Provided for your study, as necessary, are historical backgrounds, notes, and also provided are the original Greek language definitions for the key words in the highlighted text. The English translation of the Bible used is the " King James ( Authorized ) Version of 1611 ", not because it is necessarily the best translation available ( although I believe that it is ), but because I just plain prefer it for study!
The James scripture text will be presented in the color " maroon " along with other scripture references, however the words of Jesus Christ are presented in " red " as referenced. This ( I pray ) will allow you to avoid confusion between God's Word and notes. Also Greek interpretations are noted in " purple " and other notes are noted in " dark blue ".
Please note that this information comes from multiple sources of information: books, study guides, commentaries, other internet sites, the Bible itself, attending bible studies and college courses, and personal prayful thought and guidance of the " Our Heavenly Father & the Holy Spirit ". Therefore I can not, as can anyone writing a bible study, claim all information as my own.
If I had to claim one main source of study for this bible study it would be Pastor David Buffaloe's preaching and teachings on his website at:
" ".
Many thanks to him for allowing me to quote his website and work for the Lord.
" I pray that you enjoy this study on James ! "
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Last modified: Thursday, December 2, 2021