Russ' Recipes
Russ' Recipes
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January 29, 2022

         My Mom-Mom, Edith Shepherd Stout, made " Pickled Red Beet Eggs " not only for holidays ... but also off and on during the year for my Pop-Pop Russell Stout who loved to snack on them in the evenings while watching TV after their evening meal.

         Now the thing is with " Pickled Red Beet Eggs " is this ..... If you've never had them you'll either " not really like them " ... or ... you'll " Crave Them " and not be able to wait to have them again.

The other great thing about making " Pickled Red Beet Eggs "

is that you not only get " Pickled Red Eggs "

but " Pickled Red Beets " as well !

So ..... other than just simply eating the " Pickled Eggs " and the " Pickled Red Beets " ... what else can they be used for :

  • They both will add a lot to any fresh garden salad you may make ... some even add the eggs to " Tuna Salad " ...

  • Deviled " Pickled Red Beet Eggs " are great ... anytime ... and they will add a color to your " Holiday Dinner " ...

  • The eggs have even been used by some to even make a colorful " Egg Salad " ...

  • Can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 months ...

This recipe can easily be doubled when you have a lot of folks coming over !

" You gotta try these out !


  •     1  ~  dozen hard boiled eggs  ~  ( Peeled )

  •     2  ~  14.5 oz. cans of small beets ( in water )  ~   ( " Undrained " ~ you can also use the sliced beets if you prefer them )

  •     1  ~  small onion ( sliced )  ~  ( " Optional " ~ However if used you will also have some great " Pickled Onions " to use )

  •     1  ~  cup of water

  •     1  ~  cup of sugar

  •     1 - 1/2  ~  cups of red wine vinegar " or " apple cider vinegar  ~   ( Any type of vinegar will also work just fine )

  •     12  ~  cloves ( one for each egg )

  •     Glass airtight container with a seal for storing them in the fridge


  1.   Add the beets ( undrained ), water, sugar, vinegar, cloves, to a 4 quart pan on the stove.

  2.   Heat them " just " until they start to boil then turn them to simmer.
      ( Stir while heating so that the sugar will dissolve )

  3.   Simmer for " 15 minutes " and then remove them from the heat and let them cool until the pan is just warm.
      ( They need to be warm, but not hot, so that it won't break the glass airtight container )

  4.   At this point, if you haven't already, you can peel your eggs.

  5.   Once your mixture is cool enough ... pour the mixture into your glass container.

  6.   Then add your eggs one by one insuring, with a spoon, that they are mixed down in the liquid.

  7.   When you are done adding the eggs if there isn't enough liquid to cover your eggs add more vinegar until they are covered.

  8.   Then turn your container, carefully, upside down a few times to insure everthing is mixed together.

  9.   Place your jar in the fridge.

  •   Let your " Pickled Red Beet Eggs " stay in the fridge " at least " for 24 hours before eating the eggs or beats ...

  •   However they taste the best after pickling for " 3 Days " ...

  •   They are good stored in the fridge for up to" 2 Months " ...

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