![]() ![]() ![]() But how did this all happen? How did a man full of pride, one who relied on this intelligence, one who seemed to first go into the very gates of hell become one of those "Born Again Christians"? Well ... it all happened this way: As a young child I felt the need to know what life was all about, who God was. I believe we all have that instilled in us. I started attending a local church, one that I could walk to, on a weekly basis at the age of 11. The town I lived in was small, only about 300 people. I attended Sunday School weekly and also joined the Junior Choir. The Junior Choir sang every other week during the services. I listened to the sermons, the words of God. I thought that being a "Christian" at that time was comfortable. After all, all my friends were there! And I continued to attend until the age of twelve, at which time "I was shocked by reality." In our small town we had two men that were brothers who were known as the "town drunks." I knew both of these men as did everyone in town. One day one of the brothers died and the very next Sunday the surviving brother came to church. Now you have to realize that he wasn't dressed that well. His suit was wrinkled and he surely didn't shave for the event. But at least he was there. "I was excited, to say the least, as I sat in the choir seeing him sitting in the pew!" knowing that this was the place for him! He felt he needed God and was calling out! As always, the choir left the service before anyone else. I quickly took off my choir robe so I could go out and welcome our new member to the church. "I was very excited!" Evidently, I was either the only one excited, or at least one of the few! As I got close to the front door, the minister was standing in his normal position by the door to greet everyone as they left. Two ladies that I knew very well were standing there talking to him. There was no doubt that they weren't very happy. They told the minister, "You have to do something about him. We can't have him coming here like that!" The minister said, "Don't worry about it, I'll make sure he doesn't come again." I knew who they were talking about and I was crushed, I didn't understand. "Had all those words that I heard preached about in the past just that, words? Was there really a God?" These thought went running through my young mind. (Note: That minister later quit the ministry) I walked past them and outside. I watched as the minister called him aside and said something to him. As he walked away from the minister I walked up to him and said hi and told him I was glad to see him at church. He said, "It seems like you are the only one son! They don't want me to come back!" I decided at that point that there was no way that "Christianity" was the true religion, those Christians only talked the talked! I left the church at that point and never returned for another service at that church (until years later as a Lay Preacher). Around that same time my parents decided to send me to a good "Christian" school for seventh Grade and enrolled me in a "Catholic" boys school. My parents weren't Catholic, but they thought that the school would really help me academically. It was there that I even got even more shocked by "Christianity!" The teachers at this school were Catholic "brothers". The brother that taught the "religion" class told me at the beginning of the year that since I was a protestant I didn't have to take the religion class if I didn't want. But my interest in religion was still there and I thought maybe, just maybe the "Catholics" had the true religion. This was also the first time that I realized that I was a "Protestant" (had to look it up in the dictionary that night). As the year went on my grade in the "religion" class was the highest of the class. The Catholic brother would get angry at the other boys, telling them, "This protestant knows your religion better than you do." I started to think that maybe God indeed was in the Catholic Church and that he was leading me that way. Maybe God was calling me, I thought, to be a "Catholic" brother or priest! Well my grade in religion class might have been great, but algebra? That's another story. But luckily I remembered the Catholic brother teaching algebra always told us to ask for help and he would give it to us during study halls, before or after school. So I went up and told the brother that I needed help. He told me to go out into the hall and he would talk to me about it. So out into the hall I went. When the "brother" came out he leaned over and looked at me with a smile and simply said, "There is no way that I'm going to help a protestant become a better student. I really don't care if you pass or fail son. Now get back in the class." Many other things happened during that school year "all because of me being a protestant." I knew right then and there that not only the "Catholics" weren't the true church but that "Christianity" definately was not the answer! The next year I convinced my parents to let me go back to Public School. As a teenager, still feeling a desire to know God, I started investigating other religions. Looking for the true "religion". I studied Buddism and Hinduism. Thought about, and learned about, athiests and agnostics. I just never knew where I fit in. I even studied Satanism! Somewhere there had to be some truth! I just couldn't find it! I eased my mind by joining a Rock Group and becoming their lead singer ... but nothing seemed to quench my thirst for God! Then, after high school, I started working as a computer operator on shift work. One day I had a very upsetting personal experience (the girl of my dreams dumped me). I pulled to the side of a dark road, on my way to work at midnight, upset with life and living. "I was so empty!" I looked toward heaven and said, "God, I don't know who you are or where you are. You know I've been searching for you! I want to find you! I know that somewhere I heard or read - "Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened". I'm seeking and knocking and will continue until I find you!" And with that, my search continued. Where I worked we had a box of books and magazines that we all looked at during the night shifts. They were, of course, pornography. One night I walked back and grabbed a book out of the box and went back to my computer without looking at it. I sat down and opened the book randomly (I knew they all had the same story and it really doesn't matter where you start). The first sentence I read was: I almost jumped up out of my seat! I looked at the cover which read "The Good News for Modern Man". It was a new testament, the Bible! "This can't be right!" I thought to myself, "I've done that Christian Thing! They are all nothing but a bunch of hypocrites!" However, that night I sat and read the book of John. But I didn't understand it. I "stole" the book and took it home to read more. (I later replaced the book) A few months later I was transfered to the programming section (day job) where I met a guy and told him about the experience. He handed me a tract called "The Four Spiritual Laws" which I took home and read. That night, I accepted "Jesus Christ" as my Lord and Savior! I didn't care what all the other Christians were doing or saying! I had found the word of God! The year was 1973. The exact month and day I don't remember. But since that day I've never forgot how Christ entered my heart! Even though my walk has been a rocky one since that time, I've never lost my love for Him as he has never lost His love for me! But thank you and praise your holy name that you do. I Love you Lord! Since that time: I've become active within the "Church" as my Lord has led! I became an Adult Sunday School teacher, a lay-preacher speaking at multiple churches, substituted for pastor's during bible studies, worked on planting two new churches (one successfully, one not), took seminary courses at Southwestern Seminary, Washington Bible College and Freelandia Bible College. I am currently "answering my Lord's call" by working on this website and also by actively seeking a full time position within His ministry as He leads! Ordained by "United Christian Ministries International", I humbley use at times the title of "pastor", knowing that He is honing, shaping, preparing, and leading me towards His fulltime calling into the ministry. Until such time comes I willingly preach in local churches as called on to provide messages of "Hope, Love, Biblical Instruction and Salvation"! To E-mail Pastor Russ - Click Here!
![]() If you have not already done so, please consider trusting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is something that, like myself, you will never regret! For more information on Salvation Click Here to view "How can I get to Heaven?" ![]()
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