The following newspaper article was written about the death of " Edward Pickett ( 2 ) " in the Doylestown paper dated October 19, 1888. In the 1800's it wasn't, as of yet, a common practice to list the death and/or obituaries of people unless they had some prominence in their area. Since " Edward Pickett ( 2 )" is mentioned it must be assumed that he was of some prominence in New Hope, Pennsylvania. His prominence was probably due either to the amount of property he owned or to the fact that he was a successful " boat builder " of the area. The article under the title " New Hope " follows:
" Edward Pickett, aged about 84 years, died at his residence in New Hope on Friday last. Mr. Pickett was a very old resident of the above place and at one time carried on the business of boat building. He was interred at Mount Hope Cemetery, Lambertville on Tuesday of this week. "

The below estate settlement for " Edward Pickett ( 2 ) " was found in the Spruance Library in Doylestown, Pennsylvania by " Russell S. Pickett ( 179 ) " on February 20, 1996. There are other papers there that I reviewed, however this one document proves to be the most valuable.
The reason that the proceedings were done in the " Orphan's Court " was due to " Edward ( 2 ) " not having a written and signed will.
The second document on page Appendix-4 ( see below ) is a settlement of all the siblings of Joseph Pickett ( 9 ) for his share of the estate. The executor of the estate was " Edward's ( 2 ) " son Jacob ( 7 ).
Surprisingly Harrison A. Pickett ( 24 ), grandson of " Edward ( 2 ) " and son of William P. Pickett ( 4 ) was the only " grandchild " of " Edward's ( 2 ) " to purchase property from the estate. Quite possibly, since William ( 4 ) was not purchasing any of the property, Harrison ( 24 ), was allowed to make a bid. The property he purchased was an empty lot that was on same street ( Waterloo Street ) on which his Dad William ( 4 ) was currently residing.
" More than likely the homes that his children were purchasing, as noted below, is where they already resided. "
Please Note:
The below street noted as " River Street " in this settlement
is currently known as " Waterloo Street ".
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
" In the Orphan's Court of Bucks County "
To the Honorable Harmon Yerkes, Judge of said Court:
I, Jacob Pickett ( 7 ), Executor of the estate of Edward Pickett deceased, respectfully report: That in pursuance of the annexed order of said Court and in the terms therein prescribed, and often did public notice according to law, I did, on the 16th day of December A.D. 1890, on the premises, expose the lands and premises in said order mentioned and described, to sale by public order or outcry, and sold the same as follows:
No. 1. " The Homestead lot " fronting on Main Street, to Clarrisa H. Saxton Pickett " wife of Jacob ( 7 ) " for the price or sum of $1.00.
No. 2. " A double house and lot " fronting on Main Street, and joining No. 1 to Elizabeth D. Pickett Stout ( 3 ) for the price or sum of $1.00.
No. 3. " A house and lot " fronting on the west side of New Street, opposite the boat yard to Sarah Pickett Buchanan ( 6 ) for the price or sum of $1.00.
No. 4. " All that certain lot " known as the Grave Yard Hollow lot, by the canal, to Jacob Pickett ( 7 ) for the price or sum of one dollar. $1.00.
No. 5. " The Boat Yard Lot " comprising what were at one time three separate adjoining lots, to Jordan W. Samsel for the price or sum of $810.00.
No. 6. " The north half of the double house " fronting on River Street, formerly part of the Homestead lot to Louisa Everitt Pickett " wife of John ( 8 ) " for the price or sum of $1.00.
No. 7. " The south half of the double house " fronting on River Street, originally a part of the Homestead tract aforesaid, to Mary Ann Pickett Dobbins ( 5 ) for the price or sum of $1.00.
No. 8. " All that certain lot " fronting on River Street and extending to the Delaware River, fronting on River Street South of No. 7. to Harrison Pickett ( 24 ) for the price or sum of $1.00.
They being respectfully the highest and best bidders, and these the highest prices bidden for the same, which sales so made, I pray may be confirmed by the Court.
(signed) Jacob Pickett
Executor of Edward Pickett

For and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to each of us in hand paid by Joseph Pickett the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, we do assign transfer and set to the said Joseph Pickett all our right title and interest in the Estate fo our Father Edward Pickett, deceased, and request the Auditors to distribute to him any balance that may be left after payment of all debts. Witness our hands and Seals December, A.D. 1891.
Witness Present
Walter H. Terry - Jacob Pickett (seal)
J. F. ??? - Elizabeth D. Stout (seal)
Jos. D. Holcombe - Isabella P. Kitchin (seal)
Lida Pickett - John Pickett (seal)
X - Samuel Buchanan - X - Sarah Buchanan (seal)
(his mark) - (her mark)
Alice Pickett - William Pickett (seal)
Maggie ??? - Mary Ann Dobbins (seal)

The below funeral bill for " Edward Pickett ( 2 )" was found in the Spruance Library in Doylestown, Pennsylvania by " Russell S. Pickett ( 179 ) " on February 20, 1996. Some of the bill I haven’t been, as of yet, able to decipher....... The orginal bill was made out for October 15th, 1888 and later the year was changed to 1890. I assume this was done to coinside with his estate settlement.
Lambertville, N.J., October 15th, 1890
Estate of Edward D. Pickett
To: Samuel Stockton, Jr., General Furnishing Undertaker,
58 Coryell Street
Lambertville, NJ
Oct. 15th, 1888
Hardwood Casket covered with Black Cloth - $ 42.50
Casket lined inside with Satin - $ 8.00
3 Pair of Oxydized Casket handles - $ 7.50
Oxydized Name Plate - $ 3.50
Pine Case - $ 4.50
Laying out remains - $ 1.00
Ice Box & Ice - $ 3.00
Black Robe - $ 5.00
Hearse and attending funeral - $ 5.00
$ 80.00
To Interest through to-date - $ 9.50
$ 89.50
(signed) Samuel Stockton