Delmarva For Christ
Our Mission to Delmarva

The mission of the "Faith Mountain" website is three fold:

  1. To create sound Biblical Articles:
          These articles are created to assist Christians worldwide in their daily walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  They all hold that the "Word Of God" is inerrant as found in the original documents.  Many of the articles include "Greek interpretations" as needed to insure that the most accurate meanings are provided to all.

  2. To assist Churches Worldwide:
          This is done by creating "Html" and "Word" documents such as the "Discipleship Manual", the "Bible Teachers Manual", and also "Studies on different books of the Bible".  Any church or individual may use this documents without any credit to "Faith Mountain".  We will also modifiy the documents to include a "churches name", should they so desire, and E-mail them the completed product.

  3. To assist Churches on the Delmarva Peninsula:
          I am personally available to assist bible believing churches on the "Delmarva Peninsula" that agree with my "Statement of Faith" by doing the following:

    1. Assisting them with their Websites in three different ways:

      1. Create a website for smaller churches "Free of Charge".

      2. Look over any churches current site to insure that it has all the necessary and proper codes in place, "Free of Charge".

      3. Maintain any churches current site "Free of Charge".

    2. By assisting local pastors and church boards in any way I can to include, but not limited to:

      1. Assist in finding pulpit support for pastors when they need time off, or when a churches pulpit is currently not filled.

      2. Assist in finding, or presenting programs for your church.

      If you could use "Faith Mountains" assistance please contact me, Pastor Russ Pickett, via e-mail.

May God Bless You

     If you have not already done so, please consider trusting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. For more information on Salvation Click Here to view "How can I get to Heaven?"

Basic Training Systematic Theology Statement of Faith Our Mission Link To Us Heaven?

Send E-mail to Pastor Russ:
webslave for Christ
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with questions or comments about this web site and it's content.
Last modified: 3/8/2009