Russ' Recipes
Russ' Recipes
Break Line
Break Line

This soup is " Labor Intensive " but well worth it !


  •   1  -  lb. of Breakfast Country " Sage " Pork Sausage  -  ( See Tip # 1 )

  •   3  -  lbs. of golden / yellow potatoes, peeled and diced  -  ( See Tip # 2 )

  •   2  -  32 oz. boxes of chicken stock

  •   2  -  8 oz. packages of cream cheese, cubed

  •   1  -  5 oz. container of " Baby Spinach " chopped  -  ( Optional but better included )

  •   1  -  16 oz. carton of Half & Half

  •   1  -  Small Onion, diced

  •   2  -  celery stalks, chopped

  •   2  -  cloves of garlic, minced  -  ( 2 or 3 teaspoons of jarred previously minced garlic )

  •   2  -  Tablespoons of olive oil  -  ( used to cook the sausage )

  •   1/4  -  cup of butter, sliced  -  ( 4 tablespoons )

  •   Salt & Pepper to taste  -  ( See Tip # 3 )

Directions :

  1. Place the cream cheese in your freezer to help firm it up for easier cubing cutting.

  2. Then add the chicken stock, onion, celery, garlic, salt and pepper ( or Nature Seasoning ) to a large soup pot and heat until its just starting to boil ..... Then lower the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes .....

  3. While the above pot is heating up cook the sausage in the olive oil ..... Once the sausage is cooked drain any grease.

  4. Once the pot has simmered for 20 ..... stir in the cooked sausage, chopped spinach, half & half, butter, and potatoes and increase the heat once again just until it starts to boil.

  5. While waiting for the pot to come to a boil remove the cream cheese from the freezer and cut into smaller cubes for easier melting.

  6. Once the soup starts to boil then start to add the cream cheese cubes while stirring to help them melt ...... I normally squeeze each cube between my thumb and fingers to flatten them and make it easier for them to melt ......

  7. Once all the cream cheese is in stir until you don't see any cream cheese pieces in the soup and them lower the heat to a simmer.

  8. Let the soup simmer for about 15 minutes ..... stirring every 5 minutes.

  9. Enjoy alone or with a salad !

             I normally use either " Pork or Turkey Sage Sausage " that I purchase at a local Amish store ... Sometimes I can also find " Pork Sage Sausage " in a regular grocery store.  If you can't find either you can use any breakfast style " Pork Sage Sausage " links and just remove the casings .....

             You can only use yellow or golden potatoes for this recipe !   White or baking potatoes " will not " cook within this time frame ...   ( 3 lbs. of diced potatoes  =  about 6 cups )

             I actually use " Morton Nature's Seasoning " instead of Salt and Pepper for " many of my recipes " including this one !   This seasoning includes " Salt, Black Pepper, Natural Onion Flavor, Natural Garlic Flavor, Parsley, Celery Seed, plus other spices ..... "
    I use 1 Tablespoon for this recipe !

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