henry C. ~ ( Age ~ 21 )
         Clarence ~ ( Age ~ 17 )
         and George L. ~ ( Age ~ 11 )
         Also residing with them are :
         Mary's ( 223 ) dad " James ( 117 ) " ~ ( Age ~ 83 ) and a daughter-in-law Martha Collison ~ ( Age ~ 35 ) .

         In the Federal Census of 1930 ( dated: April 7, 1930 ) they were residing in a home that they were renting in Milford, Sussex County, Delaware.   " Robert " is noted as a 76 year old and " Retired " and " Mary " is noted as a 63 year old homemaker.   No one else is residing with them at this time.

         " Robert John Betts " preceded his wife in passed away on March 11, 1933 at the age of 79 years, 1 month, and 11 days.   He was interred in the Saint Johnstown Cemetery, Greenwood, Delaware.

         In the Federal Census of 1940 ( dated: April 11, 1940 ) " Mary " is noted as a 70 year old widow and homemaker residing in a home she was renting in rural Kent County, Delaware.   Also residing with her is a boarder named Alvin Hammond who is noted as being 47 years old.

         " Mary Catherine Collison Betts ( 223 ) " passed away on March 11, 1955 at the age of 88 years, 10 months, and 16 days.   She was interred next to her husband in the Saint Johnstown Cemetery, Greenwood, Delaware.

432.  Norman Rixford Collison      ~  b. August 9, 1886  ~  d. December 16, 1969  ~  " Age 83 years ~ 4 months ~ 7 days "
433.  Edward B. Collison      ~  b. ca. 1890  ~  d. May 5, 1962
434.  Arthur Gilbert Collison      ~  b. November 22, 1898  ~  d. February 18, 1976  ~  " Age 77 years ~ 3 months ~ 16 days "
435.  Franklin Collison      ~  ( dates unknown )
436.  Baby Girl Collison      ~  ( dates unknown )
437.  Henry Clay Betts      ~  b. March 12, 1899  ~  d. September 5, 1967  ~  " Age 68 years ~ 5 months ~ 24 days "
438.  Harry Betts      ~  ( dates unknown )
439.  Charles Edison Betts      ~  b. December 4, 1902  ~  d. October 3, 1979  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 9 months ~ 30 days "
440.  Clarence P. Betts      ~  b. September 19, 1904  ~  d. March 5, 1976  ~  " Age 71 years ~ 5 months ~ 16 days "
441.  George Lacey Betts      ~  b. November 28, 1908  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 433 )  ~  Edward  ~  married " Lida Garrett " and they didn't have any children together and resided in Milford, De.   Edward is interred in Lincoln, De.
( 435 )  ~  Franklin  ~  passed away as a young child.
( 436 )  ~  Baby Girl  ~  passed away at birth.

( 437 )  ~  Henry  ~  married " Lulu Bennett " resided in Bridgeville, Delaware and had 2 known children :
                   Baby Betts  ~  b. February 12, 1922  ~  d. February 14, 1922
                   Mildred M. Betts Knight  ~  b. December 17, 1925  ~  d. December 31, 2008

( 438 )  ~  Harry  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 439 )  ~  Charles  ~  married " Emma Louise McCool " resided in Bear, Delaware and didn't have any known children.
( 440 )  ~  Clarence  ~  Was married twice ~ No Children ~ Resided in Harrington, De.
( 441 )  ~  George  ~  Married " Margaret M. Gartland " on September 14, 1935 resided in Philadelphia, Pa.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 223 )  ~    Mary Catherine Collison Betts  ~    Robert John Betts  ~  ( Husband of Mary )

  Children of Mary Catherine Collison ( 223 ) and Robert J. Betts :  ~  ( click on names below )

( 437 )  ~  (N)  Henry Clay Betts  ~    Lulu Bennett Betts  ~  ( Wife of Henry )
( 439 )  ~    Charles Edison Betts  ~    Emma Louise McCool Betts  ~  ( Wife of Charles )
( 440 )  ~    Clarence P. Betts
               (N)  Anna Willey Betts  ~  ( 1st wife of Clarence ~ Later divorced )
               (N)  Sophia Elma Shoemaker Betts  ~  ( 2nd wife of Clarence ~ Later divorced )

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Margaret Annie Collison "

Was born the 5th child and 3rd daughter of :
" James Bayard Martin ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "
on February 28, 1870
probably in the Burrsville MD/DE area.
She was married twice.

         She was first married to " Jacob Anstett " and after his passing she was married second to " Ernest Hemmons ".   She didn't have children during either marriage.

         " Margaret Annie Collison Anstett ( 224 ) " passed away on January 28, 1940 at the age of 69 years, and 11 months and was interred in the Wesley M.E. Church Cemetery, in Burrsville, Delaware.

         For some reason her tombstone reads ~ ANSTETT ~ instead of ~ HEMMONS ~.   She is more than likely interred next to
" Jacob Anstett " .....

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted name below " to see their personal burial record )

( 224 )  ~     Margaret Annie Collison Anstett

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" James Henry Baker "

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Sarah “Sally” E. Collinson Baker "

Was born the 6th child and 4th daughter of :
" James Bayard Martin ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "
on November 20, 1872
probably in the Burrsville MD/DE area.

         She married " James Henry Baker " on May 28, 1890.   James was born the son of John Henry and Elizabeth Draper Baker on October 10, 1870.   They resided in the Caroline County, Maryland area.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1910 ( dated: April 20, 1910 ) residing in a home that they own mortgage free on the Road From Denton To Chapel Branch, Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 39 year old " Laborer " and " Sarah " is noted as a 37 year old homemaker.   They have " 5 " of their children residing with them :
         Nora B. ~ ( Age ~ 19 )
         Bessie L. ~ ( Age ~ 17 )
         Wilbert J. ~ ( Age ~ 15 )
         Henry J. ~ ( Age ~ 10 )
         and Annie E. ~ ( Age ~ 5 )

         In the Federal Census of 1920 ( dated: February 3, 1920 ) they are shown residing on a farm near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 49 year old " Farmer " and " Sarah " is noted as a 47 year old homemaker.   They now have " 4 " of their children residing with them :
         Wilbert J. ~ ( Age ~ 25 )
         J. Henry. ~ ( Age ~ 19 )
         Annie E. ~ ( Age ~ 15 )
         and Marvin ~ ( Age ~ 10 )

         In the Federal Census of 1930 ( dated: April 10, 1930 ) they are still shown residing on a farm near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 59 year old " Farmer " and " Sarah " is noted as a 57 year old homemaker.   They now have " 2 " of their children residing with them :
         Wilbert J. ~ ( Age ~ 35 ~ noted as Laborer )
         and Marvin ~ ( Age ~ 19 ~ noted as Laborer )
         Also residing with them in 1930 is " James' " Mom Elizabeth Draper Baker ~ ( Age ~ 81 ) .

         In the Federal Census of 1940 ( dated: April 30, 1940 ) they are still shown residing on a farm that they now own " Mortgage Free " on Central Belcol Road near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 69 year old " Farmer " and " Sarah " is noted as a 67 year old homemaker.   They now have " 2 " of their children residing with them :
         Wilbert J. ~ ( Age ~ 45 ~ noted as working on the farm )
         and Marvin ~ ( Age ~ 29 ~ noted as working on the farm )
         Also residing with them in 1940 are " Margaret E. Harris Baker " ~ ( Age ~ 21 ) the wife of Marvin ( 290 )
         and a hired hand by the name of Marshall Howard ~ ( Age ~ 48 ) .

         " Sarah "Sally" Elizabeth Collison Baker ( 225 ) " preceded her husband in passed away on October 21, 1951 at the age of 78 years, 11 months, and 11 days.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.

         " James Henry Baker " passed away on October 28, 1965 at the age of 95 years, and 9 days and he was interred next to his wife.   Together they had " 6 " known children :

450.  Nora Belle Baker      ~  b. March 4, 1891  ~  d. November 28, 1957  ~  " Age 66 years, 8 months, 24 days "
451.  Bessie Lealy Baker      ~  b. December 12, 1892  ~  d. May 28, 1972  ~  " Age 79 years, 5 months, 16 days "
452.  Wilbert John Baker      ~  b. February 11, 1895  ~  d. March 26, 1973  ~  " Age 78 years, 1 month, 15 days "
453.  James Henry Baker, Jr.      ~  b. April 7, 1900  ~  d. April 28, 1966  ~  " Age 66 years, 21 days "
454.  Margaret Annie Elizabeth Baker      ~  b. April 28, 1905  ~  d. September 11, 1982  ~  " Age 77 years, 4 months, 14 days "
455.  Marvin Elbert Baker      ~  b. May 28, 1910  ~  d. August 4, 1972  ~  " Age 62 years, 2 months, 7 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 450 )  ~  Nora  ~  Married " Herbert Paul Craft " in 1932 and didn't have any children.
( 452 )  ~  Wilbert  ~  was never married.
( 455 )  ~  Marvin  ~  Married " Margaret E. Harris Baker " and they didn't have any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 225 )  ~     Sarah Elizabeth Collison Baker  ~     James Henry Baker

  Children of Sarah Elizabeth Collison Baker ( 225 ) and James Henry Baker :  ~  ( not shown in their own listing )

( 450 )  ~     Nora Belle Baker Craft  ~    Herbert Paul Craft  ~  ( Husband of Nora )
( 452 )  ~     Wilbert John Baker  ~  ( Never Married )
( 455 )  ~    Marvin Elbert Baker  ~    Margaret E. Harris Baker  ~  ( Wife of Marvin )

Was born the 7th child and 5th daughter of :
" James Bayard Martin ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "
on December 23, 1874 probably in the Burrsville MD/DE area.
She was married Twice.

         She was first married to " Orion Kegerise Snowberger " on July 27, 1892.   He was born the son of Joseph D. and Hannah Rush Kagarise Snowberger on July 29, 1873 in Woodbury, Pennsylvania.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1900 ( Recorded: June 29, 1900 ) residing in a home that they were purchasing but that they had a mortgage on in Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Orion " is noted as a 26 year old " Lawyer " and " Emma " is noted as a 25 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 4 " oldest children :
         Ada ~ ( Age ~ 6 )
         Hannah ~ ( Age ~ 5 )
         Theodore ~ ( Age ~ 4 )
         and Percy ~ ( Age ~ 1 )

         The young family faced " Great Sadness " when " Theodore Snowberger " ( 458 ) passed away on June 23, 1908 at the age of 11 years, 6 months, and 20 days.   It is currently unknown where he was interred ... However it was possibly in the in the Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland.

         In the Federal Census of 1910 ( Recorded: May 11, 1910 ) they were residing in a home that they were renting on Second Avenue West in Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Orion " is noted as a 37 year old " Merchant " and " Emma " is noted as a 35 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 7 " of their children :
         Ada ~ ( Age ~ 16 )
         Hannah ~ ( Age ~ 15 )
         Percy ~ ( Age ~ 11 )
         Rosa ~ ( Age ~ 9 )
         Harry ~ ( Age ~ 6 )
         Stephen ~ ( Age ~ )
         and Hilda ~ ( Age ~ 1 )

         Sometime after the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: May 11, 1910 ) and before the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 6, 1920 ) the family moved to North Carolina.

         In the Federal Census of 1920 ( Recorded: January 6, 1920 ) they were now residing in a home that owned " Mortgage Free " on Farson Street, Magnolia, Duplin County, North Carolina.   " Orion " is noted as a 77 year old " Carpenter building homes " and " Emma " is noted as a 45 year old homemaker.   Now residing with them are " 6 " of their children :
         Harry ~ ( Age ~ 17 ~ Carpenter building homes with his Dad )
         Stephen ~ ( Age ~ 13 )
         Hilda ~ ( Age ~ 11 )
         Dortha ~ ( Age ~ 9 )
         Thelma ~ ( Age ~ 7 )
         and Paul ~ ( Age ~ 4 )

         " Orion Kegerise Snowberger " preceded his wife in passed away on February 12, 1921 at the age of 47 years, 6 months, and 14 days in Magnolia, North Carolina, where the family was living at the time.   He was interred in the Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Maryland.   " Orion " and " Emma " had 11 children together and after his passing she and the children moved to Burrsville, Maryland.

         After " Orion's " passing " Emma " was married second to " John Milburn Cole " who was born on February 28, 1883.   John was a widower and his parent's names are unknown.

         In the Federal Census of 1930 ( Recorded: April 7, 1930 ) " Emma " and her husband " John Milburn Cole ", who is noted as a Native American, were now residing in a home that they were renting at 54 Country Road, Center, Mayes County, Oklahoma.
" John " is noted as a 47 year old " Farmer " and " Emma " is noted as a 51 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 6 " of " John's " children from his first marriage along with " Emma's " son Paul ~ ( Age ~ 15 ) .

         Sometime after the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 7, 1930 ) and before the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: May 3, 1940 ) the family moved from Oklahoma to Caroline County, Maryland.

         " More Sadness " struck this family when " Percy J. Snowberger " ( 459 ) passed away on August 16, 1932 at the age of 33 years, 3 months, and 19 days when he was in a car accident near Ridgely, Maryland .....   He was interred in the Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland.   Percy was serving in the U.S. Navy as a Electrician's Mate at the time of his passing .....

         In the Federal Census of 1940 ( Recorded: May 3, 1940 ) they were now residing on a farm that they were renting on the Burksville To Greensboro Road, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 57 year old " Farmer " and " Emma " is noted as a 62 year old homemaker.   No one else is residing with them on this farm.

         " Even More Sadness " struck this family when " Paul Melvin Snowberger " ( 466 ) passed away on November 20, 1952 at the age of 37 years, 2 months, and 7 days when he was hit by a train in Chester, Pennsylvania.   He was interred in the Lawn Croft Cemetery and Mausoleum Linwood, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   Paul was also a World War II veteran .....

         " Emily 'Emma' Jane Collison Cole ( 226 ) " preceded her husband in passed away on May 24, 1953 at the age of 78 years, 5 months, and 1 day.   She was interred in the Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Maryland with her first husband " Orion ".

         After " Emma's " ( 226 ) passing John moved back to Pryor, Oklahoma where he passed away in 1955 and was interred there with his first wife.   John and " Emma " did not have any children together.

456.  Ada Snowberger      ~  b. August 3, 1893  ~  d. August 26, 1967  ~  " Age 74 years, 23 days "
457.  Hannah Snowberger      ~  b. September 23, 1894  ~  d. June 19, 1976  ~  " Age 81 years, 8 months, 27 days "
458.  Theodore Snowberger      ~  b. December 3, 1896  ~  d. June 23, 1908  ~  " Age 11 years, 6 months, 20 days "
459.  Percy J. Snowberger      ~  b. April 25, 1899  ~  d. August 16, 1932  ~  " Age 33 years, 3 months, 19 days "
460.  Rosa Mae Snowberger      ~  b. June 25, 1901  ~  d. March 24, 1980  ~  " Age 78 years, 8 months, 29 days "
461.  Harry Newton Snowberger      ~  b. August 18, 1903  ~  d. May 2, 1981  ~  " Age 77 years, 8 months, 15 days "
462.  Stephen Orion Snowberger      ~  b. June 24, 1906  ~  d. January 15, 1988  ~  " Age 81 years, 6 months, 22 days "
463.  Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger      ~  b. February 21, 1909  ~  d. May 16, 1996  ~  " Age 87 years, 2 months, 25 days "
464.  Dortha Emma Snowberger      ~  b. November 13, 1910  ~  d. February 28, 1974  ~  " Age 63 years "
465.  Thelma Elizabeth Snowberger      ~  b. July 20, 1912  ~  d. March 1, 1970  ~  " Age 57 years, 7 months, 12 days "
466.  Paul Melvin Snowberger      ~  b. September 12, 1915  ~  d. November 20, 1952  ~  " Age 37 years, 2 months, 7 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger ( 463 )
Produced a booklet entitled the
" Collison and Cohee Families "
  " This booklet is available at the Delaware State Hall of Records for review in Dover, Delaware ".

( 456 )  ~  Ada  ~  Married " George Gill " and they didn't have any children.
( 458 )  ~  Theodore  ~  Passed away as a child at the age of Age 11 years, 6 months, and 20 days.
( 459 )  ~  Percy  ~  married " Hazel Cuillard " on May 3, 1920 in Los Angeles, California while serving in the Navy and they didn't have any children.
( 466 )  ~  Paul  ~  Married " Hazel Hardy " and they didn't have any children.  " He was killed when a train hit him ".

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 226 )  ~    Emily 'Emma' Jane Collison Snowberger Cole

              Orion Kagarise Snowberger  ~  ( 1st husband of Emily )
              John Milburn Cole  ~  ( 2nd husband of Emily )

  Children of Emily J. Collison Snowberger and " Orion Kegerise Snowberger " :  ~  ( click on name below )

( 459 )  ~    Percy James Snowberger  ~    Hazel Lena Cuillard Youthed  ~  ( Wife of Percy )
( 466 )  ~    Paul Melvin Snowberger

" Great-Great Grandparents of Chris and Ryan Pickett "

Was born the 8th child and 3rd son of :
" James Bayard Martin ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "
on March 21, 1877
in the Burrsville, Maryland area.

         He married " Susan Florence Slaughter " who was born on December 27, 1883 the daughter of William P. Slaughter and Elizabeth Bedwell Slaughter.   They resided in Burrsville, Maryland.

         William " John " was a farmer on a farm that was near the corner of the Greensboro Road and the Burrsville Road outside of Denton, Maryland and " Susan " was a typical farmer's wife.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1910 ( Recorded: April 21, 1910 ) residing on a farm that they were renting on the Road From Denton To Carmon's Store near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 33 year old " Farmer " and " Susan " is noted as a 26 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 2 " children :
         Carl ~ ( Age ~ 6 )
         and John ~ ( Age ~ 4 )

         In the Federal Census of 1920 ( Recorded: January 20, 1920 ) they are residing on a farm that they were renting on the Burnsville to Green's Lard road near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 43 year old " Farmer " and " Susan " is noted as a 36 year old homemaker.   Still residing with them are their " 2 " children :
         Carl ~ ( Age ~ 15 )
         and John ~ ( Age ~ 14 )

         In the Federal Census of 1930 ( Recorded: April 7, 1930 ) they are still residing on a farm that they were renting on the Bursville to Green's Lard road near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 54 year old " Farmer & Employer " and
" Susan " is noted as a 47 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their grandson : William Noah Collison ~ ( Age ~ 5 ) son of Clarence Carl Collison ( 470 ) .

         In the Federal Census of 1940 ( Recorded: May 7, 1940 ) they are residing in a home that they were renting on the Banksville Dirt Road near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 64 year old " Farmer " and " Susan " is noted as a 57 year old homemaker.   No one else is residing with them at this time.

         In the Federal Census of 1950 ( Recorded: April 6, 1950 ) they are residing in a house that they were renting on the Bursville Road near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 73 year old and " Retired " and " Susan " is noted as a 66 year old homemaker.   No one else is residing with them at this time.

         " Susan Florence Slaughter Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on July 13, 1957 at the age of 73 years, 6 months, and 17 days.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " William 'John' Collison ( 227 ) " passed away on March 10, 1961 at the age of 73 years, 11 months, and 20 days in Easton, Maryland and was interred next to his wife.      Together they had " 2 " children :

470.  Clarence Carl Collison      ~  b. February 26, 1902  ~  d. November 24, 1955  ~  " Age 53 years ~ 8 months ~ 29 days "
471.  John Martin Collison      ~  b. July 22, 1905  ~  d. August 9, 1957  ~  " Age 52 years ~ 18 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 227 )  ~    William ' John ' Collison  ~    Susan "Susie" Florence Slaughter Collison  ~  ( Wife of William )

Parent's of " Susan Florence Slaughter " :

  William P. Slaughter  ~    Elizabeth Bedwell Slaughter  ~  ( Wife of William )
        " Great-Great-Great Grandparents of Chris and Ryan Pickett "

Was born the 9th child and 4th son of :
" James Bayard Martin ( 117 ) " and " Margaret Ann Cohee Collison "
on September 20, 1878
in the Burrsville, Maryland area.

         " Enoch ", who went by his middle name " George " is shown residing as a " servant / laborer " in the home of the widow Mary Griffith in the Denton, Maryland area in the 1900 census.

         " George " married " Mary Virginia "Mamie" Adams Griffith ", with whom he resided, in 1904.   She was born the daughter of James Lafayette and Elizabeth Nichols Adams on May 28, 1870 in Caroline County, Maryland.   They later resided in Hillsboro, Maryland soon after their marriage.

         " Mary " was the widow of Alonzo E. Griffith.   She had five previous children with Alonzo Griffith:   J. Howard, Ada Elizabeth, Alice Farring, Ruth Sullivan, and Mary " Mamie " Austin Griffith.

         In the 1930 census " George " and " Mary " are shown renting a home at 2007 West 7th Street in Wilmington, Delaware.
" George " was noted as being employed as a carpenter and " Mary " as a homemaker.   Living with them at that time was their son Charles ( 475 ), their grandson Elsworth Griffith ( age 12 ), and their grandson Thomas E. Homer ( age 10 ).

         " Mary Virginia 'Mamie' Adams Collison " preceded her husband in passed away at the age of 63 years, 1 month, and 28 days on July 24, 1933 in Wilmington, Delaware.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Enoch 'George' Collison ( 228 ) " passed away on March 28, 1960 at the age of 81 years, 6 months, and 8 days, in Salisbury, Maryland and was also interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.   Together " George " and " Mary " appear to have had " 5 " known children.

  Children of Enoch 'George' Collison ( 228 ) and Mary Collison :

472.  Muriel Louise Collison      ~  b. November 7, 1905  ~  d. June 30, 1906 ~ ( twin )  ~  " Age 7 months, 23 days "
473.  Mildred Collison      ~  b. November 7, 1905  ~  d. November 4, 1983 ~ ( twin )  ~  " Age 77 years, 11 months, 28 days "
474.  James Hartman Collison      ~  b. October 29, 1907  ~  d. July 15, 1936  ~  " Age 28 years, 8 months, 17 days "
475.  Charles H. Collison      ~  b. abt. 1908  ~  d. ( unknown )  ~  " Age Unknown "
476.  James Alonzo "Lannie" Collison      ~  b. August 10, 1911  ~  d. October 11, 1918  ~  " Age 7 years, 2 months, 1 days "

  Previous children of " Mary Adams Griffith " with Alonzo E. Griffith :

mary1.  J. Howard Griffith  ~  b. 1889  ~  d. 1889  ~  " Age Unknown "
mary2.  Ada Elizabeth Griffith Fleming  ~  b. January 9, 1892  ~  d. August 5, 1956 ~ ( twin ? )  ~  " Age 64 years, 6 months, 27 days "
mary3.  Alice Farring Griffith  ~  b. 1892  ~  d. 1954 ~ ( twin ? )  ~  " Age abt. 62 years "
mary4.  Ruth S. Griffith Reed  ~  b. Apr. 24, 1894  ~  d. March 11, 1983  ~  " Age 88 years, 10 months, 17 days "
mary5.  Mary "Mamie" Austin Griffith  ~  b. 1897  ~  d. 1969  ~  " Age abt. 72 "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 472 ) ~ Muriel, based on all records, was the " twin " of Mildred ( 520 ).
( 473 ) ~ Mildred married " Lloyd Griffith " and based on all records, was the " twin " of Muriel ( 519 ).
( 474 ) ~ James was married to " Alice L. ????? " and drowned in the Delaware River near Chester, Pennsylvania.
( 475 ) ~ Charles ~ Nothing further is known.
( 476 ) ~ James " Lannie " died at the age of 7 in Wilmington, Delaware.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 228 )  ~  (N)  Enoch " George " Collison  ~  (N)  Mary Virginia "Mamie" Adams Collison  ~  ( Wife of Enoch " George " )

  Children of Enoch "George" ( 214 ) and Mary Collison :

( 472 )  ~    Muriel Louise Collison
( 473 )
  ~    Mildred Louise Collison Griffith
( 474 )
  ~    James Hartman Collison
( 476 )
  ~    James Alonzo "Lannie" Collison

  Children of Mary Virginia Adams Griffith and Alonzo E. " Frank " Griffith :

  Ada Elizabeth Griffith Fleming  ~    James Alvin Fleming  ~  ( Husband of Ada )
  Ruth Sullivan Griffith Reed  ~    Jesse Lee Reed  ~  ( Husband of Ruth )

Was born the 6th child and 3rd son of :
" John Mace Collison ( 128 ) "
1st child and 1st son of " Margaret A. Lambie Collison "
on November 29, 1873.

         He married " Katherine Houseman Collison ( 576 ) " on June 22, 1898 in Sussex County, De.   She was born the daughter of " Charles T. Collison ( 247 ) " and " Mary Elizabeth Hill Collison " in 1878.   They were distant cousins.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 1, 1900 ) residing in a home they were renting on South Street, Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware.   " Andrew " is noted as being 26 years old and a " Blacksmith " and " Katherine " is noted as being a 22 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their oldest child : Louis ~ ( Age 2 months ) .

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 21, 1910 ) they are residing in a home they were renting on South Street, Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware.   " Andrew " is noted as being 36 years old " Life Insurance Agent " and " Katherine " is noted as being a 31 year old homemaker.   Both of their children are now residing with them :
         Louis ~ ( Age 10 )
         and Louise ~ ( Age 1 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 10, 1920 ) they have moved to a home that they were renting on Grant Avenue, Upper Penns Neck, Salem County, New Jersey.   " Andrew " is noted as being 46 years old and an " Engineer in a Dye Plant " and " Katherine " is noted as being a 41 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their daughter Louise ~ ( Age 11 ) .

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 22, 1930 ) they have moved to a home that they owned on East Side State Road, in New Castle County, Delaware.   " Andrew " is noted as being 55 years old and a " Stationary Engineer in a Silk Mill " and
" Katherine " is noted as being a 51 year old homemaker.   Both of their children are now residing with them :
         Louis ~ ( Age 30 - Traveling Salesman )
         and Louise ~ ( Age 21 ~ Stenographer in a powder mill ) .

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: May 3, 1940 ) they are now shown residing in a home that they owned in Farnhurst, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Andrew " is noted as being 66 years old and " Retired " and " Katherine " is noted as being a 61 year old homemaker.   Also residing with them is :
         their daughter Louise Collison Merrick ~ ( Age 31 ~ Still a Stenographer ),
         and her husband " James Woolford Merrick " ~ ( Age 35 ~ working as a Foreman ),
         and their son James C. Merrick ~ ( Age 3 )

         " Katherine Houseman Collison Collison ( 576 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on April 2, 1948 at the age of 69 years, 9 months, and 11 days in Wilmington, Delaware of cancer.   She was interred in the Smyrna Odd Fellows Cemetery, Smyrna, Delaware.

         " Andrew Williamson Collison ( 236 ) " passed away on November 25, 1955 at the age of 81 years, 11 months, and 27 days of carbon Monoxide poisoning in Wilmington, Delaware.   He was interred next to his wife.   Together they had " 2 " children :

490.  Louis Hazel Collison      ~  b. July 27, 1899  ~  d. December 30, 1980  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 5 months ~ 3 days "
491.  Louise Lambie Collison      ~  b. July 13, 1908  ~  d. April 8, 1993  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 8 months ~ 26 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 236 )  ~    Andrew W. Collison
( 576 )  ~    Katherine H. Collison Collison  ~  ( Wife of Andrew )

Was born the first of two daughters to :
" Robert K. Collison ( 130 ) " and " Patience Keats Collison "
on September 16, 1861
in Tuckahoe Neck, Maryland.

         She married " William George Cooper " on November 14, 1877 in Baltimore, Maryland.   William was born on February 15, 1850 the son of John Hawker & Ann Hitchcock Cooper in Yonkers, New York.

         There is a family story that " William" and " Margaret " owned and operated a store on Greenmount Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland and lived above the store.   However based on all the below census data " William" was never shown as a " Store Owner " and / or " Merchant ".

         They first show up as a family in the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 1, 1880 ) residing in a home at 363 North Durham Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " is noted as being 30 years old and a " Laborer " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 19 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their oldest child :
         George ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing with them is " William's " daughter from another relationship named Calesone Cooper ~ ( Age 17 ) .

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 8, 1900 ) they are now residing in a home at 2849 York Road, Baltimore Ward 11, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " is noted as being 50 years old and a " Driver " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 38 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 11 " oldest children :
         William George ~ ( Age 21 ~ Railroad Conductor )
         Robert E. ~ ( Age 19 ~ Baker )
         Albert W. ~ ( Age 18 ~ Pressman Printer )
         Margaret A. ~ ( Age 15 )
         John C. ~ ( Age 13 )
         Rosina N. ~ ( Age 11 )
         Francis J. L. ~ ( Age 9 )
         Edith R. ~ ( Age 7 )
         Gertrude P. ~ ( Age 5 )
         Norman R. ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Myrtle E. ~ ( Age 11 months )

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" Great Sadness " struck this family in the early part of the 1900's ..... " 3 " family members passed away :

         " Gertrude P. Cooper ( 500 ) ", who was born in 1895, passed away in 1901 at the age of " 6 ".   The cause of her passing is currently unknown.   It is unknown where she was interred but possibly in the Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland with her mother.

         " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on December 10, 1903 of Tuberculosis at the age of 42.   She was interred in the Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

         " Oliver Janny Cooper ( 503 ) ", who was born in November, 1903, passed away in April, 1904 at the age of " 5 months ". The cause of his passing is currently unknown.   It is unknown where he was interred but possibly in the Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland with her mother.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 18, 1910 ) the family are now residing in a home they were renting at 2949 Spark Road, Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " is noted as being 60 years old, a widower, and a " Laborer ".   Residing with him are " 3 " of his children :
         Rosina ~ ( Age 21 ~ Dress Maker )
         Norman R. ~ ( Age 12 )
         and Myrtle E. ~ ( Age 10 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 7, 1920 ) the family are now residing in a home they owned but had a mortgage on at 2931 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " is noted as being 69 years old, a widower, and a " Pump Operator in a Cooper Works ".   Residing with him are :
         his daughter Edith ~ ( Age 26 ~ Railroad Clerk )
         his daughter Margaret A. Cooper Kuehne ~ ( Age 35 ) and her husband Henry R. Kuehne ~ ( Age 46 )
         and their children :
         Henry R. Kuehne, Jr. ~ ( Age 10 )
         Edward A. Kuehne ~ ( Age 7 )
         and George K. Kuehne ~ ( Age 5 )
         Along with his daughter Rosina N. Cooper Eads ~ ( Age 31 ) and her husband John Eads ~ ( Age 52 )
         and their child : John Eads, Jr. ~ ( Age 1 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 14, 1930 ) they are now residing back on Greenmount Avenue in a home they owned, in Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " is noted as being 81 years old, a widower, and " Retired ".   Residing with him is his daughter Edith ~ ( Age 36 ~ Railroad Clerk ) .   They are the only ones now residing at this home.

         " William George Cooper " passed away on September 17, 1932 at the age of 71 years, and 1 day.   He was interred in the Saint Johns Episcopal Church Cemetery in Beltsville, Maryland.   Together they had " 12 " children :

492.  William George Cooper, Jr.     ~  b. September 1, 1878  ~  d. August 21, 1944  ~  " Age 70 years ~ 11 months ~ 20 days "
493.  Robert Edward Cooper     ~  b. July 17, 1880  ~  d. July 14, 1959  ~  " Age 78 years ~ 11 months ~ 28 days "
494.  Walter Albert Cooper     ~  b. January 8, 1882  ~  d. March 14, 1967  ~  " Age 85 years ~ 2 months ~ 6 days "
495.  Margaret Ann Cooper     ~  b. August 5, 1884  ~  d. September 8, 1961  ~  " Age 77 years ~ 1 month ~ 3 days "
496.  John Carroll Cooper     ~  b. August 23, 1886  ~  d. August 11, 1923  ~  " Age 36 years ~ 11 months ~ 19 days "
497.  Rosina Naomi Cooper     ~  b. September 25, 1888  ~  d. May 28, 1969  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 8 months ~ 3 days "
498.  Francis Joseph Lee Cooper     ~  b. October 3, 1890  ~  d. February 3, 1958  ~  " Age 67 years ~ 4 months "
499.  Edith Radiance Cooper     ~  b. January 26, 1893  ~  d. February 1, 1979  ~  " Age 86 years ~ 6 days "
500.  Gertrude Priscilla Cooper     ~  b. 1895  ~  d. 1901  ~  " Age abt. 6 years "
501.  Norman Ralph Cooper     ~  b. July 25, 1898  ~  d. July 6, 1949  ~  " Age 50 years ~ 11 months ~ 12 days "
502.  Myrtle Eleanor Cooper     ~  b. March 8, 1900  ~  d. March 8, 1991  ~  " Age 91 years "
503.  Oliver Janny Cooper     ~  b. November, 1903  ~  d. April, 1904  ~  " Age abt. 5 months "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

         A lot of information on this " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle ( 547 ) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William ( 537 ).

( 493 )  ~  Robert " Edward "  ~  married " Lida Pryor " in September, 1903.   They didn't have any children.
( 499 )  ~  Edith  ~  married " John Albert Conner " in 1932 and they never had any children.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland.

( 500 )  ~  Gertrude  ~  passed away as a child and it's unknown where she was interred.

( 503 )  ~  Oliver  ~  passed away as an infant and it's unknown where he was interred.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 243 )  ~  (N)  Margaret Ann Collison Cooper  ~  (N)  William George Cooper, Sr.  ~  ( Husband of Margaret )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
Twiford Collison ( 135 ) and Margaret (_____) Collison
on April 1, 1828
in Sussex County, Delaware.

( All below lettering in " Bright Blue " are clickable links ! )

         He married " Mary Ann Hitch " on January 4, 1850.   She was born the daughter of Clement and Assenath Wilson Hitch on January 29, 1833.

         They first show up as a family in the 1850 Federal Census ( Recorded: August 29, 1850 ) residing on a farm that is next to his dad
" Twiford's ( 135 ) " farm in Subdivision 11, Sussex County, Delaware.   More than likely this farm was originally part of his dad's farm.   " Stansbury " is noted as being 22 years old and a " Farmer " and " Mary Ann " is noted as being a 17 year old homemaker.   Also residing with them is a black man named John Collison who is 38 years old and was a " Farm Laborer " on their farm.

         A 1860 Federal Census for them " has not currently been found " .....   " However " during the 1850's they had " 5 " children and their names, along with their approximate ages, would be :
         William H. ~ ( Age 9 )
         Sarah Ann ~ ( Age 7 )
         George S. ~ ( Age 4 )
         Thomas E. ~ ( Age 6 months ) .
         And one of their sons, " Twiford Collison ( 552 ) " was born and passed away during the 1850's at the age of 8 days.

         " Stansbury " served in the Union Army during the Civil War.   He was a member of the " 1st Battalion Delaware Cavalry Vol., Company C " from January 20, 1863 to June 30, 1865.

         He was injured in March, 1864 when a horse fell on his leg at Port Tobacco, Maryland.   He was promoted to Corporal on April 5, 1864.   In October, 1864 he " contracted a severe cold producing discharge of a serious character from right ear resulting in deafness " while serving in Westminster, Maryland.

         " Stansbury " received a pension for this of $25.00 a month.
         ( See the " Collison Family Notes " for more about his Civil War Service ) .....

         In the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 16, 1870 ) they were now residing in a home, or possibly a farm, that is located in Red Lion Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Stansbury " is noted as being 41 years old and a " Dairy Man " and
" Mary Ann " is noted as being a 36 year old homemaker.   Also residing with them are all " 7 " of their surviving children :
         William H. ~ ( Age 18 )
         Sarah ~ ( Age 17 )
         George S. ~ ( Age 13 )
         Thomas E. ~ ( Age 10 )
         Mary Emma ~ ( Age 7 )
         Margaret ~ ( Age 3 )
         and John C. ~ ( Age 1 )

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 1, 1880 ) they were now residing in a home that is located in Newark, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Stansbury " is noted as being 51 years old and " Dealing In Sewing Machines " and " Mary Ann " is noted as being a 46 year old homemaker.   Also residing with them are all " 7 " of their surviving children :
         William H. ~ ( Age 27 ~ Farm Laborer )
         Sarah " Annie " ~ ( Age 25 ~ Dress Maker )
         George S. ~ ( Age 22 ~ Farm Laborer )
         Thomas E. ~ ( Age 20 ~ works in a wool mill )
         Mary Emma ~ ( Age 17 ~ works in a wool mill )
         Margaret ~ ( Age 13 )
         and John C. ~ ( Age 11 )

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 6, 1900 ) they were now residing in a home they were renting in Newark, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Stansbury " is noted as being 72 years old and a " Manager " and " Mary Ann " is noted as being a 67 year old homemaker.   Also residing with them is their widowed daughter Sarah " Annie " Collison Aikley ~ ( Age 46 ~ Dress Maker ) .

         On May 28, 1902 " Stansbury " filed in the Orphan's Court of Sussex County, Delaware to divide the property of his deceased father and mother.   There were only four children left, Stansbury ( 260 ), Sarah ( 264 ), Charles ( 267 ) and
Robert ( 269 ).   The courts appointed a committee of five to divide the property.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 19, 1910 ) they were now residing in a home located at 707 North Jackson Stree, Ward 11, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware with their son " John ( 556 ) " and his family.   " Stansbury " is noted as being 83 years old and " Retired " and " Mary Ann " is noted as being a 77 year old homemaker.   Also residing with them is their son William ~ ( Age 56 ~ unemployed )

         " Stansbury " and " Mary Ann " lived their later years in Newark, Delaware and then Wilmington, Delaware where
" Stansbury J. Collison ( 260 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on May 9, 1912 at 707 North Jackson Street in Wilmington, Delaware at the age of 84 years, 1 month, and 8 days.   He was interred in the Riverview Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

         From that time on " Mary Ann Hitch Collison " received a reduced pension from " Stansbury's " Civil War duty of $12.00 a month until she passed away on April 2, 1913 at the age of 80 years, 2 months, and 4 days.   She was interred next to her husband.   Together they had " 8 " children :

549.  William H. Collison     ~  b. August 5, 1851  ~  d. January 9, 1911  ~  " Age 59 years ~ 5 months ~ 4 days "
550.  Sarah Ann Collison     ~  b. June 25, 1853  ~  d. May 24, 1936  ~  " Age 82 years ~ 10 months ~ 29 days "
551.  George S. Collison  ~  b. June 13, 1856  ~  d. May 28, 1931  ~  " Age 74 years ~ 11 months ~ 15 days "
552.  Twiford Collison     ~  b. January 16, 1858  ~  d. January 24, 1858  ~  " Age 8 days "
553.  Thomas E. Collison     ~  b. October 18, 1859  ~  d. May 27, 1940  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 7 months ~ 9 days "
554.  Mary Emma Collison     ~  b. June 20, 1862  ~  d. February 14, 1926  ~  " Age 63 years ~ 7 months ~ 25 days "
555.  Margaret Collison     ~  b. July 3, 1866  ~  d. 1920  ~  " Age abt. 57 years "
556.  John Clark Collison     ~  b. May 12, 1869  ~  d. April 16, 1951  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 11 months ~ 4 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 549 )  ~  William  ~  was never married and didn't have any children.
               Later in life he worked in the Ship-yards in Wilmington, Delaware.
               His funeral was held at his brother George's ( 551 ) home at 207 North Jackson Street, Wilmington
               and he was interred with his parents at Riverview Cemetery in Wilmington, Delaware.

( 550 )  ~  Sarah  ~  was a dressmaker and was married twice.
               She 1st married " James Alford Aikley " on December 5, 1881 and they had " 1 " child :
               " Enola H. Aikley " who passed away on February 11, 1891 from Typhoid Fever at the age of 8 years old.
               " James Alford Aikley " passed away on November 16, 1893 of consumption.
               After his passing she wa married 2nd to " John Riemer " on November 18, 1901 and he passed away on February 4, 1908.
               She passed away in the Presbyterian Home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the age of 82 years, 10 months, and 29 days
               and was interred with her parents in Riverview Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

( 552 )  ~  Twiford  ~  passed away at the age of 8 days.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 260 )  ~    Stansbury J. Collison  ~  (N)  Mary Ann Hitch Collison  ~  ( Wife of Stansbury )

         Children of Stansbury J. Collison ( 240 ) and Mary Hitch Collison :  ~  ( click on name )

( 549 )  ~  (N)  William H. Collison
( 550 )  ~  (N)  Sarah Ann Collison Remer  ~  (N)  James A. Aikley  ~  ( First husband of Sarah Ann )

Was born the 5th child and 2nd daughter of :
" Twiford Collison ( 135 ) "
the 3rd child and 3rd daughter of :
" Sarah Lofland Collison "
on October 10, 1837
in Sussex County, Delaware.

         She married " Andrew J. Lord " on December 30, 1862.   Andrew was born in September 4, 1831 in Delaware the son of Robert and Ann Lord and was a farmer.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 30, 1870 ) residing on a farm located in the Northwest Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware with a post office address of Seaford.   " Andrew " is noted as being 37 years old and a " Farmer " and " Sarah 'Sallie' " is noted as being a 33 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 4 " Children :
         Harry ~ ( Age 6 )
         William ~ ( Age 4 )
         Edwin ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Sarah ~ ( Age 6 months )
         Also residing with them is " Sallie's " brother " Hiram J. Collison ( 268 ) " ~ ( Age 27 ~ working on the farm )
         and Julia Sordan ~ ( Age 50 )

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 10, 1880 ) they appear to be residing on the same farm located in the Northwest Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware with a post office address of Seaford.   " Andrew " is noted as being 47 years old and a " Farmer " and " Sarah 'Sallie' " is noted as being a 43 year old homemaker.   Still residing with them are their " 4 " children :
         Harry ~ ( Age 16 )
         William ~ ( Age 14 )
         Edwin ~ ( Age 12 )
         and Sarah ~ ( Age 10 )
         Also still residing with them is " Sallie's " brother " Hiram J. Collison ( 268 ) " ~ ( Age 36 ~ working on the farm )

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Andrew J. Lord " preceded his wife in passing away on April 21, 1900 at the age of 68 years, 7 months, and 17 days.   He was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Sarah 'Sallie' " was still resided on their farm in Sussex County, Delaware in 1900 with all four of her children, along with her son Edward's ( 572 ) wife Marion.

         " Sarah 'Sallie' P. Collison Lord ( 264 ) " passed away on June 28, 1916 at the age of 78 years, 8 months, and 18 days and was interred with her husband in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   Together they had " 4 " children.

570.  Harry Lord     ~  b. September 7, 1863  ~  d. June 12, 1934  ~  " Age 70 years ~ 9 months ~ 5 days "
571.  William Lee Lord     ~  b. January 3, 1866  ~  d. October 14, 1913  ~  " Age 47 years ~ 9 months ~ 11 days "
572.  Edward Lord     ~  b. November 29, 1867  ~  d. November 1, 1946  ~  " Age 78 years ~ 11 months ~ 3 days "
573.  Sarah "Sadie" Lord     ~  b. December 13, 1869  ~  d. December 5, 1933  ~  " Age 63 years ~ 11 months ~ 23 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 570 )  ~  Harry  ~  was noted in the 1900 census as a "paperhanger".  He is believed to be interred in Glenwood Memorial Gardens, Broomall, Pa.

( 571 )  ~  William  ~  was listed as a " farmer " in the 1900 census and was never married.

( 572 )  ~  Edward  ~  was listed as " dentist " in the 1900 census and married " Marion Pearl Sellmer " and they had " 4 " known children together
               ( Arthur Sellmer, Howard Calhoun, Edward C., and Marjorie C. Lord )
               He left the " dentistry ", moved to Washington, D.C. and worked for the Post Office in Washington, D.C.
               and his wife " Marion " taught music.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 264 )  ~    Sarah P. Collison Lord  ~    Andrew J. Lord  ~  ( Husband of Sarah )

  ~  Children of Sarah " Sallie " P. Collison Lord ( 264 ) and " Andrew J. Lord " :

( 571 )  ~    William Lee Lord
( 572 )  ~    Edward Lord

Was born the 8th child and 6th son of :
" Twiford Collison ( 135 ) "
6th child and 3rd son of :
" Sarah Lofland Collison "
in 1841
in Sussex County, Delaware.

         He married " Mary Elizabeth Hill " on April 10, 1873.   Her parent's names are currently unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 14, 1880 ) residing on a farm located in the North West Fork, Sussex County, Delaware.   " Charles " is noted as being 29 years old and a " Farmer " and " Mary " is noted as being a 24 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 oldest " Children :
         Annie ~ ( Age 6 )
         Ellen ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Kate ~ ( Age 2 )
         Also residing with them is " Charles's " brother " Alexander S. Collison ( 266 ) " ~ ( Age 30 ~ working on the farm )
         and a cousin John R. Jester ~ ( Age 12 )

         " Great Sadness " came upon this young family when their daughter and sister " Minnie Collison ( 578 ) ", who was born on August 31, 1882, passed away on August 10, 1883 at the age of Age 11 months, and 10 days.   It is currently unknown where she was interred but more than likely on the family farm.

         " More Sadness " came upon this young family when " Mary Elizabeth Hill Collison " preceded her husband in passing away in ca. 1886 and after her passing all of their children were raised by relatives.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         It is currently unknown where Charles T. Collison ( 267 ) and " Mary Elizabeth Hill Collison " were interred.   Together they had " 6 " children :

574.  Annie Lee Collison     ~  b. January 29, 1874  ~  d. March 25, 1916  ~  " Age 42 years ~ 1 month ~ 27 days "
575.  Ellen Collison     ~  b. March 21, 1877  ~  d. January 12, 1947  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 9 months ~ 22 days "
576.  Katherine Houseman Collison     ~  b. May 7, 1878  ~  d. April 2, 1948  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 10 months ~ 26 days "
577.  George T. Collison     ~  b. September 24, 1880  ~  d. ( unknown )
578.  Minnie Collison     ~  b. August 31, 1882  ~  d. August 10, 1883  ~  " Age 11 months ~ 10 days "
579.  Minnie Grace Collison     ~  b. December 1, 1884  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 574 )  ~  Annie  ~  married " George L. Walker ", a piano dealer, on April 9, 1902 and it is believed they didn't have any children.
( 575 )  ~  Ellen  ~  married " Charles R. Smith " on December 4, 1901 and it is also believed they didn't have any children.
( 577 )  ~  George  ~  Nothing further is known.
( 578 )  ~  Minnie  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 579 )  ~  Minnie  ~  married " Oscar Newton " and it is also believed they didn't have any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

  Children of Charles T. ( 267 ) and " Mary Elizabeth Hill Collison "

( 574 ) ~   Annie Lee Collison Walker
( 575 ) ~ 
  Ellen Collison Smith

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Shadrach Collison ( 136 ) " and " Sarah Anne Long Collison "
on January 8, 1838 in Delaware.

         He married " Susan F. Roderfield " on May 3, 1865 in Delaware.   She was born on May 6, 1844 in Pennsylvania.   Her parents names are currently unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: July 24, 1870 ) residing in a home located in Dover, Kent County, Delaware.   " Henry " is noted as being 32 years old and a " Grocery Merchant " and " Susan " is noted as being a 27 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " oldest children :
         Anna ~ ( Age 4 )
         Sarah " Sadie " ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Elizabeth " Lizzie " ~ ( Age 6 months )
         Also residing with them are " Henry's " little brother " Thomas ( 279 ) " ~ ( Age 13 ~ Working in store )
         and Mary A. Goslin ~ ( Age 18 ~ Working in the home )

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 21, 1880 ) they are noted as residing in a home located at 547 Loockerman Street, Dover, Delaware ( more than likely where their store was ).   " Henry " is noted as being 42 years old and a " Grocery Merchant " and " Susan " is noted as being a 36 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 5 " children :
         Anna ~ ( Age 14 )
         Sarah " Sadie " ~ ( Age 12 )
         Elizabeth " Lizzie " ~ ( Age 10 )
         Susan ~ ( Age 7 )
         and Mary L. ~ ( Age 3 ) ~
         Also residing with them in 1880 is " Henry's " little brother " Thomas ( 279 ) " ~ ( Age 23 ~ clerk in store ),
         R. A. Mitchell ~ ( Age 23 ~ clerk in store ) ~ Morris Hartnett ~ ( Age 21 ~ clerk in store )
         George R. Weeks ~ ( Age 17 ~ clerk in store ) ~ and Hester Tomlinson ~ ( Age 50 ~ Servant ) .

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Susan F. Roderfield Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on February 21, 1895 at the age of 50 years, 9 months, and 15 days.   She was interred in the Lakeside Cemetery, Dover, Kent County, Delaware.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 5, 1900 ) they are now noted as residing in a home that he owned located on Bradford Street, Dover, Delaware.   " Henry " is noted as being 62 years old, a " widower " and a " Grocery Merchant ".   Residing with him now are " 4 " of his children :
         Sarah " Sadie " ~ ( Age 31 ~ Clerk in store )
         Susan ~ ( Age 27 ~ Clerk in store )
         Mary ~ ( Age 22 ~ School Teacher )
         and Henry C., Jr. ~ ( Age 17 ) .

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 19, 1910 ) they are now noted as residing in a home that was " mortgaged " located at 106 Governor's Avenue, Dover, Delaware.   " Henry " is noted as being 72 years old, a " widower " and " Retired ".   Residing with him now are " 3 " of his children :
         Sarah " Sadie " ~ ( Age 42 ~ Saleswomen, Dry Goods )
         Susan ~ ( Age 37 ~ Homemaker )
         and Mary ~ ( Age 32 ~ School Teacher ) .

         " Henry Clay Collison ( 270 ) " passed away on July 11, 1916 at the age of 78 years, 6 months, and 3 days.   He was interred in the Lakeside Cemetery, Dover, Kent County, Delaware along with his wife.   Together they are believed to have had " 6 " children :

580.  Annie R. Collison     ~  b. 1866  ~  d. ( date unknown )
581.  Sarah V. " Sadie " Collison     ~  b. December 17, 1867  ~  d. March 7, 1930  ~  " Age 62 years ~ 2 months ~ 21 days "
582.  Elizabeth "Lizzie" Collison     ~  b. 1869  ~  d. ( date unknown )
583.  Susan F. Collison     ~  b. February 18, 1873  ~  d. February 15, 1935  ~  " Age 61 years ~ 11 months ~ 28 days "
584.  Mary L. Collison     ~  b. September 6, 1877  ~  d. June 18, 1957  ~  " Age 79 years ~ 9 months ~ 12 days "
585.  Henry Clay Collison, Jr.     ~  b. February 28, 1883  ~  d. June 14, 1946  ~  " Age 63 years ~ 3 months ~ 17 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 270 )  ~    Henry Clay Collison  ~    Susan F. Roderfield Collison  ~  ( Wife of Henry )

  Children of Henry C. Collison, Sr. ( 270 ) and " Susan F. Roderfield Collison " :

( 581 )  ~    Sarah V. Collison
( 583 )  ~    Susan F. Collison
( 584 )  ~    Mary L. Collison
( 585 )  ~    Henry Clay Collison, Jr.

Was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of :
" Shadrach Collison ( 136 ) and " Sarah Anne Long Collison "
on February 9, 1842.

         He married " Laura V. Anderson " on March 24, 1880.   She was born the daughter of Benaiah T. and Mary J. Redden Anderson in September, 1857.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.   " The 1890 Federal Census would have also been the first time they showned up as a family ".

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 26, 1900 ) residing on a farm that they owned but was " mortgaged " located in Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " William " is noted as being 58 years old and a
" Farmer " and " Laura " is noted as being a 42 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " children :
         Mary ~ ( Age 15 )
         Roscoe ~ ( Age 13 )
         and Sarah E. ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing with them is William E Callaway ~ ( Age 22 ~ Farm Laborer ) .

         " William W. Collison ( 272 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on May 5, 1902 at the age of 60 years, 2 months, and 26 days.   He was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Kent County, Delaware.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 18, 1910 ) they are now residing in a home that they owned " Mortgage Free " located in Harrington, Kent County, Delaware.   " Laura " is noted as being 51 years old and working however it doesnt note where.   Residing with her are " 2 " children :
         Roscoe ~ ( Age 22 ~ Lumber Mill Worker )
         and Sarah " Emily " ~ ( Age 10 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 9, 1920 ) " Laura " is noted as being a 63 year old " widow " residing in the home of her son Roscoe ( 587 ) ~ ( Age 32 ~ Railroad Brakeman ) on Hanley Street, Harrington, Kent County, Delaware.   Also residing with them is her daughter Sarah " Emily " ~ ( Age 21 ~ Telephone Operator ) .

         " Laura V. Anderson Collison " passed away on April 21, 1923 at the age of about 63 years and she was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 3 " known children.

586.  Mary Collison     ~  b. ca. 1885  ~  d. March 9, 1960
587.  Roscoe C. Collison     ~  b. October 18, 1886  ~  d. June 23, 1943  ~  " Age 56 years ~ 8 months ~ 5 days "
588.  Sarah Emily Collison     ~  b. ca. 1889  ~  d. ( date unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 586 )  ~  Mary  ~  Married " Clarence Fraim " who was a milk dealer on October 27, 1909 in Wilmington, Delaware and it's currently unknown if they had any children.
( 587 )  ~  Roscoe  ~  is interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware and is believed to have never married.
( 588 )  ~  Sarah " Emily "  ~  Nothing further is known except she was still surviving in 1960.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 272 )  ~    William W. Collison  ~    Laura V. Anderson Collison  ~  ( Wife of William )

  Children of William ( 272 ) and Laura Collison:  ~  ( click on name )

    ( 586 )  ~  (N)  Mary Collison Fraim
    ( 587 )  ~    Roscoe C. Collison

Was born the 6th child and 3rd son of :
Shadrach Collison ( 136 ) and Sarah Anne Long Collison
in 1847.
" George " was named after his grandfather " George ( 66 ) ".

         He married " Noria "Nexie" Jane Booth " prior to 1870 and her parents names are unknown.   " Nexie " was born on October 29, 1847.

         They first show up as a family in the 1870 Federal Census ( Recorded: August 23, 1870 ) residing on a farm in Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " George " is noted as being 23 years old and a " Farmer " and " Nexie " is noted as being a 22 year old " Homemaker ".   They currently don't have any children.

         In the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: July 5, 1880 ) still residing on what is belived to be the same farm in Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " George " is noted as being 33 years old and a " Farmer " and " Nexie " is noted as being a 32 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 4 " oldest children :
         George S. ~ ( Age 9 )
         Parley L. ~ ( Age 7 )
         Anna M. ~ ( Age 5 )
         and Omer ~ ( Age 4 )

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         During the 1890's " George " and " Nexie " had " 4 " other known children : Alexis Collison, Dora Collison, ( infant ) Collison, and Wilmer " Mike " Collison.

          " Tragedy " struck this young family during what was known as the " Small Pox Epidemic " during the early 1880's .....
" 4 " of their children passed away :
         Parley L. Collison ~ ( Age 8 )
         Annie M. Collison ~ ( Age 6 )
         Omer Collison ~ ( Age 5 )
         and Alexis Collison ~ ( Age 1 )

         And " Sadley " they also had an Infant child pass away in 1885.   They were all interred in the " Collison Family Plot " near Andrewsville, Delaware.

         And then " More Sadness " struck when " Noria "Nexie" Jane Booth Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on April 26, 1896 at the age of 48 years, 5 months, and 28 days in Brownsville, Delaware   She was also interred in the " Collison Family Plot " near Andrewsville, Delaware.

         After the passing of " Nexie" their daughter Dora Collison ( 594 ) was sent to her Aunt Adaline Booth Collins, " Nexie's " sister, who raised her and Wilmer " Mike " Collison ( 586 ) was sent to his Uncle and Aunt David T. Booth, " Nexie's " brother, and Annie C. Booth for them to raise.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 23, 1910 ) " George " is noted as being a 63 year old " Widower, Carpenter " and also as a " Boarder " residing in a home on West Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.

         " George Washington Collison ( 275 ) " passed away on May 3, 1917 at the age of about 70 years of heart failure and was interred next to his wife.   Together they had " 8 " known children.

589.  George S. Collison     ~  b. 1871  ~  d. August 30, 1943  ~  " Age abt. 72 years "
590.  Parley L. Collison     ~  b. 1872  ~  d. 1881  ~  " Age 9 years "
591.  Annie M. Collison     ~  b. 1875  ~  d. 1881  ~  " Age 7 years "
592.  Omer Collison     ~  b. 1876  ~  d. 1881  ~  " Age 6 years "
593.  Alexis Collison     ~  b. 1880  ~  d. 1881  ~  " Age 1 year "
594.  Dora Collison     ~  b. January 28, 1882  ~  d. December 27, 1957  ~  " Age 75 years ~ 10 months ~ 30 days "
595.  (infant) Collison     ~  b. 1885  ~  d. 1885  ~  " Age Infant "
596.  Wilmer " Mike " Collison     ~  b. 1891  ~  d. 1968  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 10 months ~ 6 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 589 )  ~   George  ~  married " Carrie Miller " and they didn't have any children.   He was a dentist in Philadelphia and died in Lavallette, New Jersey of a heart attack.   Where he is interred is unknown.

    There is the possiblity of another daughter of George ( 255 ) and Nexie named "Maggie" who reportedly died at the age of 13 however this has not as of yet been verified.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 275 )  ~    George Washington Collison  ~    Noria J. Booth Collison  ~  ( Wife of George )

  Children of George Washington ( 255 ) and " Noria "Nexie" Jane Booth Collison " :

    ( 590 )  ~    Parley L. Collison
    ( 591 )  ~    Annie M. Collison
    ( 592 )  ~    Omer Collison
    ( 593 )  ~    Alexis Collison
    ( 595 )  ~    ( infant ) Collison

Was born the 8th child and 4th son of :
" Shadrach Collison ( 136 ) " and " Sarah Anne Long Collison "
on January 30, 1853.

         He married " Annie Ellen Anderson " in January, 1875.   Annie was born the daughter of David P. and Aarah Ellen (_____) Anderson in 1856.

         They first show up as a family in the 1880 Federal Census ( Recorded: July 5, 1880 ) residing on a farm in Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " Richard " is noted as being 27 years old and a " Farmer " and " Annie " is noted as being a 22 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 3 " oldest children :
         Royal ~ ( Age 4 )
         Charles W. ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Florence E. ~ ( Age 4 months )

         " Richard M. Collison ( 277 ) " preceded his wife in passing on November 15, 1888 at the age of 35 years, 9 months, and 16 days.   He was interred in the " Collison Family Plot " near Andrewsville, Delaware.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         " Great Sadness " came upon the family when " Louder S. Collison ( 606 ) " passed away on April 7, 1891 due to a fire on the farm at the age of 2 years, 5 months, and 16 days.   He was interred in the Collison Family Cemetery, Andrewsville, Kent County, Delaware.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 27, 1900 ) the family is residing on a farm that is " mortgaged " in Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " Annie " is noted as being a 43 year old " Widow and Farmer ".   Residing with her are " 5 " of her children :
         Charles W. ~ ( Age 21 ~ Working on farm )
         Richard T. ~ ( Age 18 ~ Working on farm )
         Anna M. ~ ( Age 16 )
         Bertha A. ~ ( Age 13 )
         and her daughter Florence E. Collison Minner ~ ( Age 20 ) and her husband Elwood Minner ~ ( Age 27 ~ Working on farm )

         " Annie Ellen Anderson Collison " passed away on March 21, 1917 at the age of about 60 years and she was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   Together they had " 7 " children :

601.  Royal S. Collison     ~  b. October 25, 1875  ~  d. July 22, 1932  ~  " Age 56 years ~ 8 months ~ 28 days "
602.  Charles Walls Collison     ~  b. February 20, 1878  ~  d. July 18, 1967  ~  " Age 89 years ~ 4 months ~ 28 days "
603.  Florence E. Collison     ~  b. February 6, 1880  ~  d. March 22, 1953  ~  " Age 73 years ~ 1 month ~ 16 days "
604.  Richard Theola Collison     ~  b. February 7, 1882  ~  d. February 15, 1952  ~  " Age 70 years ~ 8 days "
605.  Anna May Collison     ~  b. April 5, 1884  ~  d. December 28, 1943  ~  " Age 59 years ~ 8 months ~ 23 days "
606.  Bertha A. Collison     ~  b. August, 1886  ~  d. ( unknown )
607.  Louder S. Collison     ~  b. October 22, 1888  ~  d. April 7, 1891  ~  " Age 2 years ~ 5 months ~ 16 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 600 )  ~  Royal  ~  was never married and didn't have any children.
( 604 )  ~  Anna  ~  married " B. Frank Ross " on December 27, 1905.   Frank was born on May 10, 1856 and died on October 19, 1942.
( 606 )  ~  Louder  ~  was killed by a fire on his family farm at the age of 2 1/2 years.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 277 )  ~    Richard M. Collison  ~    Annie Ellen Anderson Collison  ~  ( Wife of Richard )

Children of Richard ( 277 ) and Annie Collison:

    ( 600 )  ~    Royal S. Collison
    ( 604 )  ~    Anna May Collison Ross  ~    B. Frank Ross  ~  ( Husband of Anna )
   ( 606 )  ~    Louder S. Collison

Was born the 4th child and 4th son of :
" William Wallace Collison ( 200 ) " and " Helen Augusta Glenn Collison "
on October 29, 1883
in Baltimore, Maryland.

         He married " Cora Edna Thomas " who was born the daughter of James Wilton Thomas and Alice A. Thomas on February 5, 1887.

         Some family members have noted that " Francis " was employed as a wire cutter however that wasn't found in any of the below census data.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( dated: April 20, 1910 ) residing in a house that they were renting in Baltimore Ward 21, Baltimore, Maryland.    " Francis " is noted as being 26 years old and a " Spring Hat Maker " working in a factory and " Cora " is noted as being a 23 year old homemaker.   Their " 2 " oldest children are also residing with them :
         Ethel ~ ( Age 2 )
         Edna ~ ( Age 6 months )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( dated: January 12, 1920 ) they are now residing in a home that they " owned " at 1238 Columbia Avenue, Baltimore Ward 21, Baltimore, Maryland.    " Francis " is noted as being 36 years old and a " Railroad Inspector " and " Cora " is noted as being a 32 year old homemaker.   Their only " 3 " children are also residing with them :
         Ethel ~ ( Age 12 )
         Edna ~ ( Age 10 )
         Howard ~ ( Age 4 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( dated: April 12, 1930 ) they are now residing in a home that they " owned " at 1238 Washington Boulavard, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Francis " is noted as being 46 years old and a " Laborer for the B&O Railroad " and
" Cora " is noted as being a 39 year old homemaker.   Only their youngest child is also residing with them :
         Howard ~ ( Age 14 )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( dated: April 2, 1940 ) they are still residing in the same home that they " owned " at 1238 Washington Boulavard, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Francis " is noted as being 56 years old and a " Paint Finisher " and " Cora " is noted as being a 53 year old homemaker.
         Also residing with them is their nephew Raymond W. Mitchell ( Age 22 ~ Newspaper Copy Reader )

         " Francis Howard Collison ( 404 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on January 8, 1951 at the age of 67 years, 2 months, and 10 days in Baltimore, Maryland.   He was interred in the Western Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

         " Cora Edna Thomas Collison " passed away on December 15, 1961 at the age of 74 years, 10 months, and 10 days and was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 3 " children :

660.  Ethel Collison     ~  b. September 20, 1907  ~  d. April 25, 1995  ~  " Age 87 years ~ 7 months ~ 5 days "
661.  Edna F. Collison     ~  b. September 30, 1909  ~  d. December 7, 1983  ~  " Age 74 years ~ 2 months ~ 7 days "
662.  Howard Gilbert Collison     ~  b. July 2, 1915  ~  d. November 20, 1984  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 4 months ~ 18 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 660 )  ~  Ethel  ~  married " Paul Hohenberger " and they had 3 children together:  Carl Howard, Paul Norman, and Ethel Hohenberger.
( 661 )  ~  Edna  ~  married " George E. Hohenberger" and they had three children together.
" Family paragraphs coming soon for both sisters "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 404 )  ~    Francis Howard Collison   ~     Cora Edna Thomas Collison  ~  ( Wife of Francis )

  Children of Francis Howard Collison ( 264 ) and " Cora Edna Thomas Collison " :

    ( 660 )  ~    Ethel Collison Hohenberger   ~     Paul F. Hohenberger  ~  ( Husband of Ethel )

    ( 661 )  ~    Edna F. Collison Fitzgerald   ~     George E. Hohenberger, Sr  ~  ( 1st Husband of Edna )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Charles Wesley Collison ( 220 ) " and " Minnie Lewis Collison "
on November 6, 1885.

         He married " Dora Cade Anderson " who was born the daughter of Edward F. and Dora Trazzare Anderson on March 12, 1888.   After their marriage they first resided in Burrsville, Maryland.

         " Dora's " mother died shortly after Dora's birth and she was raised by her Uncle and Aunt, James & Sallie Trazzare.

         " Henry " preferred to be called " Harry " which his grave stone in Denton shows .....

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( dated: May 10, 1910 ) they were residing in a house that they were renting on Gay Street, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harry " is noted as being 24 years old and a " Farmer " and
" Dora " is noted as being a 22 year old homemaker and apparently 8 months pregnant with their first child.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( dated: January 20, 1920 ) they are now residing on a farm which they " owned " but had a " mortgage " on between Burrsville and Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harry " is noted as being 34 years old and a " Farmer " and " Dora " is noted as being a 32 year old homemaker.   Their " 3 " children are also residing with them :
         Paul T. ~ ( Age 9 )
         Harry R. ~ ( Age 6 )
         Evelyn ~ ( Age 3 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( dated: April 7, 1930 ) they are now residing on a farm which they " owned mortgage free " noted as being in Election District 3, Caroline County, Maryland ( more than likely the same farm from 1920 ).   " Harry " is noted as being 44 years old and a " Farmer " and " Dora " is noted as being a 42 year old homemaker.   " 2 " of their children are also residing with them :
         Harry R. ~ ( Age 16 )
         Evelyn ~ ( Age 13 )
         Paul T. was then attended Goldey Beacom College in Wilmington, Delaware.

         Residing on the farm next door to " Harry " and his family in 1930 is his brother " Charles 'Harvey' Collison ( 431 ) " and his wife " Ethel " and their family.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( dated: May 3, 1940 ) they are now noted as residing on a farm which they " owned mortgage free " that was located on the road between Burrsville and Greensboro, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harry " is noted as being 54 years old and a " Farmer " and " Dora " is noted as being a 52 year old homemaker.   They no longer have any children residing with them.

         " Harry " has been also been remembered by other family members as working on his farm raising produce and as later in life working at Benson's Ice Cream store in Denton, Maryland.   " Dora " was remembered as being a homemaker and also as working in other's homes helping the Elderly.

         " Henry 'Harry' Clay Collison ( 430 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on July 13, 1948 at the age of 62 years, 8 months, and 7 days.   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Caroline County, Denton, Maryland.

         After his passing " Dora " remarried to Joseph E. Willoughby .....

         " Dora Cade Anderson Collison Willoughby " passed away on December 9, 1986 at the age of 98 years, 8 months, and 28 days.   She was interred next to her first husband " Harry ".   They are interred next to " Dora's " Uncle James and Aunt Sallie and James' mother Sarah.   " Harry " and Dora had " 4 " children together.

663.  Paul Trazzare Collison     ~  b. June 3, 1910  ~  d. March 27, 1993  ~  " Age 82 years, 9 months, 24 days "
664.  Harry Ray Collison     ~  b. October 17, 1913  ~  d. January 18, 1995  ~  " Age 81 years, 3 months, 1 day "
665.  Evelyn Collison     ~  b. July 3, 1916  ~  d. January 26, 1993  ~  " Age 76 years, 6 months, 23 days "
666.  Dudley Collison     ~  ( died an infant )

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 430 )  ~    Henry "Harry" Clay Collison  ~    Dora Cade Anderson Collison Willoughby  ~  ( Wife of " Harry " )

Was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd son of :
" Charles Wesley Collison ( 220 ) " and " Minnie Lewis Collison "
on March 16, 1891.

         He married " Ethel Murphy " who was born February 28, 1890 the daughter of Charley Andrew Murphy and Lena Collins Murphy in ca. 1909.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( dated: April 30, 1910 ) they were residing in a house that they were renting on Hobbs Road, near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harvey " is noted as being 20 years old and a " Laborer in a Saw Mill " and " Ethel " is noted as being a 21 year old homemaker.   Their first child, Thelma E. ~ ( Age 2 months ) , is residing with them.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( dated: January 20, 1920 ) they are now residing on a farm which they were " renting " on the road between Burrsville and Greensboro, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harvey " is noted as being 28 years old and a " Farmer " and " Ethel " is noted as being a 29 year old homemaker and would be about 6 months pregnant with their son Harvey ( 616 ) at this time.   Residing with them are their " 2 " oldest children :
         Thelma E. ~ ( Age 9 )
         Dorothy ~ ( Age 5 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( dated: April 7, 1930 ) they are now residing on a farm which they " owned " in Election District 3, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harvey " is noted as being 39 years old and a " Farmer " and " Ethel " is noted as being a 40 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 3 " of their children :
         Dorothy ~ ( Age 15 )
         Harvey L. ~ ( Age 10 )
         Galen ~ ( Age 4 )
         Their daughter Thelma ( 667 ) had married " William Lee Deford, Jr. " and was out on her own.

         Residing on the farm next door to " Harvey " and his family in 1930 is his brother " Henry 'Harry' Clay Collison ( 430 ) " and his wife " Dora " and their family.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( dated: 1940 ) for some unknown reason " Harvey " is not noted as living with his wife and
son ( possibly not residing together for an unknown reason ).   " Ethel " is noted as being a 50 years old, " head of the home ", residing in a home that she was renting on Gay Street in Denton, Maryland, and is employed as a " Laborer in a Factory ".   Residing with her is their son Galen ~ ( Age 15 ) .

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( dated: April 22, 1950 ) they are shown residing in a home on Jack Bourn Road, Hillsboro, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harvey " is noted as a 64 year old " Painter " and " Ethel " is noted as being a 59 year old " Housekeeper " and no one else is residing with them.

         " Charles 'Harvey' Collison ( 431 ) " preceded his wife in passing away in February 25, 1968 at the age of 76 years, 11 months, and 9 days.   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Ethel Murphy Collison " passed away in October, 1974 at the age of about 84 years while residing in Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland and was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 4 " children :

667.  Thelma E. Collison     ~  b. February 26, 1910  ~  d. June 19, 1977  ~  " Age 67 years ~ 3 months ~ 24 days "
668.  Dorothy Louise Collison     ~  b. October 8, 1914  ~  d. December 25, 1990  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 2 months ~ 17 days "
669.  Harvey Lawson Collison     ~  b. April 4, 1920  ~  d. April 14, 1979  ~  " Age 59 years ~ 10 days "
670.  Galen Murphy Collison     ~  b. April 19, 1925  ~  d. June 28, 1974  ~  " Age 49 years ~ 2 months ~ 9 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

  Charles Harvey Collison  ~    Ethel Murphy Collison  ~  ( Wife of Charles )

  Dorothy Louise Collison Foster ( 615 )  ~    William Dorsey Foster Jr.  ~  ( Husband of Dorothy )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Mary Collison ( 223 ) "
on August 9, 1886.

         He married " Minnie Christopher " on June 3, 1914 and they resided in Cordova, Maryland.   Minnie was born in ca. 1897 in Maryland.   Her parent's names are currently unknown.

         The 1930 Federal Census ( dated: April 5, 1930 ) is the only census found for this family.   They are residing on a farm which they were " renting " in Election District 3, Queen Anne County, Maryland,.   " Norman " is noted as being 43 years old and a " Farmer " and " Minnie " is noted as being a 33 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are all " 4 " of their children :
         Goldie ~ ( Age 15 )
         Charles N. ~ ( Age 11 )
         Clayton W. ~ ( Age 9 )
         and Betty L. ~ ( Age 6 )

         " Norman Rixford Collison ( 432 ) " passed away on December 16, 1969 in Cordova, Maryland and was interred in the Saint Johnstown Cemetery, Greenwood, Delaware.

         It is currently unknown when " Minnie Christopher Collison " passed away or where she was interred .   Together they had 4 known children.

675.  Goldie Collison     ~  b. ca. 1915  ~  d. ( unknown )
676.  Charles Norman Collison     ~  b. April 30, 1919  ~  d. December 31, 1993  ~  " Age 74 years ~ 8 months ~ 1 day "
677.  Clayton W. Collison     ~  b. December 2, 1920  ~  d. October 15, 2002  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 10 months ~ 13 days "
678.  Betty Lee Collison     ~  b. ca. 1924  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Some family records note that Charles ( 676 ) and Clayton ( 677 ) took and used the last name " Betts "
believing or knowing that their father's father was Robert John Betts, husband of Mary Collison ( 223 ).
However family information from a closer source notes that they both retained and used the last name of " Collison. "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

  Norman Rixford Collison

Was born the 3rd child and 3rd son of :
" Mary Collison ( 223 ) "
on November 22, 1898 in Burrsville, Maryland.
He was married twice.

         He first married " Theresa Krause " whose parents are unknown.   They had three children together .....

         " Arthur " then resided with " Pauline Willey " who was born the daughter of Fred and Mary (_____) Willey and they had 3 children together .....

         " Arthur " then resided with, and later married, " Laura Alva Dean " who was born the daughter of Charles Elmer, Sr. and Edna Tull Green Dean on October 7, 1922 in Federalsburgs, Maryland.   Together they had 4 children .....

         " Arthur " worked as a Laboror and farmer during his lifetime.   He was known by many as " Peg-Leg " due to losing his leg during a saw mill accident and having a wooden leg.

         " Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) " passed away on February 18, 1976 at the age of 77 from emphysema and was interred in the St. Johnstown Methodist Church Cemetery, Greenwood, Delaware.

         His first wife Theresa has died and is interred in Lincoln, Delaware.   His second wife Laura remarried after Arthur's death to Charles Lynch and she passed away on August 25, 2003 and was also interred in St. Johnstown Cemetery in Greenwood, Delaware.   Nothing else is known about Pauline.

Children of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and " Theresa Krause Collison " :

679.  Baby Boy Collison     ~  ( Died an infant )
680.  John Clarence Collison     ~  b. March 16, 1927  ~  d. August 11, 2009  ~  " Age 82 years ~ 4 months ~ 26 days "
681.  Eliga Arthur Collison     ~  b. July 12, 1929  ~  d. 2001  ~  " Age abt. 72 years "

Children of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and " Pauline Willey " :

682.  Arthur Gilbert Collison, Jr.     ~  b. March 31, 1943  ~  d. August 22, 2009  ~  " Age 66 years ~ 4 months ~ 22 days "
683.  Daniel Burton Collison     ~  b. August 20, 1944  ~  d. 1997  ~  " Age abt. 53 years "
684.  Margaret Ann Collison     ~  b. March 16, 1946

Children of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and " Laura Alva Dean " :

685.  Gilbert Lee Collison     ~  b. September 16, 1948
686.  James Leon Collison     ~  b. January 14, 1950  ~  d. January 4, 1972  ~  " Age 21 years ~ 11 months ~ 21 days "
687.  Joseph "Wayne" Collison     ~  b. January 13, 1951
688.  Michael Ray Collison     ~  b. October 5, 1956  ~  d. November 11, 1971  ~  " Age 15 years ~ 1 month ~ 6 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 686 )  ~  James  ~  died of asphyxiation in his automobile with his girlfriend when he was 21 years old.
( 688 )  ~  Michael  ~  and his friend Frank Slater were killed by an automobile while riding bikes.   He was 15 years old and his nickname was " Peanut ".

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 434 )  ~    Arthur Gilbert Collison, Sr.  ~    Laura Alva Collison Lynch  ~  ( Wife of Arthur )

Child of Arthur ( 473 ) and Pauline Willey :

    ( 682 )  ~  (N)  Arthur Gilbert Collison, Jr.

Children of Arthur ( 473 ) and Laura Alva Dean Collison :

    ( 686 )  ~    James Leon Collison
    ( 688 )  ~    Michael Ray Collison

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of :
" James Henry Baker, Sr. " and " Sarah Elizabeth Collison Baker ( 225 ) "
on December 12, 1892.

        She married " Harry Oliver Cheezum " on June 23, 1915.   Harry was born the son of James Edgar & Annie May Sigman Cheezum on August 12, 1892.   Harry was the brother of Mary Ellen and James Ferdinand, Jr. who married Bessie's brother and sister, James ( 453 ) and Margaret ( 454 ).

         They first show up as a family in the 1920 Federal Census ( dated: January 10, 1920 ) residing on a farm which they were " renting " on Bonds Lane, Preston, Caroline Caroline, Maryland.   " Harry " is noted as being 27 years old and a " Farmer " and
" Bessie " is noted as being a 27 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their son James Oliver ~ ( Age 1 ) .

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( dated: April 3, 1930 ) the family moved to and were now residing in a house that they were " renting " at 1110 Hollywood Place, Collingdale, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   " Harry " is noted as being 37 years old and a " Laborer in home building industry " and " Bessie " is noted as being a 37 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their son James Oliver ~ ( Age 11 ) .

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( dated: April 16, 1940 ) the family moved to and were now residing in a house that they were " renting " at 318 North Certt Avenue, Glenolden, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   " Harry " is noted as being 47 years old and a " Carpenter " and " Bessie " is noted as being a 47 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their son James Oliver ~ ( Age 21 ~ Working in the paper industry ) .

         " Harry Oliver Cheezum " preceded his wife in passing away on December 29, 1944 at the age of 52 years, 4 months, and 17 days in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania.   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Bessie Lealy Baker Cheezum ( 451 ) " passed away on May 28, 1972 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the age of 79 years, 5 months, 16 days and she was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 1 " child.

691.  James Oliver Cheezum  ~  b. April 22, 1918  ~  d. October 24, 2009  ~  " Age 91 years ~ 6 months ~ 2 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 451 )    Bessie Lealy Baker Cheezum  ~    Harry Oliver Cheezum  ~  ( Husband of Bessie )

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" James Henry Baker "

(Sarah Collinson Photo)
" Mary Ellen Baker "

Was born the 4th child and 2nd son of :
" James Henry Baker, Sr. " and " Sarah Elizabeth Collison Baker ( 225 ) "
on April 7, 1900.

        He married " Mary Ellen Cheezum " who was born the daughter of James Edgar and Annie May Sigman Cheezum on June 20, 1894.   Mary Ellen was the sister of James Ferdinand, Jr. and Harry Oliver who married James' sisters, Margaret ( 454 ) and Bessie ( 451 ).

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1930 ( Recorded: April 9, 1930 ) residing on a farm that they were " renting " in Election District 3, Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 30 year old " Farmer " and " Mary Ellen " is noted as a 35 year old homemaker.   Their oldest child Katherine A. ~ ( Age ~ 7 ) is residing with them.

         In the Federal Census of 1940 ( Recorded: April 30, 1940 ) they are residing on the same farm that they were " renting " in Election District 3, Caroline County, Maryland.   " James " is noted as a 40 year old " Farmer " and " Mary Ellen " is noted as a 45 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their children :
        Katherine A. ~ ( Age ~ 17 )
        and James Armand ~ ( Age ~ 8 ).

        " Mary Ellen Cheezum Baker " preceded her husband in passing away on January 26, 1952 at the age of 57 years, 7 months, and 6 days.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

        " James Henry Baker, Jr. ( 453 ) " passed away on April 28, 1966 at the age of 66 years, and 21 days and was interred with his wife in the Denton Cemetery.   Together they had " 2 " children.

692.  Katherine Anna Elizabeth Baker  ~  b. May 2, 1922  ~  d. November 27, 2001  ~  " Age 79 years ~ 6 months ~ 25 days "
693.  James Armand Baker  ~  b. February 1, 1932

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Katherine ( 692 ) married " Joseph John Vair " and they didn't have any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 453 )  ~    James Henry Baker, Jr.  ~    Mary Ellen Cheezum Baker  ~  ( Wife of James )

  Child of James Henry Baker, Jr. ( 288 ) and " Mary Ellen Cheezum Baker " :

    ( 692 )  ~     Katherine Anna Elizabeth Baker Vair  ~     Joseph John Vair  ~  ( Husband of Katherine )

Was born the 5th child and 3rd daughter of :
" James Henry Baker, Sr. " and " Sarah Elizabeth Collison Baker ( 225 ) "
on April 28, 1905.
She was married twice.

        She was married first to " James Ferdinand Cheezum " on October 9, 1926.   James was born the son of James Edgar and Annie May Sigman Cheezum on January 6, 1899.

        " James " was the brother of Mary Ellen and Harry Oliver who married Margaret's brother and sister, James and Bessie.

        " James Ferdinand Cheezum " preceded his wife in passing away on January 19, 1939 at the age of 40 years, and 13 days   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.   " Annie " and James had 3 children together.

        After James' passing " Annie " married " Roy V. R. Grogan, Sr. " in 1940.

        " Margaret Ann 'Annie' Elizabeth Baker Grogan ( 454 ) " preceded her second husband in passing away on September 11, 1982 at the age of 77.   She was also interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

        Her second husband Roy passed away on September 21, 1986 at the age of 91 and was also interred in the Denton Cemetery.   Roy had children from a previous marriage and he and " Annie " had no children together.

694.  Betty Lenora Cheezum  ~  b. May 29, 1927  ~  d. January 15, 2000  ~  " Age 72 years ~ 7 months ~ 17 days "
695.  James Ferdinand Cheezum, Jr.  ~  b. May 12, 1931  ~  d. August 1, 2011  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 2 months ~ 20 days "
696.  Doris Jean Cheezum  ~  b. January 25, 1933  ~  d. July 18, 2004  ~  " Age 71 years ~ 5 months ~ 24 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 696 )  ~  Doris  ~  married " John Samuel Hunt " on January 1, 1952.   He was born on September 16, 1934.   Nothing further is know of them.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 454 )  ~    Margaret Ann Baker Grogan  ~    James Ferdinand Cheezum, Sr.  ~  ( First Husband of "Annie" )

             Roy V. R. Grogan, Sr.  ~  ( Second Husband of "Annie" )

  Child of Margaret Ann " Annie " Elizabeth Baker ( 454 ) and " James Ferdinand Cheezum " :  ~  ( click on name )

      ( 696 )  ~    Doris Jean Cheezum Hunt  ~    John Samuel Hunt  ~  ( Husband of Doris )

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of :
" Orion Kegerise Snowberger " and " Emily Jane Collison Snowberger ( 226 ) "
on September 23, 1894.

        She married " William Henry 'Will' Freeman " son of Alexander and Ann Straughn Freeman of Easton, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1920 ( Recorded: January 19, 1920 ) residing in a house that they were
" renting " in Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland.   " William " is noted as a 38 year old " Basket Maker in a Factory " and
" Hannah " is noted as a 26 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 2 " of their children :
         Pearl ~ ( Age ~ 4 )
         and Emily ~ ( Age ~ 2 )

        " William Henry 'Will' Freeman " preceeded his wife in passing away on February 21, 1923 at the age of 40 years, 6 months, and 2 days.   He died after coming in contact with electric wiring.   He was interred in the Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland.

         Currently no other Federal Census' have been found for this family.

        " Hannah Snowberger Freeman ( 457 ) " passed away on June 19, 1976 at the age of 81 years, 8 months, and 27 days   She was interred in the Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Caroline County, Maryland.   Together they had " 3 " children.

700.  Ruby E. Freeman     ~  b.February 3, 1914  ~  d. February 25, 1914  ~  " Age 22 days "
701.  Pearl Freeman     ~  b. May 8, 1915  ~  d. July 15, 1944  ~  " Age 29 years ~ 2 months ~ 7 days "
702.  Emily Janette Freeman     ~  b. January 1, 1918  ~  d. November 17, 2002  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 10 months ~ 16 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 457 )  ~    Hannah Snowberger Freeman  ~    William Henry 'Will' Freeman

    ( 700 )  ~    Ruby E. Freeman

Was born the 5th child and 3rd daughter of :
" Orion Kegerise Snowberger " and " Emily Jane Collison Snowberger ( 226 ) "
on June 25, 1901 in Ridgely, Maryland.

        She married " Lloyd Ernest Pope " in ca. 1921.   He was born March 24, 1900 in Magnolia, Duplin County, North Carolina the son of John T. Pope and Mary Emma E. Merritt Pope.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1930 ( Recorded: April 7, 1930 ) residing in a house that they " owned " at 157 Plank Street, Magnolia, Duplin County, North Carolina.   " Lloyd " is noted as a 30 year old " Furniture Store Salesman " and " Rosa Mae " is noted as a 28 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are all " 3 " of their children :
         Lloyd, Jr. ~ ( Age ~ 7 )
         Harold M. ~ ( Age ~ 5 )
         and Daphne ~ ( Age ~ 3 )

         In the Federal Census of 1940 ( Recorded: April 12, 1940 ) they are now residing in a house that they " owned " on Oak Street, Magnolia, Duplin County, North Carolina.   " Lloyd " is noted as a 40 year old " possibly owning his own furniture store " and
" Rosa Mae " is noted as a 38 year old and a " part-time bookkeeper " and homemaker.   Residing with them are all " 3 " of their children :
         Lloyd, Jr. ~ ( Age ~ 17 )
         Harold M. ~ ( Age ~ 15 )
         and Daphne ~ ( Age ~ 13 ).
         Also residing with them is a lodger Edward L Hollingworth ~ ( Age 22 ~ Clerk in the store )

        " Rosa Mae Snowberger Pope ( 460 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on March 24, 1980 at the age of 78 years, 8 months, and 29 days.   She was interred in the Devotional Gardens, Warsaw, North Carolina.

        " Lloyd Ernest Pope " passed away on December 19, 1982 at the age of 82 years, 8 months, and 26 days and was interred with his wife.   Together they had " 3 " children :

703.  Lloyd Ernest Pope, Jr.     ~  b. January 28, 1923  ~  d. January 15, 1964  ~  " Age 40 years ~ 11 months ~ 18 days "
704.  Harold Melvin Pope     ~  b. March 20, 1925  ~  d. January 7, 2009  ~  " Age 83 years ~ 9 months ~ 18 days "
705.  Daphne Mae Pope     ~  b. September 22, 1926  ~  d. October 22, 2021  ~  " Age 75 years ~ 1 month "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 460 )  ~    Rosa Mae Snowberger Pope  ~    Lloyd Ernest Pope  ~  ( Husband of Rosa )

Was born the 6th child and 3rd son of :
" Orion Kegerise Snowberger " and " Emily Jane Collison Snowberger ( 226 ) "
on August 18, 1903 in Ridgely, Maryland.

        He married " Florence Oliva Smith " in 1927 and she was born on January 21, 1893 in Maryland the daughter of John R. Smith.   Her mother's name is currently unknown.

        " Florence Oliva Smith " had been previously married to Harry P. Dean in 1917 and they had one child together : Robert S. Dean who was born in ca. 1922.   They were later divorced.   Robert S. Dean resided with " Harry " and " Florence " in the 1930 ~ ( Age ~ 8 ) and 1940 ~ ( Age ~ 18 ) Federal Census'.

        On September 29, 1927 this young family suffered from " Great Sadness " when their infant daughter passed away at birth.   It is currently unknown where she was interred.

         They first show up as a family in the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 3, 1930 ) and they were residing in a house that they were " renting " on Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Harry " is noted as a 30 year old " Carpenter building homes " and " Florence " is noted as a 33 year old homemaker.
         Residing with them are " Florence's " son Robert S. Dean ~ ( Age ~ 8 )
         and her dad John R. Smith ~ ( Age ~ 71 ) .

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 10, 1940 ) they are now residing in a house that they were " renting " on Payne Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Harry " is noted as a 36 year old " Carpenter " and " Florence " is noted as a 45 year old homemaker.
         Residing with them are " Florence's " son Robert ~ ( Age ~ 18 ~ Laundry Checker )
         and their " 2 " children :
         Harry N., Jr. ~ ( Age ~ 5 )
         and Reba V. ~ ( Age ~ 3 )

        " Florence Oliva Smith Snowberger " preceded her husband in passing away on September 29, 1966 at the age of 73 years, 8 months, and 8 days.   She was interred in the Druid Ridge Cemetery, Pikesville, Maryland.

        " Harry Newton Snowberger ( 461 ) " passed away on May 2, 1981 at the age of 77 and was also interred in the Druid Ridge Cemetery, Pikesville, Maryland.   Together they had " 3 " known children.

706.  Infant Girl Snowberger     ~  b. September 29, 1927  ~  b. September 29, 1927
707.  Harry Newton Snowberger, Jr.     ~  b. May 22, 1934
708.  Reba Virginia Snowberger     ~  b. October 31, 1936

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 706 )  ~  Infant Girl  ~  was born in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania and was still born.
( 707 )  ~  Harry  ~  was born in Baltimore, Maryland.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

      ( 461 )  ~  (N)  Harry Newton Snowberger, Sr.  ~    Florence Olivia Smith Snowberger  ~  ( Wife of Harry )

Was born the 7 th child and 4 th son of :
" Orion Kegerise Snowberger " and " Emily Jane Collison Snowberger ( 226 ) "
on June 24, 1906 in Ridgely, Maryland.

        He married " Addie Smith " on September 12, 1925.   Addie was born on February 20, 1905 in Ridgely, Maryland however her parents names are unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1930 Federal Census ( dated: April 10, 1930 ) they were residing in a house that they were " renting " at 122 Edward Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Stephen " is noted as a 23 year old " Spinner in a Rayon Mill " and " Addie " is noted as a 25 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 2 " children :
         Jack ~ ( Age ~ 3 )
         and Stephen ~ ( Age ~ 1 )

         A Federal Census for the year 1940 has not currently been found for the family.

        " Stephen Orion Snowberger ( 462 ) " passed away on January 15, 1988 at the age of 81 years, 6 months, and 22 days in Sylmar, Los Angeles County, California.   Were he is interred in currently unknown.   Together they had " 2 " children :

709.  Jack O. Snowberger     ~  b. January 18, 1927  ~  d. June 24, 2002  ~  " Age 75 years ~ 5 months ~ 6 days "
710.  Stephen Paul Snowberger     ~  b. August 21, 1928  ~  d. June 12, 1970  ~  " Age 41 years ~ 9 months ~ 22 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Jack ( 709 ) was born in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania and married " Ida F. Blade " and they didn't have any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 462 )  ~  (N)  Stephen Orion Snowberger

  Child of Stephen Orion Snowberger ( 497 ) and " Addie Smith Snowberger " :

    ( 709 )  ~    Jack O. Snowberger  ~    Ida Frances Cox Snowberger

Was born the 8 th child and 4 th daughter of :
" Orion Kegerise Snowberger " and " Emily Jane Collison Snowberger ( 226 ) "
on February 21, 1909 in Ridgely, Maryland.

         She married " Joseph Edward Chance " in 1925.   He was born the son of Walter Nathaniel and Sarah Ellers Chance on October 19, 1903 in Centerville, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 24, 1930 ) and they were residing in a house that they were " renting " on Boothwyn Road, Bethel, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   " Joseph " is noted as a 26 year old
" Oil Company Worker " and " Hilda " is noted as a 21 year old homemaker.  Residing with them are their " 3 " oldest children :
         Peggy J. ~ ( Age ~ 3 )
         James C. ~ ( Age ~ 2 )
         and Joseph A. ~ ( Age ~ 6 months )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 8, 1940 ) and they were residing in a house that they were " renting " on 312 White Avenue, Lower Chichester Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   " Joseph " is noted as a 36 year old " Welder " and " Hilda " is noted as a 31 year old homemaker.  Residing with them are all " 6 " of their children :
         Peggy J. ~ ( Age ~ 13 )
         James C. ~ ( Age ~ 12 )
         Joseph A. ~ ( Age ~ 10 )
         Donald A. ~ ( Age ~ 8 - Twin )
         Stanley E. ~ ( Age ~ 8 - Twin )
         and Norman D. ~ ( Age ~ 2 )

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 17, 1950 ) they were residing in a house that they were " renting " in Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   " Joseph " is noted as a 46 year old " Welding Foreman " in the
" Oil Refinery Business " and " Hilda " is noted as a 41 year old homemaker.  Residing with them are " 5 " of their children :
         Peggy J. Chance Boyd ~ ( Age ~ 23 - Credit Manager - Divorced from George Boyd )
         Joseph A. ~ ( Age ~ 20 )
         Donald A. ~ ( Age ~ 17 - Twin )
         Stanley E. ~ ( Age ~ 17 - Twin )
         and Norman D. ~ ( Age ~ 12 )

" Hilda " did " Extensive Work "
updating and creating the Collison family records during the 1960's.
The entire " Collison " Family
owes her a great vote of thanks for her many years of research.

She created, at her own expense, a booklet titled :
" The Collison and Cohee families ".
" This booklet is available at the Delaware State Hall of Records for review in Dover, Delaware. "

     " Joseph Edward Chance " preceded his wife in passing away in December 30, 1974 at the age of 71 years, 2 months, and 11 days.   He was interred in the Friedens Lutheran Church Cemetery, Buttonwood, Pennsylvania.

         " Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance ( 463 ) " passed away in May 16, 1996 at the age of 87 years, 2 months, and 25 days and was interred next to her husband.   Together they had " 6 " children :

711.  Peggy Joyce Chance     ~  b. August 22, 1926  ~  d. August 8, 2018  ~  " Age 91 years ~ 11 months ~ 17 days "
712.  James Carlton Chance     ~  b. November 5, 1927  ~  d. April 17, 2014  ~  " Age 86 years ~ 5 months ~ 12 days "
713.  Joseph Arnold Chance     ~  b. October 11, 1929  ~  d. March 6, 1998  ~  " Age 68 years ~ 4 months ~ 26 days "
714.  Donald Lee Chance     ~  b. June 17, 1932  ~  d. August 20, 2013  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 2 months ~ 3 days "  ~  ( twin )
715.  Stanley Elwood Chance     ~  b. June 17, 1932  ~  d. July 1, 2011  ~  " Age 79 years ~ 14 days "  ~  ( twin )
716.  Norman Douglas Chance     ~  b. January 9, 1938  ~  d. March 20, 2014  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 2 months ~ 11 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 715 )  ~  Stanley  ~  was born a twin to Donald ( 714 ).   He married "Luenda Fowler" of Nashville, Tennessee.   Stanley and Luenda adopted two children, Beverly and Randy.

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( 463 )  ~    Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance  ~    Joseph Edward Chance  ~  ( Husband of Hilda )

  Child of Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance and " Joseph Edward Chance " :

( 715 )  ~     Stanley Elwood Chance  ~    Louenda F. Chance  ~  ( Wife of Stanley )

Was born the 9th child and 5th daughter of :
" Orion Kegerise Snowberger " and " Emily Jane Collison Snowberger ( 226 ) "
on November 13, 1910 in Ridgely, Maryland.
She was married twice.

         She was first married to " Alton Kauffman " who was born the son of Jacob & Catherine Zigenfus Kauffman on November 11, 1904.

         They first show up as a family in the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 10, 1930 ) and they were residing in a house that they were " renting " on 22 Pine Street, Marcus Hook, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   " Alton " is noted as a 26 year old
" Ganger in the Oil Works " and " Dorthy " is noted as a 19 year old homemaker.  Residing with them is their first child and other family members :
         John A. ~ ( Age 5 months )
         Dortha's sister : Ada Snowberger ( 456 ) ~ ( Age 35 )
         and " Dorthy's " brother Percy's ( 459 ) wife Hazel L. Cuillard Snowberger ~ ( Age 32 ) .
         ( Apparently Percy ( 459 ), who was in the Navy, was out on a ship at this time. )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: May 22, 1940 ) they have moved to a house that they were " renting " on Johnson Street, Upper Chichester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.   " Alton " is noted as a 36 year old " Foreman " and " Dorthy " is noted as a 29 year old homemaker.  Residing with them is all " 3 " of their children :
         John A. ~ ( Age 10 )
         Kenneth ~ ( Age 8 )
         and Sylvia ~ ( Age 5 )

         " Alton B. Kauffman " preceded his wife in passing away on July 12, 1969 at the age of 65.   He was interred in the Edgewood Memorial Park, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania.   They had " 4 " children together.

         " Dorthy " was then married second to " Chester Everett Snell ".   He was born the son of Everett Percival and Edith Ann McMahan Snell on April 13, 1911.

         " Dortha 'Dorthy' Emma Snowberger Snell ( 464 ) " preceded her second husband in passing away on February 28, 1974 at the age of 63.   She was interred in the Oak Grove Cemetery, Montour County, Pennsylvania.

720.  Infant Boy Kauffman     ~  b. June 5, 1927  ~  d. June 5, 1927  ~  " Premature Birth "
721.  John Alton Kauffman     ~  b. November 16, 1929
722.  Kenneth Kauffman     ~  b. December 19, 1932
723.  Sylvia Jane Kauffman     ~  b. November 27, 1935

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

    ( 464 )  ~    Dortha 'Dorthy' Emma Snowberger Snell  ~    Alton B. Kauffman  ~  ( First Husband of "Dorthy" )

               Chester Everett Snell  ~  ( Second Husband of "Dorthy" )

Was born the 10th child and 6th daughter of :
" Orion Kegerise Snowberger " and " Emily Jane Collison Snowberger ( 226 ) "
on July 20, 1912.
She was married twice.

         She was married first to "James Austin Goodman ", a widower with " 5 " children, in 1933.   He was born the son of Hezekiel and Mary Franklin Goodman on November 15, 1872 in Missouri.

         They show up as a family in the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 25, 1940 ) and they were residing in a house that they " owned " on 122 South Adair Street, Pryor Creek, Mayes County, Oklahoma.   " James " is noted as a 67 year old " Electrician " and " Thelma " is noted as a 27 year old homemaker.  Residing with them are their only " 2 " children that they had together :
         John ~ ( Age 5 )
         and David ~ ( Age 2 )

         " Great Sadness " came upon this young family when their son John Bill Goodman, who was born on August 29, 1934, passed away on December 12, 1945 at the age of 11 years, 3 months, and 14 days.

         "James Austin Goodman " preceded his wife " Thelma " in passing away on March 19, 1963 at the age of 90 years, 4 months, and 4 days.   He was interred in the Oaklawn Cemetery, Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma with his first wife Mary.

         After " James " passed away " Thelma " was married a second time to a " Lockhart ".

         " Thelma Elizabeth Snowberger Lockhart ( 465 ) " passed away on March 1, 1970 at the age of 57 years, 7 months, and 12 days and she was interred in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Siloam Springs, Arkansas next to her son John (473).

724.  John Bill Goodman  ~  b. August 29, 1934  ~  d. December 12, 1945  ~  " Age 11 years ~ 3 months ~ 14 days "
725.  David Crocket Goodman  ~  b. June 13, 1937

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 724 )  ~  John  ~  passed away due to " Bright's Disease " at the age of 11.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 465 )  ~    Thelma Elizabeth Snowberger Lockhart  ~  James Austin Goodman ~ ( Husband of Thelma )

  Child of Thelma Elizabeth Snowberger Goodman ( 500 ) and James Austin Goodman :  ~  ( click on name )

      ( 724 )  ~    John Bill Goodman

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" William John Collison ( 227 ) " and " Susan Florence Slaughter Collison "
on February 26, 1902
in Burrsville, Maryland.

" Grandparents of Diane Collison Sullenberger "
" Great - Grandparents of Chris and Ryan Pickett "
" Great - Great - Grandparents of Landon and Kenzie Pickett "

         He married " Mary Smith " who was born the daughter of Noah Smith and Maggie Spence Smith on September 4, 1902 near Harrington, Delaware.   They resided in the Burrsville area after their marriage.

         " Clarence " first owned a grocery store in Burrsville, which he later closed.   He then owned an Allis Chalmers Farm Machinery business also in Burrsville.   He later worked for area farmers.   His wife " Mary " worked as a Homemaker and later worked at Playtex.   She was last employed at the Palmer Home for the Elderly on American Avenue in Dover, Delaware.

         They first show up as a family in the Federal Census of 1930 ( Recorded: April 2, 1930 ) residing in a home that they owned in Election District 3, Burrsville, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Clarence " is noted as a 26 year old " Merchant " and " Mary " is noted as a 27 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 3 " oldest children :
         William ~ ( Age ~ 4 )
         Lawrence ~ ( Age ~ 3 )
         and " Albert " ~ ( Age ~ 1 )

         In the Federal Census of 1940 ( Recorded: May 4, 1940 ) they are residing in a home that they owned in Burrsville, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Clarence " is noted as a 37 year old " Hardware Salesman " and " Mary " is noted as a 37 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 4 " children :
         William ~ ( Age ~ 15 )
         Lawrence ~ ( Age ~ 14 )
         " Albert " ~ ( Age ~ 11 )
         and Rita ~ ( Age ~ 2 months )

         In the Federal Census of 1950 ( Recorded: April 6, 1950 ) they are residing in a home that they owned in Burrsville, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Clarence " is noted as a 48 year old " Hardware Salesman " and " Mary " is noted as a 47 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their youngest child : Rita ~ ( Age ~ 10 )

         " Clarence Carl Collison ( 470 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on November 24, 1955 at the age of 53 years, 8 months, and 29 days of Tuberculosis   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Mary Smith Collison " passed away on January 29, 1970 at the age of 67 years, 4 months, and 25 days of a Heart Attack and she was interred next to her husband.   Together they had " 4 " children together :

730.  William Noah Collison     ~  b. November 14, 1924  ~  d. June 4, 1989  ~  " Age 65 years ~ 6 months ~ 21 days "
731.  Lawrence Everett Collison     ~  b. December 1, 1925  ~  d. September 18, 1977  ~  " Age 51 years ~ 9 months ~ 17 days "
732.  " Albert Roland Collison "     ~  b. October 22, 1928  ~  d. December 17, 2008  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 1 month ~ 26 days "
733.  Rita Jane Collison     ~  b. January 29, 1940  ~  d. December 27, 2015  ~  " Age 75 years ~ 10 months ~ 29 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 470 )  ~    Clarence Carl Collison  ~    Mary Smith Collison  ~  ( Wife of Clarence )

Parent's of Mary Smith Collison:  ~  ( click on name )

  Noah Smith  ~    Maggie L. Spence Smith  ~  ( Wife of Noah )

Great - Grandparents of :
         " Diane Collison Sullenberger "
Great - Great - Grandparents of :
         " Christopher Pickett and Ryan Pickett "
Great - Great - Great - Grandparents of :
         " Landon Pickett and Kenzie Pickett "

Was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd son of :
" William John Collison ( 227 ) " and " Susan Florence Slaughter Collison "
on July 22, 1905 in Burrsville, Delaware.

         He married " Bertha Elizabeth Henry " who was born the daughter of Martin Bates and Ada (_____) Henry on July 16, 1905 in Williston, Maryland.   They were married on October 24, 1925 in Hobbs, Maryland.   They resided in the Denton, Maryland area.

         " Great Sadness " struck this young family when their second child " Susie Marie Collison ( 680 ) " passed away on October 19, 1928 at the age 4 months and 17 days due to Spinal Meningitis.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 10, 1930 ) and they were residing in a house that they " renting " on Gay Street, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 24 year old " Laborer in the ice company " and " Bertha " is noted as a 25 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their son Martin ~ ( Age 4 ) .

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 1, 1940 ) and they are now residing on a farm that they " renting " on the State Road from New Bridge To Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 33 year old " Farmer " and " Bertha " is noted as a 33 year old homemaker.   Residing with them is their son Martin ~ ( Age 14 ) .

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 3, 1950 ) and they are now residing in a home on the Denton-Greensboro Road near Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " John " is noted as a 44 year old " Feeding Manager in the Poultry Industry " and
" Bertha " is noted as a 44 year old homemaker.   No one else is residing with them.

         " John Martin Collison ( 471 ) " preceded his wife in passing away of a Heart Attack while working in Concersville, Pennsylvania on August 9, 1957 at the age of 52 years and 18 days.   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Bertha Elizabeth Henry Collison " passed away at the age of 92 years, 9 months, and 6 days on April 22, 1998.   She was interred next to her husband.   Together they had " 2 " children :

734.  Martin Eugene Collison     ~  b. February 13, 1926  ~  d. March 7, 2019  ~  " Age 93 years ~ 22 days "
735.  Susie Marie Collison     ~  b. June 2, 1928  ~  d. October 19, 1928  ~  " Age 4 months ~ 17 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 680 )  ~  Susie  ~  died of Spinal Meningitis.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 471 )  ~    John Martin Collison  ~    Bertha Elizabeth Henry Collison  ~  ( Wife of John )

  Child of John and Bertha :

    ( 680 )  ~    Susie Marie Collison

Was born the 1st child and only son of :
" Andrew Williamson Collison ( 236 ) " and " Katherine Houseman Collison Collison ( 576 ) "
on July 27, 1899.
Louis was married three times.

         He was married " 1st " to " Gladys Amelia Young " in the Cuyahoga County, Ohio in July, 1923.   She was born the daughter of Charles E. and Genevieve Watt Young in 1893.   It is currently unknown what happened to this marriage.

         He was married " 2nd " to " Mrs. Elizabeth G. Miller " on July 4, 1937 in Westminster, Maryland.   It is currently unknown what happened to this marriage.

         He was married " 3rd " to " Mrs. Grace Mary Pfeiffer Keck " on July 30, 1943 in Smyrna, Delaware.   She was born on October 18, 1904 the daughter of Winfield and May Alice Roads Pfeiffer.   " Grace " had " 2 " children previous to this marriage : Mary and Ruth Keck.

         " Louis " worked at multiple jobs during his lifetime.   He was first a Salesman for the Edison Company where he had met Thomas Edison and reportedly won a sales award from the company.   He owned and operated Natural Food Stores in Reading and Allentown, Pennsylvania.

         He first met his " 3rd " wife " Grace " at his store in Reading.   He later owned his own Grocery Store in Marydel, Maryland and later open a Pella Window Sales Store also in Marydel, Delaware.   He sold out the Pella Window business and then retired.   " Grace " also then retired from her position as a Smyrna School Teacher.

         " Louis Hazel Collison ( 490 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on December 30, 1980 at the age of 81 years, 5 months, and 3 days of Cancer in Easton, Maryland.   He was interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware with his parents.

         After " Louis' " passing " Grace " was re-married to a Neal Snyder with whom she resided in Viola, Delaware.

         " Grace Mary Pfeiffer Snyder " passed away in October 7, 1994 at the age of 89 years, 11 months, and 19 days.   She was interred next to her previous husband " Louis ( 490 ) ".   They had " 1 " child together.

736.  Andrew Philip Collison  ~  b. April 2, 1945

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( 490 )  ~    Louis Hazel Collison  ~    Grace Mary Pfeiffer Collison  ~  ( Wife of Louis )

Was born the 2nd child and only daughter of :
" Andrew Williamson Collison ( 236 ) " and " Katherine Houseman Collison Collison ( 576 ) "
on July 13, 1908 in Delaware.

         She married " James Woolford Merrick " on October 31, 1932 in Wilmington, Delaware.   He was born the son of William Oliver Merrick and Susan Sherwood Merrick in January 11, 1905 in Cheswold, Delaware.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: May 3, 1940 ) they are noted as residing in the home of " Louise's ( 491 ) " parents : Andrew Williamson Collison ( 236 ) and Katherine Houseman Collison Collison ( 576 ) that her parent's owned in Farnhurst, New Castle County, Delaware.   " James " is noted as being 35 years old and " working as a Foreman " and " Louise " is a 31 year old " Stenographer" and their son James C. Merrick ~ ( Age 3 ) is of course also residing there.

         " James Woolford Merrick " preceded his wife in passing away in December 6, 1971 at the age of about 66 years in Wilmington, Delaware.

         " Louise Lambie Collison Merrick ( 491 ) " passed away in April 8, 1993 in Laurel, Delaware at the age of 84 years, 8 months, and 26 days.

         It is currently unknown where they are interred.   Together they have one known child.

737.  James C. Merrick  ~  b. July 29, 1936  ~  d. February 20, 2010  ~  " Age 73 years ~ 6 months ~ 22 days "

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. " and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on September 1, 1878 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 8, 1900 ) " William " is noted as being a single 21 year old " Railroad Conductor " and still residing with his parents.

         On September 25, 1903 he married " Margaret McIntyre " who was born in ca. 1879 the daughter of William E. and Mary McIntyre.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 18, 1910 ) and they are noted as residing in a home that they " owned mortgage free " at 806 Woodward Street, Baltimore Ward 21, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " is noted as being a 31 year old " Retail Salesman in the Meat Business " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 29 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 3 " oldest children :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 4 )
         Elizabeth ~ ( Age 3 )
         and Marie Radiance ~ ( Age 1 month )
         Also residing with them is " William's " sister Edith ( 499 ) ~ ( Age 17 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 5, 1920 ) they are now noted as residing in a home that they " owned with a mortgage " at 4419 Harford Road, Baltimore, Maryland.   " William " is noted as being a 42 year old " Butcher in a Packing Company " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 39 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 5 " children :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 14 )
         Ethel ~ ( Age 13 )
         Radiance ~ ( Age 9 )
         George H. ~ ( Age 8 )
         and Melvin ~ ( Age 6 )
         Also residing with them are " Margaret's " parents William E. McIntyre ~ ( Age 63 ) and Mary McIntyre ~ ( Age 63 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 5, 1930 ) they are still residing at 4419 Harford Road, Baltimore, Maryland however they now " owned the home mortgage free ".   " William " is noted as being a 52 year old " Railroad Tallysman " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 49 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 3 " of their children :
         Radiance ~ ( Age 20 )
         George H. " Dick " ~ ( Age 19 ~ Fertilizer Acid Mixer )
         and Melvin C. ~ ( Age 17 ~ Drugstore Clerk )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 22, 1940 ) they are still residing at 4419 Harford Road, Baltimore, Maryland.
" William " is noted as being a 61 year old " Railroad Tallysman " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 59 year old homemaker.   Now residing with them is their daughter, who is now married,
         Radiance Cooper Geiselman ( 685 ) ~ ( Age 30 ) and her husband Leslie Geiselman ~ ( Age 31 )

         " William " has been noted by some family members as having worked as a " teamster " and that he owned a wagon business on Greenmount Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland and also lived there.   However nothing is shown in any of the Federal Census' to validate that information .....

         " William George Cooper, Jr. ( 492 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on August 21, 1944 at the age of 65 years, 11 months, and 20 days.   He was interred in the Moreland Memorial Park, Parkville, Baltimore County, Maryland.

         " Margaret McIntyre Cooper " passed away on January 2, 1964 at the age of about 84 years and she was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 5 " children :

738.  Margaret Loretta Cooper     ~  b. July 20, 1905
739.  Elizabeth " Ethel " Cooper  ~  b. December 12, 1906
740.  Edith " Radiance " Cooper     ~  b. March 3, 1910  ~  d. November 17, 1990  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 8 months ~ 14 days "
741.  Henry George Cooper     ~  b. August 3, 1911
742.  Charles Melvin Cooper     ~  b. January 10, 1913

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 738 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Married a " McLaren " and it's unknown if they had any children.
( 739 )  ~  Ethel  ~  Married a " Freeman " and it's unknown if they had any children.
( 740 )  ~  Radiance  ~  Married " Leslie Geiselman ".  He passed away on April 14, 1989.  They didn't have any children.
( 741 )  ~  Charles  ~  Married " Elaine Joan Hopkins " on April 23, 1938 in Alexandria, Virginia it's unknown if they had any children.

         Some of information on this " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle ( 547 ) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William ( 537 ) ....

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 492 )  ~  (N)  William George Cooper, Jr.  ~  (N)  Margaret McIntyre Cooper  ~  ( Wife of William )

( 740 )  ~  (N)  Radiance M. Cooper Geiselman  ~  (Daughter of William and Margaret )

Was born the 3rd child and 3rd son of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. " and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on January 8, 1882 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         He married " Mary Louise Maguire " on January 17, 1903.   Mary "Mamie" was born November 12, 1884 the daughter of Henry and Francis Maguire in Baltimore, Maryland.

         In the 1900 Federal Census " Walter " is shown with his parents as being 18 years old and working as a " Pressman Printer ".   Apparently, after his marriage, he found a better paying job in the Printing field up north ... and that is why he and his family moved.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 3, 1910 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " on Rogers Street, Lowell, Ward 9, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.   " Walter " is noted as being a 28 year old " Foreman in a Paper Box Factory " and " Mary " is noted as being a 25 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 5 " oldest children :
         Edna ~ ( Age 7 )
         Walter ~ ( Age 6 )
         William ~ ( Age 4 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Roland ~ ( Age 5 months )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 16, 1920 ) the family has moved and are residing in a home that they were " renting " on Van Buren Avenue, Schodack, Rensselaer County, New York.   " Walter " is noted as being a 38 year old " Pressman in a Paper Box Factory " and " Mary " is noted as being a 35 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 9 " of their children :
         Edna ~ ( Age 16 )
         Walter ~ ( Age 15 )
         William ~ ( Age 13 )
         Mary ~ ( Age 12 )
         Roland ~ ( Age 10 )
         Henry ~ ( Age 8 )
         Norman ~ ( Age 5 )
         Richard ~ v( Age 3 )
         and Cleora ~ ( Age 1 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 7, 1930 ) the family has once again moved to a home that they " owned " at 1092 Pleasant Street, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.   " Walter " is noted as being a 48 year old " Pressman in a Box Shop " and " Mary " is noted as being a 45 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 8 " of their children :
         Edna Althea ~ ( Age 26 ~ Telephone Operater )
         Roland Edward ~ ( Age 20 ~ Bakery Helper )
         Henry Lee ~ ( Age 18 ~ Bakery Shipper )
         Norman Ralph ~ ( Age 16 )
         Charles Richard ~ ( Age 14 )
         Cleora Virginia ~ ( Age 11 )
         Howard Ellwood ~ ( Age 7 )
         and Margaret Charlotte ~ ( Age 4 )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 7, 1940 ) the family is still residing in their home at 1092 Pleasant Street, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.   " Walter " is noted as being a 58 year old and " Not Employed " and " Mary " is noted as being a 55 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 6 " of their children , " 1 " son-in-law , and " 1 " granddaughter ...
         Edna Althea Cooper Dubuque ~ ( Age 36 ~ Home Maker ) her husband Dennis J. Dubuque ~ ( Age 49 ~ Bus Driver )
         and their daughter Edna Althea Dubuque ~ ( Age 1 ) .
         The rest of their children residing with them included :
         Henry Lee ~ ( Age 27 ~ Janitor )
         Charles Richard ~ ( Age 24 ~ Laborer )
         Cleora Virginia ~ ( Age 21 )
         Howard Ellwood ~ ( Age 17 )
         Margaret Charlotte ~ ( Age 14 )
         and Elizabeth ~ ( Age 9 )

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 21, 1950 ) the family is still residing in their home at 1092 Pleasant Street, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.   " Walter " is noted as being 68 years old and working as a " Doe Maker " and " Mary " is noted as being a 65 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are " 3 " of their children , " 1 " son-in-law , and " 1 " granddaughter ...
         Edna Althea Cooper Dubuque ~ ( Age 46 ~ Home Maker ) her husband Dennis J. Dubuque ~ ( Age 59 ~ Bus Driver )
         and their daughter Edna Althea Dubuque ~ ( Age 10 ) .
         The other " 2 " of their children residing with them included :
         Howard Ellwood ~ ( Age 27 - Inspector )
         and Elizabeth ~ ( Age 19 )

         " Mary Louise Maguire Cooper " preceded her husband in passing away on June 2, 1959 at the age of about 75 years.   She was interred in the Worcester Rural Cemetery, Worcester, Massachusetts.

         " Walter Albert Cooper, Sr. ( 494 ) " passed away on March 14, 1967 at the age of 85 years, 2 months, and 6 days and was interred next to his wife.   Together they had " 12 " children :

743.  Althea 'Edna' Cooper     ~  b. August 29, 1903  ~  d. June 8, 1990  ~  " Age 86 years ~ 9 months ~ 10 days "
744.  Walter Albert Cooper, Jr.     ~  b. October 19, 1904  ~  d. June 13, 1989  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 7 months ~ 25 days "
745.  William George Cooper     ~  b. June 19, 1906  ~  d. January 18, 1988  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 6 months ~ 30 days "
746.  Mary Louise Cooper     ~  b. November 19, 1907  ~  d. June 23, 1992  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 7 months ~ 4 days "
747.  Roland Edward Cooper     ~  b. November 23, 1909  ~  d. March 31, 1987  ~  " Age 77 years ~ 4 months ~ 8 days "
748.  Henry Lee Cooper     ~  b. February 9, 1912  ~  d. April 18, 1989  ~  " Age 77 years ~ 2 months ~ 9 days "
749.  Norman Ralph Cooper     ~  b. March 23, 1914  ~  d. February 8, 1996  ~  " Age 81 years ~ 10 months ~ 16 days "
750.  Richard Charles Cooper     ~  b. March 16, 1916  ~  d. March 28, 1995  ~  " Age 79 years ~ 12 days "
751.  Cleora Virginia Cooper     ~  b. June 21, 1918  ~  d. April 11, 1983  ~  " Age 64 years ~ 9 months ~ 21 days "
752.  Howard Ellwood Cooper     ~  b. May 27, 1922  ~  d. July 19, 2008  ~  " Age 86 years ~ 1 month ~ 23 days "
753.  Margaret Charlotte Cooper     ~  b. June 17, 1925  ~  d. February 12, 1998  ~  " Age 72 years ~ 7 months ~ 26 days "
754.  Elizabeth Agnes Cooper  ~  b. July 23, 1930

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

    ( 743 )  ~  Edna married " Dennis J. Dubuque " in 1938.

    ( 747 )  ~  Roland married " Eileen Murphy " and they had " 5 " daughters and " 1 " son.

         Some of information on this " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle ( 547 ) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William ( 537 ) ....

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 494 )  ~    Walter Albert Cooper, Sr.  ~    Mary Louise Maguire Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Walter )

  Children of Walter ( 339 ) and Mary :

( 745 ) ~ William George Cooper
( 747 ) ~ Roland Edward Cooper  ~  Eileen Murphy Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Roland )
( 748 ) ~ Henry Lee Cooper
( 749 ) ~ Norman Ralph Cooper  ~  Ann Cutroni Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Norman )
( 750 ) ~ Richard Charles Cooper  ~  Elizabeth M. Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Norman )
( 752 ) ~ Howard Ellwood Cooper

Was born the 4th child and 1st daughter of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. " and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on August 5, 1884 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         She married " Henry Robert Kuehne " on November 14, 1905.   He was born on October 7, 1870 the son of Katherine Kuehne in New York.   His dad's name is currently unknown.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 18, 1910 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " on Lamont Place, Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Henry " is noted as being a 39 year old " Railroad Conductor " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 25 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are their " 2 " oldest children :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 3 )
         and Henry ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing with them is " Henry's " mom Katherine Kuehne ~ ( Age 65 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 8, 1920 ) they are now residing with Margaret's ( 340 ) dad " William George Cooper " in his home on Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Henry " is noted as being a 46 year old " Railroad Conductor " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 35 year old homemaker.   Their " 4 " children are also residing with them :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 13 )
         Henry ~ ( Age 10 )
         Edward ~ ( Age 7 )
         and George ~ ( Age 5 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 9, 1930 ) they are now residing in a home that they " owned " on Wrenwood Avenue, Baltimore Ward 27, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Henry " is noted as being a 57 year old " Railroad Trainman " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 45 year old homemaker.   All " 4 " of their children are still residing with them :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 23 )
         Henry ~ ( Age 21 )
         Edward Austin ~ ( Age 17 )
         and George ~ ( Age 15 )
         Also residing with them is their nephew :
         " Robert Gordon Eads ( 620 ) " ~ ( Age 3 ) son of Rosina "Rose" Naomi Cooper ( 497 )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 17, 1940 ) they are still residing in their home on Wrenwood Avenue, Baltimore Ward 27, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Henry " is noted as being 70 years old and " Retired " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 56 year old homemaker.   " 2 " of their children are still residing with them :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 32 - Clerk )
         and Henry ~ ( Age 30 - Laborer )

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 13, 1950 ) they are still residing in their home on Wrenwood Avenue, Baltimore Ward 27, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Henry " is noted as being 79 years old and " Retired " and " Margaret " is noted as being a 65 year old homemaker.   " 1 " of their children are still residing with them :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 43 - Clerk )
         Also residing with them is their nephew :
         " Robert Gordon Eads ( 620 ) " ~ ( Age 23 - Working ) son of Rosina "Rose" Naomi Cooper ( 497 )

         " Henry Robert Kuehne " preceded his wife in passing away on December 14, 1953 at the age of 83 years, 2 months, and 7 days.   He was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.   Some close family member have noted that Henry worked as brakeman and yard foreman for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in Baltimore, Maryland.

         " Margaret Ann Cooper Kuehne ( 495 ) " passed away on September 8, 1961 at the age of 77 years, 1 month, and 3 days.   She was interred with her husband.   Together they had 4 children :

755.  Margaret Katherine Kuehne     ~  b. September 3, 1906  ~  d. March 5, 1990  ~  " Age 83 years ~ 6 months ~ 2 days "
756.  Henry Robert Kuehne, Jr.     ~  b. January 15, 1909  ~  d. November 2, 1993  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 9 months ~ 18 days "
757.  Edward Austin Kuehne     ~  b. May 21, 1912  ~  d. April 11, 1996  ~  " Age 83 years ~ 10 months ~ 21 days "
758.  George Kirby Kuehne     ~  b. April 22, 1914  ~  d. June 30, 1994  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 2 months ~ 8 days "

~ ~ ~ ~  Children's Notes : ~ ( other than those color coded above )

      Some of the family information on the " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle ( 547 ) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William ( 537 ).

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 495 )  ~  (N)  Margaret Ann Cooper Kuehne  ~  (N)  Henry Robert Kuehne  ~  ( Husband of Margaret )

  Child of Margaret Ann Cooper Kuehne ( 340 ) and " Henry Robert Kuehne " :

( 757 )  ~  (N)  Edward Austin Kuehne  ~  (N)  Marjorie Smith Kuehne  ~  ( Wife of Edward )
( 758 )  ~    George Kirby Kuehne  ~    M. Inez Kuehne  ~  ( Wife of George )

Was born the 5th child and 4th son of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. " and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on August 23, 1886 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         He married " Bessie M. Wheeler " on September 20, 1911.   Bessie was born on October 7, 1888 the daughter of Clayton W. and Annie M. Schaefer Wheeler.   Her dad's name is currently unknown.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 16, 1920 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " located at 3130 Montebello Avenue, Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Maryland.   " John " is noted as being a 33 year old " Foreman in the Shipyard " and " Bessie " is noted as being a 31 year old homemaker.   Residing with them are all " 3 " of their children :
         Raymond ~ ( Age 7 )
         Edward ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Elwood ~ ( Age 1 )

         " Great Sadness " struck this young family when " John Carroll Cooper ( 496 ) " passed away at the age of 36 years, 11 months, and 19 days in Timonium, Baltimore County, Maryland.   He was interred in the Lorraine Park Cemetery, Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland.

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 10, 1930 ) the family is now residing in the home of " Bessie's " brother John R. Wheeler ~ ( Age 36 ) and his wife Hester J. ~ ( Age 33 ) and their two children : John R., Jr. ~ ( Age 16 ) and Ruth J. ~ ( Age 7 ) .   The home was located at 305 Ridgeway Avenue, Election District 14, Baltimore, Maryland.
         " Bessie Wheeler Cooper " is noted as a 42 year old " Seamstress " and her " 3 " sons are also residing there :
         Raymond ~ ( Age 17 )
         Edward Allan ~ ( Age 15 )
         and Elwood Oliver ~ ( Age 12 )
         Also residing there is " Bessie Wheeler Cooper " and John R. Wheeler's mom Annie M. Wheeler ~ ( Age 61 ~ Retired )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 20, 1940 ) the family are now residing in a home that they were " renting " located at 4602 Ridgeway Avenue, Kenwood, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Bessie " is noted as being a 50 year old " Seamstress ".   Residing with her are " 2 " of her children :
         Raymond ~ ( Age 28 ~ Head Baker in a Bakery )
         and Elwood ~ ( Age 21 ~ Mail Laborer )
         along with " Bessie's " mom Annie M. Wheeler ~ ( Age 72 ~ Retired )

         " Bessie M. Wheeler Cooper " continue to reside at 4602 Ridgeway Avenue, Kenwood, Baltimore, Maryland until her passing.   She passed away on June 15, 1957 at the age of and was interred with her husband in the Lorraine Park Cemetery, Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland.   Together they had " 3 " children :

760.  Raymond Carroll Cooper     ~  b. September 6, 1912  ~  b. October 11, 1996  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 1 month ~ 5 days "
761.  Edward Allan Cooper     ~  b. April 30, 1915  ~  d. September 4, 1986  ~  " Age 71 years ~ 4 months ~ 5 days "
762.  Elwood Oliver Cooper     ~  b. May 21, 1918  ~  d. December 2, 2004  ~  " Age 86 years ~ 6 months ~ 12 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 760 )  ~  Raymond  ~  is believed to have never married.
( 761 )  ~  Edward  ~  Married " Edith H. Jones " and they had " 1 " known son  ~  Roland A. Cooper.
( 762 )  ~  Elwood  ~  Married " Goldie Lee Boyd " and they had " 2 " known children  ~  John E. and Barbara L. Cooper.

      Some of the family information on the " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle (347) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William (337).

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 496 )  ~  (N)  John Carroll Cooper  ~  (N)  Bessie M. Wheeler Cooper  ~  ( Wife of John )

  Children of John Carroll Cooper ( 341 ) and " Bessie M. Wheeler Cooper " :

     ( 761 )  ~  (N)  Edward Allan Cooper  ~  (N)  Edith H. Jones Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Edward )
     ( 762 )  ~    Elwood Oliver Cooper  ~    Goldie Lee Boyd Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Elwood )

Rosina " Rose "
was born the 6th child and 2nd daughter of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. " and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on September 2, 1888 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         She married " John McClellan Eads " on January 1, 1918.   John was born on July 4, 1867 and his parent's names are currently unknown.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 7, 1920 ) residing with " Rose's " parent's William George and Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) on Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " John " is noted as being a 52 year old " Carpenter " and " Rose " is noted as being a 31 year old homemaker.   Their only child, John M., Jr. ~ ( Age 1 ) is residing with them as well.

         During the early 1920's they had " 3 " more children ( Lewis Collison, Charles Carroll, and Robert Gordon Cooper ) .....

         " Great Sadness " came upon the family when " John McClellan Eads " preceding his wife in passing away on June 26, 1928 at the age of 60 years, 11 months, and 22 days.   He was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 9, 1930 ) the family is now residing in a home that they " owned " located at 4434 Wrenwood Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Rose " is noted as being a 40 year old widow and " Confectionery Salesman ".   Only " 3 " of her children are currently residing with her :
         John M., Jr. ~ ( Age 11 )
         Lewis C. ~ ( Age 8 )
         and Charles C. ~ ( Age 6 )
         Her son, Robert Gordon Cooper Eads ~ ( Age 3 ),
         for some reason is residing with his aunt Margaret Kuehne ( 495 ) at that time ...
         Also residing with the family in 1930's are " Rose's " sister Myrtle Eleanor Cooper Treadwell ( 502 ) ~ ( Age 30 ~ Railroad Clerk )
         and " 2 " of her children : Dorothy ~ ( Age 9 ) and William Treadwell ~ ( Age 4 )

         " Great Sadness " came upon the family when " John McClellan Eads, Jr. ( 717 ) " passed away on September 6, 1930 at the age of Age 11 years, 10 months, and 14 days.   He was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 17, 1940 ) the family is still residing in a home that they " owned " located at 4434 Wrenwood Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Rose " is noted as being a 51 year old " Laundress ".   Residing with her are " 2 " of her children :
         Lewis ~ ( Age 19 )
         and Charles C. ~ ( Age 16 )

         " More Sadness " came upon the family when " Lewis Collison Eads ( 718 ) " passed away on April 11, 1943 at the age of Age 20 years, 11 months, and 14 days during a World War II training exercise in Camp Perry, Virginia.   He was interred in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

         " Rosina 'Rose' Naomi Cooper Eads ( 497 ) " passed away on May 28, 1969 at the age of 80 years, 8 months, and 3 days.   She was interred with her husband in the Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.   Together they had " 4 " children together :

763.  John McClellan Eads, Jr.     ~  b. October 23, 1918  ~  d. September 6, 1930  ~  " Age 11 years ~ 10 months ~ 14 days "
764.  Lewis Collison Eads     ~  b. April 28, 1922  ~  d. April 11, 1943  ~  " Age 20 years ~ 11 months ~ 14 days "
765.  Charles Carroll Eads     ~  b. January 14, 1924  ~  d. September 17, 2016  ~  " Age 92 years ~ 8 months ~ 3 days "
766.  Robert Gordon Cooper Eads     ~  b. June 17, 1926  ~  d. April 26, 2018  ~  " Age 91 years ~ 10 months ~ 9 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 763 )  ~  John  ~  passed away as a young child ..... reason unknown.

( 764 )  ~  Lewis  ~  enlisted in the Navy on February 15, 1943
               and was transferred for training to Camp Perry, Williamsburg, Virginia on Febuary 22, 1943.
               " Lewis Collison Eads " " died in the Line Of Duty " at Camp Perry, Williamsburg, Virginia during " World War II ".

( 765 )  ~  C. Carroll  ~  became a minister and was never married.

( 766 )  ~  Robert  ~  Married " Jeanne Rogers Krauk " and they had " 3 " daughters : Carol Ann, Deborah Rogers, and Pamela Collison Eads.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 497 )  ~    Rosina "Rose" Naomi Cooper Eads  ~    John McClellan Eads  ~  ( Husband of Rosina )

Children of Rosina ( 497 ) and John Eads :

( 763 )  ~    John McClellan Eads, Jr.
( 764 )  ~    Lewis Collison Eads
( 765 )  ~    Charles " Carroll " Eads
( 766 )  ~  (N)  Robert Gordon Cooper Eads  ~    Jeanne Rogers Krauk Eads  ~  ( Wife of Robert )

Was born the 7th child and 5th son of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on October 3, 1890 in Baltimore, Maryland.
He was married twice.

         He first married "Frances Ross" in 1916.   Frances was born on February 2, 1888 and her parent's names are currently unknown.   They had one child together and were later divorced.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland.

         " Francis " later married " Alma Huebscher Quinn " with whom he had no children and they resided in Baltimore, Maryland.   It is unknown at this time what type of work any of them did during their lives.

         Frances, Francis' ( 498 ) first wife, passed away in February, 1980.

         " Francis 'Joseph' Lee Cooper ( 498 ) " passed away on February 3, 1958.   Alma passed away on May 6, 1966.   Where they are interred is currently unknown.

767.  Joseph Francis Lee Cooper, Jr.     ~  b. March 27, 1919  ~  d. February 16, 1961  ~  " Age 41 years ~ 10 months ~ 20 days "

Children's Notes: ~ ( other than those color coded above )

The family information on the " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle ( 502 ) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William ( 492 ).

Norman " Ralph "
was born the 10th child and 6th son of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. " and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on July 25, 1897 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         He married " Anna Bertha Gillmeyer " in 1918.   Anna was born on January 25, 1898 the daughter of William Gillmeyer.   Her mother's name is currently unknown.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 22, 1920 ) and they were residing in a home that they were " renting " at 634 12th Street, Baltimore Ward 26, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Ralph " was noted as a 22 year old " Chipper in a Shipyard " and " Anna " was noted as a 21 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them were :
         their son Norman R., Jr. ~ ( Age 7 months )
         " Anna's " dad " William Gillmeyer " ~ ( Age 60 )
         and her uncle " George Gillmeyer " ~ ( Age 68 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 5, 1930 ) they were residing in a home that they " owned " at 2946 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Ralph " was noted as a 32 year old " Plumber " and " Anna " was noted as a 32 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are their " 2 " oldest children :
         Norman R., Jr. ~ ( Age 10 )
         and Leroy Vernon ~ ( Age 8 )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 17, 1940 ) they were still residing in their home at 2946 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Ralph " was noted as a 42 year old " Pipefitter " and " Anna " was noted as a 42 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them is their son Leroy Vernon ~ ( Age 18 ~ Air Craft Laborer ) .

         " Norman 'Ralph' Cooper ( 501 ) " preceded his wife in passed away on July 6, 1949 at the age of 51 years, 11 months, and 12 days.   He was interred in the Christ Church Cemetery, Forest Hill, Maryland.

   " Anna Bertha Gillmeyer Cooper " passed away on December 3, 1986 at the age of 88 years, 10 months, and 9 days.   She was interred next to her husband.   Together they had " 3 " children :

768.  Norman Ralph Cooper, Jr.     ~  b. June 5, 1919  ~  d. August 26, 1998  ~  " Age 79 years ~ 2 months ~ 21 days "
769.  Leroy Vernon Cooper     ~  b. July 5, 1921  ~  d. February 22, 2008  ~  " Age 86 years ~ 7 months ~ 17 days "
770.  Ann Cooper     ~   ( Dates Unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 768 )  ~  Norman  ~  Married " Louis M. ______ ? " and they had one known child ( see below ).
( 769 )  ~  Leroy  ~  Served in the Navy during World War II ... Nothing further is known.
( 770 )  ~  Ann  ~  Nothing further is known.

      Some of the family information on the " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle ( 502 ) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William ( 492 ).

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 501 )  ~    Norman "Ralph" Cooper, Sr.  ~    Anna Bertha Gilmeyer Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Norman, Sr. )

  Children of Norman " Ralph ", Sr. and Anna Cooper :

     ( 768 )  ~    Norman Ralph Cooper, Jr.  ~  Louise M. Cooper  ~  ( Wife of Norman, Jr. )

     ( 769 )  ~    Vernon Leroy Cooper

  Child of Norman Ralph Cooper, Jr. and Louise Cooper :

       Norman Ralph Cooper, III  ~  b. February 3, 1944  ~  d. September 3, 1962

Was born the 11th child and 5th daughter of :
" William George Cooper, Sr. " and " Margaret Ann Collison Cooper ( 243 ) "
on March 8, 1900 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         She married " Carl Grayson Treadwell " in 1918.   Carl was born on July 20, 1895 the son of William B. and Mary Alice Denbow Treadwell.   They resided in Baltimore, Maryland and were divorced in 1926.   " Myrtle " never remarried.

         They first show up as a family in the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 22, 1920 ) residing with " Carl's " widowed mom Mary Alice Denbow Treadwell ~ ( Age 47 ) in her home located at 1923 Kennedy Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Carl " was noted as a 24 year old " Carpenter " and " Myrtle " was noted as a 19 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are :
         Their son, Carl Grayson, Jr. ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing in this home in 1920 were " Carl's " sister Willena Grafton ~ ( Age 21 )
         and a boarder named Mary Kelly ~ ( Age 78 ) who was also a widow.

         During the 1930 Federal Census " Myrtle " and " Carl " were not residing together and prior to the the 1940 Federal Census they were divorced.

         " Myrtle " ~ ( Age 29 ) was shown in the 1930 Federal Census residing with her sister " Rosina " ( 542 ) at 4434 Wrenwood Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland along with " 2 " of her children : Dorothy ~ ( Age 9 ) and William ~ ( Age 4 ) .

         " Carl Grayson Treadwell " ~ ( Age 34 ) was shown in the 1930 Federal Census as still residing with his widowed mom Mary Alice Denbow Treadwell ~ ( Age 57 ) in her home located at 1923 Kennedy Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland along with " 2 " of his children : Carl G., Jr. ~ ( Age 10 ) and Margaret ~ ( Age 5 ) .

         In the 1940 Federal Census( Recorded: April 4, 1940 ) " Myrtle " is now residing in a home that she was " renting " at 819 East 41st Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   Residing with her are " 3 " of her children :
         Dorothy ~ ( Age 19 )
         Margaret ~ ( Age 15 )
         and William ~ ( Age 14 ) .

         " Carl Grayson Treadwell " was later remarried to " Anita Lorraine Porstmann " and they had " 1 " child together : V. Earl Treadwell.   " Carl " passed away on May 18, 1980 at the age of 84 years, 9 months, and 29 days.   He was interred in the Poplar Springs Methodist Cemetery, Poplar Springs, Howard County, Maryland.

         " Myrtle Eleanor Cooper Treadwell ( 502 ) " passed away on March 8, 1991, her birthday, at the age of 91 years.   She was interred in the Holy Cross Episcopal Church Cemetery, Burns Corner, Harford County, Maryland.

         Myrtle Eleanor Cooper Treadwell ( 502 ) and " Carl Grayson Treadwell " had " 4 " children together :

771.  Carl Grayson Treadwell, Jr.     ~  b. December 11, 1918  ~  d. July 25, 1992  ~  " Age 73 years ~ 7 months ~ 14 days "
772.  Dorothy Eleanor Treadwell     ~  b. December 9, 1920  ~  d. May 21, 1966  ~  " Age 75 years ~ 5 months ~ 12 days "
773.  Margaret Alice Treadwell     ~  b. May 27, 1924  ~  d. November 5, 2000  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 5 months ~ 9 days "
774.  William George Treadwell     ~  b. March 27, 1926  ~  d. March 15, 2016  ~  " Age 89 years ~ 9 months ~ 19 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 771 )  ~  Carl  ~  Was possibly never married.
( 772 )  ~  Dorothy  ~  Married " Samuel Earl Oldershaw " and they had " 3 " known children : Samuel E. Jr., Margaret Ann, and Richard Gray Oldershaw.
( 773 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Married " Calvin L. Mackin " and they had " 4 " known children : Carl, Wendie, Teshia, and Darryl.
( 774 )  ~  William  ~  Married " Evelyn A. ______ ? " and it's unknown if they had any children.

      Some of the family information on the " Cooper " family was provided by " Jennifer Clark ", great grandaughter of Myrtle ( 502 ) and " William George Cooper " great grandson of William ( 492 ).

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 502 )  ~    Myrtle Eleanor Cooper Treadwell  ~    Carl Grayson Treadwell  ~  ( Ex-husband of Myrtle )

  Children of Myrtle Eleanor Cooper Treadwell ( 547 ) and " Carl Grayson Treadwell " :

     ( 771 )  ~    Carl Grayson Treadwell, Jr.
     ( 772 )  ~    Dorothy Eleanor Treadwell Oldershaw  ~  Samuel Earl Oldershaw Sr.  ~  ( Husband of Dorothy )
     ( 773 )  ~    Margaret Alice Treadwell Mackin  ~  Calvin Louis Mackin  ~  ( Husband of Margaret )
     ( 774 )  ~    William George Treadwell, Sr.  ~  Evelyn A. Treadwell  ~  ( Wife of William )

  " Carl Grayson Treadwell's " Parents :

       William B. Treadwell  ~    Mary Alice Denbow Treadwell  ~  ( Wife of William )

Was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of :
" Stansbury J. Collison ( 260 ) " and " Mary Ann Hitch Collison "
on June 13, 1856.
He was married twice.

         He was first married to " Kate W. Homewood " who was born the daughter of William & Frances (_____) Homewood on August 20, 1860 in England.   She immigrated to America in 1872.

         Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

The 1890 Federal Census would have been the first census they would have appeared in as a family .....

         In the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 8, 1900 ) they are shown residing in a home that they were " renting " on Madison Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " George " is noted as being 41 years old and a " Baggage Master " working for the Railroad and " Kate " is noted as being a 39 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are all " 5 " of their children :
         Cora ~ ( Age 14 )
         Annie ~ ( Age 12 )
         Robert ~ ( Age 11 )
         George ~ ( Age 10 )
         and Elizabeth ~ ( Age 6 months )

         A 1910 Federal Census has also not been found for this family .....

         " Kate W. Homewood Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on August 23, 1919 at the age of 59 years and 3 days and she was interred in the Silverbrook Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: January 2, 1920 ) " George " is shown as being 63 years old and a widowed " Baggage Master " working for the Railroad.   He was residing with his daughter " Elizabeth's ( 733 ) " family at their home on Hawson Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   Also residing there are :
         Elizabeth H. Collison Roselle ~ ( Age 21 )
         her husband Carson F. Roselle ~ ( Age 24 - Plumber )
         and their daughter Adaline V. Roselle ~ ( Age 1 )

         " George ", after " Kate's " passing, was married second to " Sarah E. _____? " who was born in ca. 1861 and her parents names are currently unknown.

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 12, 1930 ) " George " is shown as being 72 years old and " Retired " and " Sarah " is shown as a 67 year old " Housekeeper ".   They were residing in a home that they " owned " on North Second Street, Delmar, Sussex County, Delaware.   No one else is residing with them.

         " George S. Collison ( 551 ) " passed away on May 28, 1931 at the age of 74 years, 11 months, and 15 days and was interred with his wife first wife " Kate ".   Together they had " 5 " children :

775.  Cora Frances Collison     ~  b. October 12, 1885  ~  d. January 25, 1936  ~  " Age 50 years, 3 months, 13 days "
776.  Ann Collison     ~  b. 1888  ~  d. ( unknown )
777.  Robert L. Collison     ~  b. March 18, 1889  ~  d. March 6, 1968  ~  " Age 78 years, 11 months, 19 days "
778.  George Collison     ~  b. July 4, 1890  ~  d. December 14, 1965  ~  " Age 75 years, 5 months, 10 days "
779.  Elizabeth H. Collison     ~  b. 1898  ~  d. June 25, 1955  ~  " Age abt. 57 years "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Cora ( 775 ) married " William R. Denney " in 1905.   They had " 7 " known children :

William R. Denney  ~  b. 1909  ~  d. 1947
Robert H. Denney  ~  b. 1912  ~  d. 1994
Anna E. Denney  ~  b. ca. 1916  ~  d. ( unknown )
Kate H. Denney  ~  b. ca. 1919  ~  d. ( unknown )
Sally M. Denney  ~  b. ca. 1923  ~  d. ( unknown )
Dorothy L. Denney  ~  b. ca. 1925  ~  d. ( unknown )
Marie A. Denney  ~  b. ca. 1929  ~  d. ( unknown )

Robert ( 777 ) married " Jennie L. Hamilton " in 1910.   She was the daughter of James B. and Jennie Ford Hamilton.

Elizabeth ( 779 ) married " Carson F. Roselle " and they are also interred in Silverbrook Cemetery.

Also interred with the family at Silverbrook are Ernest Homewood, brother of Kate W. Homewood, Robert H. Denny who died at the age of 12 days on January 2, 1942 and Baby Boy Strongfellow age 1 day and interred on December 3, 1958.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 551 )  ~    George S. Collison  ~    Kate W. Homewood Collison  ~  ( First wife of George )

  Children of George and Kate :

( 775 )  ~    Cora Frances Collison Denney  ~  William R. Denney  ~  ( Husband of Cora )
( 777 )  ~    
Robert L. Collison  ~    Jennie L. Hamilton Collison  ~  ( Wife of Robert )
( 778 )  ~    George M. Collison
( 779 )  ~    Elizabeth H. Collison Roselle  ~    Carson Frank Roselle  ~  ( Husband of Elizabeth )

Other related family members:

Robert H. Denny  ~  Ernest Homewood

Was born the 5th child and 4th son of :
" Stansbury J. Collison ( 260 ) " and " Mary Ann Hitch Collison "
on October 18, 1859.
He was married twice.

         He 1st married " Mary Kline " on April 11, 1883.   She was born in 1864 however her parent's names are currently unknown.

         " Mary Kline Collison " preceded her husband " Thomas " in passing away on January 29, 1891 at the age of about 26 years " possibly " during a child birth.   She was interred in the Saint James Episcopal Cemetery, Newport, New Castle County, Delaware.   They did not have any children.

         " Thomas ", after " Mary's " passing, then married " Annie Brown " on November 21 or 25 1896 and she was born in December, 1866 in Delaware.   Her parent's names are currently unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Recorded: June 10, 1900 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " located in Mill Creek, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Thomas " is noted as a 40 year old " Cloth Weaver " and " Annie " is noted as a 33 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are their " 2 " oldest children :
         Grace ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Marie ~ ( Age 1 )

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 21, 1910 ) they are residing in the same home that they were " renting " located in Mill Creek, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Thomas " is noted as a 50 year old " Cloth Weaver in a Wool Mill " and " Annie " is noted as a 45 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are all " 3 " of their children :
         Grace ~ ( Age 12 )
         Marie ~ ( Age 11 )
         and Norman ~ ( Age 7 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: Januaray 27, 1920 ) they are now residing in a home that they " owned mortgage free " that is located in Representative District 7, New Castle County, Delaware .   " Thomas " is noted as a 60 year old " Machinist in a Fiber Company " and " Annie " is noted as a 57 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them is only " 1 " of their children : Marie ~ ( Age 21 ) .

         Their son " Norman E. Collison ( 736 ) " was not included in the 1920 census.   Since he is known to have passed away from " tuberculous " he was possibly hospitilized somewhere in the area.

         The family went though " extreme sadness " when their son " Norman E. Collison ( 736 ) " passed away on August 3, 1921 due to " tuberculous " at the age of 18 years, 1 month, and 23 days.   He was interred in the Saint James Episcopal Cemetery, Newport, New Castle County, Delaware.

         In the 1930 ( Recorded: May 22, 1930 ) they are now residing in a home that they " owned mortgage free " located at 621 Washington Avenue, near Marshallton, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Thomas " is still noted as a 70 year old " Machinist in a Fiber Company " and " Annie " is noted as a 65 year old " Homemaker ".   They are now living alone.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 30, 1940 ) they are still residing in the home that they " owned mortgage free " located at 621 Washington Avenue, near Marshallton, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Thomas " is noted as being 80 year old and " Retired " and " Annie " is noted as a 75 year old " Homemaker ".   No one else is residing with them.

         " Thomas E. Collison ( 553 ) " preceded his second wife in passing away on May 27, 1940, about 1 month after the 1940 census, at the age of 80 years, 7 months, and 9 days.   He was interred in the Saint James Episcopal Cemetery, Newport, New Castle County, Delaware.

         " Annie Brown Collison " passed away in 1954 at the year of about 87 years.   She was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 3 " children :

780.  Grace Loretta Collison     ~  b. September 2, 1897  ~  d. August 3, 1961  ~  " Age 63 years ~ 11 months ~ 1 day "
781.  Marie Margaret Collison     ~  b. June 15, 1898  ~  d. July 8, 1960  ~  " Age 62 years ~ 23 days "
782.  Norman E. Collison     ~  b. January 11, 1903  ~  d. August 3, 1921  ~  " Age 18 years ~ 1 month ~ 23 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

      ( 553 )  ~  (N)  Thomas E. Collison

                (N)  Mary Kline Collison  ~  ( 1st wife of Thomas )
                (N)  Annie Brown Collison  ~  ( 2nd wife of Thomas )

  Child of Thomas ( 553 ) and Annie Collison :  ~  ( click on name )

      ( 736 )  ~  (N)  Norman E. Collison

Was born the 6th child and 2nd daughter of :
" Stansbury J. Collison ( 260 ) " and " Mary Ann Hitch Collison "
on June 20, 1862.

         She married " Columbus Neal " on May 7, 1883.   Columbus was born the son of William and Elizabeth Sophia Boulden Neal on April 7, 1858 in Maryland.   Columbus worked as a Horse Dealer and owned a Livery Stable.

         Since " Mary " and " Columbus " were married in 1883 the first Federal Census for them would have been the 1890 census ..... Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Dated : June 11, 1900 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " located at 1912 West 2nd Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Columbus " is noted as a 42 year old " Horse Dealer " and " Mary " is noted as a 37 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are all " 5 " of their children :
         Llewellyn ~ ( Age 16 )
         Wharton ~ ( Age 14 )
         Samuel ~ ( Age 13 )
         Isaac ~ ( Age 11 )
         and Frances ~ ( Age 8 )
         Also residing with them is a boarder ~ Catharine Mc Kenna ~ ( Age 65 ~ Milk Dealer ) .

         Right after the Federal Census of 1900 their daughter Llewellyn who was 16 years old was married to " Leonard Vincent Lynch " and she resided with him at that time .....

         Three months after the 1900 Federal Census the family suffered " Great Sadness " ..... " Isaac Wesley Neal ( 740 ) " passed away on September 2, 1900 from " Diphtheria " at the age of 11 years, 8 months, and 19 days.   He was interred in the Silverbrook Cemetery and Memorial Park, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Dated : April 22, 1910 ) they were residing in a home that they were " renting " located at 102 North Scott Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Columbus " is noted as a 57 year old " Horse Dealer " and " Mary " is noted as a 47 year old " Tobacco Retailer ".   Residing with them are " 2 " of their sons :
         Wharton ~ ( Age 24 ~ Works in Bakery )
         and Samuel ~ ( Age 22 ~ Works in Bakery )
         Also residing with them is their granddaugher Elsie Beatrice Neal ( 998 ) ~ ( Age 9 )
         She was the daughter of their daughter " Llewellyn Neal ( 737 ) ".

The family suffered " Two More Tragedies " prior to 1920 .....

  • " Samuel Montgomery Neal ( 739 ) ", his wife " Elizabeth McNally Neal " and their infant son Francis Neal ( 1008 ) all passed away in what was called the " Flu Epidemic of 1918 ".   They were all three interred in the in the Cathedral Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

  • " Wharton D. Neal ( 738 ) " also passed away in the " Flu Epidemic of 1918 ".      He was interred in the Silverbrook Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Dated : January 14, 1920 ) they still residing in the same home that they were " renting " located at 102 North Scott Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Columbus " is noted as a 61 year old " Laborer in a Fiber Mill " and " Mary " is noted as a 58 year old " Homemaker ".
         Also residing with them in 1920 are :
         Their daughter Llewellyn Neal Lynch ( 737 ) ~ ( Age 36 ) her husband Leonard Lynch ~ ( Age 36 )
             and their " 2 " children :
             Myrtle ~ ( Age 15 ) and Mary Emma ~ ( Age 12 ) ...
         Their daughter-in-law " Louise Pfisterer Neal " ~ ( Age 31 )
             who was the widow of their son Wharton ( 738 )
             and their child Lena Neal ~ ( Age 1 ) ...
         Their granddaughter Elsie B. Neal Jones ( 998 ) ~ ( Age 19 ) her husband " Norman G. Jones " ~ ( Age 23 )
             and their daughter Alice Jones ~ ( Age 10 months ) ...

         After the 1920 Federal Census " Columbus Neal " preceded his wife in passing away on November 1, 1925 at the age of 67 years, 6 months, and 25 days.   He was interred in the Silverbrook Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

         About three months later " Mary Emma Collison Neal ( 554 ) " passed away on February 14, 1926 at the age of 63 years, 7 months, and 25 days.   She was interred with her husband.    Together they had " 5 " children :

783.  Llewellyn Neal     ~  b. December 24, 1883  ~  d. April 4, 1954  ~  " Age 70 years ~ 3 months ~ 11 days "
784.  Wharton D. Neal     ~  b. October 12, 1885  ~  d. October 10, 1918  ~  " Age 32 years ~ 11 months ~ 29 days "
785.  Samuel Montgomery Neal     ~  b. May 4, 1887  ~  d. October 7, 1918  ~  " Age 31 years ~ 5 months ~ 3 days "
786.  Isaac Wesley Neal     ~  b. December 14, 1888  ~  d. September 2, 1900  ~  " Age 11 years ~ 8 months ~ 19 days "
787.  Francis Eugene Neal     ~  b. October 29, 1892  ~  d. November 4, 1966  ~  " Age 74 years ~ 6 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 786 )  ~  Isaac  ~  Passed away at the age of 11 years, 8 months, and 19 days and is interred with his parents.
( 787 )  ~  Francis  ~  Married " Leroy Frank " on September 6, 1910 and they had 4 children whose names are unknown.   She is interred at the Unionville Cemetery, Unionville, Pennsylvania.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 554 )  ~    Mary Emma Collison Neal  ~    Columbus Neal  ~  ( Husband of Mary )

  Children of Mary and Columbus :

     ( 786 )  ~    Isaac Wesley Neal

     ( 787 )  ~  Francis Eugene Neal Frank

Was born the 7th child and 3rd and last daughter of :
" Stansbury J. Collison ( 260 ) " and " Mary Ann Hitch Collison "
on July 3, 1866.

         She married " Wharton L. Derrickson " on November 18, 1885.   Wharton was born the son of William Z. and Ellen Lynam Derrickson in July 24, 1858.

         Since " Margaret " and " Wharton " were married in 1885 the first Federal Census would have been the 1890 census ..... Sadly ... most of the " 1890 Federal Census " materials were destroyed in a 1921 fire and none of the information for the State's of New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania or Delaware survived the fire.

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Dated : June 12, 1900 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " located at 116 Scott Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Wharton " is noted as a 41 year old " Laborer " and
" Margaret " is noted as a 33 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them are their " 2 " children :
         Joseph ~ ( Age 13 )
         and Edna ~ ( Age 9 )

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Dated : April 22, 1910 ) they are still residing in the same home that they were " renting " located at 116 Scott Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Wharton " is noted as a 52 year old " Brewery Driver " and " Margaret " is noted as a 43 year old " Homemaker " and only " 1 " of their children is still residing with them :
         Edna ~ ( Age 19 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Dated : January 13, 1920 ) they are now residing in a home that they were " renting " however it's the one next door to their old home and is located at 118 Scott Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Wharton " is noted as a 62 year old " Joiner " and " Margaret " is noted as a 53 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them now :
         Their daughter Edna Derrickson Davis ~ ( Age 29 )
         along with her husband " Howard O. Davis " ~ ( Age 34 ~ Garage Machinist ) whom she married on June 14, 1910
         and their daughter Edith May Davis ~ ( Age 8 )

         " Margaret Collison Derrickson ( 555 ) " preceded her husband in passing away in 1920 at about the age of 53 years.   She was interred in the Silverbrook Cemetery and Memorial Park, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.

         " Wharton L. Derrickson " passed away on June 26, 1943 in Los Angeles, California.   It's currently unknown where he was interred.   Together they had " 2 " children :

788.  Joseph Wharton Derrickson  ~  b. September, 1886  ~  d. March 10, 1938  ~  " Age abt. 51 years "
789.  Edna Mae Derrickson  ~  b. November, 1890

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

         It would appear that Edna ( 789 ) was married twice ... First to " Howard O. Davis " with whom she had two children : Edith Davis Simpson and Irene Davis Padilla.   They were apparently later divorced and she was married second to " Thomas W. Howard " with whom she had moved to Los Angeles, California.   Her dad Wharton is shown residing with them in California in the 1930 Federal Census .....

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 555 ) ~ Margaret Collison Derrickson

  Child of Margaret ( 555 ) and Wharton Derrickson :

     ( 788 ) ~ Joseph W. Derrickson

  First husband of Edna ( 789 ) :

     (N)  Howard O. Davis

  Parent's of Howard O. Davis :

       William E. Davis  ~     Mary T. Croft Davis

    " Note : "

    Mary T. Croft Davis ( above ) was serving as a Wilmington Police Matron when she was
    " Killed by a prison inmate " .....

Was born the 8th and last Child and 5th and last son of :
" Stansbury J. Collison ( 260 ) " and " Mary Ann Hitch Collison "
on May 12, 1869.
He was married twice.

         He was first married to " Mabel Hanen Kirk " on August 29, 1891.   She was born on October 25, 1871 the daughter of William Penn Kirk and Catherine Hamman Kirk.

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Dated : April 11, 1900 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " located at 409 East Tenth Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 31 year old " Railroad Firemen " and " Mabel " is noted as a 28 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Clarence ~ ( Age 5 )
         and Ruth ~ ( Age 3 )

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Dated : April 20, 1910 ) they are now residing in a home that they were " renting " located on West Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 40 year old " Railroad Engineer " and " Mabel " is noted as a 38 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Clarence ~ ( Age 15 )
         and Ruth ~ ( Age 13 )

         Three months after the 1910 Federal Census the family suffered " Great Sadness " .....

         " Mabel Hanen Kirk Collison " passed away on July 23, 1910 at the age of 38 years, 8 months, and 29 days due to a Fallopian Tube Abcess.   She was interred in the Riverview Cemetery, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.
They had " 2 " children together.

         On October 21, 1911 " John " was married a second time to " Nellie M. Prettyman " who was born the daughter of Joshua B. and Lydia A. Grant Prettyman in 1879.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Dated : January 19, 1920 ) they are now residing in a home that they " owned with a mortgage " located at 2501 Van Buren Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 50 year old " Railroad Engineer " and " Nellie " is noted as a 40 year old " Homemaker ".   There is no one else residing with them.

         A Federal Census for 1930 was not found for this family .....

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Dated : April 13, 1940 ) they still residing at 2501 Van Buren Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware however it is noted that they now " owned the home mortgage-free ".   " John " is noted as being 70 year old and " Retired " and " Nellie " is noted as a 61 year old " Homemaker ".   There is no one else residing with them.

         On November 13, 1941 the family faced another " Great Sadness " when they learned that their daughter " Ruth Collison Ingram " preceded her husband in passed away at the age of about 45 years.   She was interred in the Riverview Cemetery, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.

         Then " Nellie M. Prettyman Collison " preceded her husband in passed away on November 16, 1946 at the age of about 66 years.   She was interred in the Riverview Cemetery, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.

         " John " continued to reside in his home at 2501 Van Buren Street until his passing.

         " John Clark Collison ( 556 ) " passed away on April 16, 1951 at the age of 81 years, 11 months, and 4 days years and was interred with his wives at Riverview Cemetery.

790.  Clarence Clark Collison  ~  b. February 19, 1895  ~  d. November 15, 1963  ~  " Age 68 years ~ 8 months ~ 27 days "
791.  Ruth Collison  ~  b. September, 1896  ~  d. November 13, 1941  ~  " Age abt. 45 years "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 556 )  ~  (N)  John Clark Collison

            (N)  Mabel Hanen Kirk Collison  ~  ( 1st wife of John )
            (N)  Nellie M. Prettyman Collison  ~  ( 2nd wife of John )

Was born the 4th and last child and only daughter of :
" Andrew Lord " and " Sarah P. Collison Lord ( 264 ) "
on December 13, 1869 in Delaware.

         She married " Edmund B. Redden " in 1901.   He was born on May 20, 1859 the son of William B. and Eliza A. Redden in Delaware.   " Edmund " at one time owned a General Store near Harrington, Delaware.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 18, 1910 ) residing in a home that they " owned " located in Farmington, Kent County, Delaware.   It is believed that they ran a general store in the front part of this home.   " Edmund " is noted as a 50 year old " Retail Merchant " and " Sadie " is noted as a 41 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Marian ~ ( Age 7 )
         and Mildred ~ ( Age 5 )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: February 14, 1920 ) they still are residing in a home that they " owned " located in Farmington, Kent County, Delaware.   It is believed that they were still running a general store in the front part of their house along with the Farmington Post Office.   " Edmund " is noted as a 60 year old " Postmaster " and " Sadie " is noted as a 50 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Marian ~ ( Age 17 )
         and Mildred ~ ( Age 15 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 14, 1930 ) they are still residing in a home that they " owned " located in Farmington, Kent County, Delaware.   It is believed that they were still operating a general store in the front part of this home however the post office part is now gone.   " Edmund " is noted as a 70 year old " Retail Merchant " and " Sadie " is noted as a 60 year old
" Homemaker ".   Their daughter Marian ~ ( Age 27 ) is still residing with them.

         " Sarah 'Sadie' Lord Redden ( 573 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on December 5, 1933 at the age of 63 years, 11 months, and 23 days.   She was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   Soon after her passing her husband " Edmund " moved in with his daughter Mildred ( 756 ) and her family.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 44, 1940 ) we find " Edmund " at the age of 80 years residing with his daughter
" Mildred ( 797 ) " and her family on a farm that they " owned " in Kent County, Delaware.   " Mildred ( 797 ) " is noted as a 35 year old " Homemaker " and her husband " William C. Gray " is noted as a 41 year old " Farmer " and their daughter Louise ~ ( Age 5 ) .
         Also residing with them are three boarders :
         Anna Wyatt ~ ( Age 68 ) , Geneva Thompson ~ ( Age 17 ) , and Beatrice Thompson ~ ( Age 15 ) .

         " Edmund B. Redden " passed away at the age of 82 years, 11 months, and 16 days on May 5, 1942.   He was interred with his wife at the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware..   They had " 2 " children together :

796.  Marian Redden  ~  b. July 22, 1903  ~  d. September, 1964  ~  " Age abt. 61 years "
797.  Mildred Redden  ~  b. July 5, 1904  ~  d. December 3, 1989  ~  " Age 85 years ~ 4 months ~ 29 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 796 )  ~  Marian  ~  Married an " Andrew's " and its currently unknown if she had any children.

( 797 )  ~  Mildred  ~  married " William Charles Gray " on November 11, 1922 in Harrington, Delaware.
               William was born the son of Hartley M. and Fannie I. Gray on October 30, 1898.   They had two known children:

  C. Vernon Gray  ~  b. June 12, 1928  ~  d. April 11, 1937
  Marion Louise Gray Messick  ~  b. March 7, 1935  ~  d. February 22, 2008

         They are both interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   For a short time they resided in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania but soon returned to Harrington, Delaware.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 573 )  ~    Sarah Lord Redden  ~    Edmund B. Redden  ~  ( Husband of Sarah )

Children of Sarah and Edmund:

     ( 796 )  ~    Marian Redden Andrew
     ( 797 )  ~    Mildred Redden Gray  ~    William Charles Gray  ~  ( Husband of Mildred )

         Katherine Houseman Collison ( 576 ) was born the 3rd child and 3rd daughter of Charles T. Collison ( 247 ) and Mary Elizabeth Hill Collison on May 7, 1878.

         She married " Andrew Williamson Collison ( 222 ) " and her story and family are noted on Andrew's record in this document.

Was born the 6th child and 3rd daughter of :
" George Washington Collison ( 275 ) " and " Noria "Nexie" J. Booth Collison "
on January 28, 1882 in Delaware.

         After her mother " Nexie " died in 1896, Dora was raised by Adeline Booth Collins who was a sister to " Nexie ".   " Dora " was a school teacher prior to being married.

         She married " Noah Brown " in 1908 and he was born the son of David and Rhoda Stayton Brown on August 26, 1883 in Kent County, Delaware.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ~ ( Recorded: April 29, 1910 ) residing on a farm that they " renting " located in Representative District 6, Kent County, Delaware.   " Noah " is noted as a 26 year old " Farmer " and " Dora " is noted as a 27 year old " Homemaker " raising their first child : Mary M. ~ ( Age 1 ) .   " Mary's name " after the 1910 census was always shown as " Nexie ".

         Prior to the 1920 Census " Great Sadness " would strike this young family.   Their daughter " Ada Brown " who was born March 29, 1916 passed away on May 11, 1916 at the age of 1 month and 13 days.   She was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Kent County, Delaware.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ~ ( Recorded: January 15, 1920 ) they are still residing on the same farm however it is noted that they " owned the farm mortgage free ".   The location of the farm is now noted as being located on the Harrington and Hollandsville Road, Representative District 6, Kent County, Delaware.   " Noah " is noted as a 36 year old " Farmer " and " Dora " is noted as a 36 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Nexie ~ ( Age 10 )
         and David P. ~ ( Age 2 ) .

         In the 1930 Federal Census ~ ( Recorded: April 10, 1930 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they " owned " however the location is now noted as being located on the Harrington and Blades Road, Representative District 6, Kent County, Delaware.   " Noah " is noted as a 46 year old " Farmer " and " Dora " is noted as a 47 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " children :
         Nexie ~ ( Age 21 )
         Preston ~ ( Age 13 )
         and Thomas H. ~ ( Age 9 ) .

         In the 1940 Federal Census ~ ( Recorded: April 26, 1940 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they " owned " in Kent County, Delaware.   " Noah " is noted as a 56 year old " Farmer " and " Dora " is noted as a 57 year old " Homemaker " raising their youngest child : Thomas Harold ~ ( Age 18 ) .

         " Dora Collison Brown ( 594 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on December 27, 1957 at the age of 75 years, 10 months, and 30 days.   She was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Noah Brown " passed away on January 29, 1970 at the age of 86 years, 5 months, and 3 days.   He was interred with his wife.   As a note neither one of their graves currently have a headstone.   They had " 4 " children together :

798.  Nexie R. Brown     ~  b. March 23, 1909  ~  d. December 29, 1999  ~  " Age 90 years ~ 9 months ~ 6 days "
799.  Ada Brown     ~  b. March 29, 1916  ~  d. May 11, 1916  ~  " Age 1 month ~ 13 days "
800.  David " Preston " Brown     ~  b. February 22, 1917  ~  d. December 11, 2000  ~  " Age 83 years ~ 9 months ~ 19 days "
801.  Thomas " Harold " Brown     ~  b. May 17, 1921  ~  d. July 9, 1983  ~  " Age 62 years ~ 1 month ~ 23 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 798 )  ~  Nexie  ~  married " B. Lee Currey " and they had one child together, Wayne Currey.   Wayne has one chld named Courtney Currey.
( 799 )  ~  Ada  ~  Passed away as an infant.
( 800 )  ~  David " Preston "  ~  married " Evelyn Sweetman " and it's currently unknown if they had any children.
( 801 )  ~  Thomas " Harold "  ~  married " Alice Virginia Bradley " and it's currently unknown if they had any children.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names above and below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 594 )  ~  (N)  Dora Collison Brown  ~  (N)  Noah Brown  ~  ( Husband of Dora )

  Children of Dora and Noah :

     ( 798 )  ~    Nexie Brown Currey  ~    B. Lee Currey  ~  ( Husband of Nexie )
     ( 799 )  ~  (N)  Ada Brown
     ( 800 )  ~    David Preston Brown  ~    Evelyn Sweetman Brown  ~  ( Wife of David )
     ( 801 )  ~    Thomas " Harold " Brown  ~    Alice Virginia Bradley Brown  ~  ( Wife of Thomas )

Was born the last known child and last son of :
" George Washington Collison ( 275 ) " and " Noria "Nexie" J. Booth Collison "
on May 12, 1891.

         After his mother " Nexie " passed away, " Mike " was raised by David and Annie Cordrey Booth.   David Booth was a brother to Nexie Booth Collison.

         In 1915 " Mike " married " Nellie Rust " who was born October 10, 1898 the daughter of Isaac & Letisha Masten Rust.

         " Great Sadness " struck this young family when their daughter Cora Esther Collison ( 810 ) passed away soon after her birth.   She was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Mike " registered for the military, due to World War I, on June 5, 1917.   Based on all information, including the 1930 Federal Census which noted veterans, he did not serve in the military.   More than likely it was due to him working on the Railroad since most Railroad employees were exempt from service.

         They first show up as a family in the 1920 Federal Census ( Recorded: February 14, 1920 ) residing in a house that they were " renting " in Farmington, Kent County, Delaware.   " Mike " is noted as a 28 year old " Railroad Laborer " and " Nellie " is noted as a 21 year old " Homemaker ".   They had no children at this time.

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 14, 1930 ) they are now residing in a home that they " owned " located in Farmington, Kent County, Delaware.   " Mike " is noted as a 38 year old " Railroad Laborer " and " Nellie " is noted as a 31 year old " Homemaker " raising their child : Kathleen ~ ( Age 4 ) .

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 24, 1940 ) residing in the same home that they " owned " located in Farmington, Kent County, Delaware.   " Mike " is noted as a 50 year old " Railroad Track Walker " and " Nellie " is noted as a 41 year old " Homemaker " raising their child : Kathleen ~ ( Age 14 ) .

         " Nellie Rust Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on December 10, 1954 at the age of 56 years and 2 months.   She was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   At the time of her passing " Nellie " was noted as a talented seamstress in the area.

         " Wilmer 'Mike' Collison ( 596 ) " passed away on March 18, 1968 of cancer at the age of 76 years, 10 months, and 6 days.   He was interred with his wife in the Hollywood Cemetery.   They had " 2 " children together.

810.  Cora Esther Collison  ~  b. 1916  ~  d. 1916
811.  Kathleen Esther Collison  ~  b. January 5, 1926

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 596 )  ~    Wilmer "Mike" Collison  ~    Nellie Rust Collison  ~  ( Wife of Wilmer )

  Child of Wilmer and Nellie :

     ( 810 )  ~    Cora Esther Collison

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of :
" Richard M. Collison ( 277 ) " and " Annie Ellen Anderson Collison "
on February 20, 1878 in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         He married " Mary 'Elizabeth' Bullock " on November 20, 1901 in the Bethel Church, Andrewsville, Delaware.   She was born the daughter of Charles and Mary Willis Bullock on June 2, 1884 in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         " Great Sadness " struck this young family when their son " Louder Collison ( 812 ) " passed away soon after his birth.   He was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( Dated : April 29, 1910 ) residing on a farm that they were " renting " in Representative District 9, Kent County, Delaware.   " Charles " is noted as a 32 year old " Farmer " and " Elizabeth " " is noted as a 26 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " children :
         Leland ~ ( Age 6 )
         Geneva ~ ( Age 4 )
         and James ~ ( Age 1 )
         It was also noted in the census that they had " 4 " children with only " 3 " surviving.

         One year and three months after the 1910 census " Great Sadness " once again struck this young family when their son
" James Taylor Collison ( 815 ) ", born April 3, 1909, passed away on July 10, 1911 at the age of 2 years, 3 months, and 7 days.   He was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Dated : February 23, 1920 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they were " renting " in 1910 ... However a better location is provided ... the farm was located on the Andrewsville To Piney Grove School Road in Representative District 9, Kent County, Delaware.   " Charles " is noted as a 42 year old " Farmer " and " Elizabeth " " is noted as a 38 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 5 " oldest children :
         Leland ~ ( Age 16 )
         Geneva ~ ( Age 13 )
         Madlyn ~ ( Age 7 )
         Katherine ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Lester ~ ( Age 2 )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Dated : April 26, 1930 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they were in 1920 ... However now they " owned " the farm.   " Charles " is noted as a 52 year old " Farmer " and " Elizabeth " " is noted as a 45 year old " Homemaker " still raising " 4 " of their children :
         Madlyn ~ ( Age 16 )
         Katherine ~ ( Age 15 )
         Lester ~ ( Age 2 )
         and Virginia ~ ( Age 7 )

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Dated : May 1, 1940 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they were in 1920's and 1930's.
" Charles " is noted as a 60 year old " Farmer " and " Elizabeth " " is noted as a 55 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing with them now are :
         Their daughter Virginia ~ ( Age 17 )
         Their son Lester ~ ( Age 22 ) and his wife Mabel ~ ( Age 18 )
         and their son James Lester ~ ( Age 1 )
         Also residing with them is Dorothy Burris ~ ( Age 13 ) , noted as the granddaughter of Charles ( 602 ) and " Elizabeth ",
         and she was the daughter of Lee Burris and " Geneva May Collison ( 814 ) " who were never married.

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Dated : April 13, 1950 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they were in the 1920's, 1930's, and 1940's Federal Census'.   " Charles " is noted as a 72 year old " Farmer " and " Elizabeth " " is noted as a 65 year old
" Homemaker ".   Residing with them now is :
         Their daughter Virginia ~ ( Age 27 - Helping on the Farm )

         " Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on September 5, 1964 at the age of 80 years, 3 months, and 3 days.   She was interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   Her stone bares only the name " Elizabeth ".

         " Charles Walls Collison ( 602 ) " passed away on July 18, 1967 at the age of 89 years 4 months 21 days and was interred next to his wife. Together they had " 8 " children :

812.  Louder Collison     ~  b. 1902  ~  d. 1902  ~  " Age unknown "
813.  Leland Charles Collison     ~  b. September 12, 1903  ~  d. March 5, 1935  ~  " Age 31 years ~ 5 months ~ 23 days "
814.  Geneva May Collison     ~  b. July 15, 1906  ~  d. January 30, 1987  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 6 months ~ 15 days "
815.  James Taylor Collison     ~  b. April 3, 1909  ~  d. July 10, 1911  ~  " Age 2 years ~ 3 months ~ 7 days "
816.  Madlyn Elizabeth Collison     ~  b. January 24, 1913  ~  d. May 28, 2003  ~  " Age 90 years ~ 4 months ~ 4 days "
817.  Katherine Marie Collison     ~  b. April 13, 1915  ~  d. February 9, 1996  ~  " Age 80 years ~ 9 months ~ 27 days "
818.  Lester Theodore Collison     ~  b. November 9, 1917  ~  d. July 24, 1975  ~  " Age 56 years ~ 8 months ~ 15 days "
819.  Mary Virginia Collison     ~  b. August 21, 1922  ~  d. July 8, 2017  ~  " Age 94 years ~ 10 months ~ 18 days "

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

     ( 602 )  ~    Charles Walls Collison  ~    Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison  ~  ( Wife of Charles )

Child of Charles ( 601 ) and Annie Collison:  ~  ( click on name )

     ( 812 )  ~  (N)  Louder Collison

     ( 815 )  ~    James Taylor Collison

Was born the 3rd child and 1st daughter of :
" Richard M. Collison ( 277 ) " and " Annie Ellen Anderson Collison "
on February 6, 1880 in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         She married " Elwood Minner " in 1888.   He was born of July 22, 1872 in Delaware.

         At the age of 8 years old in the 1880 census " Elwood " was living with John and Elydia Morris.   His parent's names are currently unknown as is why he was living with the Morris'.

         They first show up as a family in the 1900 Federal Census ( Dated : June 27, 1900 ) residing with " Florence's " parent's on a farm located in Mispillion Hundreds, Kent County, Delaware.   " Elwood " is noted as a 27 year old " Farmer Laborer " and " Florence " is noted as a 20 year old " Homemaker ".

         In the 1910 Federal Census ( Dated : May 10, 1910 ) residing on a farm that they were " renting " in Representative District 9, Kent County, Delaware.   " Elwood " is noted as a 38 year old " Farmer " and " Florence " is noted as a 30 year old " Homemaker " raising their first child : Margaret ~ ( Age 7 ) .

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Dated : April 22, 1920 ) they are still residing on the same farm that they were " renting " in 1910 in Representative District 9, Kent County, Delaware.   " Elwood " is noted as a 47 year old " Farmer " and " Florence " is noted as a 40 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Margaret ~ ( Age 17 )
         and Ann ~ ( Age 8 )
         Also residing with them is " Florence's " older brother Royal S. Collison ( 601 ) ~ ( Age 45 )

         A 1930 Federal Census has not currently been found for this family .....

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Dated : April 8, 1940 ) they are residing in a house that they " owned " located at 421 Hawthorne Street, Glendale, Los Angeles County, California.   " Elwood " is noted as a 67 year old " Milker " and " Florence " is noted as a 60 year old " Homemaker ".   Their daughter, Ann ~ ( Age 29 ) is also residing with them.

         After their marriage " Elwood " first worked was a farmer in Kent County, Delaware.   In the late 1920's or early 1930's, however, " Elwood " and " Florence " moved to the Los Angeles, California area where they resided for the rest of their lives.

         " Florence E. Collison Minner ( 603 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on March 22, 1953 in Los Angeles, California at the age of 73 years, 1 month, and 16 days.   She was interred in the Grand View Memorial Park, Glendale, California.

         " Elwood Minner " passed away on June 21, 1963 in Los Angeles, California at the age of 90 years, 10 months, and 30 days.   He was interred with his wife at the Grand View Memorial Park, Glendale, California.   Together they had " 2 " children.

820.  Margaret Minner  ~  b. September 27, 1902  ~  d. March 1, 1990  ~  " Age 87 years ~ 5 months ~ 4 days "
821.  Ann Louise Minner  ~  b. May 23, 1910  ~  d. June 26, 1995  ~  " Age 85 years ~ 1 month ~ 3 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 820 )  ~  Margaret  ~  Married a " Hale " after her family moved to California.
( 821 )  ~  Ann  ~  was married twice.   She was first married to " Frederic McMurray, Jr. " in Wilmington, Delaware on December 15, 1929 prior to her parents moving to California.   It is unknown if they had any children.   At some point she moved to California where she was married a second time to a " Rarey ".

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 603 )  ~  Florence E. Collison Minner  ~  Elwood Minner  ~  ( Husband of Florence )

  Children of Florence ( 602 ) and Elwood Minner :  ~  ( click on name )

( 820 )  ~  Margaret Minner Hale

( 821 )  ~  Ann Louise Minner Rarey

Was born the 4th child and 3rd son of :
" Richard M. Collison ( 277 ) " and " Annie Ellen Anderson Collison "
in February 7, 1882 in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         He married " Mary " Emma " Andrews " on September 30, 1903 in Harrington, Delaware.   Emma was born the daughter of William and Euphania Paris ?? Andrews on June 27, 1885.

         " Richard " was actually given the birth name of " Theola Collison ".   According to close family members
" Theola ( 604 ) ", being only six years old, became grief stricken when his daddy died.   At that point he climbed up into a tree and refused to come down until everyone agreed to call him Richard, just like his daddy.   The family agreed and from that point on everyone knew his as " Richard ".

         They first show up as a family in the 1910 Federal Census ( Dated : April 20, 1910 ) residing in a house that they were " renting " in Representative District 1, Sussex County, Delaware.   " Richard " is noted as a 27 year old " Farmer Laborer " and " Mary Emma " is noted as a 25 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " oldest children :
         Ruth ~ ( Age 5 )
         William ~ ( Age 3 )
         and Florence ~ ( Age 11 months )

         In the 1920 Federal Census ( Dated : April 26, 1920 ) they are now residing on a farm that they were " renting " in Representative District 9, Kent County, Delaware.   " Richard " is noted as a 37 year old " Farmer " and " Mary Emma " is noted as a 34 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 5 " children :
         Ruth ~ ( Age 15 )
         William ~ ( Age 13 )
         Florence ~ ( Age 10 )
         Richard ~ ( Age 4 )
         and Evelyn ~ ( Age 2 months )

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Dated : April 5, 1930 ) they are still residing on the farm they were in 1920 and they are still
" renting " the farm however it is now noted as being located on the Milford and Harrington Road, Kent County, Delaware.   " Richard " is noted as a 48 year old " Farmer " and " Mary Emma " is noted as a 44 year old " Homemaker ".   " 3 " of their children as residing with them :
         William ~ ( Age 22 )
         Richard ~ ( Age 14 )
         and Evelyn ~ ( Age 11 )
         Ruth ( 822 ) and Florence ( 824 ) are now both married and out on their with their families.

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Dated : April 3, 1940 ) they are still residing on the farm they were in 1920 and 1930 and they are still " renting " that farm on the Milford and Harrington Road, Kent County, Delaware.   " Richard " is noted as a 58 year old " Farmer " and " Mary Emma " is noted as a 54 year old " Homemaker ".   Residing on the farm with them in 1940 was :
         Their daughter Evelyn ~ ( Age 20 ~ Sales Clerk ),
         their son Richard ~ ( Age 24 ~ working on the farm ) and his wife Evelyn Lida Farrow Collison ~ ( Age 18 )
         and their son Richard T. Collison ~ ( Age 1 )

         " Richard Theola Collison ( 604 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on February 15, 1952 at the age of 70 years and 8 days.   He was interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Mary Emma Andrews Collison " passed away on April 30, 1981 at the age of 95 years, 10 months, and 3 days.   She was interred next to her husband.   Together they had " 5 " children :

822.  Ruth Taylor Collison     ~  b. January 5, 1905  ~  d. July 3, 1949  ~  " Age 44 years ~ 5 months ~ 29 days "
823.  William Richard Collison     ~  b. April 26, 1907  ~  d. September 12, 1991  ~  " Age 84 years ~ 4 months ~ 17 days "
824.  Florence Elizabeth Collison     ~  b. May 30, 1909  ~  d. July 7, 1974  ~  " Age 65 years ~ 1 month ~ 8 days "
825.  Richard Minner Collison     ~  b. September 5, 1915  ~  d. July 6, 1974  ~  " Age 58 years ~ 10 months ~ 1 day "
826.  Evelyn Jeannette Collison     ~  b. February 11, 1920  ~  d. March 24, 1995  ~  " Age 75 years ~ 1 month ~ 13 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Florence ( 824 ) passed away " 1 day " after her brother Richard ( 825 ) .....

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      ( 604 )  ~    Richard Theola Collison  ~    Mary Emma Andrews Collison  ~  ( Wife of Richard )

Was born the 6th child and 3rd daughter of :
" Richard M. Collison ( 277 ) " and " Annie Ellen Anderson Collison "
on August 1, 1886, in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         She married " John F. Evans " who was born on March 15, 1881.   His parent's names are currently unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1920 Federal Census ( Dated : April 19, 1920 ) residing on a farm that they were " renting " on the Farmington To Prospect Road, Representative District 9, Kent County, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 37 year old " Farmer " and " Bertha " is noted as a 32 year old " Homemaker " raising their child : Anne Lucille ~ ( Age 1 )

         A 1930 Federal Census has currently not been found for this family .....

         In the 1940 Federal Census ( Dated : April 10, 1940 ) they are now residing on a farm that they " owned " in Kent County, Delaware.   " John " is noted as a 59 year old " Farmer " and " Bertha " is noted as a 54 year old " Homemaker ".   No one else was living with them at this time.

         " Bertha A. Collison Evans ( 606 ) " passed away on July 7, 1945 at the age of 58 years, 11 months, and 6 days.   She was interred in the Gracelawn Memorial Park, New Castle, Delaware.

         " John F. Evans " passed away on June 2, 1946 at the age of 65 years 2 months 18 days.   He was interred with his wife.   Together they had " 1 " child.

827.  Anne Lucille Evans  ~  b. August 30, 1918  ~  d. March 19, 2007  ~  " Age 88 years ~ 6 months ~ 20 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 827 )  ~  Anne Lucille  ~  married " H. Edgar Clendaniel, Jr. " and it's currently unknown if they had any children.

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     ( 606 )  ~  Bertha A. Collison Evans  ~   John F. Evans  ~  ( Husband of Bertha )

  Child of Bertha Collison ( 605 ) and " John F. Evans " :

     ( 827 )  ~  Anne E. Evans Clendaniel  ~  H. Edgar Clendaniel, Jr.  ~  ( Husband of Anne )

         Howard Gilbert Collison ( 662 ) was born the son of Francis Howard Collison ( 404 ) and Cora Edna Thomas Collison on July 2, 1915 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         He married " Doris Anna Wetzel " on April 9,1938.   She was born on July 4, 1918 in Maryland the daughter of Granville Wetzel and Lena A. Loos Wetzel and her parent's names are currently unknown.

         They first show up as a family in the 1940 Federal Census ( Dated : April 27, 1940 ) residing in a home that they were " renting " located on Haver Hill Road, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Howard " is noted as a 24 year old " Chauffeuer " and " Doris " is noted as a 21 year old " Saleslady ".   They had no children at this time.

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Dated : April 27, 1950 ) residing in a home located at 1246 Popler Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.   " Howard " is noted as a 34 year old " Transportation Manager " and " Doris " is noted as a 31 year old " Homemaker " raising their child : Gary ~ ( Age 4 ).

         " Howard " was a truck driver, dispatcher and lastly a salesman.   He had a passion for life and loved people !

         " Howard Gilbert Collison ( 662 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on November 20, 1984 on the way home from a Masonic meeting from a ruptured abdominal aneurysm at the age of 69 years, 4 months, and 18 days.   He was interred in the Meadowridge Cemetary, Baltimore, Maryland.

         " Doris Anna Wetzel Collison " passed away on May 24, 1993 at the age of 74 years, 10 months, and 20 days from ovarian cancer.   She was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 1 " child.

835.  Gary Howard Collison  ~  b. September 11, 1945

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     ( 662 )  ~    Howard Gilbert Collison  ~    Doris Anna Wetzel Collison  ~  ( Wife of Howard )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Henry Clay Collison ( 430 ) " and " Dora Cade Anderson Collison "
on June 3, 1910 in Denton, Maryland.

         He attended elementary and High School in Denton.   He then attended Goldey Beacom College in Wilmington, Delaware.   He worked at multiple jobs during his career, including two years for the Department of Finance, State of Delaware, and finally working for many years at Delaware Trust from where he retired in 1966.

         In the 1930 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 14, 1930 ) " Paul " is noted as being a 20 year old " Roomer " residing in the the home of Joseph and Alice Siddell on Monroe Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   He was then attending Goldey Beacom College in Wilmington, Delaware.

         " Paul " was married twice.

         He first married " Eugenie Catherine Paul " who was born the daughter of Frank Blane and Eugenie Catherine Fischesser Paul on February 15, 1913.   They were married on October 8, 1936 in Norfolk, Virginia.

         They first show up as a family in the 1940 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 2, 1940 ) renting a home on Broome Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Paul " is noted as being a 29 year old " Broker " and " Catherine " is noted as a 26 year old " Homemaker ".

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 1, 1950 ) they are noted as residing in a home on Marion Avenue, Bellefonte, New Castle County, Delaware.   " Paul " is noted as being a 39 year old " Accountant " working in the " Tire Distribution Field " and " Catherine " is noted as a 36 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 2 " children :
         Paul T. ~ ( Age 8 )
         Eugenie ~ ( Age 2 )
         " Paul " and " Catherine " had a third child :   " Wendy Nancy Collison " in 1952 ..... and were later divorced .....

         " Paul " then married " Margaret Ellen Anthony " on March 1, 1972 in Felton, Delaware.   She was born the daughter of Edward and Bertha Marie Baily Anthony on July 6, 1921 in Harrington, Delaware.   Margaret was a former employee of J.C. Penney's and the High Grade Restaurant in Harrington, Delaware.   They did not have any children together.

         " Paul Trazzare Collison ( 663 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on Saturday, March 27, 1993 at the age of 82 years, 9 months, and 24 days in his home in Harrington, Delaware of Parkinson's disease.   His brother and best friend Harry Ray ( 611 ) and his wife Margaret were at his side.   " Paul " was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware on Thursday, April 1, 1993.

         " Margaret Ellen Anthony Collison " passed away on January 9, 2005 at the age of 83 years, 6 months, and 3 days in their home in Harrington, Delaware.   She was laid to rest next to her husband " Paul " in the Hollywood Cemetery.

840.  Paul Terry Collison  ~  b. March 27, 1942  ~  d. March 30, 2011  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 3 days "
841.  Eugenie Catherine Collison  ~  b. April 12, 1947
842.  Wendy Nancy Collison  ~  b. April 4, 1952

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     ( 663 )  ~    Paul Trazzare Collison  ~    Margaret Anthony Collison  ~  ( Second wife of Paul )

                          Eugenie Catherine Paul Collison  ~  ( First wife of Paul )

         Harry Ray Collison ( 664 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of Henry Clay Collison ( 430 ) and Dora Cade Anderson Collison on October 17, 1913 in Denton.

         He married " Virginia Lee Stafford " on February 24, 1936.   She was born the daughter of William Anstine and Allie Hopkins Stafford on July 1, 1919 in Harrington, Delaware.   After their marriage they resided in Harrington, Delaware.

         " Harry " worked as a diary and grain farmer and grew tomatoes for the Parker and Hughes Cannery on his own farm.   He was also a dedicated visitor of the Caroline Nursing Home over the years and attended the Calvary Wesleyan Church in Harrington, Delaware.   Virginia was a homemaker and farmer's wife.

         " Virginia Lee Stafford Collison " preceded her husband in passing away on June 18, 1992 of cancer at her daughter Janet's ( 643 ) home in Denton, Maryland at the age of 72 years, 11 months, and 17 days.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Harry Ray Collison ( 664 ) " passed away of heart failure in the Caroline Nursing home in Denton, Maryland on January 18, 1995 at the age of 82 years, 3 months, and 1 day.   He was interred next to his wife.   Together they had " 4 " children :

843.  Janet Lee Collison  ~  b. October 11, 1936  ~  d. May 30, 2007  ~  " Age 70 years "
844.  William Ray Collison  ~  b. June 12, 1938  ~  d. January 13, 2007  ~  " Age 68 years "
845.  Harry Ronald Collison  ~  b. June 5, 1942  ~  d. May 29, 2018  ~  " Age 75 years "
846.  Roger Wayne Collison  ~  b. March 7, 1946  ~  d. May 21, 2012  ~  " Age 66 years "

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     ( 664 )  ~    Harry Ray Collison  ~    Virginia Lee Stafford Collison

         Evelyn Collison ( 665 ) was born the 3rd child and only daughter of Henry Clay Collison ( 430 ) and Dora Cade Anderson Collison on July 3, 1916 in Denton, Maryland.

         She married " Ralph Albert Dukes " who was born the son of Albert G. and Mary Stafford Dukes on September 24, 1914.

         " Evelyn " raised her children at home and worked with her husband on the family farm.   She was an active member of the Greensboro Wesleyan Church, Greensboro, Maryland.

         " Evelyn Collison Dukes ( 665 ) " preceded her husband in passing away as the result of burns in the John Hopkin's Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland on January 26, 1993 at the age of 76 years, 6 months, and 23 days.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Ralph Albert Dukes " passed away on December 31, 2007 at the age of 94 years, 3 months, and 7 days.   He was interred with his wife.   Together they had " 4 " children.

858.  Dorothy Louise Dukes  ~  b. May 15, 1939  ~  d. March 1, 2004  ~  " Age 64 years "
859.  Carolyn Ann Dukes  ~  b. July 8, 1945
860.  Elaine Dukes  ~  b. August 10, 1949
861.  Joan Alberta Dukes  ~  b. July 4, 1955

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     ( 665 )  ~    Evelyn Collison Dukes  ~    Ralph Albert Dukes

         Thelma E. Collison ( 667 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Charles Harvey Collison ( 431 ) and Ethel Murphy Collison on February 26, 1910 in Maryland.

         She married " William Lee Deford, Jr. " whose parents are unknown.   After their marriage they lived in Ridgely, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1940 Federal Census ( Dated : May 10, 1940 ) residing on a farm that they were " renting " near Ridgely on State Road From New Bridge To Denton in Caroline County, Maryalnd.   " William " is noted as a 30 year old " Farmer " and " Thelma " is noted as a 30 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " oldest children :
         Doris Lee ~ ( Age 9 )
         William Lee ~ ( Age 4 )
         Edna Louise ~ ( Age 11 months )
         Also residing with them are :
         James Perkins ~ ( Age 25 - Hired Hand ) and
         Francis Perkins ~ ( Age 21 - Cook )

         " Great Sadness " came upon this family when " Edna Louise Deford " passed away on January 30, 1942 at the age of 2 years old ..... She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.

         In the 1950 Federal Census ( Dated : April 15, 1950 ) they are now residing in a home located on Camp Road, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " William " is noted as a 40 year old " Truck Driver for a Hardware Company " and " Thelma " is noted as a 40 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 6 " children :
         Doris Lee ~ ( Age 19 )
         William Lee ~ ( Age 13 )
         Joyce Ann ~ ( Age 7 )
         John ~ ( Age 6 )
         Mack ~ ( Age 5 )
         Ethel 'Susan' ~ ( Age 1 )

         " William Lee Deford, Jr. " preceded his wife in passing away on August 19, 1970 at the age of 60 and was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Thelma E. Collison DeFord ( 614 ) " passed away on June 19, 1977 at the age of 65 and was interred with her husband.   Together they had 7 children :

862.  Doris Lee Deford  ~  b. September 16, 1930  ~  d. February 18, 2000 ~ " Age 69 years - 5 months - 2 days "
863.  William Lee Deford, III  ~  b. April 21, 1936 ~ d. November 9, 2001 ~ " Age 65 years - 6 months - 19 days "
864.  Edna Louise Deford  ~  b. May 18. 1939 ~ d. January 30, 1942 ~ " Age 2 years - 8 months - 12 days "
865.  Joyce Ann Deford  ~  b. May 17, 1942 ~ d. September 15, 2023 ~ " Age 81 years - 3 months - 29 days "
866.  John Emory Deford  ~  b. July 30, 1943 ~ d. May 9, 2002 ~ " Age 58 years - 9 months - 10 days "
867.  Malcom H. 'Mack' Deford  ~  b. November 23, 1944 ~ d. June 5, 1988 ~ " Age 43 years - 6 months - 13 days "
868.  Ethel 'Susan' Deford  ~  ( b. ca. 1949 - dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Doris Lee ( 862 ) married " Edward Robinson " and resided in Ridgely, Maryland and they had " 2 " Children :
                 Cynthia Lee Robinson Cummings and Rebecca Louise Robinson Cleveland.
William ( 863 ) ~ Nothing further is known.
Edna ( 864 ) passed away at the age of 2 years.
John ( 866 ) resides in Ridgely.
Nothing further is known about Joyce ( 865 ), Mack ( 867 ) or Susan ( 868 ).

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     ( 667 )  ~    Thelma Collison DeFord  ~    William L. DeFord, Jr.  ~  ( Husband of Thelma )

Children of Thelma ( 667 ) and William Deford :

( 862 )  ~  Doris Lee Deford Robinson  ~    Charles Edward Robinson  ~  ( Husband of Doris )
( 863 )  ~  William Lee Deford, III
( 864 )  ~  Edna Louise Deford
( 865 )  ~  Joyce Ann DeFord Faulkner
( 866 )  ~  John 'Jack' Emory Deford
( 867 )  ~  Malcolm H. 'Mack' Deford  ~    Margaret E. Lindsay Deford  ~  ( Wife of Mack )

         Harvey Lawson Collison ( 669 ) was born the 3rd child and 1st son of Charles Harvey Collison ( 431 ) and Ethel Murphy Collison on April 4, 1920 in Maryland.

         He married " Marian Green " who was born the daughter of Willard H. and Lucy Long Green in Ridgely, Maryland on July 8, 1924.

         They first show up as a family in the 1950 Federal Census ( Dated : April 4, 1950 ) residing in a home on Fountain Avenue, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Harvey " is noted as a 30 year old working in " Welding " and " Marian " is noted as a 25 year old " Homemaker " raising their only child :
         Linda L. ~ ( Age 2 )

         " Harvey Lawson Collison ( 616 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on April 14, 1979 at the age of 59 and he was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Marian Green Collison " passed away on February 28, 1992 at the age of 67 and was interred with her husband.   They had one child.

870.  Linda L. Collison  ~  ( b. ca. 1948 - dates unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Linda ( 870 ) married a " Pinder " and resides in Denton, Maryland.

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( 669 ) ~   Harvey Lawson Collison  ~    Marian Green Collison  ~  ( Wife of Harvey )

         Galen Murphy Collison, Sr. ( 670 ) was born the 4th child and 2nd son of Charles Harvey Collison ( 431 ) and Ethel Murphy Collison on April 19, 1925.   He was married twice.

         He first married " Martha Jane Taylor " in March, 1943 and her parents are unknown.   They had one child together and they were later divorced sometime after the 1950 Federal Census .....

         They first show up as a family in the 1950 Federal Census ( Dated : Early, 1950 ) residing in a home in Marydel, Kent County, Delaware.   " Galen " is noted as a 25 year old working as a " General Helper with Starman Feed Company " and " Martha " is noted as a 23 year old working in the " Sponge Department - Latex Products Corporation ".   Also residing with them is their son :
         Galen, Jr. ~ ( Age 4 )
         and George Bestrovich ~ ( Age 45 - Lodger )

         After their divorce " Galen " then married " Ramona Reed " who was born the daughter of John and Elva Jones Reed on November 3, 1932.   Ramona had one child previous to this marriage named Tammy Kay ??.

         " Galen " worked as a Insurance Saleman during most of his life.   His second wife Ramona was employed in the Poultry Industry.   His first wife Martha remarried to Gene Cole after their divorce and they had 3 children, David, Harold and Cindy.

         " Galen Murphy Collison, Sr. ( 617 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on June 28, 1974 at the age of 49 and was interred in the Hill Crest Cemetery, Federalsburg, Maryland.

         " Ramona " remarried after " Galen's " passing to Charles W. McCord.   She passed away on December 9, 2002 and was also interred at Hill Crest Cemetery.

871.  Galen Murphy Collison, Jr.  ~  b. June 29, 1945

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( 670 ) ~   Galen Murphy Collison, Sr.

         Charles Norman Collison ( 676 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st son of Norman Rixford Collison ( 432 ) and Minnie Christopher Collison on April 30, 1919.   He was married twice.

         He was first married to " Dorothy Stubbs " whose parents are unknown.   Together they had 3 children.   It is unknown at this time if he and Dorothy were divorced or if she passed away.

         " Charles " was married a 2nd time to " Alice Mulligan " whose parents are unknown.   " Charles " and Alice had two known children together.

         " Charles Norman Collison ( 676 ) " passed away on December 31, 1993 in Harrington, Delaware.   It is currently unknown where he was interred.

Children of Charles ( 676 ) and Dorothy Stubbs Collison :

872.  Charles Edward Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
873.  Rease Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )
874.  Shirley Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Children of Charles ( 676 ) and Alice Mulligan Collison :

875.  Charles Rickford Collison  ~  b. October 10, 1959
876.  Brenda Sue Collison  ~  b. 1961

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Charles Rickford Collison ( 875 ) was adopted by Albert and Marion Bray and his last name was changed to "Bray" and he resides in Fort Worth, Texas.

Brenda Sue Collison ( 876 ) has three children.   Her oldest daughter is Sarah Ann Collison who was born on January 29, 1978 and she is married with two children, Amaya and Alyah.   Sarah resides in Alvin, Texas.

         Clayton Wright Collison ( 677 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of Norman Collison ( 432 ) and Minnie Christopher Collison on December 2, 1920.

         He married " Barbara Creighton " the daughter of Carrol & Ruth (_____) Creighton.   Together they had 7 known children.

         They first show up as a family in the 1950 Federal Census ( Dated : April 3, 1950 ) residing in a home located on South Street, Easton, Talbot County, Maryland.   " Clayton " is noted as a 29 year old " Truck Driver " and " Barbara " is noted as a 26 year old " Homemaker " raising their " 3 " oldest children :
         Barbara 'Geraldine' ~ ( Age 8 )
         Norma J. ~ ( Age 7 )
         Clayton W., Jr. ~ ( Age 3 )

         " Clayton Wright Collison, Sr. ( 677 ) " passed away on October 15, 2002 in the Hagerstown Memorial Hospital, Maryland.   It is currently unknown where he was interred.

877.  Barbara 'Geraldine' Collison  ~  b. July 7, 1941
878.  Norma J. Collison  ~  b. ca. 1942
879.  Clayton Wright Collison, Jr.  ~  b. ca. 1946
880.  Linda Collison  ~  b. ca. 1948
8x1.  Sandy Collison  ~  b. ca. unknown
8x2.  Keith Collison  ~  b. ca. unknown
8x3.  Crystal Collison  ~  b. ca. unknown

         John Clarence Collison ( 680 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and Theresa Krause Collison on March 16, 1927 in Staytonsville, Delaware.

         " John " was raised in multiple foster homes as a child and attended school in Milton, Milford, Harrington and Dover, Delaware.   It is believed that his mother had passed away prior to him becoming a foster child.   He was a retired Tractor Trailer Driver, a member of the Harrington Moose, VFW and the American Legion.

         " John " served in the U.S. Army during World War II as a Private First Class.   After the war he was stationed for awhile in Germany.   He was married three times.

         " John " was first married to " Sarah Moore " in ca. 1947 in the Methodist Church in Houston, Delaware.   Her parents names are unknown.   They did not have any children together and were divorced within six months.

         " John " then was married second to " Annabelle Mae Graff " in February, 1948 in a parsonage in Denton, Maryland.   She was born on November 9, 1930 and her parent's names are currently unknown.   " John " and " Annabelle " had 4 children together.

         " Annabelle Mae Graff Collison " passed away on March 16, 1982 of Lung Cancer in Milford, Delaware and was interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.

         After Annabelle's passing " John " was married a third time to " Jeannette Roberta Elliott " on June 6, 1987 in the Harrington Baptist Church in Harrington, Delaware.   She was born the daughter of Granville Andrew Elliott and Blanche O'Neal Elliott on December 13, 1936 in Blades, Delaware.   " John " and Jeannette did not have any children together.

         " John Clarence Collison ( 680 ) " preceded his wife " Jeannette " in passing away at the age of 82 on August 11, 2009 at his home in Lincoln, Delaware and was interred in the Milford Community Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.

         " Jeannette Roberta Elliott Collison " passed away at the age of 83 on July 29, 2020 and was interred in the Milford Community Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.

881.  Shirley Anne Collison  ~  b. September 18, 1949  ~  d. March 8, 1951
882.  John Henry Collison  ~  b. August 19, 1950
883.  Geraldine Mae Collison  ~  b. July 30, 1954
884.  Harvey William Collison  ~  b. January 1, 1965

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Shirley ( 881 ) died due to complications of birth & is interred in the Milford Community Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.

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( 680 ) ~   John Clarence Collison

       Annabelle Mae Graff Collison  ~  ( 2nd Wife of John )
       Jeannette Roberta Elliott Collison  ~  ( 3rd Wife of John )

Child of John ( 623 ) and Annabelle Collison:

( 881 ) ~   Shirley Anne Collison

         Eliga Arthur Collison ( 681 ) was born the 3rd child and 3rd son of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and Theresa Krause Collison on July 12, 1929 in Bridgeville, Delaware.   He was married twice.

         He first married " Goldie Virginia Downs " who was born the daughter of Roy and Elva Cohee Downs on January 19, 1931.   They had 3 children together and were later divorced.

         " Goldie Virginia Downs Collison " passed away in Granite Falls, North Carolina on July 21, 2004.   She was cremated and her ashes spread at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

         " Eliga " then married " Elaine U. Price " on April 8, 1967 in the First Methodist Church in Vineland, New Jersey.   Elaine was born the daughter of Samuel Stewart, Sr. and Katherine Gunn Esher Price on October 14, 1943.

         " Eliga " was employed in the Lawn Care field.   Elaine was employed in the School System.

         " Eliga Arthur Collison ( 681 ) " passed away in Fort Pierce, Florida in 2001 at the age of 71 years old and he was cremated.   it is currently unknown where his ashes are located.   They resided in Fort Pierce, Florida and together they had 4 children.

Children of Eliga ( 624 ) and Goldie Downs Collison :

885.  Richard Wayne Collison  ~  b. July 18, 1954
886.  Jack Delvin Collison  ~  b. July 22, 1955
887.  Terry Collison  ~  b. 1960

Children of Eliga ( 624 ) and Elaine U. Price Collison :

888.  Eliga Arthur Collison, Jr.  ~  b. February 12, 1967
889.  Donna Elaine Collison  ~  b. January 18, 1968
890.  Dianna Lynne Collison  ~  b. January 10, 1972
891.  Scottie D. Collison  ~  b. September 8, 1976

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Jack ( 886 ) was married and divorced and they did not have any children.   Jack was married second to " Sandra Lee ______ " on December 21, 1996 and they currently have no children.

Terry ( 887 ) is married to " Randy Parsons " and they have one child and resided in Bethlehem, North Carolina.

Donna ( 889 ) was married and divorced and they did not have any children.

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( 681 ) ~ Eliga Arthur Collison  ~  Goldie Virginia Downs Collison  ~  ( 1st Wife of Eliga )

         Daniel Burton Collison ( 683 ) was born the 5th child and 5th son of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and Pauline Willey on August 20, 1944 in Milford, Delaware.   He was married three times.

         He first married " Stella Mae Matthews " with whom he had four known children.   She was born the daughter of George and Florence Clifton Matthews on June 9, 1942 in Bridgeville, Delaware.   They were later divorced.

         " Stella " is also known to have two other children, June Trice and Jill Willey, and it is unsure at this time who the father was.

         " Stella Mae Matthews Collison " passed away on July 28, 2005 and was interred in the Lincoln Cemetery, Lincoln, Delaware.

         " Daniel " was then married second to " Celia Mae White " with whom he had two children.   The names of her parents are currently unknown.   They were later divorced and they " Remarried again ".

         " Daniel " also had one child with " Patricia Ann White " and the names of her parents are also currently unknown.

         " Daniel Burton Collison ( 683 ) " passed away in 1997 at the age of 52 and was interred in the new section of the Milford Community Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.   He worked as a Tractor Trailer Driver, Mechanic and Machine Operator.

Children of Daniel Burton Collison & Stella Mae Matthews:

900.  Harley Albert Collison  ~  b. October 7, 1962
901.  Gladys Ann Collison  ~  b. May 1, 1966
902.  Elsie Mae Collison  ~  b. June 6, 1967
903.  Susan Lynn Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

Children of Daniel Burton Collison & Celia Mae White:

904.  Daniel Burton Collison, Jr.  ~  b. 1969
905.  Frank Collison  ~  b. 1970

Children of Daniel Burton Collison & Patricia Ann White:

906.  Timothy Michael Collison  ~  b. 1976

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Harley ( 900 ) resides in Ellendale, Delaware.

Gladys ( 901 ) resides in Ellendale, Delaware and she married a " Gardner ".

Elsie ( 902 ) married a " Maloney ".

Susan ( 903 ) is know to be deceased but it is unknown where she is interred.

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( 683 ) ~   Daniel Burton Collison  ~    Stella Mae Collison  ~  ( First Wife of Daniel )

         Margaret Ann Collison ( 684 ) was born the 6th child and only daughter of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and the daughter of Pauline Willey on March 16, 1946.

         She married " Ronald Yates " whose dates and parents are unknown.   Together they have 2 children.

907.  Kenneth Yates  ~  ( dates unknown )
908.  Kevin Yates  ~  ( dates unknown )

         Joseph " Wayne " Collison ( 687 ) was born the 9th child and 8th son of Arthur Gilbert Collison ( 434 ) and the son of Laura Alva Dean Collison on January 13, 1951 in Milford, Delaware.   " Wayne " has been married 3 times.

         He first married " Rose _____ " from whom he was later divorced.   He and Rose had one child together.

         " Wayne " then was married second to " Susan Stack " from whom he was also later divorced.   He and Susan had 3 children together and her parent's names are unknown.

         " Wayne " was then married third to " Lois Sherie Goldsbury " who was born the daughter of Kenneth David and Lois Imogene Wilson Goldsbury on August 3, 1953 in Panama City, Florida.   He and Lois have one child together.

         " Wayne " works as a Truck Driver.   His wife Lois works as a homemaker.   Lois has three children previous to this marriage: Christy Lynn, Oliver Joseph and Jason Andrew Menard.    They currently reside in Harrington, Delaware.

Child of " Wayne " ( 687 ) and Rose Collison :

909.  Joseph Wayne Collison, Jr.  ~  ( dates unknown )

Children of " Wayne " ( 687 ) and Susan Stack Collison :

910.  Teresa Collison  ~  b. April 12, 1975
911.  Michael Wayne Collison  ~  b. December 10, 1977
912.  Kenneth Collison  ~  b. December 14, 1978

Child of " Wayne " ( 687 ) and Lois Collison :

913.  Ashley Lauren Collison  ~  b. February 1, 1988

         James Oliver Cheezum ( 691 ) was born the only child of Harry Oliver Cheezum and Bessie Lealy Baker Cheezum ( 451 ) on April 22, 1918.   He was married twice.

         " James " was born when his family lived on a farm near Denton, Maryland.   A few years after his birth his family moved to Delaware County, Pennsylvania which is where he grew up.   He joined the Army during WWII, and achieved the rank of Sergeant.  He was employed as a supervisor for the Scott Paper Company.

         He was first married to " Alice Bernice Levy " on October 10, 1942.   She was born the daughter of Joseph and Violet (_____) Levy on October 10, 1921.   Together they had 7 children.

         After 31 years of marriage " Alice Bernice Levy Cheezum " preceded her husband in passing away on April 29, 1973 and was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " James " was then married to " Henrietta Rosen Hirshorn " who was born the daughter of David and Deborah Goldstein Rosen on September 19, 1918 in Brooklyn, New York.   Henrietta had two children previous to this marriage, David and Ed Hirshorn.

         " James Oliver Cheezum ( 691 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on October 24, 2009 in Florida and was interred in the Volusia Memorial Park, Ormond Beach, Florida.

         " Henrietta Rosen Cheezum " passed away on November 26, 2014 in Florida and was also interred in the Volusia Memorial Park, Ormond Beach, Florida.

920.  Michael James Cheezum  ~  b. January 3, 1947  ~  d. January 7, 1976
921.  Ronald Harry Cheezum  ~  b. August 2, 1949  ~  d. August 5, 1949
922.  Eileen Sandra Cheezum  ~  b. April 5, 1951
923.  David Jeffrey Cheezum  ~  b. September 15, 1953
924.  Kevin Robert Cheezum  ~  b. August 12, 1955
925.  Diane Elizabeth Cheezum  ~  b. June 23, 1958
926.  Holly Michelle Cheezum  ~  b. December 6, 1962

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 920 )  ~  Michael  ~  passed away at the age of 28 and is interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.
( 921 )  ~  Ronald  ~  passed away at 5 days old and is interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.
( 922 )  ~  Eileen  ~  married " Dwight Fugate " and they reside in the Huntsville, Texas area.
( 923 )  ~  David  ~  married " Kim _____ " and they reside in the Port Orange, Florida area.
( 925 )  ~  Diane  ~  married " Mike Moore " and they reside in the Watkinsville, Georgia area.
( 926 )  ~  Holly  ~  married " Swayne Crawford " and they reside in the Watkinsville, Georgia area.

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     ( 691 )  ~    ~  James Oliver Cheezum

                      ~  Alice Bernice Levy Cheezum  ~  ( First wife of James )
                  ~  Henrietta Rosen Cheezum  ~  ( Second wife of James )

Children of James Oliver Cheezum ( 640 ) and " Alice Bernice Levy Collison " :

( 700 ) ~ Michael James Cheezum
( 701 ) ~ Ronald Harry Cheezum

         James Armand Baker ( 693 ) was born the 2nd child and only son of James Henry Baker, Jr. ( 453 ) and Mary Ellen Cheezum Baker on February 1, 1932.

         He married " Carolyn Jackson " on November 5, 1954.   She was born the daughter of Leslie H. and Annie Joyce Burns Jackson.   They reside in the Hampton City, Virginia area.   Together they had 4 children.

927.  Vicky Lynn Baker  ~  b. November 6, 1953
928.  David Wayne Baker  ~  b. November 9, 1956
929.  Leslie Allen Baker  ~  b. September 3, 1959
930.  Mary Elizabeth Baker  ~  b. January 15, 1961

         Betty Lenora Cheezum ( 694 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of James Ferdinand Cheezum, Sr. and Margaret Annie Elizabeth Baker Cheezum ( 454 ) on May 29, 1927.

         She married " Rodman E. Seese " on September 3, 1945.   He was born the son of Elmer and Aura (_____) Seese on July 29, 1926.

         " Rodman E. Seese " preceded his wife in passing away on January 22, 1998 and he was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Betty Lenora Cheezum Seese ( 694 ) " passed away on January 15, 2000 and was interred with her husband.   Together they had 3 children.

931.  Otis Rodman Seese  ~  b. August 3, 1947
932.  Karen Elizabeth Seese  ~  b. November 4, 1949
933.  Terry Ann Seese  ~  b. February 16, 1951

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Otis ( 931 ) married " Karen Bowman " in June of 1966.   She is the daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Neal Bowman.

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( 694 ) ~   Betty Lenora Cheezum Seese   ~     Rodman E. Seese  ~  ( Husband of Betty )

         James Ferdinand Cheezum, Jr. ( 695 ) was born the 2nd child and only son of James Ferdinand Cheezum, Sr. and Margaret Annie Elizabeth Baker Cheezum ( 454 ) on May 12, 1931.

         He married " Marie Schultz " on November 5, 1951.   She was born the daughter of Lee & Margaret A. Callahan Schultz on March 28, 1931.   Together they have 2 children.

934.  James Roy Cheezum  ~  b. March 27, 1957
935.  Joseph Mark Cheezum  ~  b. August 17, 1961

         Pearl Freeman ( 701 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of William Freeman and Hannah Snowberger Freeman ( 457 ) on May 8, 1915 in Ridgely, Maryland.

         She married " Herman Vincent Dodd " who was born on February 12, 1912 the son Herman Gooden and Anna Nicey Powell Dodd in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.   They resided in the Ridgely - Denton, Maryland area.

         " Pearl " worked, during the summer months, in a factory in the Denton area.   Her husband Herman was employed with the Nuttle Lumber Company in Denton, Maryland.

         " Pearl Freeman Dodd ( 701 ) " preceded her husband in passing away while giving birth to her 2nd child who also passed away with her on July 15, 1944.   " Pearl " was 29 years old at the time of her passing ...

         " Herman Vincent Dodd " passed away on July 4, 1979 in Easton, Maryland of Cancer at the age of 67.   They are interred in Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Maryland.   Together they had 2 children.

936.  Norma Jean Dodd     ~  b. July 24, 1934  ~  d. November 11, 2015 ~ " Age 81 years ~ 3 months ~ 18 days "
937.  Sandra Lee Dodd     ~  b. July 15, 1944  ~  d. July 15, 1944 ~ " Age 1 Day "

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( 701 ) ~   Pearl Freeman Dodd  ~  Herman Vincent Dodd  ~  ( Husband of Pearl )

Children of Herman and Pearl Freeman Dodd ( 647 ) :

( 936 ) ~   Norma Jean Dodd Johnson  ~    James Allen Johnson  ~  ( Husband of Norma )
( 937 ) ~   Sandra Lee Dodd

         Emily Janette Freeman ( 702 ) was born the 3rd child and 3rd daughter of William Freeman and Hannah Snowberger Freeman ( 457 ) on January 1, 1918 in Ridgely, Maryland.

         She married " George Shaw Cohee " who was born on November 1, 1909 the son of Elisha and Rose Spence Cohee in Kenton, Delaware.   They resided in the Lebanon, Delaware area and had one child together and also adopted one son.

         " Mrs. Emily Cohee " was well-known in Milford, Delaware as a special granny to many local children that she babysat for and cared for.   She was an excellent smocking handicrafter and many little girls in the local area grew up wearing her creations.   Additionally, Mrs. Cohee was a welcomed personality at most of the horseshows in Delaware and Maryland for many years.

         " George Shaw Cohee " preceded his wife in passing away on November 22, 1998 in Lewes, Delaware and was interred in the Odd Fellow's Cemetery, Camden, Delaware with his parents.

         " Emily Janette Freeman Cohee ( 702 ) " passed away on November 17, 2002 and was interred in the Ridgely Cemetery, Ridgely, Maryland with her Mom.

938.  Arlene Yvonne Cohee  ~  b. January 13, 1934
939.  Daryle Alan Cohee  ~  b. September 12, 1945 ~ d. February 6, 2006 ~ " Age 60 years ~ 4 months ~ 25 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Daryle ( 939 ) married " Cheryl Ann Pugh " in Delaware.   They had two children:

George Shaw Cohee, II  ~  ( see below )
Gregory Alan Cohee

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( 702 ) ~   Emily Janette Freeman Cohee  ~    George Shaw Cohee  ~  ( Husband of Emily )

Child of Emily Freeman ( 448 ) and George Cohee :

( 939 ) ~   Daryle Alan Cohee

Child of Daryle ( 939 ) and Cheryl Cohee< :

George Shaw Cohee, II  ~  b. August 18, 1968 ~ d. August 19, 2010

         Lloyd Ernest Pope, Jr. ( 703 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Lloyd Ernest Pope, Sr. and Rosa Mae Snowberger Pope ( 460 ) on January 28, 1923.

         He married " Hazel W. Howell " on September 18, 1946.   She was born the daughter of Andrew and Willie Best Howell of Calypso, North Carolina on April 12, 1921.

         " Lloyd Ernest Pope, Jr. ( 703 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on January 15, 1964 at the age of 40 and was interred in the Devotional Gardens, Warsaw, North Carolina.   Together they had 1 child.

940.  Rebecca Elaine Pope  ~  b. February 23, 1952

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( 703 ) ~ Lloyd Ernest Pope, Jr.

         Harold Melvin Pope ( 704 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of Lloyd Ernest Pope, Sr. and Rosa Mae Snowberger Pope ( 460 ) on March 20, 1925 in Magnolia, North Carolina.

         He married " Margaret Simpson " on May 20, 1944.   She was born the daughter of Julius E. and Prudie J. Caruthers Simpson of Stokesdale, North Carolina on July 21, 1924.

         " Margaret Simpson Pope " preceded her husband in passing away on November 24, 2008 at the age of 84 and was interred in the Devotional Gardens, Warsaw, North Carolina.

         " Harold Melvin Pope ( 704 ) " passed away on January 7, 2009 at the age of 83 in the Kitty Askins Hospice Center, Goldsboro, North Carolina and was interred with his wife.   Together they had 1 child.

941.  Harold "Harry" Melvin Pope, Jr.  ~  b. November 28, 1945

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Harold ( 941 ) married " Sue Godbold " on February 10, 1967.

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( 704 ) ~   Harold Melvin Pope, Sr.  ~    Margaret Simpson Pope  ~  ( Wife of Harold )

         Daphne Mae 'Pat' Pope ( 705 ) was born the 3rd child and only daughter of Lloyd Ernest Pope, Sr. and Rosa Mae Snowberger Pope ( 460 ) on September 22, 1926.

         She married " James Earl Jones, Sr. " on January 9, 1944.   He was born the son of Jesse Robert Jones and Lala Marie Banks Jones on July 19, 1924 in Kenansville, North Carolina.   They resided in New Bern, North Carolina.

         " James Earl Jones, Sr. " preceded his wife in passing away on March 17, 1989 at the age of 64 years, 7 months, and 29 days.   He was interred in the Greenleaf Memorial Park, Trent Woods, North Carolina.

         " Daphne Mae 'Pat' Pope Jones ( 705 ) " passed away on October 22, 2021 at the age of 95 years and 1 month.   She was interred with her husband.   Together they had " 4 " children.

942.  James Earl Jones, Jr.  ~  b. December 14, 1944
943.  Michael Douglas Jones  ~  b. June 26, 1947  ~  ( Twin )
944.  Gregory Pope Jones  ~  b. June 26, 1947  ~  d. November 13, 1994  ~  ( Twin )  ~  " Age 47 years ~ 4 months ~ 18 days "
945.  Nancy Rosa Jones  ~  b. August 15, 1960

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 942 )  ~  James  ~  Married " Patti ______ ? " and its unknown if they have any children.
( 943 )  ~  Michael  ~  Married " Linda ______ ? " and its unknown if they have any children.
( 945 )  ~  Nancy  ~  Married " Thomas Page " and its unknown if they have any children.

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    ( 705 )  ~  (N)  Daphne Mae 'Pat' Pope Jones  ~    James Earle Jones, Sr.  ~  ( Husband of Daphne )

         Reba Virginia Snowberger ( 708 ) was born the 2nd child and only daughter of Harry Newton Snowberger, Sr. ( 461 ) and Florence Smith Snowberger on October 31, 1936.

         She married " John Lanahan Coale " in Baltimore whose parents are unknown and together they have 3 children.

946. John Lanahan Coale, Jr.  ~  b. April 6, 1958
947. Timothy Coale  ~  b. June 17, 1961
948. Kathleen Coale  ~  b. January 12, 1965

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

John ( 946 ) and Timothy ( 947 ) were born in Baltimore, Maryland.

Kathleen ( 948 ) was born in California.

         Stephen Paul Snowberger, Sr. ( 710 ) was born the 2nd child and only son of Stephen Orion Snowberger ( 462 ) and Addie Smith Snowberger on August 21, 1928 in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania.   He married twice.

         " Stephen " was first married to " Marguerite P. Cloud " who was born the daughter of Jessie and Anna B. (_____) Cloud on June 9, 1931.   Together they had 3 children.

         " Stephen " was married second to " Yvonne Hawley " who was born on December 27, 1939 and whose parents are unknown.

         " Stephen Paul Snowberger, Sr. ( 710 ) " passed away on June 12, 1970 at the age of 41 and was interred in the Gracelawn Memorial Park, New Castle, Delaware.   Together " Stephen " and Yvonne had 1 child together.

Children of Stephen Paul Snowberger, Sr. & Marguerite Cloud :

949.  Stephen Thomas Snowberger  ~  b. October 28, 1950
950.  Bruce Allen Snowberger  ~  b. November 19, 1951  ~  d. June 19, 2007  ~  " Age 55 years ~ 7 months "
951.  Sandra Sylvia Snowberger  ~  b. May 24, 1953

Child of Stephen Paul Snowberger, Sr. and Yvonne Hawley :

952.  Stephen Paul Snowberger, Jr.  ~  b. December 12, 1962

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Stephen ( 949 ), Bruce ( 950 ), and Sandra ( 951 ) were born in Wilmington, Delaware.

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( 710 ) ~ Stephen Paul Snowberger, Sr.

Child of Stephen ( 710 ) and Marguerite Snowberger :

( 950 ) ~ Bruce Allen Snowberger

(Peggy Chance Photo)
" Peggy Joyce Chance "

         Peggy Joyce Chance ( 711 ) was born the 1st child and only daughter of Joseph Edward Chance and Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance ( 463 ) on August 22, 1926 in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania.

         She married "George Boyd" who was born in Chester, Pennsylvania.   His parents are unknown.   They didn't have any children together and were divorced.

         " Peggy " had one child with " William Thorne " whose parents are also unknown.

         " Great Sadness " came upon this family when " Tina Michele Chance " passed away at the age of 21 on March 15, 1977.   She was interred in the Glenwood Memorial Gardens, Broomall, Pennsylvania.

         " Peggy Joyce Chance ( 711 ) " passed away on August 8, 2018 and was interred in the Glenwood Memorial Gardens, Broomall, Pennyslyvania.

953. Tina Michele Chance  ~  b. April 6, 1955  ~  d. March 15, 1977

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( 711 ) ~    Peggy Joyce Chance

( 953 ) ~   Tina Michele Chance

         James Carlton Chance ( 712 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st son of Joseph Edward Chance and Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance ( 463 ) on November 5, 1927 in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania.

         He married " Geneive Fern Voreis " on May 5, 1948.   She was born the daughter of William Arthur and Yetta Mary Askey Voreis on June 26, 1923 in Stanford, Nebraska.

         " James Carlton Chance ( 712 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on April 17, 2014 at the age of 86 and was interred in the Milnor Lake Cemetery, Troy, Montana.

         " Geneive Fern Voreis Chance " passed away on March 25, 2023 at the age of 99 and she was interred with her husband.   Together they had 4 Children.

954.  Michael James Chance     ~  b. March 30, 1949  ~  d. July 17, 1974  ~  " Age 25 years ~ 3 months ~ 18 days "
955.  Jerry Lee Chance     ~  b. January 28, 1951
956.  Tami Jo Chance     ~  b. August 26, 1954
957.  Kimberly Joyce Chance     ~  b. February 21, 1956

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Jerry ( 955 ) was born in Chester, Pennsylvania.   He had married to Sue? but was later divorced.   They had no children together.

Kimberly ( 957 ) was born in Libby, Montana.

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( 712 ) ~   James Carlton Chance ~   Geneive Fern 'Genny' Voreis Chance

         Joseph Arnold Chance ( 713 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of Joseph Edward Chance and Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance ( 463 ) on October 11, 1929 in Boothwyn, Pennsylvania.

         He married " Wilhelmina Afra Visbeek " on February 1, 1950 in Panama.   She was born the daughter of Martin and Suzanne Verhaaf Visbeek on February 21, 1930 in Brussels, Belgium.

         When " Joseph " and Wilhelmina met he was a member of the U.S. Air Force and she worked for PanAm airlines.

         " Joseph Arnold Chance ( 713 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on March 6, 1998 at the age of 68 and was interred in the Guaje Pines Cemetery, Los Alamos, New Mexico.   Together they had 5 children.

958.  Karen Sue Chance  ~  b. December 12, 1950
959.  Shelly Denise Chance  ~  b. June 17, 1952
960.  Cynthia Kay Chance  ~  b. August 8, 1954
961.  Laura Jo Chance  ~  b. November 28, 1958
962.  Brian Joseph Chance  ~  b. July 7, 1963

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Shelly ( 959 ) and Cynthia ( 960 ) were born in Chester, Pennsylvania.
Laura ( 961 ) was born in Kansas City, Missouri.
Brian ( 962 ) was born in Phoenix, Arizona.

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( 713 ) ~   Joseph Arnold Chance

         Donald Lee Chance ( 714 ) was born the 4th child and 3rd son of Joseph Edward Chance and Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance ( 463 ) on June 17, 1932 in Boothwyn, Pennsylvania.   He is a twin to Stanley Elwood Chance (460).

         He married " Yvonne Gilbert " who was born the daughter of William Franklin and Melissie Ratliff Gilbert on February 27, 1935 in Emory, Texas.

         " Donald " served as a Master Sergeant in the Air Force during the Vietnam War and was awarded the " Silver Star " and the Air Medal.

         " Donald Lee Chance ( 714 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on August 20, 2013 at the age of 81 and he was interred in the Highland Memory Gardens, Forest City, Florida.

         " Yvonne Gilbert Chance " passed away on September 19, 2017 at the age of 82 and was interred with her husband.   Together they had 4 children.

963.  Rita Lee Chance  ~  b. January 15, 1953
964.  Donna Kay Chance  ~  b. October 4, 1954
965.  Richard Dean Chance  ~  b. September 3, 1957
966.  Steven Eddie Chance  ~  b. August 17, 1962

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Rita ( 963 ) was born in Philadelphia, Pa.

Donna ( 964 ) & Richard ( 965 ) were born in Greenville, SC.

Steven ( 966 ) was born in Fairbanks, AK.

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( 714 ) ~   Donald Lee Chance  ~    Yvonne Gilbert Chance  ~  ( Wife of Donald )

         Norman Douglas Chance, Sr. ( 716 ) was born the 6th child and 5th son of Joseph Edward Chance and Hilda Nancy Ersula Snowberger Chance ( 463 ) on January 9, 1938.

         He married " Rita Beauchamp " on December 29, 1953.   She was born the daughter of Harry and Hattie Everingham Beauchamp on July 7, 1934.

         " Norman Douglas Chance, Sr. ( 716 ) " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 76 on March 20, 2014 and he was interred in the Lawn Croft Cemetery, Linwood, Pennsylvania.   Together they had 3 children.

967.  Norman Douglas Chance, Jr.  ~  b. November 21, 1964
968.  Robin Ann Chance  ~  b. June 17, 1968  ~  ( Twin )
969.  Lisa Ann Chance  ~  b. June 17, 1968  ~  ( Twin )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Norman ( 970 ) was born in Chester, Pennsylvania.

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( 716 ) ~ Norman Douglas Chance, Sr.

         John Alton Kauffman, Sr. ( 721 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Alton Kauffman and Dortha Emma Snowberger Kauffman ( 464 ) on November 16, 1929.

         He married " Katherine Kurtz " who was born the daughter of John and Geneveive Shook Kurtz on December 24, 1928.   Together they had 3 children.

970.  John Alton Kauffman, Jr.  ~  b. July 1, 1951
971.  Catherine Ann Kauffman  ~  b. February 29, 1956
972.  Larry Kauffman  ~  b. October 27, 1958

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

John ( 970 ) was born in Bloomsburg, Pa.

         Kenneth Kauffman ( 722 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of Alton Kauffman and Dortha Emma Snowberger Kauffman ( 464 ) on December 19, 1932.

         He married " Gloria Prudhomme " on March 28, 1953 and her parents are unknown.   She was born on May 28, 1933.   Together they had 1 child who was born in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.

973.  Leslie Maria Kauffman  ~  b. October 18, 1954

         Sylvia Jane Kauffman ( 723 ) was born the 3rd child and only daughter of Alton Kauffman and Dortha Emma Snowberger Kauffman ( 464 ) on November 27, 1935.

         She married " Glenn Leo Brogan " on June 28, 1952.   He was born the son of Charles and Laura Miller Brogan on November 23, 1932.

         " Glenn " was employed in machine repair at TRW Inc., Danville, Pennsylvania and retired after 43 1/2 years of service.

         " Glenn Leo Brogan " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 85 on December 9, 2017.   He was interred in the Northumberland Memorial Park, Stonington, Pennsylvania.   Together they had 4 children.

974.  Patsy Kay Brogan  ~  b. January 29, 1953
975.  Susan Ada Brogan  ~  b. November 6, 1955
976.  Randy Lee Brogan  ~  b. July 7, 1958
977.  Jody Ann Brogan  ~  b. December 27, 1966

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

All the children were born in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.

Patsy ( 974 ) is married to " Van Milbrand " and they reside in Enola, Pennyslvnia.

Susan ( 975 ) married a " Straub " and resides in Northumberland, Pennsylvania.

Randy ( 976 ) is married to " Sheree Brogan " and they resided in Richfield, Pennsylvania.

Jody ( 977 ) married " Randy Beaver " and they reside in Elkridge, Maryland.

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  Glenn Leo Brogan  ~  ( Husband of Sylvia )

         David Crocket Goodman ( 725 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of James A. Goodman and Thelma Elizabeth Snowberger Goodman ( 465 ) on June 13, 1937 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

         He married " Birdie Mae Driver " who was born the daughter of John N. and Willie Henry Driver on July 15, 1936.   Together they had one child.

978.  Carla Sue Goodman  ~  b. February 15, 1962

(Stevie Snowberger Photo)
L to R
William "Joe" ( 982 ) ~ William ( 730 )
Josephine ~ Jerry ( 983 )

Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Clarence Carl Collison ( 470 ) " and " Mary Smith Collison "
on November 14, 1924 in Burrsville, Maryland.
He was married twice.

         " William " served as a Fireman Second Class, " U.S.S. Niblack ( DD-424 ) " during World War II.   The Niblack earned " Five Battle Stars " for service in the European, African–Middle Eastern Areas during the war.

         He was first married to "Frances Fox" with whom he had 2 children.   They later were divorced ....

         " William " then married " Josephine Myrtle McClain " on April 8, 1946 in Elkton, Maryland.   Josephine was born on February 16, 1924 the daughter of George David and Addie Ivory McClain in Townsend, Delaware.   Together they had 2 children and resideded in Willow Grove, Delaware.

         " William Noah Collison ( 730 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on June 4, 1989 at the age of 64 and was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Josephine Myrtle McClain Collison " passed away on February 27, 2014 at her home and was interred next to her husband.

Children of William ( 675 ) and Frances :

980.  William Noah Collison, Jr.     ~  b. August 30, 1943  ~  d. December 28, 1943   ~  " Age 3 months ~ 29 days "
981.  Phyllis Ann Collison     ~  b. March 30, 1942

Children of William ( 675 ) and Josephine :

982.  William " Joe " Joseph Collison     ~  b. March 4, 1947  ~  d. August 15, 1966  ~  " Age 19 years ~ 5 months ~ 11 days "
983.  Jerry Lee Collison     ~  b. March 8, 1948

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

William Noah ( 980 ) died of the whooping cough at 4 months of age and is interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.
Phyllis ( 981 ) resides in Cambridge, Maryland.
William Joseph ( 982 ) died as a result of a motorcycle accident at the age of 19 years and is also interred in the Denton Cemetery.

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( 730 ) ~   William Noah Collison, Sr.  ~    Josephine M. McClain Collison  ~  ( Second wife of William )

Child of William ( 730 ) and Frances Collison :

( 980 ) ~   William Noah Collison, Jr.

Child of William ( 730 ) and Josephine Collison :

( 982 ) ~    William "Joe" Joseph Collison

(William Joe Collison Photo)
William "Joe" ( 982 )

Was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of :
" Clarence Carl Collison ( 470 ) " and " Mary Smith Collison "
on December 1, 1925 in Burrsville, Maryland.
He served in the U.S. Army during World War II.

         " Lawrence " married " Charlotte Baker " who was born on March 5, 1927 the daughter of Edwin George Baker and Ada Mullikin McFarland Baker.   They resided in the Burrsville, Maryland area after their marriage.

         They first show up as a family in the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 6, 1950 ) residing in a home on the Burrsville Road, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Lawrence " is noted as a 23 year old " Driving a Milk Truck " and " Charlotte " is noted as a 22 year old " Homemaker " raising their first child : Ronald ( Age - 2 ).

         " Lawrence Everett Collison ( 731 ) " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 51 on September 18, 1977 and was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.   He had 2 children with " Charlotte ".   " Charlotte " was remarried to William C. White after Lawrence's passing.

         " Charlotte Baker White " passed away at the age of 87 on February 6, 2015 and is also interred in the Denton Cemetery.

984.  Ronald W. Collison  ~  b. April 17, 1948
985.  Darlene Collison  ~  b. April 30, 1952  ~  d. November 18, 2021  ~  " Age 69 years ~ 6 months ~ 19 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Ronald ( 984 ) married " Kathy Lauer " who was born November 1, 1949 and they are residing in Virginia.

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( 731 ) ~   Lawrence E. Collison  ~     Charlotte A. Baker Collison White  ~  ( Wife of Lawrence )

Was born the 3rd child and 3rd son of :
" Clarence Carl Collison ( 470 ) " and " Mary Smith Collison "
on October 22, 1928 in Burrsville, Maryland.
( All below lettering in " Bright Blue " are clickable links ! )

         He married " Dorotha Lee Stubbs " on July 19, 1947 in Greensboro, Maryland.   She was the born the daughter of " Elmer Stubbs " and " Anna Marie Porter Stubbs " on November 24, 1930 in Greensboro, Maryland.
( See the " Stubbs Family History " and " Porter Family History " by Russ Pickett )

         " Albert " worked with the state on roads, as a Police Officer, School Bus Driver & most of his years as a Tractor Trailer Driver.   He has also served the town of Greensboro as an Emergency Ambulance Driver and he and his wife were members of the Moose Lodge.

         " Great Sadness " came upon this young family when their first born child and son " Curtiss Jay Collison ( 986 ) " passed away at birth on November 20, 1949.   He was interred in the Greensboro Cemetery, in Greensboro, Maryland.

         They first show up as a family in the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 18, 1950 ) residing in a home at 30 Water Street, Greensboro, Caroline County, Maryland.   " Albert " is noted as a 21 year old " State Road Worker " and " Dorotha Lee " is noted as a 19 year old " Electronic Machine Operator " in a " Rubber Garden Factory.   No one else is residing with them.

         " Albert " was known by everyone in the Greensboro area to be able to fix anything ..... from a " Household Toaster "
to a " Antique Farm Tractor " ..... and when he smiled his entire face " Lite Up ".

         " Albert Roland Collison ( 732 ) " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 80 on December 17, 2008 of cancer in the Bayhealth Hospital, Dover, Delaware.   He was interred in the Greensboro Cemetery, Greensboro, Maryland.

         " Dorotha Lee " later moved from Greensboro, Maryland to Dover, Delaware a few years after Albert's passing to be closer to her daughter " Diane ( 987 ) "

         " Dorotha Lee Stubbs Collison " passed away on August 24, 2016 at the age of 85 due to a heart attack in Dover, Delaware and was interred next to her husband.   They had 3 children together :

986.  Curtiss Jay Collison     ~  b. November 20, 1949 ~ d. November 20, 1949
987.  Diane Sue Collison     ~  b. December 30, 1952
988.  Karen Lee Collison     ~  b. November 9, 1958

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Curtiss ( 986 ) passed away during child birth and is interred in the Greensboro Cemetery, Greensboro, Maryland.

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( 732 ) ~   Albert Roland Collison   ~      Dorotha Lee Stubbs Collison  ~  ( Wife of Albert )

Child of Albert ( 732 ) and Dorotha Lee Collison :

  Curtiss Jay Collison ( 986 )

(Dorotha Lee Photo)
Dorotha Lee Collison

Was born the 4th and last child and only daughter of :
" Clarence Carl Collison ( 470 ) " and " Mary Smith Collison "
on January 29, 1940 in Burrsville, Maryland.

         She married " Carroll Daniel Caldwell " on October 4, 1958 in Goldsboro, Maryland.   He was born the son of John Enright and Marritta Pippin Caldwell on September 19, 1939 in Dover, Delaware.

         " Rita " attended all her schooling in Denton, Maryland.   She worked in a Shirt Factory in Harrington, Delaware, as a receptionist at Bolen Motors in Dover, Delaware and as a Homemaker.

         " Rita " was a loving mother and a proud member of the Camden-Wyoming Women of the Moose #1546 for 48 years.   She held the degree of College of Regent and Star Recorder in the chapter.

         " Rita Jane Collison Caldwell ( 733 ) " preceded her husband in passing away at the age of 75 on December 27, 2015 at her home in Smyrna, Delaware.   She was interred in the Templeville Cemetery, Templeville, Maryland.   Her husband Carroll still resides in Smyrna, Delaware   Together they had 2 children.   They also raised 2 other children as their own, Michael and Timothy Givenni ( predeceased ).

989.  Mary Robin Caldwell     ~  b. January 14, 1964
990.  John Carl Caldwell     ~  b. June 6, 1966  ~  d. May 17, 2019  ~  " Age 52 years ~ 11 months ~ 11 days "

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( 733 ) ~   Rita Jane Collison Caldwell

Timothy J. Givenni  ~  b. July 17, 1958  ~  d. August 21, 2014  ~  " Age 56 years ~ 1 month ~ 4 days "

(Stevie Snowberger Photo)
" Martin E. Collison "
(Stevie Snowberger Photo)
" Gladys Marie Collison "

         Martin Eugene Collison ( 734 ) was born the 1st child and only son of John Martin Collison ( 471 ) and Bertha Elizabeth Henry Collison on February 13, 1926 in Denton, Maryland.

         He married " Gladys Marie Shaffer " who was born the daughter of John H. and Carrie Hostetler Shaffer on August 8, 1928.

         " Martin " was a Merchant Marine and then joined the U.S. Marines.   He retired in 1986 from E.I. DuPont in Seaford, Delaware where he had been a mechanic.   In 1962, he started Collie's Outboard Service, which he owned and operated until 1986.   He was a founding member of the Choptank River Yacht Club in Denton, Maryland, a member of Caroline American Legion Post #29 and was a Master Mason at Temple Lodge #128 A.F.&A.M. in Denton.   He was also an avid boater.

         " Gladys " was a graduate of Caroline High School, class of 1945.   She was alway known as a great homemaker and cook.   She loved to grow flowers and made beautiful arrangements with them.   " Gladys " was also an active member of the Denton Church of the Brethren.

         " Gladys Marie Shaffer Collison " preceded her husband in passing away at the age of 77 on September 28, 2005 and was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

         " Martin Eugene Collison ( 734 ) " passed away at the age of 93 on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at the Caroline Nursing Home in Denton, Maryland.   He was interred next to his wife.   Together they had 5 children.

991.  Elaine Marie Collison  ~  b. September 10, 1947
992.  Donna Jean Collison  ~  b. January 21, 1949
993.  Martin Eugene Collison, Jr.  ~  b. April 30, 1951
994.  John Patrick Collison  ~  b. November 8, 1957
995.  Beverly Ann Collison  ~  b. July 6, 1960

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( 734 ) ~   Martin Eugene Collison  ~    Gladys M. Shaffer Collison  ~  ( Wife of Martin )

         Andrew Philip Collison ( 736 ) was born the only child of Louis Hazel Collison ( 490 ) and Grace Mary Pfeiffer Collison on April 22, 1945 in Marydel, Delaware.

         He married " Patricia Ann Rainville " on June 27, 1964 in the St. John's Lutheran Church in Dover, Delaware.   "Pat" was born the daughter of Howard Frederick and Lydia Martha Uraska Rainville on June 25, 1946 in Naugatuck, Connecticut.

         " Andrew " first worked with his father in the Pella Window Business.   He then became a farmer and works part time as a Surveyor.   " Pat " is a Milk Tester and farmer's wife.   They live in Marydel, Delaware and together they have adopted 2 children.

Adopted children of Andrew ( 736 ) and Patricia :

996.  Michael Andrew Collison  ~  b. March 13, 1971
997.  Amy Joy Katherine Collison  ~  b. September 21, 1976

         James C. Merrick ( 737 ) was born the only child of James Woolford Merrick and Louise Lambie Collison ( 491 ) on July 29, 1936 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         He married " JoAnn _____" who was born on January 10, 1939.   Her parents names are unknown.

         " James " was an employee of Hercules Inc. for 25 years from 1961-1986.   He also served as an Addiction Counselor in Delaware for 12 years from 1986-1998.

         In 1999, " James " and his wife " JoAnn ", retired and relocated to Delray Beach, Florida where he worked part-time within his community as a local crossing guard.

         " James C. Merrick ( 737 ) " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 73 on Feburary 20, 2010 at the Hospice by the Sea, Boca Raton, Florida and was interred in the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Millsboro, Delaware.   The had four children together.

1000.  Stephen "Steve" Merrick  ~  b. ( dates unknown )
1001.  Scott Merrick  ~  b. ( dates unknown )
1002.  Katherine "Kate" Merrick  ~  b. January 7, 1964
1003.  Margaret "Meg" Elizabeth Merrick  ~  b. April 18, 1968

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( 737 ) ~   James C. Merrick

         Grace Loretta Collison ( 780 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Thomas E. Collison ( 553 ) and Annie Brown Collison on September 2, 1897.

         She married " Lewis Stamford Milbourn "   Lewis was born in Delaware on July 29, 1896 the son of Harry C. Milbourn and Sophie E. Payne Milbourn.   Grace ( 780 ) and her sister Marie ( 781 - below ) married brothers.

         " Grace " and Lewis resided on the Lincoln Highway near Marshallton, Delaware.   Lewis worked at the Willen Mill and
" Grace " stayed at home and raised her children.

         " Lewis Stamford Milbourn " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 30 on March 1, 1927 and was interred in the Saint Barnabas Cemetery, Marshallton, Delaware.

         After the passing of her husband Lewis " Grace " and her three children moved in with her father-in-law Harry C. Milbourn whose wife Sophie had also passed away in 1924.

         " Grace Loretta Collison Milbourn ( 780 ) " passed away at the age of 63 on August 3, 1961 and was interred with her husband.   Together they had 3 children.

1011.  Marie E Milbourn  ~  b. 1918  ~  d. ( unknown )
1012.  Harry Thomas Milbourn  ~  b. 1919  ~  d. 2006
1013.  Robert Milbourn  ~  b. abt. 1924  ~  d. ( unknown )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

The last name, in more recent times, was changed to the spelling of Milbourne.

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( 780 ) ~   Grace Loretta Collison Milbourn  ~    Lewis Stamford Milbourn  ~  ( Husband of Grace )

         Marie Margaret Collison ( 781 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd Daughter of Thomas E. Collison ( 553 ) and Annie Brown Collison on January 15, 1898.

         She married " Frank Payne Milbourn " on October 11, 1921.   Frank was born September 19, 1899 the son of Harry C. Milbourn and Sophie E. Payne Milbourn.   Marie ( 781 ) and her sister Grace ( 780 - above ) married brothers.

         " Marie " and Frank resided on Rose Lawn Ave, New Castle, Delaware.   Frank worked as a truck driver and " Marie " stayed at home and raised her children.

         " Marie Margaret Collison Milbourn ( 781 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on July 8, 1960 at the age of 62 and was interred in the Saint James Episcopal Cemetery, Newport, Delaware.

         Her husband " Frank Payne Milbourn " passed away on August 25, 1958 at the age of 58 and was interred with his wife.   Together they had 2 children :

1014.  Elizabeth Loretta Milbourn  ~  b. 1922  ~  d. 1985
1015.  Frank C Milbourn  ~  b. 1925  ~  d. 1988

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Elizabeth married " Francis J. Lynch " on May 3, 1941 in Wilmington, Delaware and they had one known child, Timothy J. Lynch.

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( 781 ) ~   Marie Margaret Collison Milbourn  ~    Frank Payne Milbourn  ~  ( Husband of Marie )

Child of Marie and Harry :

( 1015 ) ~   Frank C. Milbourne  ~    Jane M. Milbourne  ~  ( Wife of Frank )

         Llewellyn Neal ( 783 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Columbus Neal and Mary Emma Collison Neal ( 554 ) on December 24, 1883.   She was married twice.

         Prior to either of her marriages at the age of 16 years " Llewellyn " had a daughter, " Elsie Beatrice Neal ( 1016 ) ", with
" Leslie Hutchison " who was a U.S. Soldier.   In the 1910 Federal Census " Elsie ( 1002 ) " was residing with her grandparents Columbus Neal and Mary Emma Collison Neal ( 554 )

         She was first married to " Leonard Vincent Lynch " and they were later divorced.   His dates and parent's are currently unknown.   They had " 3 " children together.

         " Llewellyn " then married " John Powell " who was born in Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey.   His parent's and dates are also currently unknown.   They didn't have any children together.

         " Llewellyn Neal Powell ( 783 ) " passed away at the age of 70 on April 4, 1954 in Elkton, Maryland and was interred in Silverbrook Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

Child of Llewellyn and Leslie Hutchison :

1016.  Elsie Beatrice Neal  ~  b. October 13, 1900  ~  d. March 14, 1980  ~  " Age 79 years ~ 5 months ~ 1 day "

Children of Llewellyn and Leonard:

1017.  Myrtle Lily Lynch  ~  b. December 7, 1904  ~  d. January 5, 1939  ~  " Age 34 years ~ 29 days "
1018.  Fannie E. Lynch  ~  b. July 18, 1906
1019.  Mary Emma Lynch  ~  b. September 16, 1907  ~  d. February 23, 1928  ~  " Age 20 years ~ 4 months ~ 18 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Fannie ( 1018 ) died an infant.
Mary ( 1019 ) died at age 20, was never married and didn't have any children.

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( 783 ) ~   Llewellyn Neal Powell

         Wharton D. Neal ( 784 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st son of Columbus Neal and Mary Emma Collison Neal ( 554 ) on October 12, 1885.

         He married " Louisa Pfisterer " on April 20, 1915.   Her parent's are currently unknown.

         " Wharton D. Neal ( 784 ) " passed away at the age of 32 in the " Flu Epidemic of 1918 " on October 10, 1918 and was interred in the Silverbrook Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.   They had 2 children together :

1020. Wharton C. " Tex " Neal  ~  b. 1916  ~  d. August 5, 1981  ~  " Age abt. 65 years "
1021. Lena L. Neal  ~  b. 1918  ~  d. January 31, 2007  ~  " Age abt. 89 years "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Wharton ( 1020 ) was married however his wife's name is unknown.

Lena ( 1021 ) married " Emil A Holveck, Jr " and they had two children:  " Emily Neal Shannon " and " Emil A. Holveck, III ".

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( 784 ) ~   Wharton D. Neal

Children of Wharton and Louisa:

( 1020 ) ~ Wharton C. Neal

( 1021 ) ~ Lena L. Neal Holveck  ~  Emil A. Holveck, Jr.  ~  ( Husband of Lena )

         Samuel Montgomery Neal ( 785 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of Columbus Neal and Mary Emma Collison Neal ( 554 ) on May 4, 1887.

         He married " Elizabeth McNally " who was born in 1888 the daughter of James McNally and Catherine McGuire McNally in Delaware.

         " Samuel ", Elizabeth and their infant child " Francis ( 1021 ) " all died during the " Flu Epidemic of 1918 " just as Samuel's brother " Wharton ( 784) " had .....

         " Samuel Montgomery Neal ( 785 ) " passed away on October 7, 1918 and was interred in the Cathedral Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware along with his wife and infant child.

         The four oldest children were then raised by their mother's brother, " James McNally ", and his family in Wilmington, Delaware.

1022.  Edward James Neal  ~  b. 1912  ~  d. June 8, 1982
1023.  Margaret Mary Neal  ~  b. August 29, 1913  ~  d. November 17, 2008
1024.  Mary Elizabeth Neal  ~  b. March 10, 1915  ~  d. October 8, 2013
1025.  Samuel Aloysius Neal  ~  b. June 5, 1916  ~  d. February 6, 2005
1026.  Francis Neal  ~  b. October, 1918  ~  d. October 11, 1918

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( 785 ) ~ Samuel Montgomery Neal  ~  Elizabeth McNally Neal

Children of Samuel and Elizabeth :

( 1017 ) ~   Edward James Neal  ~  Barbara A. Fox Neal  ~  ( Wife of Edward )
( 1019 ) ~   Mary Elizabeth Neal Reinart  ~    Edmund J. Reinart  ~  ( Husband of Mary )
( 1020 ) ~   Samuel Aloysius Neal  ~    Mary Augustine McIntee Neal  ~  ( Wife of Samuel )
( 1021 ) ~ Francis Neal

         Clarence Clark Collison ( 790 ) was born the 1st child and only son of John Clark Collison ( 556 ) and Mabel Hanen Kirk Collison on February 19, 1895.

         He married " Marion Alberta Golt " who was born in 1897.   Her parents names are currently unknown.

         " Clarence " worked in Insurance Sales.   His wife Marion was a homemaker.

         " Clarence Clark Collison ( 790 ) " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 68 on November 15, 1963 and he was interred in the Gracelawn Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

         " Marion Alberta Golt Collison " passed away in 1978 and was interred next to her husband.   They had two children together.

1027.  Clarence Clark Collison, Jr.  ~  b. March 16, 1926  ~  d. April 22, 1999
1028.  Un-named Twin of Clarence  ~  b. March 16, 1926  ~  d. March 16, 1926

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( 790 ) ~ Clarence Clark Collison  ~  Marion Alberta Golt Collison  ~  ( Wife of Clarence )

         Ruth Collison ( 791 ) was born the 2nd child and only daughter of John Clark Collison ( 556 ) and Mabel Hanen Kirk Collison in September 1896.

         She married " Edgar Wilson Ingram, Jr. " who was born in 1896 the son of Edgar Wilson Ingram, Sr. and Cordelia Ann Truitt Ingram.

         " Ruth Collison Ingram ( 791 ) " preceded her husband in passing away at the age of 45 on November 13, 1941 and was interred with her parents in Riverview Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.   At the time of her death she lived on Brandywine Boulevard, Gordon Heights, Wilmington, Delaware.

         Her husband " Edgar " remarried after her passing to Mildred Bennett and they didn't have any children together.

         " Edgar Wilson Ingram, Jr. " passed away in 1974 at the age of 77 years and he was interred in the Bethel Methodist Cemetery, Lewes, Delaware.   " Ruth " and Edgar had 2 children together.

1029.  John Edgar Ingram  ~  b. 1917  ~  d. 1980
1030.  Robert Wilson Ingram  ~  b. June 14, 1919  ~  d. February 7, 1968

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( 791 ) ~ Ruth Collison Ingram  ~    Edgar W. Ingram, Jr.  ~  ( Husband of Ruth )

Children of Ruth ( 791 ) and Edgar " Wilson " Ingram :

( 1029 ) ~   John Edgar Ingram  ~    Mary Eugenia Ewing Ingram  ~  ( Wife of John )

( 1030 ) ~ Robert Wilson Ingram  ~  Mary Elsie Ross Stant Ingram  ~  ( Wife of Robert )

         Kathleen Esther Collison ( 811 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Wilmer " Mike " Collison ( 596 ) and Nellie Rust Collison on January 5, 1926 in Farmington, Delaware.   She attended Farmington Elementary and graduated from Greenwood High School in 1943.

         She married " Harold Pershing 'Bailey' Minner " on December 31, 1943 in the Trinity United Methodist Church parsonage in Harrington, Delaware.   " Bailey " was born on June 21, 1919 the son of Harry and Louise Larimore Minner.

         " Bailey " worked for Taylor's Hardware in Harrington for 40 years.   " Kathleen " worked in the Harrington Shirt Factory and the National 5 & 10 until retirement.

         " Harold Pershing 'Bailey' Minner " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 78 on April 7, 1998 and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   " Kathleen " currently reside in the Harrington, Delaware area.   They had one child together.

1033.  Kathy Minner  ~  b. November 13, 1960

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  Harold "Bailey" Pershing Minner  ~  ( Husband of Kathleen )

         Leland 'Charles' Collison ( 813 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Charles Walls Collison ( 601 ) and Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison on September 12, 1903 in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         He married " Mary Malloy " in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1926.   She was born the daughter of James and Anna Malloy in ca. 1906.

         " Leland ", who appears in the 1930 census as " Charles L. Collison ", worked as a Conductor / Fireman with the Pennslyvania Railroad and resided with his family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

         " Leland 'Charles' Collison ( 813 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on March 5, 1935 at the age of 32 of Pneumonia in Philadelphia and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Mary Malloy Collison " is shown in the 1940 census living on Belgrade Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her 6 children.   Together " Leland " and Mary had 6 children :

1034.  Mary Collison  ~  b. abt. 1928
1035.  Ann Marie Collison  ~  b. abt. 1929
1036.  Charlotte Collison  ~  b. abt. 1931  ~  ( twin )
1037.  Charles Collison  ~  b. abt. 1931  ~  ( twin )
1038.  James Collison  ~  b. abt. 1933  ~  ( twin )
1039.  Joan Collison  ~  b. abt. 1933  ~  ( twin )

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( 813 ) ~   Leland Charles Collison

        Geneva May Collison ( 814 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st daughter of Charles Walls Collison ( 601 ) and Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison on July 15, 1906 in Andrewsville, Delaware.   She was married twice.

        She was first married to " Lee R. Burris " on February 5, 1926 in Harrington, Delaware.   He was born the son of Addison and Sallie Steward Burris on November 27, 1906 in Delaware.   They had one child together named " Dorothy Burris ( 829 ) ".   They were later divored and Lee moved to Texas where he was remarried.

        She was later married to " Ormond H. Hobbs, Sr. " sometime after 1940 and they resided on a farm west of Harrington, Delaware.   Ormond was born the son of J. Howard Hobbs and Edith Longfellow Hobbs on September 16, 1906.   " Ormond " was previously married and had two sons : Ormand H. Hobbs, Jr. and Thomas Louis Hobbs.

        " Geneva " worked as a typical farmers wife and homemaker.

        " Ormond H. Hobbs, Sr. " preceded his wife in passing away on March 13, 1979 at the age of 72 and he was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

        " Geneva May Collison Hobbs ( 814 ) " passed away on January 30, 1987 in Milford, Delaware of a Heart Attack and she was interred with her husband.   Together they didn't have any children.   Geneva ( 614 ), prior to their marriage, had a daughter with Lee Burris.

1040.  Dorothy Burris  ~  b. September 27, 1926  ~  d. October 26, 1994  ~  " Age 68 years ~ 29 days "

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     ( 814 )  ~    Geneva May Collison Hobbs  ~    Ormond H. Hobbs  ~  ( Second Husband of Geneva )

                    (N)  Lee Ralph Burris  ~  ( First Husband of Geneva )

  Child of Geneva May Collison ( 814 ) and Lee Burris :

     ( 1040 )  ~    Dorothy E. Burris Anderson  ~    William W. Anderson  ~  ( Husband of Dorothy )

  Children of " Ormond H. Hobbs, Sr. " :

       Ormond H. Hobbs, Jr.
    (N)  Thomas Louis Hobbs

         Madlyn Elizabeth Collison ( 816 ) was born the 4th child and 2nd daughter of Charles Walls Collison ( 601 ) and Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison on January 24, 1913 in Farmington, Delaware.

         She married " Clarence Mills Collins " on November 20, 1940 on her father's farm in Farmington, Delaware.   Clarence was born the son of Frank and Georgia Cohee Collins on February 7, 1909 in Harrington, Delaware.

         In her younger years " Madlyn " worked at the soda fountain at the Reese Theater in Harrington, Delaware.   Later she and her husband owned and operated Collin's Clothiers in Harrington from the early 1940s until her retirement in 1978.   She also enjoyed flower gardening and loved working in the yard.

         " Clarence Mills Collins " preceded his wife in passing away in 1995 and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery in Harrington, Delaware.

         " Madlyn Elizabeth Collison Collins ( 816 ) " passed away on May 28, 2003 in Nanticoke Hospital in Seaford, Delaware.   She is interred next to her husband.   They resided in Harrington, Delaware and together they had 1 child.

1045.  Joan Elizabeth Collins  ~  b. May 26, 1941  ~  d. 1999

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( 816 ) ~ Madlyn Elizabeth Collison Collins  ~  Clarence Mills Collins  ~  ( Husband of Madlyn )

         Katherine Marie Collison ( 817 ) was born the 5th child and 3rd daughter of Charles Walls Collison ( 601 ) and Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison on April 13, 1915 in Andrewsville, Delaware.   She was married twice.

         She first married " Alfred Franklin Conaway " on September 22, 1938 in the Asbury Methodist Church in Harrington, Delaware.   Alfred was born the son of Fred and Elnora Hammond Conaway on December 16, 1913 in Harrington, Delaware.   Alfred worked as a Salesman and they had 1 child together.

         " Alfred Franklin Conaway " preceded his wife in passing away on November 27, 1948 in Wilmington, Delaware due to Surgery Complications at the age of 34 years old.   He was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Katherine " then married " David Ebe Godwin ", a widower, on October 26, 1952 in Fenwick Island, Delaware.   David was born the son of Harry A. and Anne M. (_____) Godwin on September 26, 1914.   He was self-employed.

         " David Ebe Godwin " preceded his wife in passing away on September 23, 1962 in Fenwick Island, Delaware of Lung Cancer at the age of 47 years old.   He was interred in the Roxanne Cemetery, Roxanne, Delaware.   They didn't have any children together.   David had one child previous to their marriage with his first wife Blanche M. Hudson Godwin named Kay.          " Katherine " worked in Real Estate and as a Homemaker.

         " Katherine Marie Collison Godwin ( 817 ) passed away on February 9, 1996 at the age of 80 and was interred in the Selbyville Redmen's Cemetery, Selbyville, Delaware.

1046.  Don Conaway  ~  b. January 31, 1940  ~  d. August 26, 2019  ~  " Age 79 years ~ 6 months ~ 25 days "

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1046 ) Don was married to " Lanta Conaway " and they had " 3 " children together :
                Don D. Conaway
                Candace E. Conaway
                Brett T. Conaway

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( 817 ) ~   Katherine M. Collison Godwin

          Alfred Franklin Conaway  ~  ( First husband of Katherine )
          David Ebe Godwin  ~  ( Second husband of Katherine )

         Lester Theodore Collison ( 818 ) was born the 7th child and 4th son of Charles Walls Collison ( 601 ) and Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison on November 9, 1917 in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         He married " Mabel Christopher " in 1937 in Denton, Maryland.   She was born the daughter of Clarence and Anna (_____) Christopher in 1921.   After their marriage they resided in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         " Lester " worked as an Electrician.   His wife Mabel worked as a homemaker and later in a Nursing Home.

         " Lester Theodore Collison ( 818 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on July 24, 1975 in Andrewsville, Delaware of a Heart Attack at the age of 57.   He was interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Mabel Christopher Collison " passed away on September 9, 1995 at the age of 73 and was interred next to her husband.   Together they had 2 children.

1050.  James L. Collison  ~  b. April 29, 1939  ~  d. June 18, 1973  ~  " Age 34 years ~ 1 month ~ 20 days "
1051.  Wayne Christopher Collison  ~  b. August 10, 1942  ~  d. November 17, 2018  ~  " Age 76 years ~ 3 months ~ 7 days "

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( 818 ) ~   Lester T. Collison  ~    Mabel Christopher Collison  ~  ( Wife of Lester )

         Mary 'Virginia' Collison ( 819 ) was born the 8th and last child and 4th daughter of Charles Walls Collison ( 601 ) and Mary Elizabeth Bullock Collison on August 21, 1922 in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         She married " Joseph Thomas Richardson, III " on January 21, 1951 in the Greenwood Methodist Church in Greenwood, Delaware.   Joseph was born the son of Joseph Thomas Richardson, II and Grace Welch Richardson on August 27, 1924 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

         " Joseph " starting his career in construction as a house plumber in the early 1950s.   He built a successful mechanical contracting business with the help of his wife " Virginia " who was the office manager.   Over the decades, Joseph T. Richardson Inc. had become well known throughout the Delmarva Peninsula, doing work as far from its Harrington base as Accomack County, Virginia.

         " Joseph Thomas Richardson, III " preceded his wife in passing away on November 13, 2004 in the hospital in Milford, Delaware and he was cremated.

         Mary 'Virginia' Collison Richardson ( 819 ) passed away on July 8, 2017 at the age of 94 years old.   She was also cremated.   Together they had 1 child :

1052.  Virginia Jo Richardson  ~  b. March 25, 1953

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( 819 ) ~   Mary Virginia Collison Richardson  ~  Joseph Thomas Richardson, III  ~  ( Husband of Virginia )

         Ruth Taylor Collison ( 822 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Richard Theola Collison ( 603 ) and Mary "Emma" Andrews Collison on January 5, 1905.

         She married " John Maloney Peet " whose dates and parents are unknown.   They resided in Pennsauken, New Jersey.

         " Ruth Taylor Collison Peet ( 822 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on July 3, 1949 at the age of 44 years old and was interred in the Bethel Memorial Park, Pennsauken, New Jersey.

         " John Maloney Peet " passed passed away on March 26, 1970 at the age of 64 years old and was interred with his wife.   Together they had 1 child.

1053.  Emma Jean Peet  ~  b. June 5, 1939

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     ( 822 )  ~    Ruth Taylor Collison Peet  ~    Virginia Lee Stafford Collison

         William Richard Collison ( 823 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st son of Richard Theola Collison ( 603 ) and Mary "Emma" Andrews Collison on April 26, 1907.

         He married " Elsie May Davis " on October 29, 1932.   Elsie was born on August 24, 1910 the daughter of Leonard Davis and Lydia Verdie Moore Davis.

         They showup as a family in the 1950 Federal Census ( Recorded: April 3, 1950 ) residing on a farm near Saulsbury Road, Kent County, Delaware.   " William " is noted as a 42 year old " Farmer " and " Elsie " is noted as a 39 year old " Homemaker ".   All " 7 " of their children are residing with them :
         William ~ ( Age 11 )
         Rose ~ ( Age 10 )
         Robert ~ ( Age 9 )
         Ellen ~ ( Age 6 )
         Roy ~ ( Age 2 )
         Gordon ~ ( Age 1 )
         Nancy ~ ( Age under 1 )

         " William " worked as a farmer his entire life.   He first lived and worked on a farm in the Dover, Delaware area and then moved to a farm in Smyrna, Delaware.   He was a member of Capital Grange 18 in Dover, the Delaware Farm Bureau, and the Delaware Agriculture Museum.

         " William Richard Collison ( 823 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on September 12, 1991 at the age of 84 of a Heart Attack in Smyrna, Delaware.   He was interred in the old section of the Milford Community Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.

         " Elsie May Davis Collison " passed away one month later on October 19, 1991 of Cancer and was interred next to her husband.   Together they had 7 children.

1055.  William Davis Collison     ~  b. April 14, 1938
1056.  Rose Marie Collison     ~  b. July 16, 1939
1057.  Robert Harold Collison     ~  b. July 19, 1940  ~  d. March 9, 2018  ~  " Age 77 years ~ 7 months ~ 21 days "
1058.  Ellen Louise Collison     ~  b. April 24, 1943  ~  d. April 14, 1998  ~  " Age 54 years ~ 11 months ~ 21 days "
1059.  Roy James Collison     ~  b. September 3, 1947
1060.  Gordon Richard Collison     ~  b. November 7, 1948
1061.  Nancy Collison     ~  b. ca. 1949 / 1950

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

William ( 1055 ) has never been married and resided near Smyrna, Delaware as a Dairy Farmer.

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( 823 ) ~   William Richard Collison  ~    Elsie M. Davis Collison  ~  ( Wife of William )

         Florence Elizabeth Collison ( 824 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd daughter of Richard Theola Collison ( 603 ) and Mary "Emma" Andrews Collison on May 31, 1909.

         She married " Harry E. Herrington " on November 23, 1929.   Harry was born the son of Emmett M. and Bonnie B. (_____) Herrington in 1908.

         " Florence " worked as a fulltime mother and homemaker and " Harry " was employed as a Billing Clerk.

         " Florence Elizabeth Collison Herrington ( 824 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on July 7, 1974 at the age of 65 in New Castle, Delaware.   She was interred with her parents in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

          " Harry E. Herrington " passed away on October 24, 1986 at the age of 77 and was interred in the old section of the Milford Community Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.   Together they had 3 children.

1062.  Patricia Herrington  ~  b. February 22, 1932  ~  d. October 31, 1987
1063.  Barbara Florence Herrington  ~  b. August 3, 1933  ~  d. April 21, 2010
1064.  H. Bruce Herrington  ~  b. June 6, 1936  ~  d. October 20, 2013

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Patricia ( 1038 ) is interred in the Milford Community Cemetery Old, Milford, Delaware.

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( 824 ) ~   Florence E. Collison Herrington  -    Harry E. Herrington  ~  ( Husband of Florence )

         Richard Minner Collison ( 825 ) was born the 4th child and 2nd son of Richard Theola Collison ( 603 ) and Mary "Emma" Andrews Collison on September 5, 1915 in Harrington, Delaware.

         He married " Evelyn Lida Farrow " on January 9, 1938 in Lebanon, Delaware.   Evelyn was born the daughter of Edgar Franklin and Lida Rebecca Sapp Farrow on March 25, 1922.

         " Richard " worked as a Farmer and raised chickens.   He also worked for Dupont in Seaford, Delaware.   His wife " Evelyn " was a homemaker.

         " Great Sadness " came upon this family when their second child " Patricia M. Collison " passed away at birth on September 22, 1941 .....

         " Richard Minner Collison ( 825 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on July 6, 1974 at the age of 58 in Bridgeville, Delaware of a Heart Attack.   He was interred in the St. Johnstown Cemetery, Greenwood, Delaware.   " Evelyn " later was married to Edward W. Hudson.

         " Evelyn Lida Farrow Hudson " passed away on June 11, 2012 at the age of 90 and was also interred in the St. Johnstown Cemetery, Greenwood, Delaware.   Together they had 2 children :

1065.  Richard Theodore Collison  ~  b. December 17, 1938  ~  d. October 14, 2013
1066.  Patricia M. Collison  ~  b. September 22, 1941  ~  d. September 22, 1941

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Patricia ( 1066 ) shares a headstone with her dad.

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( 825 ) ~   Richard Minner Collison  ~    Evelyn Farrow Collison Hudson  ~  ( Wife of Richard )

( 1066 ) ~   Patrica M. Collison

         Evelyn Jeannette Collison ( 826 ) was born the 5th and last child and 3rd daughter of Richard Theola Collison ( 603 ) and Mary "Emma" Andrews Collison on February 11, 1920 in Harrington, Delaware.

         She married " William Franklin Moore " on August 8, 1942 in the Methodist Parsonage in Dover, Delaware.   William was born the son of William Silcox & Hilda Moore on January 21, 1918 in Dover, Delaware.

         " Evelyn " had worked as a Waitress, Laboror and Homemaker.   Her husband William worked for the Delaware Motor Vehicle Department.

         " William Franklin Moore " preceded his wife in passing away on November 19, 1984 at the age of 66 of a Heart Attack in Camden, Delaware.   He was interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, Camden, Delaware.

         " Evelyn Jeannette Collison Moore ( 826 ) " passed away on March 24, 1995 at the age of 75 and was interred next to her husband.   Together they had 2 children.

1070.  Sandra Dale Moore  ~  b. July 29, 1944
1071.  Deborah Sue Moore  ~  b. November 6, 1952

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( 826 ) ~   Evelyn J. Collison Moore  ~    William Franklin Moore  ~  ( Husband of Evelyn )

         Gary Howard Collison ( 835 ) was born the son of Howard Gilbert Collison ( 662 ) and Doris Anna Wetzel Collison on September 11, 1945 in Baltimore, Maryland.

         He married "Judith Alyse Wilson" on September 9,1967.   Together they have 2 children.

1072.  Alyse Michelle Collison  ~  b. May 20, 1968
1073.  Jill Melissa Collison  ~  b. 1973

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Jill ( 1073 ) married "James Jenkins" on October 20, 2000.

(Peggy Chance Photo)
Paul " Terry " Collison

         Paul " Terry " Collison ( 840 ) was born the 1st child and only son of Paul Trazzare Collison ( 610 ) and Eugenie Catherine Paul Collison on March 27, 1942 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         He married " Helen Gillette Watson " on June 26, 1965 in Chestertown, Maryland.   Helen was born the daughter of Gilbert Loren, II and Mary Louise Richards Watson on November 17, 1945 in Chestertown, Maryland.

         " Terry " attended David Harland Elementary School, P.S. Du pont Junior High and Tower Hill High Schools all in Wilmington, Delaware.   He attended Williams College in Williams, Massachusetts and did his graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania.   He worked in his own business as a Management Consultant.   He was a member of the Delaware Entrepreneur's Forum where he had served as President and Director.

         " Terry " was also a member of the Philadelphia Entrepreneur's Forum where he had served as President.   His wife Helen was the Manager of the Information Systems Section of the Fibers Division of the Dupont Corporation in Wilmington, Delaware.   They resided in Wilmington, Delaware.

         " Paul 'Terry' Collison ( 840 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on March 30, 2011 at the age of 69 years and 3 days.   He was cremated and it is currently unknown where his ashes are located.   He and his wife " Helen " had " 2 " children together.

1074.  Blaine Bradford Collison  ~  b. November 15, 1967
1075.  Grant Chandler Collison  ~  b. October 31, 1969

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Blaine ( 1074 ) was born in Englewood, California.

Grant ( 1075 ) was born in Buffalo, New York.

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( 840 )  ~    Paul Terry Collison

        Eugenie Catherine Collison ( 841 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st daughter of Paul Trazzare Collison ( 610 ) and Eugenie Catherine Paul Collison on April 12, 1947.   She has married twice.

        She was first married to " Irenee DuPont, III " who was born the son of Irenee du Pont, II and Barbara Batchelder DuPont on April 24, 1948.

        " Irenee DuPont, III " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 42 on December 24, 1990 of Leukemia and he was interred in the Du Pont de Nemours Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

        " Eugenie's " second husbands name and family are unknown.   " Eugenie " and Irenee had 3 children together.

1076.  Ishnee Renee du Pont  ~  b. March 11, 1973
1077.  A. Bjornen du Pont  ~  b. April 9, 1976
1078.  Trilby G. du Pont  ~  ( dates unknown )

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      (N)  Irenee DuPont, III  ~  ( Husband of Eugenie )

        Wendy Nancy Collison ( 842 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd daughter of Paul Trazzare Collison ( 610 ) and Eugenie Catherine Paul Collison on April 4, 1952.   She has benn married twice.

        She married " J. Allen Leslie " in 1984.   His dates and parent's names are currently unknown.   Together they had 1 child and were divorced in 1991.

        " Wendy " was then married 2nd to " Roy Alan Zawacki " in 1998.   They currently reside in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area.

1079.  Sinclair " Inglis " Leslie  ~  b. 1987

          Janet Lee Collison ( 843 ) was born the 1st child and only daughter of Harry Ray Collison ( 611 ) and Virginia Lee Stafford Collison on October 11, 1936 in Milford, Delaware.

          She married " Frances M. Hayman " who was born August 14, 1930.   His parents names are unknown.   They resided in Denton, Maryland.

          " Janet " graduated from the Milford School of Nursing in Milford, Delaware in 1957 as a Registered Nurse.   She was employed at the Caroline Nursing Home in Denton.   " Frances " retired from Acme Markets in 1988.

          " Janet Lee Collison Hayman ( 843 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on May 30, 2007 at the age of 70 years, 5 months, and 19 days.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.   Together they had " 3 " children.

1080.  Beverly Hayman  ~  b. July 12, 1960
1081.  Frances " Marc " Hayman  ~  b. July 24, 1962  ~  d. July 11, 2006
1082.  Vivian Lee Hayman  ~  b. October 30, 1964

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1081 )  ~  Frances  ~  married " Marsha Worrell " who was born on February 25, 1966.   He worked for the postal service in Denton, Maryland.   It's currently unknown if they had any children.

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( 843 )  ~    Janet Lee Collison Hayman

( 1081 )  ~     Francis 'Marc' Hayman

(Peggy Chance Photo)
" Billy Ray " Collison

          William 'Billy Ray' Collison ( 844 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st son of Harry Ray Collison ( 611 ) and Virginia Lee Stafford Collison on June 12, 1938 in Milford, Delaware.

          During most of his life he owned and operated a Dairy Farm.   He later also drove a milk truck and was an escort driver for Beracah Homes.   He was married twice.

          He was first married to " Agnes 'Faye' Minner " who was born the daughter of George & Ethel Carpenter Minner on July 19, 1940.   They were later divorced and together they had 2 children.   " Faye " later married Ronald Moore.

          " Billy Ray " then married " Joann Dora Carnish " on May 31, 1970.   Joann was born the daughter of Richard & Pauline (_____) Carnish on April 27, 1943.   Together " Billy Ray " and " Joann " had 2 children and they resided in Harrington, Delaware.   " Joann " also has two children previous to this marriage, Pamela Naples & Debbie Naples.

          " William 'Billy Ray' Collison ( 844 ) " preceded his wife " Joann " in passing away on Saturday, January 13, 2007 at the age of 68 years, 7 months, and 1 day in his home.   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

          He will be remembered as emotionally strong, the solid rock of his family, but showed a softer side with his family, especially around his grandchildren who melted his heart.

          " Billy Ray's " first wife " Agnes 'Faye' Minner Moore " passed away on August 26, 2020 at age of 80 and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

Children of William Ray Collison ( 844 ) and Faye Minner :

1083.  Holly Rae Collison  ~  b. December 9, 1962
1084.  Todd William Collison  ~  b. September 20, 1965

Children of William Ray Collison ( 844 ) and Joann Dora Carnish :

1085.  Billie Jo Collison  ~  b. July 2, 1971
1086.  Virginia Lee Collison  ~  b. March 31, 1974

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( As Of ~ 2007 )

( 1085 )  ~  Billie Jo  ~  married a " Chaffinch " and is residing in Marathon, New York.
( 1086 )  ~  Virginia  ~  married a " Thornton " and is residing in Henderson, Maryland.
It is currently unknown if either of them have any children.

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( 844 )  ~     William Ray Collison
                    Agnes Faye Minner Moore  ~  ( First wife of William )

          Harry " Ronald " Collison ( 845 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of Harry Ray Collison ( 611 ) and Virginia Lee Stafford Collison on June 5, 1942 in Ridgely, Maryland.

          He married " Eunice Carey White " on December 23, 1962 in Avenue United Methodist Church, Milford, Delaware.   She was born on December 14, 1942 in Salisbury, Maryland the daughter of William Calvin and Frances Adlaide Carey White.   They resided in Harrington, Delaware.

          " Ronald " at one time owned and operated two milk trucks.   He later worked as the Transportation Manager for Beracah Homes of Greenwood, Delaware.   " Eunice " is involved in Family ministries in her local church.   They resided in Harrington, DE. and had 3 children together.

          " Harry 'Ronald' Collison ( 845 ) " preceded his wife in passing away at his home at the age of 75 years, 11 months, and 24 days on May 29, 2018.   He was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Maryland.

1087.  Richard Glenn Collison  ~  b. December 13, 1963
1088.  Michael James Collison  ~  b. February 19, 1965
1089.  Phillip Ronald Collison  ~  b. December 29, 1971

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1089 )  ~  Phillip  ~  drove his dad's milk trucks part-time.

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( 845 )  ~    Harry Ronald Collison

          Roger " Wayne " Collison ( 846 ) was born the 4th child and 3rd son of Harry Ray Collison ( 611 ) and Virginia Lee Stafford Collison on March 7, 1946.

          He married " Brenda L. Bouden " who was born the daughter of Stuart and Elizabeth (_____) Bouden on June 5, 1942.   They resided in Harrington, Delaware.

          " Wayne " owned " Collison's Dairy Farm " in rural Harrington, Delaware.   He was also a board member of the Harrington Wesleyan Church and the J.C. Penney Bank.

          " Roger 'Wayne' Collison ( 846 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on May 21, 2012 of complications from heart surgery at the age of 66 years, 2 months, and 14 days and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   " Wayne " and " Brenda " had 2 children together.

1090.  Elizabeth "Beth" Collison  ~  b. June 17, 19___
1091.  Roger Wayne Collison, Jr.  ~  b. May 13, 1971

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1090 )  ~  Elizabeth  ~  is a graduate of Lee College in Tennessee and is a teacher at the Polytech Senior High School in Woodside, Delaware.   She is married to " Steve Scott " and it is unknown if they have any children.

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( 846 )  ~    Roger Wayne Collison, Sr.

         Dorothy Louise Dukes ( 858 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Ralph Albert Dukes and Evelyn Collison Dukes ( 612 ) on May 15, 1939 in Greensboro, Maryland.

         She married " Thomas Webster Holland " on November 15, 1958.   Thomas was born on April 18, 1934 and his parents are unknown.   They resided in Church Hill, Maryland.

         " Dorothy " attended school in Greensboro from elementary through high school and graduated in 1957.   " Dorothy " was very active in the Wesleyan Church of Greensboro, Maryland and worked with her husband with their chicken houses where they raised roasters for Showell Poultry.   " Thomas " was also employed with the Department of Mental Health in Denton, Maryland.

         " Dorothy Louise Dukes Holland ( 858 ) " preceded her husband in passing away at the age of 64 on March 1, 2004 in the University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland.   She was interred in the Greensboro Cemetery, Greensboro, Maryland.   Together they had 3 children.

1092.  Norma Lee Holland  ~  b. January 24, 1960
1093.  Donna Lynn Holland  ~  b. June 26, 1963
1094.  Karen Sue Holland  ~  b. June 8, 1965

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Karen ( 1094 ) is a nurse at the Kent-Queen Anne's Hospital and married " Douglas Morley " and they reside in Goldsboro, Maryland.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 858 ) ~   Dorothy Louise Dukes Holland

         Carolyn Ann Dukes ( 859 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Ralph Albert Dukes and Evelyn Collison Dukes ( 612 ) on July 8, 1945 in Greensboro, Maryland.

         She married " Wayne Marion Spicher " on December 3, 1966.   He was born on October 8, 1939 and his parents are unknown.   They reside in Burrsville, Maryland.

         " Carolyn " attended school in Greensboro from elementary through Junior High and then attended North Caroline High in Denton, Maryland.   She was employed with the First National Bank in Denton, Maryland.   She is an active member of the Historical Society, serves as secretary for the EAC and the Caroline County Farm Bureau.

         " Wayne " was employed by Fisher Auto Parts and is active in the Burrsville Ruritan Club.   They have no children.

         Elaine Dukes ( 860 ) was born the 3rd child and 3rd daughter of Ralph Albert Dukes and Evelyn Collison Dukes ( 612 ) on August 10, 1949 in Greensboro, Maryland.

         She married " Harry Franklin Moreland, III " on October 2, 1982 in St. Lukes United Methodist Church in Denton, Maryland.   He was born the son of Harry Franklin, Jr. and Margaret Crouse Moreland on August 29, 1958 in Annapolis, Maryland.   They reside in Denton, Maryland.

         " Elaine " attended school in Greensboro from elementary through Junior High and then attended North Caroline High in Denton, Maryland.   She has been employed with Choptank Electric since 1967 and is currently their Coordinator of Consumer Inquiries.   She is also an active member of the Easton Wesleyan Church.

         " Harry " is employed as a farmer and also raises breeders for Townsends, Inc.   They have no children.

         Joan Alberta Dukes ( 861 ) was born the 4th and last child of Ralph Albert Dukes and Evelyn Collison Dukes ( 612 ) on July 4, 1955 in Greensboro, Maryland.

         She married " Gabriel Cesarini " on May 26, 1979.   He was born on February 8, 1955 and his parents are unknown.   They reside in Denton, Maryland.

         " Joan " attended school in Greensboro from elementary through Junior High & then attended North Caroline High in Denton, Maryland.   " Joan " manages the office at Phyto Ecology in Ridgely, Maryland.   She is an active member of the Greensboro Weslyan Church in Greensboro.   " Gabriel " is also employed at Phyto Ecology.   Together they have 3 children.

1095.  Monica Michele Cesarini  ~  b. March 25, 1984
1096.  Kathy Elaine Cesarini  ~  b. January 4, 1988
1097.  Julia Lynn Cesarini  ~  ( dates unknown )

         Galen Murphy Collison, Jr. ( 871 ) was born the 1st and only child of Galen Murphy Collison, Sr. ( 617 ) and Martha Taylor Collison on June 29, 1945 in Easton, Maryland.   He has been married three times.

         He first married " Norma Lee _____ " whose maiden name and parent's names are currently unknown.   It is believed that they were divorced and they had one child together.

         " Galen " then married " Darlene _____ " whose maiden name and parent's names are currently also unknown.   It is also believed that they were divorced.

         " Galen " then married " Suzanne Nickerson " on January 28, 2005.   Suzanne was born the 3rd and last daughter of the late David Thomas and Helen Swafford Nickerson.   She was previously married to Donald H. Cagle of Harrington, Delaware and they had 1 son named Shane Richard.   Shane has 1 daughter named Alayah.   " Galen " and Suzanne are currently residing in the Harrington, Delaware area.

1100.  Galen Murphy Collison, III  ~  ( dates unknown )

         Barbara 'Geraldine' Collison ( 877 ) was born the only child of Clayton Collison ( 620 ) and Barbara Creighton Collison on July 7, 1941.

         She married " Robert R. Cheezum " on September 4, 1959 and his parent's are unknown.   Robert was born on June 28, 1940.

         " Robert R. Cheezum " preceded his wife in passing away at the age of 65 on May 20, 2006 and was interred in the Woodlawn Memorial Park, Easton, Maryland.   Together they had 2 children.

1101.  Robert R. Cheezum, Jr.  ~  ( dates unknown )
1102.  Donald Cheezum  ~  ( dates unknown )

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  Robert R. Cheezum, Sr.  ~  ( Husband of Geraldine )

         John Henry Collison ( 882 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st son of John Clarence Collison ( 623 ) and Annabelle Mae Graff Collison on August 19, 1950 in Milford, Delaware.   He has been married three times.

         He first married " Theresa Sue Pittman " and they were later divorce.

         He then married " Margaret Brown " with whom he had his only child.   They were also later divorced.

         He is currently married to "Katherine _____" whose maiden name is unknown.   They reside in Felton, Delaware.

1083.  Megan Collison  ~  ( dates unknown )

         Geraldine Mae Collison ( 883 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd daughter of John Clarence Collison ( 623 ) and Annabelle Mae Graff Collison on July 30, 1954 in Milford, Delaware.   She has been married twice.

         She was first married to " James Edward Browning " who was born the son of Curry and Faye (_____) Browning on August 20, 1942 in West Virginia.   They had 2 children together and they were later divorced.

         " Geraldine " then married " Ronald Robert Messick " who was born the son of Earl W. and Hilda Louise Stormer Messick on June 29, 1943 in Dagsboro, Delaware.   They did not have any children together and were also later divorced.   Ronald had children by a previous marriage and he passed away on October 6, 2010.

         " Geraldine " attended all of her Elementary and High Schooling in Milford, Delaware.   She also attended Sussex Vocational Technical School in Georgetown, Delaware. for a degree in nursing.   She currently resides in the Harrington, Delaware area.

1103.  Greta Lynn Browning  ~  b. February 18, 1973
1104.  Jason Curry Browning  ~  b. November 9, 1977

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Both children were born in Milford, Delaware.

         Harvey William Collison ( 884 ) was born the 4th and last child and 2nd son of John Clarence Collison ( 623 ) and Annabelle Mae Graff Collison on January 1, 1965 in Milford, Delaware.

         " Harvey " met and had a relationship with " Tina Marie Irwin " with whom he had one child.

         " Harvey " then married " Lisa Dawn Ford " on August 2, 1987 in Lincoln, Delaware.   Lisa was born the daughter of George Rodney, Jr., and Barbara Lee Price Ford on April 8, 1964 in Wilmington, Delaware.   They have 1 child together.

         " Harvey " attended all of his Elementary and High Schooling in Milford, Delaware.   He works as an Order Selector for Burris Foods and is an Associate Member of the Houston Volunteer Fire Company.   He and his wife Lisa currently reside in Harrington, Delaware.

Child of Harvey William Collison & Tina Marie Irwin:

1105.   Mahoda Marie Irwin  ~  b. September 28, 1984

Child of Harvey William Collison & Lisa Dawn Ford:

1106.   Travis Michael Collison  ~  b. June 25, 1989

         Richard Wayne Collison ( 885 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Eliga Arthur Collison ( 624 ) and Goldie Downs Collison on July 18, 1954 in Milford, Delaware.

         He married " Janet Louise Jackson " on February 19, 1977 in Milford, Delaware.   Janet was born on August 12, 1958, also in Milford, Delaware.   Her parent's names are unknown.   " Richard " and Janet were later divorced.

         " Richard " works as a machine operator and resides in Felton, Delaware.   Together he and Janet had 2 children who were both born in Milford, Delaware.

1107.  Richard Wayne Collison, Jr.  ~  b. August 5, 1977
1108.  Robert William Collison  ~  b. March 2, 1980

         Dianna Lynne Collison ( 890 ) was born the 6th child and 3rd daughter of Eliga Arthur Collison ( 624 ) and the 3rd child and 2nd daughter of Elaine U. Price Collison on January 10, 1972.

         She married " James Scott Kohler " and together they had 2 children.   They are now divorced.

1109.  Debra Elaine Kohler  ~  b. August 16, 1990
1110.  Courtney Lynn Kohler  ~  b. November 18, 1991

         Kevin Robert Cheezum ( 924 ) was born the 5th child and 4th son of James Oliver Cheezum ( 640 ) and Alice Bernice Levy Cheezum on August 12, 1955.

         He married " Virginia Gale Williams " on June 8, 1978.   She was born the daughter of James & Helen Thaxton Williams on September 29, 1956.   Together they have 2 children and reside in the Fairfax, Virginia area.

1111.  Robert James Cheezum  ~  b. May 10, 1979
1112.  Michael Kevin Cheezum  ~  b. September 15, 1980

(Norma and Jim Photo)
" Norma & Jim's Wedding "

         Norma Jean Dodd ( 936 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Herman Vincent Dodd and Pearl Freeman Dodd ( 647 ) on July 24, 1934 in Ridgely, Maryland.

         She married " James 'Jim' Allen Johnson " on November 6, 1953 in the Cheswold Methodist Church, Cheswold, Delaware.   He was born the son of Carroll and Bertha Reaume Johnson on May 28, 1931 in Canterbury, Delaware.   They resided in Hartly, Delaware.

         " Norma " attended Ridgely Elementary School, Dover High school, Dover, Delaware for 9th and 10th grades and then returned to Ridgely, Maryland to graduate high school.   She retired from the City of Dover, Delaware and was a Life Member of the " Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company " Ladies Auxiliary.

         " Jim " retired from the Chrysler Corp., Newark, Delaware and was a life member of the " Cheswold Volunteer Fire Company ", Cheswold, Delaware.

         " Norma Jean Dodd Johnson ( 936 ) " preceded her husband in passing away at the age of 81 years, 3 months, and 18 days on November 11, 2015 in Kent General Hospital, Dover, Delaware.   She was interred in the Sharon Hills Memorial Park, Dover, Delaware.

         " James 'Jim' Allen Johnson " passed away at the age of 91 on August 26, 2022 in Kent General Hospital, Dover, Delaware.   He was also interred in the Sharon Hills Memorial Park, Dover, Delaware.   They had 2 adopted children.

1113.  Josephine Johnson  ~  b. August 11, 1953
1114.  James Herbert Johnson  ~  b. August 17, 1964

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( 936 ) ~   Norma Jean Dodd Johnson  ~    James Allen Johnson  ~  ( Husband of Norma )

         Stephen Paul Snowberger, Jr. ( 952 ) was born the 3rd son of Stephen Paul Snowberger, Sr. ( 656 ) and only known son of Yvonne Hawley Snowberger on December 12, 1962.

         It is unknown at this time if he married, however he had a son with " Deborah Ann ____ ".   Nothing further is know of this family.

Child of Stephen ( 952 ) and Deborah Ann:

1115.  Stephen "Stevie" Paul Snowberger, III  ~  b. September 4, 1987  ~  d. May 11, 2006

(Stevie Snowberger Photo)
" Stevie Snowberger "

View Online Memorial For:

( 1115 ) ~    Stephen Paul Snowberger, III

Family Notes:

" Stephen 'Stevie' Paul Snowberger " was killed in the line of duty in Baghdad, Iraq.   " Stevie ' graduated from Red Rock Job Corp before entering the US Army at the age of 17.

         He has now joined the ranks of all the great men and women who paid the ultimate price to defend our way of life.   In his short time in the service, he touched many lives.   He also enjoyed playing with power rockets, music and hangin' with his friends and family .....

         Michael James Chance ( 954 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of James Carlton Chance ( 658 ) and Geneive Fern Voreis Chance on March 30, 1949 in Linwood, Pennsylvania.

         He married " Pamela Sue Keesee " in California.   She was born the daughter of Robert Charles and Dorothy Louise Taylor Keesee on January 25, 1949.

         " Michael James Chance ( 954 ) " died in a river accident on July 17, 1974 at the age of 25 in Montana.   He was interred in the Milnor Lake Cemetery, Troy, Montana.   Together they had 1 child.

1116.  Heather Lynn Chance  ~  b. October, 1973

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Pamela had two children previous to her marriage with Michael, Tammy Sue Posey and David Brent Posey.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted name below " to see their personal burial record )

( 954 ) ~   Michael James Chance

         Tami Jo Chance ( 956 ) was born the 3rd child and 1st daughter of James Carlton Chance ( 658 ) and Geneive Fern Voreis Chance on August 26, 1954 in Libby, Montana.

         She married " Henry James Michael Reatz " on June 30, 1973 and he was born the son of Charles Xavier and Theresa Donahue Reatz on December 11, 1949.   Together they have 3 children.

1117.  Jennifer Lynn Reatz  ~  b. December 20, 1973
1118.  Eric Michael Reatz  ~  b. November 16, 1978
1119.  April Ann Reatz  ~  b. May 2, 1983

         Karen Sue Chance ( 958 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Joseph Arnold Chance ( 659 ) and Wilhelmina Visbeek Chance on December 12, 1950 in Chester, Pennsylvania.   She has been married twice.

         She first married " John Town " who was born in Dallas, Texas.   They had one child together and were divorced.

         She was married second to "Jim Peters" on May 24, 1975 in Phoenix, Arizona and there are no known children.   The names of either man's parents are currently unknown.

1120.  Doria Loren Town  ~  ( dates unknown )

         Jerry Lee Collison ( 983 ) was born the 4th child and 3rd son of William Noah Collison ( 675 ) and the 2nd child and 2nd son of Josephine Myrtle McClain Collison on March 8, 1948 in Milford, Delaware.

         He married " Diane Lynn Wilson " on December 8, 1973 in Ridgely, Maryland.   Diane was born October 1, 1950 the daughter of Dallas and Shirley Draper Wilson.   They have 2 children and reside in Camden, Delaware.

1121.  Loretta Lynn Collison  ~  b. November 13, 1974
1122.  William Joseph Collison  ~  b. July 9, 1982

(Diane and Lee)
 Darlene Collison Drummond 

         Darlene Collison ( 985 ) was born the 2nd child and only dau of Lawrence Everett Collison ( 676 ) and Charlotte Ann Baker Collison on August 30, 1952.   " Darlene " started working for Choptank Electric, Denton, Maryland in 1970.

         She married " Dale Wayne Holloway " who was born the son of Robert A. Holloway and Myrtle I. Hanson in July, 1952.   They had 2 children together and are now divorced.

         " Darlene " was later married to " Lawrence 'Allen' Drummond, Jr. " in 1982.   He was born the son of Betty Moore and Lawrence A. Drummond, Sr.

         " Allen " retired from Lake Forest School District and is now employed at the Weslyan Christian School in Denton, Maryland.   " Allen " also has one son, Lawrence Allen Drummond, III, from a previous marriage.   " Darlene " and " Allen " resided in the Felton, Delaware area.

         " Darlene Collison Drummond ( 985 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on November 18, 2021 at the age of 69 years, 6 months, and 19 days.   She was interred in the Denton Cemetery, Denton, Caroline County, Maryland.

1123.  Amy D. Holloway  ~  b. June 9, 1974
1124.  Carrie A. Holloway  ~  b. March 18, 1977

( 985 ) ~   Darlene Collison Drummond

(Diane and Lee)
Diane Collison (987) and
Lee Sullenberger

( All below lettering in " Bright Blue " are clickable links ! )

         Diane Sue Collison ( 987 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st daughter of Albert Roland Collison ( 677 ) and Dorotha Lee Stubbs Collison on December 30, 1952 in Milford, Delaware.
( Also see the " Stubbs " Family History by this author )

         " Diane " grew up in Greensboro, Maryland and attended Greensboro Elementary, Riverside Junior High and North Caroline High Schools.   She then attended and graduated from Chesapeake Community College in Wye Mills.   " Diane " has been married twice.

         She 1st married " Russell Stout Pickett " on November 6, 1971 in St. Luke's Methodist Church in Denton, Maryland.   Russ was born the son of John Earnest, Jr. and Emma Virginia Stout Pickett on October 29, 1951 in Wilmington, Delaware.   After their marriage they resided in Dover, Delaware.
( Also see the " Pickett Family History " and " Stout Family History " )

         " Diane " worked as a clerk with the Delaware Motor Vehicle Division and then stayed at home to raise her two sons.   She also worked part time with the Delaware Technical College ( Terry Campus ) as a secretary.   After her children were of school age " Diane " started working full time with the Department of Public Instruction as a Secretary in Dover, Delaware.

         " Diane " and Russ were divorced on May 21, 1992 and are both living in rural Dover, Delaware.   Both of their children were born in Kent General Hospital in Dover.   Russ also has two other children, " Kayla Grace Pickett " and " Kara Virginia Pickett ", that were born after this marriage.

         " Diane " was married 2nd to " Lee Sullenberger ".   Lee was born on October 2, 1958 the son of Gene Arnold and Mary Senior Sullenberger.   Lee had two children previous to this marriage, Laura and Karen Sullenberger.

         " Diane " and " Lee " reside in rural Dover, Delaware and are both retired.

1125.  Christopher Scott Pickett  ~  b. March 13, 1976  ~  d. April 4, 2021  ~  " Age 45 years ~ 22 days "
1126.  Ryan Mark Pickett  ~  b. February 3, 1979

         Karen Lee Collison ( 988 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd daughter of Albert Roland Collison ( 677 ) and Dorotha Lee Stubbs Collison on November 9, 1958 in Kent General Hospital in Dover, Delaware.   She grew up in Greensboro, Maryland and attended Greensboro Elementary, Riverside Junior High & North Caroline High Schools.   She has been married twice.
( Also see the " Stubbs " Family History by this author )

         She was married 1st to " David Alton Bradley " on September 2, 1977 in the methodist church in Greensboro, Maryland.   He was born the son of Alton & Shirley Banning Bradley on November 7, 1953.   After their marriage they resided near Federalsburg, Maryland.   Together they had 1 child who was born in Easton, Maryland and were later divorced.

         " Karen " then was married 2nd to " Bruce 'Joe Ben' Morris " on February 5, 1988 in Seaford, Delaware.   "Joe Ben" was born the son of Lacey David & Evelyn Estelle Morgan Morris on May 8, 1948 in Milford, Delaware.

         They currently reside in Smithfield, Virginia.   They have no children together and "Joe Ben" has children from a previous marriage.   " Karen's " daughter " Wendy " was born in Easton, Maryland.

1127.  Wendy Bradley  ~  b. March 4, 1981

         Mary 'Robin' Caldwell ( 989 ) was born the 1st child and only daughter of Carroll Daniel Caldwell and Rita Jane Collison Caldwell ( 678 ) on January 14, 1964 in Kent General Hospital, Dover, Delaware.

         She married " Douglas Beatty " on November 15, 2003.   He was born the son of " Ned Thomas Beatty " ( Well known Hollywood Actor ) and has one son from a previous relationship, Jeffrey Quigley.

         " Robin " works for the Delaware Department of Labor in Dover, Delaware.   They currently have no children together and they are residing in Kent County Delaware.

         John 'Jack' Carl Caldwell ( 990 ) was born the 2nd child and only son of Carroll Daniel Caldwell and Rita Jane Collison Caldwell ( 678 ) on June 6, 1966 in Kent General Hospital, Dover, Delaware.

         He married " Renee Marie Estes " on December 16, 1989 in Dover, Delaware.   She was born the daughter of Raymond John and Diane Beverly Dixon Estes on July 19, 1970 in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

         " Jack " worked for Star Enterprise doing asbestos work.   He was an active member of the Moose Lodge, Smyrna Volunteer Fire Company and the Masons.

         " John 'Jack' Carl Caldwell ( 990 ) " passed away on May 17, 2019 at the Age of 52 years, 11 months, and 11 days in Delaware and was interred in the Templeville Cemetery, Templeville, Maryland.   They had 2 children together and resided in Smyrna, Delaware.   Renee currently still resides in Smyrna.

1128.  Ashley Mae Caldwell  ~  b. November 4, 1988
1129.  John Carl Caldwell, Jr.  ~  b. December 7, 1990

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( 990 ) ~   John Carl Caldwell, Sr.

         Elaine Marie Collison ( 991 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Martin Eugene, Sr. ( 679 ) and Gladys Marie Shaffer Collison on September 10, 1947 in Easton.   She has been married twice.

         She was 1st married to "James Wright" with whom she had 1 child and they were later divorced.

         She then married "William Lecompte" on December 20, 1983 in Greensboro, Maryland.   He was born the son of George Washington & Beula Elizabeth Short Lecompte on October 8, 1939 in Greensboro.   They don't have any children together.

1130.  Gregory James Wright  ~  b. January 14, 1970

         Donna Jean Collison ( 992 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Martin Eugene, Sr. ( 679 ) and Gladys Marie Shaffer Collison on January 1, 1949 in Easton.   She has been married twice.

         She was 1st married to " Raymond Minner " and together they had 1 child who was born in Dover, Delaware.

         She is currently married to " Richard Wadkins " and they reside in Greenwood, Delaware.

1131.  Lori Lynn Minner  ~  b. June 1, 1970

         Martin Eugene Collison Jr. ( 993 ) was born the 3rd child and 1st son of Martin Eugene Collison, Sr. ( 679 ) and Gladys Marie Shaffer Collison on April 30, 1951 in Easton.   He has been married twice.

         He was first married to "Elsie Edwards" with whom he had 1 child and they were divorced.

         He then married "Zelie Witt" with whom he had 1 child.

         " Martin " also has one child with "Cindy Smith".

" Child of Martin ( 993 ) and Elsie Edwards : "

1132.  Sara Kathleen Collison ~ b. July 5, 1981

" Children of Martin ( 993 ) and Zelie Witt :

1133.  Robert Collison ~ b. November 11, 1979
1134.  Zelie Mae Collison ~ b. April 11, 1990
1135.  William Zebulon Collison ~ b. September 25, 1992

" Child of Martin ( 993 ) and Cindy Smith :

1136.  Brian James Smith ~ b. February 6, 1981

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Robert ( 1133 ) is the son of Zelie Witt Collison and was adopted by Martin ( 993 ).  Robert ( 1133 ) also has one son, Gabriel

         John Patrick Collison ( 994 ) was born the 4th child and 2nd son of Martin Eugene Collison, Sr. ( 679 ) and Gladys Marie Shaffer Collison on November 8, 1957 in Easton, Maryland.

         He married " Christine Price " and together they have 2 children who were both born in Easton, Maryland.   They reside in Denton, Maryland.

1140.  Jessica Lynn Collison ~ b. December 31, 1980
1141.  Joshua Patrick Collison ~ b. August 4, 1989

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Jessica ( 1140 ) has one child with " Corry Downes " named:  Josslyn Renae Downes who was born on July 7, 2014 in Easton, Maryland.

         Beverly Ann Collison ( 995 ) was born the 5th & last child and 3rd daughter of Martin Eugene Collison, Sr. ( 679 ) and Gladys Marie Shaffer Collison on July 6, 1960 in Easton.   She has been married three times.

         She was 1st married to " Scott Milby " with whom she had 1 child.   " Beverly " and Scott were divorced.   Scott was born the son of Ronald and Charlotte Vaughn Milby on October 13, 1961 in Easton.

         She was then married 2nd to " Brian Rampmeyer " on November 18, 1989 in Ridgely.   " Beverly " and Brian had no children together and were later divorced.   Brian has one child from a previous marriage.

         " Beverly " then married "Patrick Dyer" and they reside in Federalsburg, Maryland.

1142.  Rachel Michelle Milby ~ b. March 13, 1982

         Myrtle Lily Lynch ( 1017 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Leonard Vincent Lynch and the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Llewellyn Neal ( 783 ) Lynch on December 7, 1904 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         She married " Charles Edison Howard " on January 29, 1927.   He was born on March 3, 1906 in Wilmington, Delaware the son of Michael & Mary Louise Kragle Howard.

         " Myrtle " worked as a Homemaker.   Charles was a carpenter and he was also a member of the Elks.

         " Myrtle Lily Lynch Howard ( 1017 ) " preceded her husband in passing away on January 5, 1939 at the age of 34 from tuberculosis and was interred in the Silverbrook Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

         " Myrtle's " children, Louise ( 1143 ) and Charles ( 1144 ) were raised by their Grandmother Llewellyn ( 783 ) in Elkton from that time on.

         " Charles Edison Howard " later remarried and he died on November 27, 1963 from a manhole cave-in in Wilmington, Delaware and was interred in Silverbrook Cemetery with his parents.   Together they had 2 children.

1143.  Louise Emma Howard ~ b. July 26, 1927
1144.  Charles Leonard Howard ~ b. August 3, 1931

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( 1017 ) ~   Myrtle Lily Lynch Howard   ~  Charles Edison Howard ~ ( Husband of Myrtle )

         Margaret Mary Neal ( 1023 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st daughter of Samuel Montgomery Neal ( 785 ) and Elizabeth McNally Neal on August 29, 1913 in Wilmington, Delaware.  Both of her parents passed away during the " Flu Epidemic of 1918 " when she was five years old and she, and her four siblings, were raised by her mother's brother " James McNally " and his family.

         She married " Albert M. Forester " whose parent's and dates are unknown.

         " Albert M. Forester " preceded his wife in passing away in August 21, 1984 and was interred in the the Cathedral Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

         " Margaret Mary Neal Forester ( 1023 ) " passed away on November 17, 2008 and was interred next to her husband.  They had 8 children together.  The birth order of the children has not been verified.

1150.  Raymond Forester
1151.  Albert Forester
1152.  James Forester
1153.  Joseph Neal Forester ~ b. April 8, 1946
1154.  John P. Forester ~ b. May 4, 1950
1155.  Ann Forester ~ b. Aug, 1952
1156.  Ellen Forester ~ b. Aug, 1952
1157.  George Forester

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1150 ) ~ Raymond ~ Nothing further is known.
( 1151 ) ~ Albert married " Mary Redman ".
( 1152 ) ~ James married "Penny Grimms".
( 1153 ) ~ Joseph married "Anne Richardson" and they had three children together:

          Margaret Mae (Molly) Forester ~ b. August 2, 1975
          Patrick Forester ~ b. May 21, 1978
          Joseph Neal Forester, II ~ b. May 18, 1989

( 1155 ) ~ Ann married "Bob Parsons".
( 1156 ) ~ Ellen married "Angie Perregrino".
( 1157 ) ~ George married "Diane _____".

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 1023 ) ~   Margaret M. Neal Forester   ~    Albert M. Forester ~ ( Husband of Margaret )

         Clarence Clark Collison, Jr. ( 1027 ) was born the son of Clarence Clark Collison, Sr. ( 790 ) and Marion Alberta Golt Collison on March 16, 1926 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         He married " Elaine Fay Clark " who was born the dau of Louis and Evelyn Hobson Clinger Clark on October 2, 1927 in Haddonfield, New Jersey.

         " Clarence " worked in independant Insurance Sales with the Bird, Ford Company in Wilmington, Delaware.   He had a BS from the University of Delaware in Business Administration and Business Law.   He was a naval veteran of World War II.   Elaine was a retired Interior Decorator & had a BS in Interior Design.

         " Clarence Clark Collison, Jr. ( 1027 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on April, 22, 1999 and was interred in the Barrett's Chapel Cemetery, Frederica, Delaware.

         " Elaine Fay Clark Collison " resided in Lewes, Delaware after his passing.   She passed away on May 31, 2014 and was interred next to her husband. They had 2 children together.

1160.  Patricia Fay Collison ~ b. March 6, 1952
1161.  Amy Lou Collison ~ b. December 7, 1959

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( 1027 ) ~   Clarence C. Collison, Jr.  ~    Elaine F. Clark Collison" ~ ( Wife of Clarence)

         Kathy Minner ( 1033 ) was born the only child of Harold Pershing 'Bailey' Minner and Kathleen Esther Collison Minner ( 811 ) on November 13, 1960 in Milford Memorial Hospital, Milford, Delaware.

         She attended Holy Cross High School, in Dover, Delaware, received a BS degree in Medical Technology from Wesley College in Dover, Delaware and a Master of Science in Health Service Administration from West Chester University, Pennsylvania.

         " Kathy " married " David P. Stocker " on May 22, 1982 in Trinity United Methodist Church, Harrington, Delaware.   David was born the son of Philip Stocker, Jr.and Dorothy Yohn Stocker.

         " Kathy " works in medical administration and prescription coverage and " David " is a dentist.    They have one child together and reside in the West Chester, Pa. area.

1162.  Craig David Stocker ~ b. June 24, 1985

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1162 ) ~ Craig was born in Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital, Darby, PA.   He graduated from West Chester Area School District in 2003.   He attended James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA.   He is a certified life guard and scuba diver.

         Joan Elizabeth Collins ( 1045 ) was born the only child of Clarence Mills Collins and Madlyn Elizabeth Collison Collins ( 816 ) on May 26, 1941 in Harrington, Delaware.

         She married " David Lee Wittle " on September 28, 1969 in Wilmington, Delaware.   He was born on March 6, 1947 in Pennsylvania and his parent's names are unknown.   They were later divorced.

         " Joan " worked as a homemaker and bookeeper in Harrington, Delaware.

         " Joan Elizabeth Collins Wittle ( 1045 ) " passed away on February 18, 1999 at the age of 57 and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

         " Joan " and David had one child.

1163.  Linda Elizabeth Wittle ~ b. May 5, 1971

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1163 ) ~ Linda married " Michael O'Malley " and they have one known child together named Victoria Michelle O'Malley.

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( 1045 ) ~   Joan Elizabeth Collins Wittle

         Don Conaway ( 1046 ) was born the only child of Alfred Franklin Conaway and Katherine Marie Collison Conaway ( 817 ) on January 31, 1940 in Harrington, Delaware.

         He married " Lanta Bernice Taylor " on August 5, 1961.   Lanta was born the daughter of Raymond L. and Bernice Campbell Taylor on May 31, 1941.

         " Don " was a 1962 graduate of the University of Delaware where he was a member of Phi Kappa Tau, ROTC, and lettered in soccer.

         " Don ", a realtor and broker, was the owner of Seashore Realty and the Dairy Queen, both in his hometown of Fenwick Island, Delaware.   He spent the majority of his life out in his community bringing joy, love and laughter to all he encountered.   His family was his world and " Don " will be fondly remembered as a devoted husband, loving father and grandfather, and committed member of his community.

         " Don Conaway ( 1046 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on August 26, 2019 at the age of 79.   Together they had three children.

1164.  Don Douglas Conaway ~ b. July 22, 1968
1165.  Candice Elizabeth Conaway ~ b. April 2, 1976
1166.  Brett Taylor Conaway ~ b. April 29, 1978

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( 1046 ) ~   Don Conaway

         James L. Collison ( 1050 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Lester Theodore Collison ( 818 ) and Mabel Christopher Collison on April 29, 1939.

         He married " Cathrine Dill " and they had one child together.

         " James L. Collison ( 1050 ) " passed away as a result of a gun shot wound on June 18, 1973 at the age of 34 and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

1167.  Patricia Collison ~ b. March 17, 1962

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1167 ) ~ Patricia resides near Magnolia, Delaware.   She currently has two children:

     Tara Reedy ~ who resides in New York ~ b. November 10, 1982
     Heather Lojewski ~ b. October 22, 1994.

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( 1050 ) ~   James L. Collison

         Wayne Christopher Collison ( 1051 ) was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd son of Lester Theodore Collison ( 818 ) and Mabel Christopher Collison on August 10, 1942.   He was married twice.

         He first married " Sarah Pitlick " and they had one child together and they were later divorced.

         He then was married to " Susan _____ " and they did not have any children together.

         " Wayne " served his country in the National Guard for 6 years and was employed at DuPonts in Seaford, Delaware for 38 years as a computer programmer before retiring.   He then resided in Andrewsville, Delaware.

         " Wayne's " passion was music and he enjoyed playing his guitar, particularly gospel and country music.   He played lead guitar for the " Old Friends Group " of Easton, Maryland and the " Sounds of Joy " group of Laurel, Delaware.   He was a hard worker, and handy man that could fix anything.   He also enjoyed fishing and gardening in his free time.

         " Wayne Christopher Collison ( 1051 ) " passed away at home on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at the age of 76 years, 3 months, and 7 days and was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.

1170.  John Bryan Collison ~ b. February 19, 1965

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( 1051 ) ~    Wayne Christopher Collison

         Virginia Jo Richardson ( 1052 ) was born the only child of Joseph Thomas Richardson, III & Virginia Mary Collison Richardson ( 819 ) on March 25, 1953 in Milford, Delaware.

         She married " James William Schweiger " on May 15, 1976 in Christ Episcopal Church, Dover, Delaware.   James was born the son of William James & Ann McGlone Lalor Schweiger on October 4, 1953 in Iowa City, IA.

         " Virginia " works as a Homemaker and " James " is a Teacher with the Capitol School District in Dover, Delaware.   Together they have one child.

1171.  Tristan James Schweiger ~ b. October 15, 1981

         Emma Jean Peet ( 1053 ) was born the only child of John Peat and Ruth Taylor Collison Peat ( 822 ) on June 5, 1939 in New Jersey.

         She married "Robert Lane" whose dates & parents are currently unknown.   They are now divorced.

         " Emma " resides in Somerdale, New Jersey and she had four children with Robert prior to their divorce.

1175.  David Andrew Lane ~ b. July 30, 1961
1176.  Linda Carol Lane ~ b. March 27, 1963
1177.  Cheryl Leigh Lane ~ b. April 26, 1967
1178.  Eric John Lane ~ b. September 27, 1971

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Linda ( 1176 ) is not married and has no children. She resides in Audubon, New Jersey.

         Rose Marie Collison ( 1056 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st daughter of William Richard Collison ( 823 ) and Elsie Mae Davis Collison on July 16, 1939 in Milford, Delaware.

         She married " Allen Berg " in the Holy Cross Church, Dover, Delaware.   They are residing in Virginia Beach, Virginia and they have 2 children together.

1179. Cindy Berg
1180. Robert Berg

(Stevie Snowberger Photo)
" Robert H. Collison "

         Robert Harold Collison ( 1057 ) was born the 3rd child and 2nd son of William Richard Collison ( 823 ) and Elsie Mae Davis Collison on July 19, 1940 in Milford, Delaware.

         He married " Margaret Anne Behen " on July 8, 1961 in the Holy Cross Church, Dover, Delaware.   She was born the daughter of James John Behen and Mabel Charlotte Driver Behen on August 4, 1942 in Dover, Delaware.

         " Robert " retired from the Delaware State Police after attaining the rank of Detective Sergeant.   " Robert " was a life member of the Robbins Hose Fire Company ( Volunteer ) of Dover, Delaware and was named the Delaware Volunteer Fireman of the Year in 1968.   He previously owned his own business called " Character Investigation, LTD ".

         In a strange twist of fate " Robert ", while still a State police officer and uncover, knocked on the door of the home of Russ Pickett and my then wife Diane Collison Pickett ( 987 ) ( In a neighborhood where we first resided ).   He explained that he was checking out a home in our neighborhood that the police thought were involved in " drug trafficing " and wanted to know if he could sit inside our living room and watch the home.   We agreed and the police were right and ended up making a few arrests ....

         In another strange twist of fate years later while I was working on this " Collison Family History " I had typed up a document about the history and wanted to make copies of the final document since other Collison family members that I talked with wanted a copy.   I walked into a print / copy store that was in the shopping center in front of Dover Downs to get the copies made .... When the lady at the counter saw what I wanted copy's of she looked at me strangely and that said to her husband " Look what this man wants to copy. "   I looked at him and said, " You look familiar. " and he responded, " So do you. "   Low and behold it was " Robert " that had done a stakeout in my house years before.

         " Margaret " and " Robert " not only made copies for me for free .... but added a lot of info about close family members ... and we became friends from that time on due to this.   " Robert " also let me know that his brother " Gordon ( 1060 ) " worked next door at the Acme Market and that I should check info from him as well.  ( See Gordon's ( 1036 ) story below for more on that )

         " Margaret Anne Behen Collison " preceded her husband in passing passed away on September 7, 2017 at the age of 75 years, 1 month, and 3 days in Florida.   She was interred in the Holy Cross Cemetery, Dover, Delaware.

         " Robert Harold Collison ( 1057 ) " passed away on March 9, 2018 at the age of 77 years, 7 months , and 21 days and was interred beside his wife Margaret in Holy Cross Cemetery.   Together they had 2 children.

1181.  Denise Lynn Collison ~ b. October 11, 1962
1182.  Donna Louise Collison ~ b. May 6, 1964

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( 1057 ) ~   Robert Harold Collison   ~     Margaret A. Behen Collison  ~  ( Wife of Robert )

         Ellen Louise Collison ( 1058 ) was born the 4th child and 2nd daughter of William Richard Collison ( 823 ) and Elsie Mae Davis Collison on April 24, 1943 in Dover, Delaware.

         She married " James Thomas Pappas, Jr. " on November 12, 1966 in the Kenton Methodist Church, Kenton, Delaware.   James was born the son of James "Tom" Thomas Pappas, Sr on March 7, 1943 in Pennsylvania.   His mother's name is currently unknown.

         " Ellen " was employed part-time as a bookkeeper for Fifer Orchards, Wyoming, Delaware and her husband James was a retired Delaware State Police Officer.   They resided in Camden, Delaware.

         Ellen Louise Collison Pappas ( 1058 ) preceded her husband in passing away on April 14, 1998 at the age of 54 years, 11 months, and 21 days in the Kent General Hospital, Dover, Delaware and was interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, Camden, Delaware.

         Her husband " James Thomas Pappas, Jr. " passed away at the age of 66 on February 19, 2005 and he was interred next to his wife.   Together they had 2 children.

1183.  Sharon L. Pappas ~ b. July 3, 1967
1184.  James Thomas Pappas, III ~ b. July 31, 1969

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Sharon ( 1183 ) resides in Wilmington, Delaware
James ( 1184 ) resides in Camden, Delaware.

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( 1058 ) ~   Ellen Louise Collison Pappas  ~    James T. Pappas, Jr.

         Roy James Collison ( 1059 ) was born the 5th child and 3rd son of William Richard Collison ( 823 ) and Elsie Mae Davis Collison on September 3, 1947 in Dover, Delaware.

         He married " Carol Ann McClary " on October 25, 1969 in the Wesley Methodist Church, Dover, Delware.   Carol was born the daughter of Donald Wayne and Lida Young McClary on October 9, 1947 in Laconia, New Hampshire.

         " Roy " is a retired City of Dover Police Officer and and after his retirement worked as a Ferrier.   Carol was employed as a a Bank Examiner.   They reside in Marydel, Delaware and together they have 2 children who were both born in Dover, Delaware.

1185.  Kelly Jo Collison ~ b. January 18, 1974
1186.  Roy James Collison, Jr. ~ b. April 3, 1976

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Kelly ( 1185 ) married "William H. McGrory, Jr." on September 6, 2003.  She is employed as a speech-language pathologist and they reside in Kennett Square, PA.

         Gordon Richard Collison ( 1060 ) was born the 6th child & 4th son of William Richard Collison ( 823 ) and Elsie Mae Davis Collison on November 7, 1948 in Dover, Delaware.

         He married " Elizabeth 'Sue' Moor " on May 23, 1970 in the Roby Methodist Church, Leipsic, Delaware.   Sue was born the daughter of John Thomas and Lucille Emelia Bowden Moor on October 12, 1950 in Dover, Delaware.

         As noted in his brother " Robert's ( 1057 ) " record above he told me that his brother " Gordon " worked next door at the Acme.   Being a regular at Acme I had become friendly with one of the guys that stocked the frozen section there.   So when I finally went into Acme to find " Gordon " I thought I'd just check with my friend in the frozen section to see where " Gordon Collison " worked in the store.   So I found him and asked him if he knew where " Gordon Collison " worked and he responded, " That's me ... I'm Gordon Collison. " and here I'd been talking with him for years ... the world is small for sure sometimes.

     " Gordon " retired from the Acme Market in Dover, Delaware.   Sue worked as a Medical Secretary.   They are both avid believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ.   They received salvation through His gospel in 1975.   They reside in Woodside, Delaware and together they have four children who were all born in Dover, Delaware.

1187.  Melissa Jo Collison ~ b. September 10, 1971
1188.  Jennifer Beth Collison ~ b. June 21, 1973
1189.  Gordon Richard Collison, Jr. ~ b. December 2, 1981
1190.  Brian Thomas Collison ~ b. October 31, 1985

         Nancy Collison ( 1061 ) was born the 7th child and 3rd daughter of William Richard Collison ( 823 ) and Elsie Mae Davis Collison in Dover, Delaware.

         She married " Kenneth Harrison ". They reside in Maryland and together they have two children.

1191. Molly Harrison
1192. Valerie Harrison

         Barbara Florence Herrington ( 1063 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Harry Herrington and Florence Elizabeth Collison ( 824 ) Herrington on August 3, 1933 in Frederica, Delaware.

         She married " Robert Lewis Kimmey " on January 3, 1957.   He was born the son of Harvey Clifton Kimmey and Mary Bunting Kimmey on March 28, 1936 in Delaware.   They were later divorced on May 10, 1968.   Together they had three children.

         " Barbara " was a graduate of Milford High School in Milford, Delaware and she worked at L. D. Caulk Company in Milford, Delaware for 19 years before retiring due to disability.   After retiring she moved to Everett, Washington, in the mid 1990s to be cared for by her daughter, Karen " Joy " ( 1160 ).   In 1998, she moved with Joy to Castle Rock, Colorado.
" Barbara " enjoyed crocheting, doing word search puzzles, and watching sports on television.

         " Barbara Florence Herrington Kimmey ( 1063 ) " passed away on April 21, 2010, at the Sky Ridge Hospital in Lone Tree, Colorado at the age of 76.   She was interred in the Milford Community Cemetery, Milford, Delaware.   Her ex-husband Robert Lewis Kimmey is also now deceased.

1193.  Patricia Lynn Kimmey ~ b. March 17, 1959 ~ d. September 21, 1961
1194.  Karen " Joy " Kimmey ~ b. November 21, 1962
1195.  Belinda Gae Kimmey ~ b. May 1, 1964

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( 1063 ) ~ Barbara Florence Herrington Kimmey

Child of Barbara ( 1063 ) and Robert Kimmey :

( 1159 ) ~   Patricia Lynn Kimmey

         H. Bruce Herrington ( 1064 ) was born the 3rd child and only son of Harry Herrington and Florence Elizabeth Collison ( 824 ) Herrington on June 6, 1936 in Frederica, Delaware.

         He married " Joyce Hutson " who was born on December 11, 1943.   Bruce worked as a Dispatcher for a Gas Company and he and his wife resided in rural Harrington, Delaware.

         " H. Bruce Herrington ( 1064 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on Ocotber 20, 2013, at the Bay Health Hospital in Milford, Delaware at the age of 77.   He was interred in the Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington, Delaware.   Together they had one child.

1196. Stacy Lynn Herrington ~ b. October 27, 1972

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1196 ) ~ Stacy married a man with the last name of " Buck ".

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( 1064 ) ~   H. Bruce Herrington

(Richard Collison)
" Dick Collison "

         Richard 'Dick' Theodore Collison ( 1065 ) was born the first child and only son of Richard Minner Collison ( 825 ) and Evelyn Lida Farrow Collison on December 17, 1938 in Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania.

         He married " Shirley Ann Chalmers " on October 27, 1957 in the Greenwood Methodist Church, Greenwood, Delaware.   Shirley was born the daughter of Robert and Mildred Irene Smart Chalmers on August 19, 1938 in Milford, Delaware.

         " Richard " owned and operated a Barber Shop in Seaford, Delaware.   " Shirley " worked as an Executive Secretary.

         " Richard 'Dick' Theodore Collison ( 1065 ) " preceded his wife in passing away on October 14, 2013 at the age of 74 after an 18 year battle with cancer at the age of 74.   " Shirley " is residing in Seaford, Delaware and they had two children together.

1200.  Richard Mark Collison ~ b. March 12, 1959
1201.  Robert Michael Collison ~ b. July 7, 1961

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( 1065 ) ~    Richard Theodore Collison

         Sandra Dale Moore ( 1070 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of William Franklin Moore and Evelyn Jeannette Collison ( 826 ) Moore on July 29, 1944 in Camden, New Jersey.   She has been married twice.

         She 1st married " Robert Bryan " who was born the son of George Bryan.   They had two children together and were later divorced.   She then married " William J. Georges " who was born the son of William and Helen (_____) Georges on November 11, 1950.

     " Sandra " is employed as a Foster Mother.   William works for Conrail.   " Sandra " and William did not have any children together and they reside in Camden, Delaware.

1202. Susan Denise Bryan ~ b. September 1, 1964
1203. Robert Scott Bryan ~ b. October 16, 1967

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1202 ) ~ Susan currently resides in Pasquataway, New Jersey and she married " Peter Shergalis ". They have one son together, Jack Henry Shergalis.
( 1203 ) ~ Robert " Scott " currently resides in San Francisco, Ca. and married " Susan Rae Burley ". They have no children together.

         Deborah Sue Moore ( 1071 ) was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd daughter of William Franklin Moore and Evelyn Jeannette Collison ( 826 ) Moore on November 6, 1952 in Dover, Delaware.

         She married " Gerard Joseph Belisle, Jr. " who was born the son of Gerard Joseph Belisle, Sr.

         " Deborah " is a Homemaker.   Gerard works as a Draftsman and they reside in Las Vegas, Nevada.   They have one child whom they adopted.

1204. Gregory Joseph Belisle ~ b. October 1, 1992

         Beverly Hayman ( 1080 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Frances Hayman and Janet Lee Collison Hayman ( 843 ) Hayman on July 12, 1960.

         She married " Olen W. Kelley, Jr. " & they are residing in Denton.   Olen's mother's name is currently unknown.

         " Beverly " is employed by the First National Bank in Denton, Maryland.   Olen is employed at the Sewing Outlet in Federalsburg, Maryland. Together they have 1 child.

1205. Evan W. Kelley ~ b. July 16, 1982

         Vivian Lee Hayman ( 1082 ) was born the 3rd child & 2nd daughter of Frances Hayman and Janet Lee Collison Hayman ( 843 ) on October 30, 1964.

         She married " Glen Anders " who was born on April 16, 1952 and they are residing in Denton, Maryland.   Glen's dates and parent's names are currently unknown.

         " Vivian " is a Administrative Assistant for the Caroline County Commissioners.   Glen is self-employed.   Together they have 1 child.

1206.  Whitney Brooke Anders ~ b. September 17, 1991

         Holly Rae Collison ( 1083 ) was born the 1st child and only daughter of William Ray Collison ( 844 ) and Faye Minner Collison on December 9, 1962.

         " Holly " attended elementary and high school in the Lake Forest School District.   She is employed as a Secretary with the State of Delaware.

         " Holly " married " Philip Charles Jackson " on September 10, 1983.   He was born the son of George Walter & Hannah Rita Doughty Jackson on November 27, 1959.   Philip is employed with the Milford School District.   They are residing in Milford, De. and together they have 1 child.

1207.  Megan Rae Jackson ~ b. August 29, 1989

         Todd William Collison ( 1084 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of William Ray Collison ( 844 ) and Faye Minner Collison on September 20, 1965 in Milford, Delaware.

         He married " Denise Faye Passwaters " on July 11, 1992 in the Asbury Methodist Church in Harrington, Delaware.   Denise was born the daughter of Charles Matthew & Cordelia Virginia Lord Passwaters on August 25, 1967 in Milford, DE.   They are currently residing in Harrington, Delaware.

         " Todd " graduated from Lake Forest High School, Felton, Delaware in 1985.   He is employed by Milford Fertilizer in Milford, Delaware.   Denise is employed at Hammond Motors in Milford, Delaware.   They currently don't have any children.

         Richard Glen Collison ( 1087 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Harry Ronald Collison ( 845 ) and Eunice Carey White Collison on December 13, 1963 in Landsthul, Germany.

         He married " Joyce Ella Willis " on September 24, 1983 in the Hobbs United Methodist Church, Hobbs, Maryland.   Joyce was born on September 26, 1964 the daughter of James Corkell and Peggy Willis.

         " Richard " is employed at Milford Fertilizer in Milford, Delaware.   They are residing in Harrington, DE. and together they have 1 child.

1208. Roni Rene Collison ~ b. January 16, 1985

         Michael James Collison ( 1088 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of Harry Ronald Collison ( 845 ) and Eunice Carey White Collison on February 19, 1965 in Cut Bank, Montana.

         He married " Joyce Ellen Oakley " on June 10, 1989 in the Calvery Weslyan Church, Harrington, Delaware.   Joyce was born on January 24, 1968 the daughter of Carroll and Joan (_____) Oakley.

         " Michael " is employed driving a milk truck that his Dad owns.   They are residing in Harrington, Delaware and they currently don't have any known children.

         Norma Lee Holland ( 1092 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Thomas Webster Holland and Dorothy Louise Dukes Holland ( 858 ) on January 24, 1960.   " Norma " is employed at the Department of Mental Health in Denton, Maryland.   She has married twice.

         She first married a "_____ Tryon" and together they had 2 children.

         She later married " William 'Buddy' Hitchins " and they reside in Church Hill, Md.   There is another child named Zachary Hitchins who is the son of William, however it is unsure at this time if " Norma " is his mother or step-mother.

1209. Matthew Alan Tyron ~ b. March 29, 1982
1210. Michael Christopher Tyron ~ b. January 29, 1984

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

Matthew ( 1176 ) married " Kara _____" .

         Donna Lynn Holland ( 1093 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Thomas Webster Holland and Dorothy Louise Dukes Holland ( 858 ) on June 26, 1963.   " Donna " is employed at the Dixon Valve Company in Chestertown, Maryland.

         She married " Howard Brinsfield " and together they had 2 children and reside in Vienna, Maryland.

1211.  Samantha Brinsfield
1212.  Kelli Brinsfield

         Galen Murphy Collison, III ( 1100 ) was born the only child of Galen Murphy Collison, Jr. ( 871 ) and Norma Lee _____ Collison.   He has been married twice.

         He was married 1st to " Karen Lorraine Smith " and they are currently divorced.   " Galen " and Karen had two children together.

         " Galen " was married 2nd to " Crista _____ " whose maiden name and parent's names are currently unknown.

         " Galen " is currently employed as a web press operator at Cadmus Professionial Communications in Easton, Maryland.   " Galen " and Crista have no children together and reside in Easton, Maryland.

1215.  Rachel Christine Collison ~ b. July 19, 1985
1216.  Jason Aaron Collison ~ b. June 28, 1988

         Josephine Johnson ( 1113 ) was born on August 11, 1953.   She was adopted by James A. Johnson and Norma Jean Dodd Johnson ( 936 ).

         She married " Paul Twilley " on June 18, 1971 in Cheswold, Delaware.   Paul was born the son of Jake & Mary Jane (_____) Twilley on January 24, 1951.   They are residing in Dover, Delaware and together they have 2 children.

1217. Christina Michele Twilley ~ b. March 5, 1973
1218. Kelly Casey Twilley ~ b. October 22, 1978

         James Herbert Johnson ( 1114 ) was born on August 17, 1964.  He was adopted by James A. Johnson and Norma Jean Dodd Johnson ( 936 ).

         He married " Kimberly Kyle Yoder " on December 26, 1992 in the Whatcoat Methodist Church, Camden, Delaware.   Kimberly was born the daughter of David John and Sharon Mosher Yoder on December 20, 1964.

         " James " works for the Naval Surface Weapons Center in Virginia.   They are are residing in Dahlgren, Virginia and they currently have three children whose names are unknown.

         Amy D. Holloway ( 1123 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Dale Wayne Holloway and Darlene Collison Holloway ( 985 ) on June 9, 1974.   She married " Robert C. Griffith " on August 7, 1993 at the Asbury Church in Harrington, De.   Robert's birthdate and parent's names are currently unknown.   They were later divorced.

         " Amy " is employed by Bayhealth Hospital.   They had two children together who were both born in Dover, De. and she reside in Harrington, De. with her children.

1220. Brianna D. Griffith ~ b. May 1, 1995
1221. Jadyn A. Griffith ~ b. June 1, 2000

         Carrie A. Holloway ( 1124 ) was born the 2nd & last child & 2nd and last daughter of Dale Wayne Holloway and Darlene Collison Holloway ( 985 ) on March 18, 1977.

         She married " Isaiah T. Custis " on October 28, 2000 in Denton, Maryland.   Isaiah was born the son of Henry Simpson & Ernestine C. Custis on March 11, 1969.

         " Carrie " is employed with the State of Delaware as a social worker.   " Isaiah " works for Dentsply Caulk.   They also together have a lawn care company called "Custis Lawn Care".   They have two children together who were both born in Milford, De. and they reside in Felton, Delaware.

1222.  Mariah A. Custis ~ b. April 16, 1999
1223.  Craig M. Custis ~ b. July 21, 2006

(Chris Pickett)
" Chris Pickett "

" Chris "
Was born the 1st child and 1st son of :
" Russell Stout Pickett " and " Diane Sue Collison Pickett ( 987 ) "
" March 13, 1976 "
Kent General Hospital in Dover, Delaware.
( See the " Pickett Family History " for more on that family ! )

         He attended Fairview Elementary ( 1st - 3rd ), Towne Point Elementary ( 4th ), William Henry Middle School ( 5th - 6th ), Central Middle School ( 7th - 8th ) and graduated from Dover High School, Dover, Delaware in 1994.

         Soon after high school he joined the 153rd Military Police Company of the Delaware National Guard where he proudly served for 12 years.   He was awarded numerous decorations and citations.   His unit was activated into fulltime military service during " Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) " serving with his unit in Saudi Arabia from 2002 thru 2003.

         " Chris " was never married and had no children.   He worked in an online position and " enjoyed the city life " where he resided in a one-bedroom apartment in Baltimore, Maryland.

         " Chris " went home to be with his heavenly Father on April 4, 2021 due to an apparent heart attack while alone in his home in Baltimore, Maryland.   He was found by his Mom " Diane " and Dad " Russ " .....

         He was cremated and his ashes were interred, by his choice, next to his granddad " John Earnest Pickett, Jr. " in the Old Drawyer's Cemetery, Odessa, Delaware.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted name below " to see their personal burial record )

( 1125 ) ~    Christopher Scott Pickett

(Ryan & Tara Pickett)
Ryan, Tara, Landon & Kenzie Pickett
2015 Photo

         Ryan Mark Pickett ( 1126 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd son of Russell Stout Pickett and Diane Sue Collison Pickett ( 987 ) on February 3, 1979 in the Kent General Hospital in Dover, Delaware.
( See the " Pickett Family History " )

         " Ryan " attended Towne Point Elementary ( 1st - 4th ), William Henry Middle School ( 5th - 6th ), Central Middle School ( 7th - 8th ) and graduated from the " Poly Technical High School " in Woodside, Delaware in 1997.

         " Ryan " first attended " Lock Haven University " in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania and later transfered and graduated from " West Chester State University " in West Chester, Pennsylvania in the spring of 2002 with a degree in teaching.   In August, 2002 he started his teaching career at " Woodbridge High School " in Bridgeville, Delaware.

         While teaching at Woodbridge, " Ryan ", met and became engaged to " Tara Buemi ".   On July 15, 2006 they were married at the St. Michael the Archangel Church in Georgetown, Delaware.   " Tara " was born the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Buemi.   She is a 1998 graduate of " Sussex Central High School " in Georgetown and a 2002 graduate of the " University of Delaware ".

         In 2007 " Ryan " accepted a teaching position at " Lake Forest High School " near Harrington, Delaware.   After the birth of their son Landon ( 1190 ) " Tara " became a stay-at-home Mom.

         " Tara " returned to teaching in the fall of 2018 and also in 2018 " Ryan " accepted a teaching position at the " Central Middle School " in Dover, Delaware.   " Ryan " and " Tara " reside in rural Lincoln, Delaware and they have " 2 " children together.

1225.  Landon Anthony Pickett  ~  b. September 1, 2011
1226.  Kenzie Marie Pickett  ~  b. October 25, 2013

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1225 ) ~ Landon was born in Beebe Hospital, Lewes, Delaware at 3:27 a.m.
( 1226 ) ~ Kenzie was born in Beebe Hospital, Lewes, Delaware at 3:58 a.m.

(Kayla & Jude)
Landon Pickett
(Kayla & Jude)
Kenzie Pickett

         John Carl Caldwell, Jr. ( 1129 ) was born the 2nd child and only son of John Carl Caldwell, Sr. ( 990 ) and Renee Marie Estes Caldwell on December 7, 1990.

         He married " Paige Lee Smith " on June 21, 2012.   John ( 905 ) is employed by DelDot and they have two children together.

1227.  Robert Terry Smith Caldwell ~ b. January 16, 2009
1228.  Ellee Mae Caldwell ~ b. January 23, 2014

         Gregory James Wright ( 1130 ) was born the 1st and only child of James Wright and Elaine Marie Collison Wright ( 991 ) on January 14, 1970.   " Gregory " is currently unmarried and has one child who was born in Easton, Maryland.

1229. Chelsea Wright ~ b. August 28, 1989

         Lori Lynn Minner ( 1131 ) was born the only child of Raymond Minner and Donna Jean Collison Minner ( 992 ) on June 1, 1970.

         She married " Kenneth Scott Engle " on June 24, 1994.   Kenneth was born the son of Stuart Alan and Sandra Belle Schells Engle on December 12, 1969.   They have two children together..

1230. Brandon Scott Engle ~ b. April 9, 1996
1231. Emily Jo Engle ~ b. March 23, 1999

         Sara Kathleen Collison ( 1132 ) was born the daughter of Martin Eugene Collison, Jr. ( 993 ) and Elsie Edwards Collison on July 15, 1981.

         She married " John C. Cotturone " on July 1, 2005.   They have one child together.

1232. Sofia Madeline Cotturone ~ b. October 5, 2005

( All below lettering in " Bright Blue " are clickable links ! )

         Joshua Patrick Collison ( 1141 ) was born the 2nd child and only son of John Patrick Collison ( 994 ) and Christine Price Collison on August 4, 1989 in Easton, Maryland.

         He married " Britney Steele " in 2015 and she is the daughter of William and Sherri Steele and is originally from Cumberland, Maryland.

         " Joshua " is employed as an electronic technician at Safehouse in Preston, Maryland and is also a Volunteer Firefighter/EMT with the " Denton Volunteer Fire Company ", in Denton, Maryland.   Brittany is a teacher for the Caroline County Board of Education.   Together they have 3 children and reside in Denton, Maryland.

1233.  Harper Lynn Collison ~ b. August 3, 2014
1234.  Jameson Patrick Collison ~ b. April 13, 2016
1235.  Willow Christine Collison ~ b. 2019

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

All three of the children were born in Easton, Maryland.

         Louise Emma Howard ( 1143 ) was born the 1st child and only daughter of Charles Edison Howard and Myrtle Lily Lynch Howard ( 1017 ) on July 26, 1927 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         She married " John Woodkeeper Dukes " on September 15, 1951 in Elkton, Maryland.   He was born the son of Charles Zadock & Edna Huggins Woodkeeper Dukes on April 4, 1927 in Taylor's Bridge, Delaware in the home where they currently reside.

         " Louise " worked as a bookeeper for a Hardware Store.   John is a farmer and has worked for the State of Delaware.   They are both members of the Grange & Duck's Unlimited.   John was President of the Townsend Building & Loan for 25 years.   They have 2 adopted children.

1236.  Michelle Howard Dukes ~ b. December 1, 1955
1237.  John Neal Dukes ~ b. November 27, 1957

         Charles Leonard Howard ( 1144 ) was born the 2nd and last child and only son of Charles Edison Howard and Myrtle Lily Lynch Howard ( 1017 ) on August 3, 1931 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         He married " Margaret Preston Franklin " on October 5, 1956 in Elkton, Maryland.   She was born on May 3, 1920.   Margaret had children previous to her marriage to " Charles ".

         " Charles " worked as a Construction Painter and retired and resided in Elkton, Maryland after his retirement.

         " Margaret Preston Howard " preceded her husband in passing away on April 22, 1987 of Cancer in Elkton, Maryland and was interred in Cherry Hill UM Cemetery, Cherry Hill, Maryland.

         " Charles Leonard Howard ( 1144 ) " passed away on August 31, 1996 at the age of 65 and was interred in the Gilpin Manor Memorial Park, Elkton, Maryland.   Together they had one child.

1238. Michael L. Howard ~ b. March 20, 1957

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1238 ) ~ Michael resides in Middletown, Delaware with his wife Laura who was born on October 4, 1962.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted names below " to see their personal burial record )

( 1144 ) ~   Charles Leonard Howard  ~   Margaret Preston Howard

         John P. Forester ( 1154 ) was born the 5th child & 5th son of Albert M. Forester and Margaret Mary Neal Forester ( 1023 ) on May 4, 1950 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         He married " Madeline 'Lynn' Cutrona " on July 4, 1971.   Madeline was born on December 14, 1951 the daughter of John P. Cutrona, Sr. and Anna D. Vassallo Cutrona.   They had three children together.

1239.  Jennifer Lynn Forester ~ b. August 8, 1973 ~ d.October 25, 1997
1240.  John Paul Forester ~ b. June 12, 1975
1241.  Jeremy Peter Forester ~ b. July 14, 1981

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1239 ) ~ Jennifer passed away as a result of an auto accident.

  View online memorials For :  ~  ( click on " highlighted name and below " to see their personal burial record )

( 1239 ) ~   Jennifer Lynn Forester

         Patricia Fay Collison ( 1160 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Clarence Clark Collison, Jr. ( 1027 ) and Elaine Fay Clark Collison on March 6, 1952 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         She married " Gary G. Lofland " on March 7, 1968 in Connally's Chapel, Millsboro, Delaware.   Gary was born the son of Willis and Sophia (_____) Lofland on June 3, 1948.

         " Patricia " is employed in Real Estate and Gary works in Construction.   They reside in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware.   Together they have 2 children.

1242.  Kelly Ann Lofland ~ b. Octobert 14, 1969
1243.  Amy Beth Lofland ~ b. April 20, 1973

         Amy Lou Collison ( 1161 ) was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd daughter of Clarence Clark Collison, Jr. ( 1027 ) and Elaine Fay Clark Collison on December 7, 1955 in Wilmington, Delaware.   She has been married three times.

         She was married first to " Andrew P. Cousins " on February 14, 1976 in the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware.   Andrew was born the son of Dennis and Sheila (_____) on October 15, 1954.

         " Amy " and Andrew had one son, Jarrod, and divorced in 1985.

         She then married " David Schafer " who was employed as an ophthalmologist.   They had one son together, Cameron, and were also divorced.

         " Amy " and " Andrew P. Cousins " married each other again in 1992.

         " Amy " is employed as a homemaker and Andrew works in Insurance Sales.   They reside in Camden, Delaware.

1244.  Jarrod Clark Cousins ~ b. February 26, 1980
1245.  Cameron Lloyd Schafer ~ b. August 11, 1985

         John Bryan Collison, Sr. ( 1170 ) was born the only child of Wayne Christopher Collison ( 1051 ) and Sarah Pitlick Collison on February 19, 1965.   It is unknown at this time if he is married or single.   He has four children.

1246.  Jeffrey Allen Cahall ~ b. August 3, 1984
1247.  Dawn Marie Hulstine ~ b. October 4, 1985
1248.  Courtney Lynn Collison ~ b. June 27, 1992
1249.  John Bryan Collison, Jr. ~ b. March 24, 1995

         David Andrew Lane ( 1175 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Robert Lane and Emma Jean Peet Lane ( 1053 ) on July 30, 1961.   He has been married twice.

         The name of his first wife, with whom he had the two below children, is currently unknown.

         He was married second to " Diane Kerdeis " who was from Long Island, New York.   Her dates and parent's names are also currently unknown.   They reside in Voorhees, New Jersey.

1250. Samantha Jean Lane ~ b. 1987
1251. Nathaniel John Lane ~ b. 1989

         Cheryl Leigh Lane ( 1177 ) was born the 3rd child and last daughter of Robert Lane and Emma Jean Peet Lane ( 1053 ) on April 26, 1967.

         She married " Scott McKenzie " whose dates and parent's names are currently unknown.   They reside in Magnolia, New Jersey and have two children together.

1252.  Ian Scott McKenzie ~ b. 1995
1253.  John Ryan McKenzie ~ b. 2000

         Eric John Lane ( 1178 ) was born the last child and 2nd son of Robert Lane and Emma Jean Peet Lane ( 1053 ) on September 27, 1971.   He has been married twice.

         The name of his first wife, with whom he had the two below children, is currently unknown.

         He was married second to " Renee Mallog " who was from Stratford, New Jersey.   Her dates and parent's names are also currently unknown.   They reside in Stratford, New Jersey.

1254.  Amber Leigh Lane ~ b. 1990
1255.  Aleena Marie Lane ~ b. 1992

         Denise Lynn Collison ( 1181 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Robert Harold Collison ( 1057 ) and Margaret Anne Behen Collison on October 11, 1962 in Dover, Delaware.

         She married " Edward Robert Ryan " on June 19, 1982 in the Holy Cross Church in Dover, Delaware.   Edward was born the son of Robert and Elida Phillips Ryan on April 12, 1960.

         It is unknown where, or if, " Denise " is currently employed.   Edward works as a Car Salesman.   They reside in Smyrna, Delware and together they have 2 children who were both born in Dover, Delaware.

1256. Craig Robert Ryan ~ b. March 10, 1984
1257. Eric Michael Ryan ~ b. August 28, 1987

         Donna Louise Collison ( 1182 ) was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd daughter of Robert Harold Collison ( 1057 ) and Margaret Anne Behen Collison on May 6, 1964 in Dover, Delaware.

         She married " John Edward Marshall, Jr. " on November 22, 1986 in the Holy Cross Church in Dover, Delaware.   John was born the son of John Edward, Sr. and Virginia Dudasik Marshall on March 23, 1959.

         " Donna " works at the MBNA Company in Newark, Delaware.   John works as a Cabinet Maker.   They reside in Middletown, Delaware and together they have 2 children who were both born in Dover, Delaware.

1258.  Katrina Lynn Marshall ~ b. December 31, 1987
1259.  Kristina Anne Marshall ~ b. July 13, 1990

         Melissa Jo Collison ( 1187 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Gordon Richard Collison ( 1060 ) and Elizabeth Sue Moor Collison on September 10, 1971 in Dover, Delaware.

         She married " Todd Edward Green " on September 29, 1990 in the Whatcoat Methodist Church in Camden, Delaware.   Todd was born on July 5, 1969 in Virginia.

         " Melissa " works as a Secretary.   Todd is a Welder.   They reside near Cheswold, Delaware and together they have 1 child who was born in Dover, Delaware.

1260.  Todd Edward Green, Jr. ~ b. April 16, 1992

         Karen " Joy " Kimmey ( 1194 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Robert Lewis Kimmey and Barbara Florence Herrington Kimmey ( 1063 ) on November 21, 1962.

         She married " Kelly William Murray " on June 15, 1985.   His parent's names and dates are currently unknown.  They were later divorced on December 13, 2004.

         In the mid 1990's her mother Barbara ( 1063 ), due to health issues, moved from Milford, Delaware to " Joy's " home in Everett, Washington so that " Joy " could help care for by her.

         In 1998, " Joy " and her Mom and family moved to Castle Rock, Colorado where her Mom passed away on April 21, 2010 at the Sky Ridge Hospital in Lone Tree, Colorado at the age of 76.

         Karen " Joy " ( 1194 ) officially changed her name to " Joy " Kimmey ( 1194 ) in 2009 by dropping the first name Karen.   She is currently a librarian and resides in Castle Rock, Colorado.   Together " Joy " and Kelly Murray had three children.

1270.  Sean Kelly Murray ~ b. January 13, 1986
1271.  Jason Matthew Murray ~ b. March 14, 1989
1272.  Kelsey Anne Murray ~ b. June 27, 1990

         Belinda " Gae " Kimmey ( 1195 ) was born the 3rd child and last daughter of Robert Lewis Kimmey and Barbara Florence Herrington Kimmey ( 1063 ) on May 1, 1964 in Milford, Delaware.

         She married " Peter Bernard Piotti, Jr. " on October 3, 1987 in the Newark United Methodist Church, Newark, Delaware.  Peter was born the son of Peter B. Piotti, Sr. and Antoinette Diane Martino Piotti on September 3, 1966 in Media, Pennsylvania.

         Together they have two children and reside in Wilmington, Delaware.

1273.  Keith David Piotti ~ b. August 27, 1993
1274.  Elizabeth Ann Piotti ~ b. June 30, 1999

         Richard Mark Collison ( 1200 ) was born the 1st child and 1st son of Richard Theodore Collison ( 1065 ) and Shirley Ann Chalmers Collison on March 12, 1959 in Milford, Delaware.

         He married " Joanne Froeder " on June 4, 1983 in the Lady of Lords Church in Seaford, Delaware.   Joanne was born the daughter of William and Joan Mann Froeder on November 2, 1957.

         " Richard " works as a Printer.   Joanne is employed as director of sales for R&S Northeast and they reside in Williamstown, New Jersey.   Together they have 3 children.

1275.  Richard Travis Collison ~ b. April 22, 1985
1276.  Tara Elizabeth Collison ~ b. January 5, 1988  ~  ( Twin )
1277.  William Tyler Collison ~ b. January 5, 1988  ~  ( Twin )

Family Notes :  ~  ( other than any of those names color coded and in " italics " above )

( 1275 ) ~ Richard resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
( 1276 ) ~ Tara works in Marlton, New Jersey for South Jersey Gastroenterology in the medical records department and resided in Williamstown, New Jersey.   She married " John DeMarco " on October 19, 2013.   They have two sons:

Nash Theodore DeMarco ~ b. April 5, 2017
Cole Thaddeus DeMarco ~ b. August 17, 2015

( 1277 ) ~ William " Tyler " graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor's degree.   He married " Carli án Marie Carillo Laguna " on October 20, 2018 and they reside in Haddon Township, New Jersey.

         Robert 'Mike' Michael Collison ( 1201 ) was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd son of Richard Theodore Collison ( 1065 ) and Shirley Ann Chalmers Collison on July 7, 1961 in Milford, Delaware.

         He married " Joanne Theresa Conaway " on January 15, 1983 in Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Seaford, Delaware.   Joanne was born the daughter of Joseph T. & Joann Battaglia Conaway on May 20, 1961.

      " Mike " is employed as the President of A.C. Schultes of Delaware Inc. well drilling company and Joanne is employed as the librarian at the Woodbridge High School.   They reside in Bridgeville, Delaware and together they have 3 children.

1278.  Amanda Brooke Collison ~ b. June 21, 1984
1279.  Lindsey Erin Collison ~ b. May 22, 1986
1280.  Chelsea Layne Collison ~ b. July 2, 1990

         Rachel Christine Collison ( 1215 ) was born the 1st child and only daughter of Galen Murphy Collison, III ( 1100 ) and Karen Lorraine Smith Collison on July 19, 1985.

         She is currently in a relationship with " David Wayne Spalding " and they have one child together.

1251.  Jacob Taylor Spalding ~ b. April 26, 2010

         Jason Aaron Collison ( 1216 ) was born the 2nd child and only son of Galen Murphy Collison, III ( 1100 ) and Karen Lorraine Smith Collison on June 28, 1988.   He currently has one child and it is unknown if he is married at this time.

1260.  Brooklyn Grace Collison ~ b. February 2, 2008

         Michelle Howard Dukes ( 1236 ) was the 1st adopted child and only daughter of John Woodkeeper Dukes and Louise Emma Howard Dukes ( 1143 ).   She was born on December 1, 1955 in Lewes, Delaware.

         She married " Thomas E. Underwood, Jr. " on March 25, 1979 in Smyrna, Delaware.   He was born the son of Thomas E. Underwood, Sr. and Florence David Underwood on February 1, 1946.

         " Michelle " works as a Homemaker.   Thomas works in the State Prison in Smyrna, Delaware.   Together they had 2 children and reside in Smyrna, Delaware.

1261.  Andrew David Underwood
1262.  Joshua Underwood

         John Neal Dukes ( 1237 ) was the 2nd adopted child and only son of John Woodkeeper Dukes and Louise Emma Howard Dukes ( 1143 ).   He was born on November 27, 1957 in Lewes, Delaware.

         He married " Lori Lea Steller " on February 9, 1985 in Taylor's Bridge, Delaware.   She was born the daughter of William Alfree and Virginia Shahan Steller on July 11, 1960.

      " John " works as a farmer with his Dad.   Lori as a farmers wife & homemaker.   Together they had 2 children and reside in Taylor's Bridge, Delaware.

1263.  Kaila Rene Dukes ~ b. 1987
1264.  Katlyn Virginia Dukes ~ b. 1989

         John Paul Forester ( 1240 ) was born the 2nd child and 1st son of John P. Forester ( 1154 ) and Madeline "Lyn" Cutrona Forester on June 12, 1975.

         He married " Robin A. Bowles " on August 24, 2002.   Her parent's names and birth date are currently unknown.   They have two children together.

1265.  Madison Jean Forester ~ b. June 4, 2003
1266.  Jackson Paul Forester ~ b. May 18, 2005

         Kelly Ann Lofland ( 1242 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Gary G. Lofland and Patricia Fay Collison ( 1160 ) Lofland on October 14, 1969 in Lewes, Delaware.

         She married " Samuel G. Riley " who was born on March 29, 1966.   His parent's names are currently unknown.   Together they have 2 children and reside in Lewes, Delaware.

1267.  Brittany Ann Riley
1268.  Logan Samuel Riley

         Amy Beth Lofland ( 1243 ) was born the 2nd and last child and 2nd daughter of Gary G. Lofland and Patricia Fay Collison ( 1160 ) Lofland on April 20, 1973 in Lewes, Delaware.

         She married " Thomas Jefferson, Jr. " whose dates and parents are currently unknown.   Together they have 1 child and reside in Rehobeth, Delaware.

1269.  Thomas Jefferson, III

         Jarrod Clark Cousins ( 1244 ) was born the only son of Andrew P. Cousins and Amy Lou Collison Cousins ( 1161 ) on February 26, 1980 in Wilmington, Delaware.

         He married " Kathleen E. Furlong " on May 24, 2008 who was born the daughter of John W. Furlong and Moira Dhea Holland on November 28, 1978 also in Wilmington, Delaware.

      They currently reside in the Wilmington, Delaware area where " Jarrod " is employed in the insurance field just as was his father, grandfather and grandfather's father.   They currently have one child.

1270.  Jack Andrew Cousins ~ b. March 27, 2011

         Amanda Brooke Collison ( 1278 ) was born the 1st child and 1st daughter of Robert Michael Collison ( 1201 ) and Joanne Theresa Conaway Collison on June 21, 1984 in Manassas, Virginia.

         She married " Patrick McCabe " on June 6, 2009 is St. Jude the Apostle Church is Lewes, Delaware.   Patrick was born the 1st child and 1st son of Thomas H. McCabe and Patricia Mahoney McCabe on January 7, 1986.   They were later divorced in 2015.

         " Amanda " completed her doctorate in physical therapy from Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania in 2009.   She is currently employed at Lexia Learning as a product management assistant and also currently resides in North Chelmsford, Massachusetts.   She and Patrick had two children together.

1271.  Quinn Evelyn McCabe ~ b. July 6, 2012
1272.  Cara Reagan McCabe ~ b. October 30, 2014

         Lindsey Erin Collison ( 1279 ) was born the 2nd child and 2nd daughter of Robert Michael Collison ( 1201 ) and Joanne Theresa Conaway Collison on May 22, 1986 in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

         She married " William Harrison Temple " on June 2, 2012.   William was born the son of Harry and Christine Temple of Reston, Virginia on September 12, 1984.   " Lindsey " and William met while attending college together.

         " Lindsey " graduated from Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia in 2008 with a bachelors of science in nursing.   William also graduated from Shenandoah University in 2009 with a degree in criminal justice.

         After graduating from college " Lindsey " accepted a position as a registered nurse at Winchester Medical Center in Winchester, Virginia and she is currently working as a radiation oncology nurse.   William works in Sterling, Virginia at Masonry Masters Inc, as a purchasing coordinator director for the state of Maryland.   Together they resided in Winchester, Virgina and currently do not have any children.

         Chelsea Layne Collison ( 1280 ) was born the 3rd and last child and 3rd and last daughter of Robert Michael Collison ( 1201 ) and Joanne Theresa Conaway Collison on July 2, 1990 in Seaford, Delaware.

         She graduated from Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland in 2012 with a Bachelor's in English.   After working in real estate for a few months she took a position at Home Mortgage Services, Inc. in Berlin, Maryland as an Administrative Assistant.   She currently resided in Berlin, Maryland and is currently unmarried.

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Created by " Russell S. Pickett " in: January, 1994
This page last updated:  July, 2024